970 resultados para CORNEAL EPITHELIAL-CELLS
RESUME DESTINE A UN LARGE PUBLICL'intestin est le siège d'intenses agressions de la part de l'ensemble des aliments ingérés, de bactéries agressives dites pathogènes mais également de bactéries dites commensales peuplant naturellement les surfaces intestinales muqueuses. Pour faire face, notre organisme arbore de nombreux niveaux de protections tant physiques, chimiques, mécaniques mais aussi immunitaires. La présence d'un type particulier de cellules, les cellules épithéliales (IEC) assurant une protection physique, ainsi que la production d'anticorps spécialisés par le système immunitaire appelés immunoglobulines sécrétoires A (SlgA) servent conjointement de première ligne de défense contre ces agressions externes. Néanmoins, comment le dialogue s'articule entre ces deux partenaires reste incomplet.Nous avons donc décidé de mimer ces interactions en modélisant les surfaces muqueuses par une monocouche de cellules différenciées en laboratoire. Des souches bactériennes isolées de l'intestin humain seules ou associées à des SlgA non-spécifiques ont été mises au contact de ce modèle cellulaire nous permettant de conclure quant à la présence effective d'une modulation du dialogue bactérie/lEC impliquant une activation de la réponse cellulaire vers un état de tolérance mutuelle. De façon surprenante, nous avons par ailleurs mis en évidence un type d'interaction nouveau entre ces anticorps et ces bactéries. Une étude biochimique nous a permis de détailler un nouveau rôle des SlgA médié par les sucres présents à leur surface dans le maintien d'une relation pacifique avec les commensaux perpétuellement présents, relations qualifiées d'homésostase intestinale.Le rôle protecteur des SlgA a par ailleurs été abordé pour avoir une meilleure appréhension de leur impact au niveau cellulaire lors d'infection par Shigella flexneri, bactérie causant la Shigellose, diarrhée sanglante responsable de la mort de plus d'un million de personnes chaque année. Basée sur le même modèle cellulaire, cette étude nous a permis de démontrer une nouvelle entrée de ce pathogène directement via les IEC. La présence d'anticorps spécifiques à la surface des bactéries restreint leur champs d'action contre les cibles intracellulaires identifiées que sont les filaments soutenant le squelette de la cellule, les fibres d'actine ainsi que les jonctions serrées, réseaux de protéines clés des interactions entre cellules. Cette ouverture au niveau cellulaire apporte un nouvel élan quant à la compréhension du rôle protecteur des SlgA lors d'attaques de l'intestin, protection semblant dépendante d'une agrégation des bactéries.Pour finir, nous avons mis en évidence la détection directe par les cellules de la présence d'anticorps libres dans l'intestin ajoutant une nouvelle réplique dans le dialogue complexe entre ces deux piliers de l'équilibre intestinal que sont les SlgA et les cellules épithéliales.RESUMELa muqueuse intestinale est dotée d'un réseau complexe de protections physico-chimiques, mécaniques ou immunologiques. Associées à un système immunitaire omniprésent, les cellules épithéliales intestinales {IEC) bordant la lumière intestinale ont la double tâche de protéger l'intérieur de l'organisme stérile contre l'invasion et la dissémination d'agents pathogènes, et de maintenir une relation pacifique avec la flore intestinale, rôles également joués par les immunoglobulines sécrétoires A (SlgA), anticorps les plus abondamment présents à la surface des muqueuses. Tant les IEC que les SlgA sont ainsi décrites comme convergeant vers le même objectif ; néanmoins, les rouages de leurs interactions restent largement inconnus.Pour répondre à cette question, des monocouches épithéliales reconstituées in vitro ont été incubées avec des souches commensales telles que des Lactobacillus ou des Bifodobacteria, seules ou complexées avec des SlgA non-spécifiques, nous permettant de décrypter l'influence des SlgA sur la détection des bactéries par les IEC, favorisant l'adhésion bactérienne et la cohésion cellulaire, augmentant l'activation de la voie NF-κΒ ainsi que la sécrétion de la cytokine thymic stromal lymphopoietin contrairement à celle de médiateurs pro-inflammatoires qui reste inchangée. Par ailleurs, une interaction Fab-indépendante est suggérée dans l'interaction SlgA/bactéries. Comme une interaction de faible affinité a été décrite comme prenant naturellement place au niveau de l'intestin, nous avons donc disséqué les mécanismes