961 resultados para COUNTABLY CLOSED FORCING


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Encapsulated and hollow closed-cage onion-like structures of WS2 and MoS2 were prepared by laser ablation of the corresponding layered structures in argon atmosphere at four varied temperatures. A detailed study for WS2 indicates that only metal-filled onion-like structures are produced at temperatures Tless-than-or-equals, slant650°C, whereas a mixture of metal-filled and hollow structures are produced at Tgreater-or-equal, slanted850°C. The encapsulated metal is identified to be predominantly the metastable β phase of tungsten. Very short tube-like or elongated polyhedral structures are also obtained at high temperatures.


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The forced oscillations due to a point forcing effect in an infinite or contained, inviscid, incompressible, rotating, stratified fluid are investigated taking into account the density variation in the inertia terms in the linearized equations of motion. The solutions are obtained in closed form using generalized Fourier transforms. Solutions are presented for a medium bounded by a finite cylinder when the oscillatory forcing effect is acting at a point on the axis of the cylinder. In both the unbounded and bounded case, there exist characteristic cones emanating from the point of application of the force on which either the pressure or its derivatives are discontinuous. The perfect resonance existing at certain frequencies in an unbounded or bounded homogeneous fluid is avoided in the case of a confined stratified fluid.


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Metabolism of D-amino acids is of considerable interest due to their key importance in cell structure and function. Salmonella typhimurium D-serine deaminase (StDSD) is a pyridoxal 5' phosphate (PLP) dependent enzyme that catalyses degradation of D-Ser to pyruvate and ammonia. The first crystal structure of D-serine deaminase described here reveals a typical Foldtype II or tryptophan synthase beta subunit fold of PLP-dependent enzymes. Although holoenzyme was used for crystallization of both wild-type StDSD (WtDSD) and selenomethionine labelled StDSD (SeMetDSD), significant electron density was not observed for the cofactor, indicating that the enzyme has a low affinity for the cofactor under crystallization conditions. Interestingly, unexpected conformational differences were observed between the two structures. The WtDSD was in an open conformation while SeMetDSD, crystallized in the presence of isoserine, was in a closed conformation suggesting that the enzyme is likely to undergo conformational changes upon binding of substrate as observed in other Foldtype II PLP-dependent enzymes. Electron density corresponding to a plausible sodium ion was found near the active site of the closed but not in the open state of the enzyme. Examination of the active site and substrate modelling suggests that Thr166 may be involved in abstraction of proton from the C alpha atom of the substrate. Apart from the physiological reaction, StDSD catalyses a, b elimination of D-Thr, D-Allothr and L-Ser to the corresponding alpha-keto acids and ammonia. The structure of StDSD provides a molecular framework necessary for understanding differences in the rate of reaction with these substrates.


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In this paper we incorporate a novel approach to synthesize a class of closed-loop feedback control, based on the variational structure assignment. Properties of a viscoelastic system are used to design an active feedback controller for an undamped structural system with distributed sensor, actuator and controller. Wave dispersion properties of onedimensional beam system have been studied. Efficiency of the chosen viscoelastic model in enhancing damping and stability properties of one-dimensional viscoelastic bar have been analyzed. The variational structure is projected on a solution space of a closed-loop system involving a weakly damped structure with distributed sensor and actuator with controller. These assign the phenomenology based internal strain rate damping parameter of a viscoelastic system to the usual elastic structure but with active control. In the formulation a model of cantilever beam with non-collocated actuator and sensor has been considered. The formulation leads to the matrix identification problem of two dynamic stiffness matrices. The method has been simplified to obtain control system gains for the free vibration control of a cantilever beam system with collocated actuator-sensor, using quadratic optimal control and pole-placement methods.


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With the emergence of large-volume and high-speed streaming data, the recent techniques for stream mining of CFIpsilas (closed frequent itemsets) will become inefficient. When concept drift occurs at a slow rate in high speed data streams, the rate of change of information across different sliding windows will be negligible. So, the user wonpsilat be devoid of change in information if we slide window by multiple transactions at a time. Therefore, we propose a novel approach for mining CFIpsilas cumulatively by making sliding width(ges1) over high speed data streams. However, it is nontrivial to mine CFIpsilas cumulatively over stream, because such growth may lead to the generation of exponential number of candidates for closure checking. In this study, we develop an efficient algorithm, stream-close, for mining CFIpsilas over stream by exploring some interesting properties. Our performance study reveals that stream-close achieves good scalability and has promising results.


