113 resultados para CLIMAX
Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas - FCHS
Investigou-se o período mínimo de colheitas sucessivas necessário para avaliação do desempenho de cultivares de cacau. Os cultivares locais não-melhorados 'Maranhão', 'Pará' e 'Parazinho', juntamente com os cultivares melhorados 'ICS 1' polinização livre e híbrido comercial, foram avaliados em quadrado latino 5 x 5 com parcelas de 196 plantas, durante dez anos (1984-93). O número de frutos sadios por planta (NFSP) e o peso de sementes úmidas por hectare (PSUH) e por fruto (PSUF) foram os componentes de produção avaliados. A análise dos coeficientes de correlação entre produções anuais e acumuladas no decênio mostrou a necessidade da combinação dos primeiros seis e oito anos de colheitas sucessivas para NFSP e PSUH, respectivamente, para avaliação dos cultivares. A ampla variabilidade e o desempenho superior no pós-clímax (1989-93) e a tendência de os cultivares interagirem com os anos no pré-clímax indicaram que a avaliação deve ser conduzida em cacaueiros cultivados em Linhares somente após o oitavo ano de cultivo.
L’estimation du stock de carbone contenu dans les forêts peut être effectuée de plusieurs manières. Les méthodes les plus connues sont destructives et nécessitent l’abattage d’un grand nombre représentatif d’arbres. Cette représentativité est difficilement atteinte dans les forêts tropicales, présentant une diversité d’espèces exceptionnelles, comme à Madagascar. Afin d’évaluer le niveau de dégradation des forêts, une étude d'images par télédétection est effectuée au moyen de l’analyse du signal radiométrique, combinée à un inventaire non destructif de biomasse. L’étude de la dynamique du paysage proposé est alors basée sur une correction atmosphérique d’une image SPOT 5, de l’année 2009, et sur une classification semi supervisée de l’occupation des sols, combinant une classification préliminaire non supervisée, un échantillonnage aléatoire des classes et une classification supervisée avec un maximum de vraisemblance. La validation est effectuée à l’aide de points indépendants relevés lors des inventaires de biomasse avec des valeurs du stock de carbone bien précises. La classification non supervisée a permis de ressortir deux classes de forêt dénommées « peu dégradée » et « dégradée ». La première désigne l’état climax (le stock de carbone a atteint une valeur qui varie peu) alors que la seconde est caractérisée par un taux de carbone plus faible que le niveau climax, mais qui peut être atteint sans perturbation. Cette première classification permet alors de répartir les placettes d’inventaire dans chaque classe. La méthode d’inventaire recueille à la fois des données dendrométriques classiques (espèce, densité, hauteur totale, hauteur fût, diamètre) et des échantillons représentatifs de branches et de feuilles sur un arbre. Ces différents paramètres avec la densité de bois permettent d’établir une équation allométrique de laquelle est estimée la biomasse totale d’un arbre et conséquemment de la formation forestière. Par la suite, la classification supervisée a été effectuée à partir d’échantillons aléatoires donnant la valeur de séparabilité des classes, de la classification finale. De plus, les valeurs de stocks de carbone à l’hectare, estimées de chaque placette, ont permis de valider cette classification et d’avoir une évaluation de la précision. La connaissance de ce niveau de dégradation issue de données satellitaires à haute résolution spatiale, combinées à des données d’inventaire, ouvre le champ du suivi interannuel du stock de carbone et subséquemment de la modélisation de la situation future du stock de carbone dans différents types de forêts.