sous- jacents en utilisant un large spectre de bactérie associés à des protéines soit recombinantes soit isolées à partir de colostrum, mettant en évidence un rôle crucial des N-glycanes présents sur la pièce sécrétoire et soulignant une nouvelle propriété des SlgA dans l'homéostase intestinale.Intrinsèquement liés aux caractéristiques des SlgA, nous nous sommes également focalisés sur leur rôle protecteur lors d'infection par l'enteropathogène Shigella flexneri reproduites in vitro sur des monocouches polarisées. Nous avons tout d'abord démontré une nouvelle porte d'entrée pour ce pathogène directement via les IEC. L'agrégation des bactéries par les SlgA confère aux cellules une meilleure résistance à l'infection, retardant croissance bactérienne et entrée cellulaire, affectant par ailleurs leur capacité à cibler le cytosquelette et les jonctions serrées. La formation de tels cargos détectés de façon biaisée par les IEC apparaît comme une explication plausible au maintien de la cohésion cellulaire médiée par les SlgA.Enfin, le retrotransport des SlgA à travers les IEC a été abordé soulignant une participation active de ces cellules dans la détection de l'environnement extérieur, les impliquant possiblement dans l'activation d'un état muqueux stable.Conjointement, ces résultats indiquent que les SlgA représentent l'un des éléments-clés à la surface de la muqueuse et soulignent la complexité du dialogue établi avec l'épithélium en vue du maintien d'un fragile équilibre intestinal.ABSTRACTThe intestinal mucosa is endowed with a complex protective network melting physiochemical, mechanical and immunological features. Beyond the ubiquitous intestinal immune system, intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) lying the mucosal surfaces have also the dual task to protect the sterile core against invasion and dissemination of pathogens, and maintain a peaceful relationship with commensal microorganisms, aims also achieved by the presence of high amounts of secretory immunoglobulins A (SlgA), the most abundant immunoglobulin present at mucosal surfaces. Both IEC and SlgA are thus described to converge toward the same goal but how their interplay is orchestrated is largely unknown.To address this question, in vitro reconstituted IEC monolayers were first apically incubated with commensal bacteria such as Lactobacillus or Bifodobacteria strains either alone or in complexes with non-specific SlgA. Favoring the bacterial adhesion and cellular cohesion, SlgA impacts on the cellular sensing of bacteria, increasing NF-κΒ activation, and leading to cytokine releases restricted to the thymic stromal lymphopoietin and unaffected expression of pro-inflammatory mediators. Of main interest, bacterial recognition by SlgA suggested a Fab-independent interaction. As this low affinity, called natural coating occurs in the intestine, we further dissected the underlying mechanisms using a larger spectrum of commensal strains associated with recombinant as well as colostrum-derived proteins and pinpointed a crucial role of N-glycans of the secretory component, emphasizing an underestimated role of carbohydrates and another properties of SlgA in mediating intestinal homeostasis.As mucosal protection is also anchored in SlgA and IEC features, we focused on the cellular role of SlgA. Using IEC apical infection by the enteropathogen Shigella flexneri, we have first demonstrated a new gate of entry for this pathogen directly via IEC. Specific SlgA bacterial aggregation conferred to the cells a better resistance to infection, delaying bacterial growth and cellular entry, affecting their ability to damage both the cytoskeleton and the tight junctions. Formation of such big cargos differentially detected by IEC appears as a plausible explanation sustaining at the cellular level the antibody-mediated mucosal protection.Finally, SlgA retrotransport across IEC has been tackled stressing an active IEC sensing of the external environment possibly involved in the steady-state mucosal activation.All together, these results indicate that SlgA represents one of the pivotal elements at mucosal surfaces highlighting the complexity of the dialogue established with the epithelium sustaining the fragile intestinal balance.The Intestinal mucosa is endowed with a complex protective network melting physiochemical, mechanical and immunological features. Beyond the ubiquitous intestinal immune system, intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) lying the mucosal