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O acidente cerebrovascular é uma doença de grande incidência no Brasil e no mundo. As pessoas que sofreram este tipo de acometimento podem apresentar seqüelas variadas, como motoras, cognitivas, sensoriais, sociais, afetivo-emocionais e transtornos psiquiátricos, levando a graus variados de dependência. Sendo assim, um estudo psicológico se faz importante, pois estas pessoas sofrerão mudanças em suas rotinas e no seu mundo interno.O presente trabalho trata-se de uma pesquisa clínico qualitativa, e teve como objetivos investigar as repercussões psicológicas de pacientes adultos que sofreram acidente cerebrovascular; compreender o funcionamento mental, a deterioração neuropsicológica e a adaptação humana desses pacientes, através da Escala de Avaliação Global do Funcionamento, do Desenho da Figura Humana, e da Escala do Diagnóstico Adaptativo Operacionalizado; compreender o sofrimento psicológico em narrativas da entrevista psicológica dessas pessoas e investigar como os indivíduos contam sua própria história numa compreensão psicossomática e psicanalítica. Para isso, utilizou-se o referencial teórico da Psicanálise e as concepções de Neuropsicanálise e Psicossomática. Foram analisados os relatos de cinco pacientes em tratamento num centro de reabilitação. Observou-se que por tratar-se de uma lesão cerebral, as repercussões psicológicas de quem sofreu acidente cerebrovascular devem ser observadas do ponto de vista neuropsicológico e a dinâmica afetivo-emocional. Os dados do Eixo V do DSM-IV, Escala de Avaliação Global do Funcionamento, e da Escala do Diagnóstico Adaptativo Operacionalizado de Ryad Simon apresentaram forte correlação estatística, embora a última seja mais compreensiva do ponto de vista psicanalítico; todos os pacientes apresentaram Adaptação Ineficaz. Quanto ao Desenho da Figura Humana, questionou-se a fidedignidade deste tipo de técnica nessa população, uma vez que os dados de organicidade interferem bastante. A história construída foi um instrumento importante para investigar como o indivíduo que sofreu acidente cerebrovascular contou sua própria história, seus mecanismos de defesa e as fantasias inconscientes, surgindo nesses relatos histórias importantes de depressão. Os mecanismos de defesa predominante no funcionamento mental desses pacientes foram a repressão e a desvalorização, no funcionamento neurótico, e a onipotência no funcionamento psicótico.(AU)


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O trabalho emocionalmente desgastante dos profissionais das áreas de saúde implica não só a necessidade de uma habilitação acadêmica, mas, acima de tudo, uma adaptação, um equilíbrio emocional satisfatório, premissa básica para um serviço eficaz à saúde da população. Preocupando-se com o futuro profissional de Psicologia, esta pesquisa teve por finalidade verificar o grau de eficácia adaptativa de alunos do curso de Psicologia da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, São Bernardo do Campo SP e, quando necessário, fazer-lhes indicação terapêutica. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com a utilização da EDAO (Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada). Durante os anos de 1999 e 2000, foram feitas entrevistas diagnósticas individuais no NEPAP (Núcleo de Estudos, Pesquisa e Atendimento Psicológico), da UMESP, em 10% dos alunos do curso de Psicologia, dos períodos matutino e noturno. Os resultados foram analisados individualmente e inter-grupos com a finalidade de se obter um panorama geral do grau de eficácia adaptativa desses alunos. Com base nos resultados obtidos, verificou-se que embora alguns alunos apresentassem dificuldades nos setores Afetivo-Relacional e Produtividade, a grande maioria foi considerada normal .(AU)


