986 resultados para Calcium-channels


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Background Migraine is a polygenic multifactorial disease, possessing environmental and genetic causative factors with multiple involved genes. Mutations in various ion channel genes are responsible for a number of neurological disorders. KCNN3 is a neuronal small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel gene that contains two polyglutamine tracts, encoded by polymorphic CAG repeats in the gene. This gene plays a critical role in determining the firing pattern of neurons and acts to regulate intracellular calcium channels. Methods The present association study tested whether length variations in the second (more 3') polymorphic CAG repeat in exon 1 of the KCNN3 gene, are involved in susceptibility to migraine with and without aura (MA and MO). In total 423 DNA samples from unrelated individuals, of which 202 consisted of migraine patients and 221 non-migraine controls, were genotyped and analysed using a fluorescence labelled primer set on an ABI310 Genetic Analyzer. Allele frequencies were calculated from observed genotype counts for the KCNN3 polymorphism. Analysis was performed using standard contingency table analysis, incorporating the chi-squared test of independence and CLUMP analysis. Results Overall, there was no convincing evidence that KCNN3 CAG lengths differ between Caucasian migraineurs and controls, with no significant difference in the allelic length distribution of CAG repeats between the population groups (P = 0.090). Also the MA and MO subtypes did not differ significantly between control allelic distributions (P > 0.05). The prevalence of the long CAG repeat (>19 repeats) did not reach statistical significance in migraineurs (P = 0.15), nor was there a significant difference between the MA and MO subgroups observed compared to controls (P = 0.46 and P = 0.09, respectively), or between MA vs MO (P = 0.40). Conclusion This association study provides no evidence that length variations of the second polyglutamine array in the N-terminus of the KCNN3 channel exert an effect in the pathogenesis of migraine.


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Migraine is a frequent familial disorder that, in common with most multifactorial disorders, has an unknown etiology. The authors identified several families with multiple individuals affected by typical migraine using a single set of diagnostic criteria and studied these families for cosegregation between the disorder and markers on chromosome 19, the location of a mutation that causes a rare form of familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM). One large tested family showed both cosegregation and significant allele sharing for markers situated within or adjacent to the FHM locus. Multipoint GENEHUNTER results indicated significant excess allele sharing across a 12.6- cM region containing the FHM Ca2+ channel gene, CACNL1A4 (maximum nonparametric linkage Z score = 6.64, p = 0.0026), with a maximum parametric lod score of 1.92 obtained for a (CAG)(n) triplet repeat polymorphism situated in exon 47 of this gene. The CAG expansion did not, however, appear to be the cause of migraine in this pedigree. Other tested families showed neither cosegregation nor excess allele sharing to chromosome 19 markers. HOMOG analysis indicated heterogeneity, generating a maximum HLOD score of 3.6. It was concluded that Chr19 mutations either in the CACNL1A4 gene or a closely linked gene are implicated in some pedigrees with familial typical migraine, and that the disorder is genetically heterogeneous.


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Objective.  Leconotide (CVID, AM336, CNSB004) is an omega conopeptide similar to ziconotide, which blocks voltage sensitive calcium channels. However, unlike ziconotide, which must be administered intrathecally, leconotide can be given intravenously because it is less toxic. This study investigated the antihyperalgesic potency of leconotide given intravenously alone and in combinations with morphine-administered intraperitoneally, in a rat model of bone cancer pain. Design.  Syngeneic rat prostate cancer cells AT3B-1 were injected into one tibia of male Wistar rats. The tumor expanded within the bone causing hyperalgesia to heat applied to the ipsilateral hind paw. Measurements were made of the maximum dose (MD) of morphine and leconotide given alone and in combinations that caused no effect in an open-field activity monitor, rotarod, and blood pressure and heart rate measurements. Paw withdrawal thresholds from noxious heat were measured. Dose response curves for morphine (0.312–5.0 mg/kg intraperitoneal) and leconotide (0.002–200 µg/kg intravenous) given alone were plotted and responses compared with those caused by morphine and leconotide in combinations. Results.  Leconotide caused minimal antihyperalgesic effects when administered alone. Morphine given alone intraperitoneally caused dose-related antihyperalgesic effects (ED50 = 2.40 ± 1.24 mg/kg), which were increased by coadministration of leconotide 20 µg/kg (morphine ED50 = 0.16 ± 1.30 mg/kg); 0.2 µg/kg (morphine ED50 = 0.39 ± 1.27 mg/kg); and 0.02 µg/kg (morphine ED50 = 1.24 ± 1.30 mg/kg). Conclusions.  Leconotide caused a significant increase in reversal by morphine of the bone cancer-induced hyperalgesia without increasing the side effect profile of either drug. Clinical Implication.  Translation into clinical practice of the method of analgesia described here will improve the quantity and quality of analgesia in patients with bone metastases. The use of an ordinary parenteral route for administration of the calcium channel blocker (leconotide) at low dose opens up the technique to large numbers of patients who could not have an intrathecal catheter for drug administration. Furthermore, the potentiating synergistic effect with morphine on hyperalgesia without increased side effects will lead to greater analgesia with improved quality of life.