surfaces have also the dual task to protect the sterile core against invasion and dissemination of pathogens, and maintain a peaceful relationship with commensal microorganisms, aims also achieved by the presence of high amounts of secretory immunoglobulins A (SlgA), the most abundant immunoglobulin present at mucosal surfaces. Both IEC and SlgA are thus described to converge toward the same goal but how their interplay is orchestrated is largely unknown.To address this question, in vitro reconstituted IEC monolayers were first apically incubated with commensal bacteria such as Lactobacillus or Bifodobacteria strains either alone or in complexes with non-specific SlgA. Favoring the bacterial adhesion and cellular cohesion, SlgA impacts on the cellular sensing of bacteria, increasing NF-κΒ activation, and leading to cytokine releases restricted to the thymic stromal lymphopoietin and unaffected expression of pro-inflammatory mediators. Of main interest, bacterial recognition by SlgA suggested a Fab-independent interaction. As this low affinity, called natural coating occurs in the intestine, we further dissected the underlying mechanisms using a larger spectrum of commensal strains associated with recombinant as well as colostrum-derived proteins and pinpointed a crucial role of N-glycans of the secretory component, emphasizing an underestimated role of carbohydrates and another properties of SlgA in mediating intestinal homeostasis.As mucosal protection is also anchored in SlgA and IEC features, we focused on the cellular role of SlgA. Using IEC apical infection by the enteropathogen Shigella flexneri, we have first demonstrated a new gate of entry for this pathogen directly via IEC. Specific SlgA bacterial aggregation conferred to the cells a better resistance to infection, delaying bacterial growth and cellular entry, affecting their ability to damage both the cytoskeleton and the tight junctions. Formation of such big cargos differentially detected by IEC appears as a plausible explanation sustaining at the cellular level the antibody-mediated mucosal protection.Finally, SlgA retrotransport across IEC has been tackled stressing an active IEC sensing of the external environment possibly involved in the steady-state mucosal activation.All together, these results indicate that SlgA represents one of the pivotal elements at mucosal surfaces highlighting the complexity of the dialogue established with the epithelium sustaining the fragile intestinal balance.
The treatment of advanced prostate cancer (PCa) remains a challenge. Identification of new molecular mechanisms that regulate PCa initiation and progression would provide targets for the development of new cancer treatments. The Foxm1 transcription factor is highly up-regulated in tumor cells, inflammatory cells, and cells of tumor microenvironment. However, its functions in different cell populations of PCa lesions are unknown. To determine the role of Foxm1 in tumor cells during PCa development, we generated two novel transgenic mouse models, one exhibiting Foxm1 gain-of-function and one exhibiting Foxm1 loss-of-function under control of the prostate epithelial-specific Probasin promoter. In the transgenic adenocarcinoma mouse prostate (TRAMP) model of PCa that uses SV40 large T antigen to induce PCa, loss of Foxm1 decreased tumor growth and metastasis. Decreased prostate tumorigenesis was associated with a decrease in tumor cell proliferation and the down-regulation of genes critical for cell proliferation and tumor metastasis, including Cdc25b, Cyclin B1, Plk-1, Lox, and Versican. In addition, tumor-associated angiogenesis was decreased, coinciding with reduced Vegf-A expression. The mRNA and protein levels of 11β-Hsd2, an enzyme playing an important role in tumor cell proliferation, were down-regulated in Foxm1-deficient PCa tumors in vivo and in Foxm1-depleted TRAMP C2 cells in vitro. Foxm1 bound to, and increased transcriptional activity of, the mouse 11β-Hsd2 promoter through the -892/-879 region, indicating that 11β-Hsd2 was a direct transcriptional target of Foxm1. Without TRAMP, overexpression of Foxm1 either alone or in combination with inhibition of a p19(ARF) tumor suppressor caused a robust epithelial hyperplasia, but was insufficient to induce progression from hyperplasia to PCa. Foxm1 expression in prostate epithelial cells is critical for prostate carcinogenesis, suggesting that inhibition of Foxm1 is a promising therapeutic approach for prostate cancer chemotherapy.