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Resiliência representa o processo dinâmico envolvendo a adaptação positiva no contexto de adversidade significativa. Estudos sobre o conceito têm aumentado com o advento da Psicologia Positiva, pelos potenciais efeitos na saúde e no desempenho dos trabalhadores. Outros conceitos importantes para a saúde circunscritos no escopo da Psicologia Positiva no contexto de trabalho são os de auto-eficácia, definida como crenças das pessoas sobre suas capacidades e/ou seu exercício de controle sobre os eventos que afetam sua vida e o de suporte social no trabalho, que compreende a percepção do quanto o contexto laborativo oferece apoio aos trabalhadores. Pouca literatura existe sobre resiliência no contexto de trabalho e nenhum estudo envolvendo os três construtos foi encontrado. Por isto, esta investigação analisou o impacto da auto-eficácia e da percepção de suporte social no trabalho sobre a resiliência de trabalhadores. Participaram 243 universitários trabalhadores da região metropolitana de São Paulo, com idade média de 23 anos (DP=6,2 anos), em sua maioria do sexo feminino (69,5%), cristãos (católicos=51,5%; protestantes=18,1%), atuantes em cargos de apoio administrativo e técnico (49,1%), oriundos de organizações de diversos ramos. Foi aplicado um questionário para coletar dados sócio-demográficos dos participantes e três escalas brasileiras válidas para medir a percepção de suporte social no trabalho (Escala de Percepção de Suporte Social no Trabalho EPSST), as crenças de auto-eficácia (Escala de Auto-eficácia Geral Percebida) e nível de resiliência (Escala de Resiliência de Connor-Davidson CD-RISC-10). Foram realizadas análises estatísticas exploratórias e descritivas, análises de regressão stepwise, análises de variância (ANOVA) e teste t para descrever participantes, variáveis e testar o modelo. Os dados revelaram que os universitários trabalhadores apresentam níveis de resiliência e auto-eficácia acima da média e de suporte social no trabalho, na média. Auto-eficácia se confirmou como preditor significativo de resiliência ao contrário dos três tipos de percepção de suporte social no trabalho (informacional, emocional e instrumental). Os achados indicaram a necessidade de aprofundamento sobre o tema e foi apontada a necessidade de novos estudos que auxiliem na compreensão dos resultados desta investigação.


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Postgraduate studies in Psychology have passed through intense process of growth and consolidation, attested by current high levels of scientific production. It is questionable, however, the return that psychological science has given to a society that has made large investments. Considering the increasing integration of Psychology in the social welfare area, a form of possible and necessary contribution is by the expansion of social policy debate. This work aimed to discuss how Psychology postgraduate studies can contribute to understand the issue of social policy. The object were academic theses defended in the 2007/2009 triennium related to one of the five thematic criteria, which resulted in 105 theses of 824 defended in the period. The main results point to the existence of the issue in Psychology programs in a sprayed way, predominantly, albeit for a limited set of researchers and programs, "social policy" appears as a priority object of research, indicating incipient systematization of these studies. Moreover, it was found that while the majority of theses can be characterized by fragility of the theoretical frameworks in relation to the subject, with most research in a strictly technical perspective, some proportion of the studies reveals concern about putting the social policy debate into a broader social context, which represents the essential condition to construct a reasoned and robust theoretical critic. In conclusion, this thesis defends that psychological science can only contribute effectively to the society development if academic community promotes a structured articulation around the theme, deepens the theoretical debate and transforms the knowledge built into organized political practice


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A reading method (Cervo & Bervian, 1983) was applied to select psychology publications on health. The rejection of the biomedical model is a recurring theme in these publications. Its point of view is that the model is reductionistic because it emphasizes (1) the disease (2) as a body dysfunction and by consequence health is understood as the absence of disease. The implications of the biomedical model for health are biological materialism and physiological mechanicism. Psychology publications counterpoint to biomedicine is to include attention to life contexts and consider the role of individual behavior and lifestyle in the health-disease process. Those thoughts about the nature of health imply a conception of man, especially when some articles claim that Descartes’ ideas are the ground to biomedicine development. Psychology publications reviewed highlight health characteristics related to a different view of the human mode of being. The thesis presented develops an understanding that Martin Heidegger’s Dasein Analytic is a conception of human being consistent with the selected psychology works’ view of health. It means psychology’s discussion about what is health is based on an implicit approach to the human being, one that allows the rethinking of health. The heideggerian Dasein is a vision of man in tune with the comprehension of health presented in the selected publications. It is understood that the manner a human phenomenon is conceptualized is related even implicitly to a conception of man. To take into account health’s contextual aspects like society, environment, and culture call attention to the man world relationship to which Heidegger calls being in the world. To highlight the role of behavior on one’s own health makes a point of the relationship man has with her/his own being, which Heidegger calls mineness.