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As the key neuron-to-neuron interface, the synapse is involved in learning and memory, including traumatic memories during times of stress. However, the signal transduction mechanisms by which stress mediates its lasting effects on synapse transmission and on memory are not fully understood. A key component of the stress response is the increased secretion of adrenal steroids. Adrenal steroids (e.g., cortisol) bind to genomic mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors (gMRs and gGRs) in the cytosol. In addition, they may act through membrane receptors (mMRs and mGRs), and signal transduction through these receptors may allow for rapid modulation of synaptic transmission as well as modulation of membrane ion currents. mMRs increase synaptic and neuronal excitability; mechanisms include the facilitation of glutamate release through extracellular signal-regulated kinase signal transduction. In contrast, mGRs decrease synaptic and neuronal excitability by reducing calcium currents through N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors and voltage-gated calcium channels by way of protein kinase A- and G protein-dependent mechanisms. This body of functional data complements anatomical evidence localizing GRs to the postsynaptic membrane. Finally, accumulating data also suggest the possibility that mMRs and mGRs may show an inverted U-shaped dose response, whereby glutamatergic synaptic transmission is increased by low doses of corticosterone acting at mMRs and decreased by higher doses acting at mGRs. Thus, synaptic transmission is regulated by mMRs and mGRs, and part of the stress signaling response is a direct and bidirectional modulation of the synapse itself by adrenal steroids.


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Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a common complex disorder with a partly genetic etiology. We conducted a genome-wide association study of the MDD2000+ sample (2431 cases, 3673 screened controls and >1 M imputed single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)). No SNPs achieved genome-wide significance either in the MDD2000+ study, or in meta-analysis with two other studies totaling 5763 cases and 6901 controls. These results imply that common variants of intermediate or large effect do not have main effects in the genetic architecture of MDD. Suggestive but notable results were: (a) gene-based tests suggesting roles for adenylate cyclase 3 (ADCY3, 2p23.3) and galanin (GAL, 11q13.3); published functional evidence relates both of these to MDD and serotonergic signaling; (b) support for the bipolar disorder risk variant SNP rs1006737 in CACNA1C (P=0.020, odds ratio=1.10), and; (c) lack of support for rs2251219, a SNP identified in a meta-analysis of affective disorder studies (P=0.51). We estimate that sample sizes 1.8- to 2.4-fold greater are needed for association studies of MDD compared with those for schizophrenia to detect variants that explain the same proportion of total variance in liability. Larger study cohorts characterized for genetic and environmental risk factors accumulated prospectively are likely to be needed to dissect more fully the etiology of MDD.