Rotaviruses are the major cause of severe diarrhea in infants and young children worldwide. Due to their restricted site of replication, i.e., mature enterocytes, local intestinal antibodies have been proposed to play a major role in protective immunity. Whether secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) antibodies alone can provide protection against rotavirus diarrhea has not been fully established. To address this question, a library of IgA monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) previously developed against different proteins of rhesus rotavirus was used. A murine hybridoma "backpack tumor" model was established to examine if a single MAb secreted onto mucosal surfaces via the normal epithelial transport pathway was capable of protecting mice against diarrhea upon oral challenge with rotavirus. Of several IgA and IgG MAbs directed against VP8 and VP6 of rotavirus, only IgA VP8 MAbs (four of four) were found to protect newborn mice from diarrhea. An IgG MAb recognizing the same epitope as one of the IgA MAbs tested failed to protect mice from diarrhea. We also investigated if antibodies could be transcytosed in a biologically active form from the basolateral domain to the apical domain through filter-grown Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells expressing the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor. Only IgA antibodies with VP8 specificity (four of four) neutralized apically administered virus. The results support the hypothesis that secretory IgA antibodies play a major role in preventing rotavirus diarrhea. Furthermore, the results show that the in vivo and in vitro methods described are useful tools for exploring the mechanisms of viral mucosal immunity.
We investigated a new procedure for gene transfer into the stroma of pig cornea for the delivery of therapeutic factors. A delimited space was created at 110 mum depth with a LDV femtosecond laser in pig corneas, and a HIV1-derived lentiviral vector expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) (LV-CMV-GFP) was injected into the pocket. Corneas were subsequently dissected and kept in culture as explants. After 5 days, histological analysis of the explants revealed that the corneal pockets had closed and that the gene transfer procedure was efficient over the whole pocket area. Almost all the keratocytes were transduced in this area. Vector diffusion at right angles to the pocket's plane encompasses four (endothelium side) to 10 (epithelium side) layers of keratocytes. After 21 days, the level of transduction was similar to the results obtained after 5 days. The femtosecond laser technique allows a reliable injection and diffusion of lentiviral vectors to efficiently transduce stromal cells in a delimited area. Showing the efficacy of this procedure in vivo could represent an important step toward treatment or prevention of recurrent angiogenesis of the corneal stroma.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the safety and potential use of poly(lactic) acid (PLA) and poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) nanoparticles (NPs) as vectors for gene transfer to RPE cells. METHODS: Experiments were conducted with primary bovine RPE cells and with the ARPE-19 human RPE cell line. Rhodamine loaded NPs were used to study factors influencing the internalization process by the various RPE cells: concentrations of NPs, duration of contact time, stage of cell culture and ambient temperature. The extent of NPs internalization was evaluated by fluorescence and phase microscopy. Potential NP toxicity was measured by the trypan blue exclusion dye test and the MTT method. Green fluorescent protein (GFP) plasmid or red nuclear fluorescent protein (RNFP) plasmid were sequestered in NPs. The ability ot these "loaded" NPs to generate gene transfection and protein expression in RPE cells was assessed both in vivo and in vitro by fluorescence and confocal microscopy. RESULTS: The extent of NP internalization in cultured cells increases with their concentration reaching a plateau at 1 mg/ml and a contact time of up to 6 h. Temperature and culture stage did not influence the in vitro internalization process. No toxic effects on RPE cells could be detected when these were incubated with up to 4 mg/ml of NPs. In human and bovine RPE cells incubated with GFP loaded NPs, cytoplasmic green fluorescence was observed in 14+/-1.65% of the cultured cells. Incubation with RNFP loaded NPs yielded a nuclear red fluorescence in 18.9+/-1.6% of the cells. These percentage levels of expression initially detected after 48 h of incubation remained unchanged during the following 8 additional days in culture. No significant differences in the extent of cytoplasm or nuclear fluorescence expression were observed between bovine or human RPE cultured cells. In vivo, a preferential RNFP expression within the RPE cell layer was detected after intra vitreous injection of RNFP plasmid loaded NPs. CONCLUSIONS: The ability of PLGA NPs to sequester plasmids, their nontoxic characteristics, and rapid internalization enables gene transfer and expression in RPE cells. These findings may be of potential use when designing future gene therapy strategies for ocular diseases of the posterior segment.
