657 resultados para Canis familiaris


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The use of canines as a method of detection of explosives is well established worldwide and those applying this technology range from police forces and law enforcement to humanitarian agencies in the developing world. Despite the recent surge in publication of novel instrumental sensors for explosives detection, canines are still regarded by many to be the most effective real-time field method of explosives detection. However, unlike instrumental methods, currently it is difficult to determine detection levels, perform calibration of the canines' ability or produce scientifically valid quality control checks. Accordingly, amongst increasingly strict requirements regarding forensic evidence admission such as Frye and Daubert, there is a need for better scientific understanding of the process of canine detection. ^ When translated to the field of canine detection, just like any instrumental technique, peer reviewed publication of the reliability, success and error rates, is required for admissibility. Commonly training is focussed towards high explosives such as TNT and Composition 4, and the low explosives such as Black and Smokeless Powders are added often only for completeness. ^ Headspace analyses of explosive samples, performed by Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) paired with Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS), and Gas Chromatography - Electron Capture Detection (GC-ECD) was conducted, highlighting common odour chemicals. The odour chemicals detected were then presented to previously trained and certified explosives detection canines, and the activity/inactivity of the odour determined through field trials and experiments. ^ It was demonstrated that TNT and cast explosives share a common odour signature, and the same may be said for plasticized explosives such as Composition C-4 and Deta Sheet. Conversely, smokeless powders were demonstrated not to share common odours. An evaluation of the effectiveness of commercially available pseudo aids reported limited success. The implications of the explosive odour studies upon canine training then led to the development of novel inert training aids based upon the active odours determined. ^


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The growing popularity of dog parks has created an opportunity to learn more about interactions between companion dogs. Dog-dog behaviour in a public off-leash dog park was described and analyzed using a motivationally-neutral approach. I observed focal dogs from park entry for 400 s and constructed activity time budgets (percentages of time spent with dogs, humans, etc.); rates of socially-relevant dog behaviours (e.g., snout-muzzle contact, physical contact) were also calculated. On average, focal dogs spent 50% of their time alone, nearly 40% with other dogs and 11% in other activities; time with dogs decreased and time alone increased over the first six minutes. Some behaviours were very frequent (i.e., more than 90% of focal dogs initiated and received snout-muzzle contact to the anogenital and head areas, while others were rare (i.e., 9% and 12% of focal dogs initiated and received lunge approaches, respectively). Dog density and focal dog age, sex, neuter status, and size were found to influence some behavioural variables. Future studies should continue to investigate the diverse range of canid behaviours and factors that influence social behaviours in dog park settings.


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The aims of the present study were to determine the seroprevalence of infection by Brucella canis and Brucella abortus and to evaluate possible risk factors for infection in dogs from Araguaina, Tocantins, Brazil. Sera from 374 dogs, of the urban zones of the municipality, from both sexes, were submitted to the agar-gel immunodiffusion for Brucella canisantibodies and to rose Bengal test (AAT) and fluorescence polarization assay (FPA) for Brucella abortus-antibodies. From the 374 tested dogs, 21 reacted in the AAT, but no one was positive in the FPA. The seroprevalence of B. canis infection found in Araguaina, Tocantins, Brazil, was 44.53% (95% IC; 39.43 to 49.72). No association was found among seropositivity for B. canis and the risk factors studied. Thus, data from the present study showed that there was no infection by B. abortus among dogs in the sample and that infection by B. canis is widespread and at high prevalence in Araguaina, Tocantins, Brazil.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate nitric oxide levels, lipid peroxidation, protein oxidation and glutathione reductase activity in serum of dogs experimentally infected by Ehrlichia canis. Banked serum samples of dogs divided into two groups were used: negative control (n=5) and infected by E. canis (n=5). The concentration of nitrite/nitrate (NOx), lipid peroxidation (TBARS), advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP), and glutathione reductase (GR) activity in sera were evaluated. Samples were collected on days 0, 3, 6, 18 and 30 post-infection (PI). NOx and TBARS levels were significantly (P<0.05) higher in the infected group at 18 and 30 days PI, as well as AOPP levels at 30 days PI when compared to samples from control group. The GR activity was significant (P<0.05) increased in serum of dogs infected by E. canis on days 18 and 30 PI. Based on the increased levels of NOx, TBARS, AOPP and GR activity we concluded that dogs experimentally infected by E. canis develop a state of redox imbalance and that these changes might be involved in the pathophysiology of the disease. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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The objective of the research was to determine the optimal location and method of attachment for accelerometer-based motion sensors, and to validate their ability to differentiate rest and increases in speed in healthy dogs moving on a treadmill. Two accelerometers were placed on a harness between the scapulae of dogs with one in a pouch and one directly attached to the harness. Two additional accelerometers were placed (pouched and not pouched) ventrally on the dog's collar. Data were recorded in 1. s epochs with dogs moving in stages lasting 3. min each on a treadmill: (1) at rest, lateral recumbency, (2) treadmill at 0% slope, 3. km/h, (3) treadmill at 0% slope, 5. km/h, (4) treadmill at 0% slope, 7. km/h, (5) treadmill at 5% slope, 5. km/h, and; (6) treadmill at 5% slope, 7. km/h. Only the harness with the accelerometer in a pouch along the dorsal midline yielded statistically significant increases (P< 0.05) in vector magnitude as walking speed of the dogs increased (5-7. km/h) while on the treadmill. Statistically significant increases in vector magnitude were detected in the dogs as the walking speed increased from 5 to 7. km/h, however, changes in vector magnitude were not detected when activity intensity was increased as a result of walking up a 5% grade. Accelerometers are a valid and objective tool able to discriminate between and monitor different levels of activity in dogs in terms of speed of movement but not in energy expenditure that occurs with movement up hill.