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In cardiac myocytes (heart muscle cells), coupling of electric signal known as the action potential to contraction of the heart depends crucially on calcium-induced calcium release (CICR) in a microdomain known as the dyad. During CICR, the peak number of free calcium ions (Ca) present in the dyad is small, typically estimated to be within range 1-100. Since the free Ca ions mediate CICR, noise in Ca signaling due to the small number of free calcium ions influences Excitation-Contraction (EC) coupling gain. Noise in Ca signaling is only one noise type influencing cardiac myocytes, e.g., ion channels playing a central role in action potential propagation are stochastic machines, each of which gates more or less randomly, which produces gating noise present in membrane currents. How various noise sources influence macroscopic properties of a myocyte, how noise is attenuated and taken advantage of are largely open questions. In this thesis, the impact of noise on CICR, EC coupling and, more generally, macroscopic properties of a cardiac myocyte is investigated at multiple levels of detail using mathematical models. Complementarily to the investigation of the impact of noise on CICR, computationally-efficient yet spatially-detailed models of CICR are developed. The results of this thesis show that (1) gating noise due to the high-activity mode of L-type calcium channels playing a major role in CICR may induce early after-depolarizations associated with polymorphic tachycardia, which is a frequent precursor to sudden cardiac death in heart failure patients; (2) an increased level of voltage noise typically increases action potential duration and it skews distribution of action potential durations toward long durations in cardiac myocytes; and that (3) while a small number of Ca ions mediate CICR, Excitation-Contraction coupling is robust against this noise source, partly due to the shape of ryanodine receptor protein structures present in the cardiac dyad.


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The subiculum is a structure that forms a bridge between the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex (EC), and plays a major role in the memory consolidation process. Here, we demonstrate spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) at the proximal excitatory inputs on the subicular pyramidal neurons of juvenile rat. Causal (positive) pairing of a single EPSP with a single back-propagating action potential (bAP) after a time interval of 10 ms (+10 ms) failed to induce plasticity. However, increasing the number of bAPs in a burst to three, at two different frequencies of 50 Hz (bAP burst) and 150 Hz, induced long-term depression (LTD) after a time interval of +10 ms in both the regular-firing (RF), and the weak burst firing (WBF) neurons. The LTD amplitude decreased with increasing time interval between the EPSP and the bAP burst. Reversing the order of the pairing of the EPSP and the bAP burst induced LTP at a time interval of -10 ms. This finding is in contrast with reports at other synapses, wherein prebefore postsynaptic (causal) pairing induced LTP and vice versa. Our results reaffirm the earlier observations that the relative timing of the pre- and postsynaptic activities can lead to multiple types of plasticity profiles. The induction of timing-dependent LTD (t-LTD) was dependent on postsynaptic calcium change via NMDA receptors in the WBF neurons, while it was independent of postsynaptic calcium change, but required active L-type calcium channels in the RF neurons. Thus the mechanism of synaptic plasticity may vary within a hippocampal subfield depending on the postsynaptic neuron involved. This study also reports a novel mechanism of LTD induction, where L-type calcium channels are involved in a presynaptically induced synaptic plasticity. The findings may have strong implications in the memory consolidation process owing to the central role of the subiculum and LTD in this process.


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An open question within the Bienenstock-Cooper-Munro theory for synaptic modification concerns the specific mechanism that is responsible for regulating the sliding modification threshold (SMT). In this conductance-based modeling study on hippocampal pyramidal neurons, we quantitatively assessed the impact of seven ion channels (R- and T-type calcium, fast sodium, delayed rectifier, A-type, and small-conductance calcium-activated (SK) potassium and HCN) and two receptors (AMPAR and NMDAR) on a calcium-dependent Bienenstock-Cooper-Munro-like plasticity rule. Our analysis with R- and T-type calcium channels revealed that differences in their activation-inactivation profiles resulted in differential impacts on how they altered the SMT. Further, we found that the impact of SK channels on the SMT critically depended on the voltage dependence and kinetics of the calcium sources with which they interacted. Next, we considered interactions among all the seven channels and the two receptors through global sensitivity analysis on 11 model parameters. We constructed 20,000 models through uniform randomization of these parameters and found 360 valid models based on experimental constraints on their plasticity profiles. Analyzing these 360 models, we found that similar plasticity profiles could emerge with several nonunique parametric combinations and that parameters exhibited weak pairwise correlations. Finally, we used seven sets of virtual knock-outs on these 360 models and found that the impact of different channels on the SMT was variable and differential. These results suggest that there are several nonunique routes to regulate the SMT, and call for a systematic analysis of the variability and state dependence of the mechanisms underlying metaplasticity during behavior and pathology.