Tsuga canadensis (eastern hemlock) is a highly shade-tolerant, late-successional, and long-lived conifer species found throughout eastern North America. It is most often found in pure or nearly pure stands, because highly acidic and nutrient poor forest floor conditions are thought to favor T. canadensis regeneration while simultaneously limiting the establishment of some hardwood species with greater nutrient requirements. Once a common species, T. canadensis is currently experiencing widescale declines across its range. The hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) is decimating the population across its eastern distribution. Across the Upper Great Lakes region, where the adelgid is currently being held at bay by cold winter temperatures, T. canadensis has been experiencing failures in regeneration attributed, in part, to herbivory by white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Deer utilize T. canadensis stands as winter habitat in areas of high snow depth. Tsuga canadensis, once a major component of these forests, currently exists at just a fraction of its pre-settlement abundance due to historic logging and contemporary forest management practices, and what remains is found in small remnant patches surrounded by second- and third-growth deciduous forests. The deer population across the region, however, is likely double that of pre-European settlement times. In this dissertation I explore the relationship between white-tailed deer use of T. canadensis as winter habitat and the effect this use is having on regeneration and forest succession. For this research I quantified stand composition and structure and abiotic variables of elevation and snow depth in 39 randomly selected T. canadensis stands from across the western Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I also quantified composition and the configuration of the landscapes surrounding these stands. I measured relative deer use of T. canadensis stands as pellet group piles deposited in each stand during each of three consecutive winters, 2005-06, 2006-07, and 2007-08. The results of this research suggest that deer use of T. canadensis stands as winter habitat is influenced primarily by snow depth, elevation, and the composition and configuration of the greater landscapes surrounding these stands. Specifically, stands with more heterogeneous landscapes surrounding them (i.e., a patchy mosaic of conifer, deciduous, and open cover) had higher relative deer use than stands surrounded by homogenous deciduous forest cover. Additionally, the intensity of use and the number of stands used was greater in years with higher average snow depth. Tsuga canadensis regeneration in these stands was negatively associated with deer use and Acer saccharum (sugar maple) basal area. Of the 39 stands, 17 and 22 stands had no T. canadensis regeneration in small and large sapling categories, respectively. Acer saccharum was the most common understory tree species, and the importance of A. saccharum in the understory (stems < 10 cm dbh) of the stands was positively associated with overstory A. saccharum dominance. Tsuga canadensis establishment was associated with high-decay coarse woody debris and moss, and deciduous leaf litter inputs in these stands may be limiting access to these important microsites. Furthermore, A. saccharum is more tolerant to the effects of deer herbivory than T. canadensis, giving A. saccharum a competitive advantage in stands being utilized as winter habitat by deer. My research suggests that limited microsite availability, in conjunction with deer herbivory, may be leading to an erosion in T. canadensis patch stability and an altered successional trajectory toward one of A. saccharum dominance, an alternately stable climax species.
The time period covered by this bibliography is circa 1960 to 1974, an unusual "decade," to be sure. But because the Civil Rights movements and Watergate framed this era, it became impossible to compile a bibliography on the 1960s without entering the 1970s. The Vietnam War did not end until 1975, which would seem a logical place to end the decade. However, Nixon's resignation sparked more public interest and energy than did the anti-climax of the end of the war. Thus, the time period covered. Although there are some key books on the Civil Rights Movement, which started in the late 1950s, that movement has been adequately covered in other resources.
When Alexander von Humboldt reached the village of Calpi in the Andes on 22 June 1802, he was greeted with reverence and enthusiasm. Triumphal arches adorned with cotton, cloth, and silver decorated his path. The natives performed a dance in festive dress. A singer praised the explorer's expedition, which had departed three years earlier from the Spanish port of La Coruña. Like Odysseus on the isle of the Phaeacians, the traveler listened to a local rhapsodist singing about his heroic deeds. Before his adventure ended, it had already spun a popular myth. This episode, which Humboldt recorded in his diary, occurred at a significant moment. One day later, the “Second Discoverer of America” rose to even greater fame on an excursion marking in more ways than one the climax of his enterprise. Humboldt set out to climb Chimborazo (6,310 m/20,702 ft.), the mountain then thought to be the highest in the world. He was accompanied by the French botanist Aimé Bonpland (1773–1858) and the Creole nobleman and future activist Carlos Montúfar (1780–1816), as well as native guides and assistants. They climbed to heights never reached before, setting a new record and catapulting Humboldt to fame on both continents.