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A hidatidose policística é uma zoonose causada pelo cestóide Echinococcus vogeli, amplamente distribuído no norte do Brasil. Os hospedeiros definitivos são Speothos venaticus (cachorro-vinagre) e Canis familiaris (cães domésticos), enquanto Agouti paca (paca) é hospedeiro intermediário. Tanto as pacas quanto o homem (hospedeiro acidental) desenvolvem a forma larvar (metacestóide), principalmente na superfície e no interior do fígado. Esta tese tem como objetivo geral estudar as características parasitológicas e histopatológicas de metacestóides de E. vogeli, originários de pacas e humanos da região norte do Brasil, visto o conhecimento insuficiente ou mesmo o seu desconhecimento. Os fígados e mesentérios foram obtidos de oito pacientes com hidatidose policística durante ato cirúrgico na Fundação Hospital Estadual do Acre. Pacas foram capturadas no Município de Bujari, Floresta Estadual do Antimary, Acre. Durante a necropsia das pacas, foram observadas lesões macroscópicas (massas esbranquiçadas ou amareladas, semelhantes a bolhas na superfície dos fígados). Para a análise parasitológica foram aplicadas as microscopias de luz, contraste interferencial de Normaski (DIC) e varredura laser confocal. A análise morfométrica foi realizada com o auxílio do Programa Image Pro Plus Media Cybernetics. Os órgãos de pacas e humanos foram submetidos à análise histopatológica. Os pequenos e grandes ganchos rostelares apresentaram polimorfismo morfológico, enquanto a organização dos protoescólices acompanhou o padrão descrito para Echinococcus sp. Todas as pacas apresentavam cistos hepáticos, porém em apenas duas encontramos líquido hidático, comprovados pela presença dos ganchos e protoescólices. A análise histopatológica dos tecidos hepáticos das pacas confirmou a hidatidose policística e evidenciou, pela presença de agrupamentos de ovos, a coinfecção com Calodium hepaticum. As características morfológicas dos ganchos rostelares dos casos humanos não diferiram do descrito para as pacas, entretanto, os ganchos dos helmintos provenientes do fígado foram maiores que os mesentéricos. Já em relação aos protoescólices, os mesentéricos foram maiores do que os hepáticos. Cistos mesentéricos e hepáticos apresentaram protoescólices em diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento, com coroas de ganchos, formadas por grandes e pequenos ganchos, e dois pares de ventosas, além dos corpúsculos calcários. Os cistos hepáticos apresentaram as três membranas características (adventícia, anista e germinativa), enquanto os cistos mesentéricos não apresentaram a membrana adventícia, sendo a anista aquela que mais se destacou neste órgão. No mesentério, as células mononucleares foram os principais constituintes do infiltrado leucocitário, cuja intensidade foi relacionada à capacidade proliferativa da membrana germinativa. Além de cistos hepáticos típicos de fase crônica, dependendo da resposta inflamatória, foram observados cistos na fase aguda e sub-aguda. Foi encontrado um caso de coinfecção com vírus (HIV, HCB e HCV) e outro com envolvimento da vesícula biliar. Em suma, confirma-se hidatidose policística em pacas no Acre e são apresentados novos casos de infecção humana no Acre e Amazonas. Pela primeira vez, é demonstrado polimorfismo, padrão diferente de desenvolvimento dos cistos de acordo com o órgão, coinfecção e envolvimento da vesícula biliar