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The synaptic plasticity literature has focused on establishing necessity and sufficiency as two essential and distinct features in causally relating a signaling molecule to plasticity induction, an approach that has been surprisingly lacking in the intrinsic plasticity literature. In this study, we complemented the recently established necessity of inositol trisphosphate (InsP(3)) receptors (InsP(3)R) in a form of intrinsic plasticity by asking if InsP(3)R activation was sufficient to induce intrinsic plasticity in hippocampal neurons. Specifically, incorporation of D-myo-InsP(3) in the recording pipette reduced input resistance, maximal impedance amplitude, and temporal summation but increased resonance frequency, resonance strength, sag ratio, and impedance phase lead. Strikingly, the magnitude of plasticity in all these measurements was dependent on InsP 3 concentration, emphasizing the graded dependence of such plasticity on InsP(3)R activation. Mechanistically, we found that this InsP(3)-induced plasticity depended on hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channels. Moreover, this calcium-dependent form of plasticity was critically reliant on the release of calcium through InsP(3)Rs, the influx of calcium through N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors and voltage-gated calcium channels, and on the protein kinase A pathway. Our results delineate a causal role for InsP(3)Rs in graded adaptation of neuronal response dynamics, revealing novel regulatory roles for the endoplasmic reticulum in neural coding and homeostasis.


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The subiculum, which is the primary target of CA1 pyramidal neurons and sending efferent fibres to many brain regions, serves as a hippocampal interface in the neural information processes between hippocampal formation and neocortex. Long-term depression (LTD) is extensively studied in the hippocampus, but not at the CA1-subicular synaptic transmission. Using whole-cell EPSC recordings in the brain slices of young rats, we demonstrated that the pairing protocols of low frequency stimulation (LFS) at 3 Hz and postsynaptic depolarization of -50 mVelicited a reliable LTD in the subiculum. The LTD did not cause the changes of the paired-pulse ratio of EPSC. Furthermore, it did not depend on either NMDA receptors or voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs). Bath application of the G-protein coupled muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) antagonists, atropine or scopolamine, blocked the LTD, suggesting that mAChRs are involved in the LTD. It was also completely blocked by either the Ca2+ chelator BAPTA or the G-protein inhibitor GDP-beta-S in the intracellular solution. This type of LTD in the subiculum may play a particular role in the neural information processing between the hippocampus and neocortex. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd and the Japan Neuroscience Society. All rights reserved.


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下载PDF阅读器以纯化培养的小鼠星形胶质细胞(Astrocyte,AS)为实验材料,采用激光共聚焦钙成像和荧光分光光度计技术,探讨钙激动剂Bay k8644和钙拮抗剂nimodipine对星形胶质细胞胞内钙离子浓度的影响.结果显示,Bay k8644在0.0001、0.001和0.01 mmol/L浓度下均可显著增加星形胶质细胞的细胞内钙水平,而nimodipine在0.001、0.01和0.1 mmol/L浓度下均可显著降低星形胶质细胞胞内钙水平,并阻止KCl引起的细胞内钙升高.上述结果表明星形胶质细胞对L-型钙通道激动剂和拮抗剂的反应与神经元的反应相似,提示星形胶质细胞胞膜上也存在L-型钙通道.


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Fifty years ago, FitzHugh introduced a phase portrait that became famous for a twofold reason: it captured in a physiological way the qualitative behavior of Hodgkin-Huxley model and it revealed the power of simple dynamical models to unfold complex firing patterns. To date, in spite of the enormous progresses in qualitative and quantitative neural modeling, this phase portrait has remained a core picture of neuronal excitability. Yet, a major difference between the neurophysiology of 1961 and of 2011 is the recognition of the prominent role of calcium channels in firing mechanisms. We show that including this extra current in Hodgkin-Huxley dynamics leads to a revision of FitzHugh-Nagumo phase portrait that affects in a fundamental way the reduced modeling of neural excitability. The revisited model considerably enlarges the modeling power of the original one. In particular, it captures essential electrophysiological signatures that otherwise require non-physiological alteration or considerable complexification of the classical model. As a basic illustration, the new model is shown to highlight a core dynamical mechanism by which calcium channels control the two distinct firing modes of thalamocortical neurons. © 2012 Drion et al.