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Closed form solutions for equilibrium and flexibility matrices of the Mindlin-Reissner theory based eight-node rectangular plate bending element (MRP8) using integrated Force Method (IFM) are presented in this paper. Though these closed form solutions of equilibrium and flexibility matrices are applicable to plate bending problems with square/rectangular boundaries, they reduce the computational time significantly and give more exact solutions. Presented closed form solutions are validated by solving large number of standard square/rectangular plate bending benchmark problems for deflections and moments and the results are compared with those of similar displacement-based eight-node quadrilateral plate bending elements available in the literature. The results are also compared with the exact solutions.


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Land use and land cover changes affect the partitioning of latent and sensible heat, which impacts the broader climate system. Increased latent heat flux to the atmosphere has a local cooling influence known as `evaporative cooling', but this energy will be released back to the atmosphere wherever the water condenses. However, the extent to which local evaporative cooling provides a global cooling influence has not been well characterized. Here, we perform a highly idealized set of climate model simulations aimed at understanding the effects that changes in the balance between surface sensible and latent heating have on the global climate system. We find that globally adding a uniform 1 W m(-2) source of latent heat flux along with a uniform 1 W m(-2) sink of sensible heat leads to a decrease in global mean surface air temperature of 0.54 +/- 0.04 K. This occurs largely as a consequence of planetary albedo increases associated with an increase in low elevation cloudiness caused by increased evaporation. Thus, our model results indicate that, on average, when latent heating replaces sensible heating, global, and not merely local, surface temperatures decrease.


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Increasing concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO(2)) influence climate by suppressing canopy transpiration in addition to its well- known greenhouse gas effect. The decrease in plant transpiration is due to changes in plant physiology (reduced opening of plant stomata). Here, we quantify such changes in water flux for various levels of CO(2) concentrations using the National Center for Atmospheric Research's (NCAR) Community Land Model. We find that photosynthesis saturates after 800 ppmv (parts per million, by volume) in this model. However, unlike photosynthesis, canopy transpiration continues to decline at about 5.1% per 100 ppmv increase in CO(2) levels. We also find that the associated reduction in latent heat flux is primarily compensated by increased sensible heat flux. The continued decline in canopy transpiration and subsequent increase in sensible heat flux at elevated CO(2) levels implies that incremental warming associated with the physiological effect of CO(2) will not abate at higher CO(2) concentrations, indicating important consequences for the global water and carbon cycles from anthropogenic CO(2) emissions.


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This paper studies planar whole arm manipulation of a circular object using closed loop and hybrid manipulators. The manipulation is simple with fewer degrees of actuation than the task space. This is an useful operation if the initial and final positions of the object are on the same surface. Closed loop manipulator is a 4/5 bar mechanism. In hybrid manipulators a open loop manipulator with 3/4 links is attached to the floating link of 4/5 bar mechanism. The mobility analysis is carried out to find the connectivity of the object with reference to frame. The manipulation (forward kinematics) starts from a given configuration of the object and the manipulator. In hybrid manipulators determination of initial configuration involves inverse kinematics of open loop manipulator. The input joint velocities are used to demonstrate the manipulation. Conditions are specified for prehensile manipulation.


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Black carbon aerosols absorb solar radiation and decrease planetary albedo, and thus can contribute to climate warming. In this paper, the dependence of equilibrium climate response on the altitude of black carbon is explored using an atmospheric general circulation model coupled to a mixed layer ocean model. The simulations model aerosol direct and semi-direct effects, but not indirect effects. Aerosol concentrations are prescribed and not interactive. It is shown that climate response of black carbon is highly dependent on the altitude of the aerosol. As the altitude of black carbon increases, surface temperatures decrease; black carbon near the surface causes surface warming, whereas black carbon near the tropopause and in the stratosphere causes surface cooling. This cooling occurs despite increasing planetary absorption of sunlight (i.e. decreasing planetary albedo). We find that the trend in surface air temperature response versus the altitude of black carbon is consistent with our calculations of radiative forcing after the troposphere, stratosphere, and land surface have undergone rapid adjustment, calculated as ``regressed'' radiative forcing. The variation in climate response from black carbon at different altitudes occurs largely from different fast climate responses; temperature dependent feedbacks are not statistically distinguishable. Impacts of black carbon at various altitudes on the hydrological cycle are also discussed; black carbon in the lowest atmospheric layer increases precipitation despite reductions in solar radiation reaching the surface, whereas black carbon at higher altitudes decreases precipitation.