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The Psychology University Services is stablished normatively as an indispensable equipment to the recognition of the graduation courses of psychologists by the Brazilian Education Ministery. The Public Healthcare Policies (Universal Health System/SUS) constitutes itself as a input field of the professional category, but shows huge challenges in the formation of these professionals. The objective of this work is to analyse the functioning of the Psychology University Services (SEP) and the Superior Educational Institutions from Natal, understood as important formation devices to attend the actual demands of the psychologist's work on SUS. For this, it sought a) characterize the psychological practices developed in the SEP; b) relate the National Curricular Lines of Direction of the psychology courses to the skills and competences developed in the SEP to the performance on the public healthcare policies; c) mapping ways of including the SEP in the network designed by the healthcare policy. Interviews were performed with 13 academic supervisors, 8 field supervisors and technicians of superior level (TNC), along with 9 managers, being for of the Psychology University Services and 5 of the graduation programs. Questionnaires were also applied to 57 interns and 24 graduates. Besides that, two conversation circles were performed with the faculty and technician members from two of the Educational Institutions that were participating of the research, as well as a workshop with students and psychologists, promoted by the CRP 17. We observed that most part of the faculty members and managers know the DCN and comprehend that the formation is in process of change in what concerns to the extension of the formation to the performance of the psychologists in various contexts. However, most part of the TNC don't know about them. Moreover, the results point to the predominance of the assisting model based on the traditional clinic psychology, although the articulation with the public healthcare and social assistance networks can already be timidly visualized. Different modalities of practices in theses Psychology University Services were also detected, such as conversation groups, thematic workshops, organizational consultancies, team meetings with the interns and TNS in a daily basis, matriciament in mental health, therapeutic monitoring, among others. Yet, the SEP in Rio Grande do Norte are still isolated from the other courses that perform in the healthcare area and also from the services that compose the public healthcare and public policies.


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Psychology is a relatively new scientific branch and still lacks consistent methodological foundation to support its investigations. Given its immaturity, this science finds difficulties to delimit its ontological status, which spawnes several epistemological and methodological misconceptions. Given this, Psychology failed to demarcate precisely its object of study, leading, thus, the emergence of numerous conceptions about the psychic, which resulted in the fragmentation of this science. In its constitution, psychological science inherited a complex philosophical problem: the mind-body issue. Therefore, to define their status, Psychology must still face this problem, seeking to elucidate what is the mind, the body and how they relate. In light of the importance of this issue to a strict demarcation of psychological object, it was sought in this research, to investigate the mind-body problem in the Phenomenological Psychology of Edith Stein (1891-1942), phenomenologist philosopher who undertook efforts for a foundation of Psychology. For that, the discussion was subsidized from the contributions of the Philosophy of Mind and the support of the phenomenological method to the mind-body problem. From there, by a qualitative bibliographical methodology, it sought to examine the problem of research through the analysis of some philosophical-psychological philosopher's works, named: "Psychic Causality” (Kausalität Psychische, 1922) and “Introduction to Philosophy" (Einführung in die Philosophie, 1920). For this investigation, it was made, without prejudice to the discussion, a terminological equivalence between the terms mind and psyche, as the philosopher used the latter to refer to the object of Psychology. It sought to examine, therefore, how Stein conceived the psyche, the body and the relationship between them. Although it wasn't the focus of the investigation, it also took into account the spiritual dimension, as the philosopher conceived the human person as consisting of three dimensions: body, psyche and spirit. Given this, Stein highlighted the causal mechanism of the psyche, which is based on the variations of the vital force that emerges from the vital sphere. In relation to the corporeal dimension, the philosopher, following the analysis of Edmund Husserl (1859-1938), highlighted the dual aspect of the body, because it is at the same time something material (Körper) and also a linving body (Leib). On the face of it, it is understood that the psyche and the body are closely connected, so that it constitutes a dual-unit which is manifested in the Leib. This understanding of the problem psyche-mind/body provides a rich analysis of this issue, enabling the overcoming of some inconsistencies of the monistic and dualistic positions. Given this, it allows a strict elucidation of the Psychology object, contributing to the foundation of this science.