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Forty chromosome-specific paint probes of the domestic dog (Canis familiaris, 2n = 78) were used to delineate conserved segments on metaphase chromosomes of the American mink (Mustela vison, 2n = 30) by fluorescence in situ hybridisation. Half of the 38 canine autosomal probes each painted one pair of homologous segments in a diploid mink metaphase, whereas the other 19 dog probes each painted from two to five pairs of discrete segments. In total, 38 canine autosomal paints highlighted 71 pairs of conserved segments in the mink. These painting results allow us to establish a complete comparative chromosome map between the American mink and domestic dog. This map demonstrates that extensive chromosome rearrangements differentiate the karyotypes of the dog and American mink. The 38 dog autosomes could be reconstructed from the 14 autosomes of the American mink through at least 47 fissions, 25 chromosome fusions, and six inversions. Furthermore, comparison of the current dog/mink map with the published human/dog map discloses 23 cryptic intrachromosomal rearrangements in 10 regions of conserved synteny in the human and American mink genomes and thus further refined the human/mink comparative genome map. Copyright (C) 2000 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Chromosome homologies between the Japanese raccoon dog (Nectereutes procyonoides viverrinus, 2n = 39 + 2-4 B chromosomes) and domestic dog (Canis familiaris, 2n = 78) have been established by hybridizing a complete set of canine paint probes onto high-res


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There is no generally accepted picture of where, when, and how the domestic dog originated. Previous studies of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have failed to establish the time and precise place of origin because of lack of phylogenetic resolution in the so fa


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Free-roaming dogs (FRD) represent a potential threat to the quality of life in cities from an ecological, social and public health point of view. One of the most urgent concerns is the role of uncontrolled dogs as reservoirs of infectious diseases transmittable to humans and, above all, rabies. An estimate of the FRD population size and characteristics in a given area is the first step for any relevant intervention programme. Direct count methods are still prominent because of their non-invasive approach, information technologies can support such methods facilitating data collection and allowing for a more efficient data handling. This paper presents a new framework for data collection using a topological algorithm implemented as ArcScript in ESRI® ArcGIS software, which allows for a random selection of the sampling areas. It also supplies a mobile phone application for Android® operating system devices which integrates Global Positioning System (GPS) and Google Maps™. The potential of such a framework was tested in 2 Italian regions. Coupling technological and innovative solutions associated with common counting methods facilitate data collection and transcription. It also paves the way to future applications, which could support dog population management systems.


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In Italy, National Law (281/1991) prohibits euthanasia of shelter dogs if they are not dangerous or suffering seriously. Adoption rates in rescue shelters are often lower than entrance rates, leading inevitably to overcrowded facilities where animals are likely to spend the rest of their lives in kennels. In this situation, housing conditions (i.e. space provided, environmental, and social stimulation) may have an impact on canine welfare. In this research project, the effects of two different forms of housing (group- and pair housing) on long-term shelter dogs were compared using behavioural and physiological parameters. Observational data and saliva samples were collected from dogs exposed to both experimental settings; behaviour and cortisol concentration levels were used as welfare indicators. Pair housing offered fewer social and environmental stimuli and behavioural analysis showed a significant decrease in locomotor, exploratory, and social behaviour. Cortisol levels show that this parameter varied independently of housing conditions. Although this study found no evidence suggesting that one form of confinement reduced animal welfare more than the other (e.g. in terms of abnormal behaviour, or higher cortisol concentrations), the type of confinement did affect the expression of a variety of behaviours and these variations should not be ignored with respect to housing decisions for long-term shelter dogs.