Airway epithelial cells have been shown to drive differentiation of monocytes into dendritic cells (DC) with suppressive phenotype. In this study we investigated the impact of virus-induced inflammatory mediator production on DC development. Monocyte differentiation into functional DC, as reflected by the expression of CD11c, CD123, BDCA-4 and DC-SIGN and the capacity to activate T cells, was similar for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)- and mock-infected BEAS-2B and A549 cells. RSV-conditioned culture media resulted in a partially mature DC phenotype, but failed to upregulate CD80, CD83, CD86 and CCR7 and failed to release pro-inflammatory mediators upon TLR triggering. Nevertheless, these DCs were able to maintain an antiviral response by the release of type I IFN. Collectively, these data indicate that the airway epithelium maintains an important suppressive DC phenotype under inflammatory conditions induced by RSV infection.
Purpose: Mediums have been developed to conserve corneal endothelium in organ-culture during eye banking. CorneaMax® is used by 25% of Eye Bank in Europe. Only little is known about conservation of corneal epithelium with this medium during banking. Its preservation could be of interest in clinic to cure corneal disease with stem cells deficiency. Therefore, we wanted to examine the integrity of human corneal epithelium maintained in CorneaMax®. Methods: Human corneas, considered unsuitable for transplantation, were obtained from the Eye Bank in Lausanne. Average post-mortem time was 14 hours. Cornoscleral rings were maintained in organ-culture in Corneamax® at 32°C. Samples were formalin-fixed after period ranging from 0 (D0) to 35 days (D35, N=5 for each time points) and stained with H&E. Proliferation and apoptosis were evaluated by immunostaining with antibody against Ki67 and Caspase3 respectively. Results: Corneas, which were not in organ-cultured (D0), showed different morphology, including intact epithelium with 5 to 7 layers, but also completely denuded basement membrane. In two cases, at D0, the epithelium lost its adherence to the basal lamina of the cornea creating a large epithelial sheet. During the two first days, corneas and limbus area lost totally their epithelium, except for some remaining limbal basal cells. From day 2 to day 10, regeneration of the epithelium took place, starting from the limbal region in direction to the central cornea. From day 10 to day 35, corneal epithelium appeared as an atrophic epithelium, consisting of only two cell layers. Proliferation happened in the whole cornea during the 35 days of organ-culture, as shown by Ki67 positive cells. Apoptosis was rarely detected in the corneal epithelium. Conclusions: Corneas maintained in CorneaMax® showed a complete disappearance of the corneal epithelium during the two first days and a conservation of limbal basal cells in the limbal region. These remaining cells allowed a full regeneration of the tissue, leading to an atrophic epithelium, composed of only two cell layers. This atrophic epithelium could be seen in all the organ-cultured corneas during the 35 days of conservation. This study is a first step to develop medium in organ-culture in order to conserve corneal epithelial cells.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a lethal progressive lung disease culminating in permanent airway obstruction and alveolar enlargement. Previous studies suggest CTL involvement in COPD progression; however, their precise role remains unknown. Here, we investigated whether the CTL activation receptor NK cell group 2D (NKG2D) contributes to the development of COPD. Using primary murine lung epithelium isolated from mice chronically exposed to cigarette smoke and cultured epithelial cells exposed to cigarette smoke extract in vitro, we demonstrated induced expression of the NKG2D ligand retinoic acid early tran - script 1 (RAET1)as well as NKG2D-mediated cytotoxicity. Furthermore, a genetic model of inducible RAET1 expression on mouse pulmonary epithelial cells yielded a severe emphysematous phenotype characterized by epithelial apoptosis and increased CTL activation, which was reversed by blocking NKG2D activation. We also assessed whether NKG2D ligand expression corresponded with pulmonary disease in human patients by staining airway and peripheral lung tissues from never smokers, smokers with normal lung function, and current and former smokers with COPD. NKG2D ligand expression was independent of NKG2D receptor expression in COPD patients, demonstrating that ligand expression is the limiting factor in CTL activation. These results demonstrate that aberrant, persistent NKG2D ligand expression in the pulmonary epithelium contributes to the development of COPD pathologies.
Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) functions as a homodimer. In cell extracts, iNOS molecules partition both in cytosolic and particulate fractions, indicating that iNOS exists as soluble and membrane associated forms. In this study, iNOS features were investigated in human intestinal epithelial cells stimulated with cytokines and in duodenum from mice exposed to flagellin. Our experiments indicate that iNOS is mainly associated with the particulate fraction of cell extracts. Confocal microscopy showed a preferential localization of iNOS at the apical pole of intestinal epithelial cells. In particulate fractions, iNOS dimers were more abundant than in the cytosolic fraction. Similar observations were seen in mouse duodenum samples. These results suggest that, in epithelial cells, iNOS activity is regulated by localization-dependent processes.
Acute lung injury (ALI) is a clinical manifestation of respiratory failure, caused by lung inflammation and the disruption of the alveolar-capillary barrier. Preservation of the physical integrity of the alveolar epithelial monolayer is of critical importance to prevent alveolar edema. Barrier integrity depends largely on the balance between physical forces on cell-cell and cell-matrix contacts, and this balance might be affected by alterations in the coagulation cascade in patients with ALI. We aimed to study the effects of activated protein C (APC) on mechanical tension and barrier integrity in human alveolar epithelial cells (A549) exposed to thrombin. Cells were pretreated for 3 h with APC (50 mg/ml) or vehicle (control). Subsequently, thrombin (50 nM) or medium was added to the cell culture. APC significantly reduced thrombin-induced cell monolayer permeability, cell stiffening, and cell contraction, measured by electrical impedance, optical magnetic twisting cytometry, and traction microscopy, respectively, suggesting a barrier-protective response. The dynamics of the barrier integrity was also assessed by western blotting and immunofluorescence analysis of the tight junction ZO-1. Thrombin resulted in more elongated ZO-1 aggregates at cell-cell interface areas and induced an increase in ZO-1 membrane protein content. APC attenuated the length of these ZO-1 aggregates and reduced the ZO-1 membrane protein levels induced by thrombin. In conclusion, pretreatment with APC reduced the disruption of barrier integrity induced by thrombin, thus contributing to alveolar epithelial barrier protection.
Epithelial intercellular cohesion, mainly mediated by E-cadherin (CDH1) expression and function, may be deregulated during cancer cell invasion of adjacent tissues and lymphatic and vascular channels. CDH1 expression is down-modulated in invasive lobular breast carcinomas but its regulation in invasive ductal carcinomas (IDC) is less clear. CDH1 expression is repressed by transcription factors such as Snail (SNAI1) and its product is degraded after Hakai ubiquitination. We compared CDH1, SNAI1 and HAKAI mRNA expression in IDC and paired adjacent normal breast tissue and evaluated its relation with node metastasis and circulating tumor cells. Matched tumor/peritumoral and blood samples were collected from 30 patients with early IDC. Epithelial cells from each compartment (tumor/peritumoral) were recovered by an immunomagnetic method and gene expression was determined by real time RT-PCR. There were no differences in CDH1, SNAI1 and HAKAI mRNA expression between tumor and corresponding peritumoral samples and no differential tumoral gene expression according to nodal involvement. Another 30 patients with a long-term follow-up (at least 5 years) and a differential prognosis (good or poor, as defined by breast cancer death) had E-cadherin and Snail protein detected by immunohistochemistry in tumor samples. In this group, E-cadherin-positive expression, but not Snail, may be associated with a better prognosis. This is the first report simultaneously analyzing CDH1, SNAI1 and HAKAI mRNA expression in matched tumor and peritumoral samples from patients with IDC. However, no clear pattern of their expression could distinguish the invasive tumor compartment from its adjacent normal tissue.