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Internship is legally understood in Brazil as an overseen educational activity to be developed in a work setting aiming to prepare students to make productive work. According to the federal law number 11.788/08, its main aim is to provide students with competences directly related to the professional activity in a curricular context and to make students develop themselves to live as citizens and to work professionally. With a focus on the professionalizing internship, this research aimed at understanding the professional subjectiveness process of Psychology undergraduates at a public university in the state Minas Gerais during their internship and according to a critic perspective in schooling psychology. The importance of studying psychologist academic training above all the relationship between theory and practice is on the fact that the internship is his/her initial contact with the professional experience itself after four years of theoretical studies. Understood as a way of appropriating and internalizing theoretical and practical dimensions related to the psychologist profession and constructed by the individual, the concept of professional subjectiveness is viewed in the light of the cultural-historical theory, that is, as a result of the human being social constitution. Three Psychology s intern students and their respective overseers were interviewed during their internship period to talk about the process of professional constitution at this phase of the academic training. To do so, oral history proved to be an important methodological support, for it offers a means of giving voice to common people and letting them signify their multi-circumstantial experiences. Results reiterate the presence of subjectivity in the dynamics of an undergraduate training, but they showed that it is permeated by social relations established in his/her personal life story and professional trajectory, stemming from the professional choice, the relationship between intern and overseer, the professional activity properly considered, the psychotherapy, the rules, and from the institutionalization of knowledge, among others aspects that guide the professional subjectiveness during the internship. We verified that the training of a Psychology undergraduate includes multiple determinations that exceed the academic setting because it points out the breaking down of the professional dimensions and personal one dichotomy.


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Mate choice is a component of sexual selection. Trying to understand the patterns of this process, several studies have emphasized the adaptive value of sexual differences and their influence on the assessment of the market value. The pattern for adults presented on the scientific literature, which is based on the preference for certain characteristics, shows that men search a partner who shows high value of fecundity and fertility, thus looking for partners with the ability of being pregnant and nursing their offspring. On the other hand, women look for partners with high socioeconomic status, which is strongly associated with the ability to protect and provide resources for them and their offspring. Surprisingly, there is few works that investigated the mate choice patterns during the beginning of the period of sexual differentiation on the morphological, physiological and behavioral traits. The aim of this study was to investigate mate choice patterns in adolescence in order to describe their preferences and contribute to the understanding of human reproductive behavior. Took part of this research 1,232 students from educational institutions of Natal, Brazil, and visitors to the Scientific, Technological and Cultural Fair UFRN. In the Experimental Study 1, we applied a questionnaire to evaluate the importance of certain characteristics, assessed the degree of romantic involvement and real and ideal partners age preference. In the Experimental Study 2, we did a survey of characteristics considered relevant and evaluate the importance of these characteristics in mate choice. The Experimental Study 3 brought an investigation of mate choice patterns based on self-assessment of adolescents, evaluating ideal partner for a short-term and long-term relationships and actual partner. We found that adolescents are motivated to live romantic experiences. We also observed a preference for partners of similar age to that described for adults. Finally, we found similarities and differences in the preferences for characteristics in real and ideal partners in relation to the adult pattern. In addition, we observed high similarity on the self-assessment and assessment of real and ideal partners. We suggest that in the mate choice, adolescents are similar to young adults in some aspects but not all. Our results show the relevance of the reproductive behavior investigation in this human developmental period and reinforce that further studies should contribute to the understanding of human behavior in terms of ontogenetic development and their evolutionary history.