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This study was the first attempt to carry out a validation of a temperament test (TT) for shelter dogs that addressed the topics of inter- and intra-raters agreements, test-retest reliability, and validity. The TT consisted of 22 subtests. Each dog was approached and handled by an unfamiliar person and made to interact with a same- and an opposite-gender conspecific. Dogs were tested twice in the shelter and once in their new homes 4 months after adoption to evaluate consistency in behavioral assessment. Playfulness, trainability, problem solving abilities, food possessiveness, and reactivity to sudden stimuli were also evaluated. Testers scored dogs' responses in terms of confidence, fearfulness, and aggressiveness. Results highlighted strengths and limits of this TT that was devised to help shelter staff in matching dogs' personality and owners' expectations. Methodological constraints when working with sheltered dogs are unavoidable; however, the test proved to be overall feasible, reliable, and valid although further studies are needed to address the critical issues that emerged. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.


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As esplenopatias são doenças comuns em canídeos que tanto podem estar associadas com doenças benignas com excelente prognóstico, como doenças com alto grau de malignidade com elevada taxa de mortalidade. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi caracterizar a população de canídeos esplenectomizados num hospital de referência na área da grande Lisboa. A população foi constituída por 73 indivíduos da espécie Canis familiaris sujeitos a esplenectomia total ou parcial. A população foi analisada e distribuída segundo vários parâmetros, como o a raça, o sexo, a idade, o diagnóstico pré-cirúrgico, o diagnóstico histopatológico, o hematócrito pré cirúrgico e por fim a sobrevida. Da análise total de canídeos, observou-se que, a maioria dos canídeos esplenectomizados eram do género masculino, de raça indeterminada e com uma média de 10 anos de idade. Constatou-se que cerca de metade dos canídeos esplenectomizados sobreviveram após um ano da cirurgia e que o diagnóstico histopatológico mais comum foi o hemangiossarcoma, seguido do hematoma esplénico. Através dos testes estatísticos conclui-se que o hematócrito não apresenta qualquer relação com a sobrevida dos animais, embora possa estar relacionado com o diagnóstico histopatológico. Este estudo visou ainda uma caracterização detalhada dos canídeos diagnosticados com hemangiossarcoma. Os animais mais afectados nesta amostra, eram do género masculino com 9anos de idade e eram da raça Boxer e Labrador. Confirmou-se ainda que esta é uma doença com mau prognóstico, apresentando uma taxa de mortalidade de 80%.


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1. Disease epizootics can significantly influence host population dynamics and the structure and functioning of ecological communities. Sarcoptic mange Sarcoptes scabiei has dramatically reduced red fox populations Vulpes vulpes in several countries, including Britain, although impacts on demographic processes are poorly understood. We review the literature on the impact of mange on red fox populations, assess its current distribution in Britain through a questionnaire survey and present new data on resultant demographic changes in foxes in Bristol, UK. 2. A mange epizootic in Sweden spread across the entire country in < 10 years resulting in a decline in fox density of up to 95%; density remained lowered for 15–20 years. In Spain, mange has been enzootic for > 75 years and is widely distributed; mange presence was negatively correlated with habitat quality. 3. Localized outbreaks have occurred sporadically in Britain during the last 100 years. The most recent large-scale outbreak arose in the 1990s, although mange has been present in south London and surrounding environs since the 1940s. The questionnaire survey indicated that mange was broadly distributed across Britain, but areas of perceived high prevalence (> 50% affected) were mainly in central and southern England. Habitat type did not significantly affect the presence/absence of mange or perceived prevalence rates. Subjective assessments suggested that populations take 15–20 years to recover. 4. Mange appeared in Bristol's foxes in 1994. During the epizootic phase (1994–95), mange spread through the city at a rate of 0.6–0.9 km/month, with a rise in infection in domestic dogs Canis familiaris c. 1–2 months later. Juvenile and adult fox mortality increased and the proportion of females that reproduced declined but litter size was unaffected. Population density declined by > 95%. 5. In the enzootic phase (1996–present), mange was the most significant mortality factor. Juvenile mortality was significantly higher than in the pre-mange period, and the number of juveniles classified as dispersers declined. Mange infection reduced the reproductive potential of males and females: females with advanced mange did not breed; severely infected males failed to undergo spermatogenesis. In 2004, Bristol fox population density was only 15% of that in 1994.