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We report the results of an experimental and numerical study conducted on a closed-cell aluminium foam that was subjected to uniaxial compression with lateral constraint. X-ray computed tomography was utilized to gain access into the three-dimensional (3-D) structure of the foam and some aspects of the deformation mechanisms. A series of advanced 3-D image analyses are conducted on the 3-D images aimed at characterizing the strain localization regions. We identify the morphological/geometrical features that are responsible for the collapse of the cells and the strain localization. A novel mathematical approach based on a Minkowski tensor analysis along with the mean intercept length technique were utilized to search for signatures of anisotropy across the foam sample and its evolution as a function of loading. Our results show that regions with higher degrees of anisotropy in the undeformed foam have a tendency to initiate the onset of cell collapse. Furthermore, we show that strain hardening occurs predominantly in regions with large cells and high anisotropy. We combine the finite element method with the tomographic images to simulate the mechanical response of the foam. We predict further deformation in regions where the foam is already deformed. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of Acta Materialia Inc. All rights reserved.


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Aerosol forcing remains a dominant uncertainty in climate studies. The impact of aerosol direct radiative forcing on Indian monsoon is extremely complex and is strongly dependent on the model, aerosol distribution and characteristics specified in the model, modelling strategy employed as well as on spatial and temporal scales. The present study investigates (i) the aerosol direct radiative forcing impact on mean Indian summer monsoon when a combination of quasi-realistic mean annual cycles of scattering and absorbing aerosols derived from an aerosol transport model constrained with satellite observed Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) is prescribed, (ii) the dominant feedback mechanism behind the simulated impact of all-aerosol direct radiative forcing on monsoon and (iii) the relative impacts of absorbing and scattering aerosols on mean Indian summer monsoon. We have used CAM3, an atmospheric GCM (AGCM) that has a comprehensive treatment of the aerosol-radiation interaction. This AGCM has been used to perform climate simulations with three different representations of aerosol direct radiative forcing due to the total, scattering aerosols and black carbon aerosols. We have also conducted experiments without any aerosol forcing. Aerosol direct impact due to scattering aerosols causes significant reduction in summer monsoon precipitation over India with a tendency for southward shift of Tropical Convergence Zones (TCZs) over the Indian region. Aerosol forcing reduces surface solar absorption over the primary rainbelt region of India and reduces the surface and lower tropospheric temperatures. Concurrent warming of the lower atmosphere over the warm oceanic region in the south reduces the land-ocean temperature contrast and weakens the monsoon overturning circulation and the advection of moisture into the landmass. This increases atmospheric convective stability, and decreases convection, clouds, precipitation and associated latent heat release. Our analysis reveals a defining negative moisture-advection feedback that acts as an internal damping mechanism spinning down the regional hydrological cycle and leading to significant circulation changes in response to external radiative forcing perturbations. When total aerosol loading (both absorbing and scattering aerosols) is prescribed, dust and black carbon aerosols are found to cause significant atmospheric heating over the monsoon region but the aerosol-induced weakening of meridional lower tropospheric temperature gradient (leading to weaker summer monsoon rainfall) more than offsets the increase in summer-time rainfall resulting from the atmospheric heating effect of absorbing aerosols, leading to a net decrease of summer monsoon rainfall. Further, we have carried out climate simulations with globally constant AODs and also with the constant AODs over the extended Indian region replaced by realistic AODs. Regional aerosol radiative forcing perturbations over the Indian region is found to have impact not only over the region of loading but over remote tropical regions as well. This warrants the need to prescribe realistic aerosol properties in strategic regions such as India in order to accurately assess the aerosol impact.