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In this thesis we tested evolutionary hypotheses, with empirically collected data, in a sample composed of pregnant Brazilian women. We consider that during pregnancy and soon after the baby's birth fundamental reproductive decisions take place, given the complete feminine involvement with the reproduction phenomenon. The results are presented in four empirical articles related to the history of female reproduction. The topics approached were mate selection, the life-history theory, the strategies of parental investment and postpartum depression. Data collection was accomplished through interviews with pregnant women and after the baby s birth, with a sample composed of women from two income classes (low income and middle class), in Natal, Brazil. With respect to mate selection, the results suggest that a real situation of reproductive mate selection shows significant differences when compared to the results obtained in studies involving potential mate selection (Article I). Considering the life-history theory, we have partially confirmed the hypothesis of the father`s absence influencing the development of the young female syndrome (Article II). In regard to parental investment strategies and the decrease of fatherhood uncertainty, we identified a larger attribution of the baby's resemblance after birth with the father, confirming our hypothesis (Article III). The results related to postpartum depression occurrence partially support the hypothesis that it is an evolutionary adaptation (Article IV). This thesis is part of a consolidation movement of Evolutionary Psychology in Brazil and it presents results on female reproductive history hitherto unpublished.


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This study investigated factors that influence the group size during the behavior foraging of estuarine dolphin Sotalia guianensis in the coast south of the state Rio Grande do Norte (RN), it also characterized the diet of estuarine dolphins and elaborated an otoliths catalog for aid in the identification of the preys found in the stomach contents. In relation to the group size during behaviour foraging, inside of the Curral Bay, larger frequency of solitary hunt was observed. Factors as tide variation, group composition and seasons didn't present correlation with the number of animals observed during a feeding episode. Capture success for participant was shown significantly larger when the animals hunted alone, what possibly explains the largest frequency of solitary hunt inside of the Curral Bay. About diet, were identified 18 bone fishes species, with predominance of species the families Haemulidae and Sciaenidae and five cephalopods species, including two new species in the diet of Sotalia guianensis in Brazil. Our results indicated that estuarine dolphin in the coast oriental from Rio Grande do Norte (RN) feeds predominantly of fish that form shoal, of habitat estuarino and producing of sounds. The analysis of the images, otoliths of 43 species of coastal fish of the coast of the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), aided by the offered descriptions, demonstrated to be an effective methodology for the knowledge of those structures, as well as it represented a form of reducing the subjectivity in the identification of the bone fishes found in stomach content


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The analysis of the index of hierarchy and structural models of the formation of groups allowed to establish the hierarchical position of members of two groups of the genus Cebus. By the analyses of the hierarchical positions and the application of tests to obtain a food resource (TORA), we know the difference between these groups and groups in the wild. The results show a high ranking for both Cebus apella, as well as Cebus libidinosus. The results have enabled us to establish that the hierarchical structure in groups of Cebus in captivity: a) can be fixed and rigid different from highly flexible hierarchical structure studied in groups of wild b) even which similar hierarchy indices, there are differences in the hierarchical structure presents between C. apella and C. libidinosus in captivity c) hierarchy directly influence the behavioral patterns of obtaining food in Cebus


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The physical and environmental factors presented by each habitat and the rhythm of behavior patterns strongly influence the ecology and behavior of the all living beings. At same time this factors may provide clues about the structure of a population and its ecological balance. The organizational structure, ecology and behavior of a species appraised in a region if we know be in balance when compared to the same type of appraisal made in a degraded area can provide a clear view of how the anthropogenic influences acted on these species and what steps can be taken in order to mitigate the effects and keep the population. The region where this study was conducted is, like most areas of port, subject to intense physical and environmental degradation. With the emerging interest of change in the quality of these environments also by the companies themselves that use the port services, the proposed study aimed to characterize the use of habitat, the distribution of behavioral activities carried out throughout the day and influence of geomorphology of the bed, depth and variation of tide on the expression of the behavior of Sotalia guianensis in the port of Maceio - Alagoas. From this information will be possible establish parameters for comparison with other populations of S. guianensis and establish conservation measures for the population occurring in the port of Maceio - AL, serving also as a basis for conservation actions future performed in other port regions