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Trophoblasts of the placenta are the frontline cells involved in communication and exchange of materials between the mother and fetus. Within trophoblasts, calcium signalling proteins are richly expressed. Intracellular free calcium ions are a key second messenger, regulating various cellular activities. Transcellular Ca2+ transport through trophoblasts is essential in fetal skeleton formation. Ryanodine receptors (RyRs) are high conductance cation channels that mediate Ca2+ release from intracellular stores to the cytoplasm. To date, the roles of RyRs in trophoblasts have not been reported. By use of reverse transcription PCR and western blotting, the current study revealed that RyRs are expressed in model trophoblast cell lines (BeWo and JEG-3) and in human first trimester and term placental villi. Immunohistochemistry of human placental sections indicated that both syncytiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblast cell layers were positively stained by antibodies recognising RyRs; likewise, expression of RyR isoforms was also revealed in BeWo and JEG-3 cells by immunofluorescence microscopy. In addition, changes in [Ca2+]i were observed in both BeWo and JEG-3 cells upon application of various RyR agonists and antagonists, using fura-2 fluorescent videomicroscopy. Furthermore, endogenous placental peptide hormones, namely angiotensin II, arginine vasopressin and endothelin 1, were demonstrated to increase [Ca2+]i in BeWo cells, and such increases were suppressed by RyR antagonists and by blockers of the corresponding peptide hormone receptors. These findings indicate that 1) multiple RyR subtypes are expressed in human trophoblasts; 2) functional RyRs in BeWo and JEG-3 cells response to both RyR agonists and antagonists; 3) RyRs in BeWo cells mediate Ca2+ release from intracellular store in response to the indirect stimulation by endogenous peptides. These observations suggest that RyR contributes to trophoblastic cellular Ca2+ homeostasis; trophoblastic RyRs are also involved in the functional regulation of human placenta by coupling to endogenous placental peptide-induced signalling pathways.


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-Transgenic mouse models have been developed to manipulate beta-adrenergic receptor (betaAR) signal transduction. Although several of these models have altered betaAR subtypes, the specific functional sequelae of betaAR stimulation in murine heart, particularly those of beta2-adrenergic receptor (beta2AR) stimulation, have not been characterized. In the present study, we investigated effects of beta2AR stimulation on contraction, [Ca2+]i transient, and L-type Ca2+ currents (ICa) in single ventricular myocytes isolated from transgenic mice overexpressing human beta2AR (TG4 mice) and wild-type (WT) littermates. Baseline contractility of TG4 heart cells was increased by 3-fold relative to WT controls as a result of the presence of spontaneous beta2AR activation. In contrast, beta2AR stimulation by zinterol or isoproterenol plus a selective beta1-adrenergic receptor (beta1AR) antagonist CGP 20712A failed to enhance the contractility in TG4 myocytes, and more surprisingly, beta2AR stimulation was also ineffective in increasing contractility in WT myocytes. Pertussis toxin (PTX) treatment fully rescued the ICa, [Ca2+]i, and contractile responses to beta2AR agonists in both WT and TG4 cells. The PTX-rescued murine cardiac beta2AR response is mediated by cAMP-dependent mechanisms, because it was totally blocked by the inhibitory cAMP analog Rp-cAMPS. These results suggest that PTX-sensitive G proteins are responsible for the unresponsiveness of mouse heart to agonist-induced beta2AR stimulation. This was further corroborated by an increased incorporation of the photoreactive GTP analog [gamma-32P]GTP azidoanilide into alpha subunits of Gi2 and Gi3 after beta2AR stimulation by zinterol or isoproterenol plus the beta1AR blocker CGP 20712A. This effect to activate Gi proteins was abolished by a selective beta2AR blocker ICI 118,551 or by PTX treatment. Thus, we conclude that (1) beta2ARs in murine cardiac myocytes couple to concurrent Gs and Gi signaling, resulting in null inotropic response, unless the Gi signaling is inhibited; (2) as a special case, the lack of cardiac contractile response to beta2AR agonists in TG4 mice is not due to a saturation of cell contractility or of the cAMP signaling cascade but rather to an activation of beta2AR-coupled Gi proteins; and (3) spontaneous beta2AR activation may differ from agonist-stimulated beta2AR signaling.