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The literature concerning color vision shows a trichromatic advantage in detecting ripe fruits and young leaves, but there are contradictory results. There is also the suggestion of this type of vision being adapted to perceive socio-sexual signals. Indeed, Old World primates utilize the skin color of conspecifics as a factor of attraction. But in New World primates there is no record of a coloration signal in the body that can be utilized by other group members. The present study aims to: 1- test whether there is a relation between coloration of body regions and ovulatory cycle in female Callithrix jacchus; 2- Determine if this species uses visual signals to choose mates that are sexually receptive. We collected feces from six females during one month to quantify progesterone concentration by EIA. Body region coloration was measured using a portable spectrometer and modeled to obtain the quantum catch of each photoreceptor, the opponency channels and chromatic distance between the points in units of JND. We recorded the behavior of six males exposed to three pairs of females with a cycling and a non-cycling female in each pair using a transparent plexiglass apparatus. The color of different body regions presented a correlation between progesterone concentration and the yellow-blue and red-green visual axes, with the genitalia as the region showing the highest correlation. The visual axis more apt to see the color variations was the yellow-blue in dichromats, and in trichromats were the red-green to face, yellow-blue to abdomen and both chromatic axes to genitalia. There was no difference in the signal detectability between trichromats and dichromats, but the perception pattern differed between the phenotypes, with a better signal detection by the dichromat phenotype 562 and the trichromat phenotype 543/562. During the behavioral experiments males presented longer gaze duration in periods of experimental manipulation and gaze duration was always longer towards cycling females compared to non-cycling females. Male locomotion during experimental manipulation was greater than in the control only during the periovulatory period of the female, indicating greater excitement. The behavior of cycling females was more active than the behavior of the non-cycling ones regarding locomotion and touching of the plexiglass division of the apparatus. Male gaze duration to cycling females increased with decreasing progesterone concentration, but none of the coloration parameters was correlated to the mate preference exhibited. This coloration signal can transmit information to animals of the group about fertility of female. Different from the intense red of the genitalia swellings of Old World primates, marmoset female genitalia became more bluish-green in the fertile period. Males chose fertile females and were able to visually identify the periovulatory period of females. Choice is related to progesterone concentration, but our results do not show relation between coloration and mate preference. Maybe some behavioral measure is associated with the choice


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Several studies have found different patterns of preferences to men and women for short term and long term relationship romantic partners. It is known that the preferences vary with the sex of individuals, the expected involvement level of the relationship and according to the perceptions that subjects have about themselves. In the present study, we investigate whether the preferences typically founded for sexes are also founded between Brazilian undergraduate students. We also investigated if the individuals choose partners in accord of the sex preferences and if the ideal preferences are really expressed in real choices. For these investigations, 370 undergraduate students described profiles of an ideal partner for a short-term and a long-term relationship, through the joint evaluation of nine characteristics. Each ideal s profile has been described over three simulations, in which the amount of points available to be invested were limited and gradually reduced. After the descriptions of these profiles, the participants described the current or previous partner (if they were not in a relationship) and performed a self-assessment with the same characteristics used in the description of preferences. Overall, the results obtained in several countries were observed in Brazil. For short-term relationships men prioritize physical attributes and women value physical and personal attributes. For long-term, personal traits gained in importance on masculine preferences and women emphasized personal traits and the partner disposition to acquire resources. We also identified similar preferences profiles for both sexes and that the romantic preferences reflect similarities with the own individual s characteristics, in addition to the typical sexual preferences expected for the Parental Investment Theory. When evaluated their real partners, men considerate them more physically attractive than themselves but less intelligent, good humorous and ambi tion/willing to work. Women, in turn, described their partners as good as them. Finally, we observed equivalence between characteristics of the subjects and those of its partners, this effect being more pronounced among men. The last partners were described only as less sincere. The interpretation of the most part of our results was possible from evolutionist s and socio-cultural s explanations and was discussed under the two perspectives. We conclude this study stressing that the traditional romantic preferences occur in Brazil and that the sex, the kind of relationship and the vision that people have about their own characteristics affect the preferences, which are expressed in the real partner choices