The heat of summer 2003 in Western and Central Europe was claimed to be unprecedented since the Middle Ages on the basis of grape harvest data (GHD) and late wood maximum density (MXD) data from trees in the Alps. This paper shows that the authors of these studies overlooked the fact that the heat and drought in Switzerland in 1540 likely exceeded the amplitude of the previous hottest summer of 2003, because the persistent temperature and precipitation anomaly in that year, described in an abundant and coherent body of documentary evidence, severely affected the reliability of GHD and tree-rings as proxy-indicators for temperature estimates. Spring–summer (AMJJ) temperature anomalies of 4.7 °C to 6.8 °C being significantly higher than in 2003 were assessed for 1540 from a new long Swiss GHD series (1444 to 2011). During the climax of the heat wave in early August the grapes desiccated on the vine, which caused many vine-growers to interrupt or postpone the harvest despite full grape maturity until after the next spell of rain. Likewise, the leaves of many trees withered and fell to the ground under extreme drought stress as would usually be expected in late autumn. It remains to be determined by further research whether and how far this result obtained from local analyses can be spatially extrapolated. Based on the temperature estimates for Switzerland it is assumed from a great number of coherent qualitative documentary evidence about the outstanding heat drought in 1540 that AMJJ temperatures were likely more extreme in neighbouring regions of Western and Central Europe than in 2003. Considering the significance of soil moisture deficits for record breaking heat waves, these results still need to be validated with estimated seasonal precipitation. It is concluded that biological proxy data may not properly reveal record breaking heat and drought events. Such assessments thus need to be complemented with the critical study of contemporary evidence from documentary sources which provide coherent and detailed data about weather extremes and related impacts on human, ecological and social systems.
Vegetation history for the study region is reconstructed on the basis of pollen, charcoal and AMS14C investigations of lake sediments from Lago del Segrino (calcareous bedrock) and Lago di Muzzano (siliceous bedrock). Late-glacial forests were characterised byBetula andPinus sylvestris. At the beginning of the Holocene they were replaced by temperate continental forest and shrub communities. A special type of temperate lowland forest, withAbies alba as the most important tree, was present in the period 8300 to 4500 B.P. Subsequently,Fagus, Quercus andAlnus glutinosa were the main forest components andA. alba ceased to be of importance.Castanea sativa andJuglans regia were probably introduced after forest clearance by fire during the first century A.D. On soils derived from siliceous bedrock,C. sativa was already dominant at ca. A.D. 200 (A.D. dates are in calendar years). In limestone areas, however,C. sativa failed to achieve a dominant role. After the introduction ofC. sativa, the main trees were initially oak (Quercus spp.) and later the walnut (Juglans regia). Ostrya carpinifolia became the dominant tree around Lago del Segrino only in the last 100–200 years though it had spread into the area at ca. 5000 cal. B.C. This recent expansion ofOstrya is confirmed at other sites and appears to be controlled by human disturbances involving especially clearance. It is argued that these forests should not be regarded as climax communities. It is suggested that under undisturbed succession they would develop into mixed deciduous forests consisting ofFraxinus excelsior, Tilia, Ulmus, Quercus and Acer.
The discovery of a neolithic pile field in the shallow water near the eastern shore of the Degersee confirmed earlier palynological and sedimentological studies stating that early man was active in the region since more than 6000 years. The already available off-site data were freshly assessed, completed by additional data from old and new cores and the interpretations revised. A common time scale for the off-site data and the on-site data was obtained by AMS dating of terrestrial macro remains of the neolithic section of off-site core De_I+De_H. The ages can thus be parallelled with AMS ages of construction timber on-site. Pollen analyses from all cores provide a further time scale. The continuously and densely sampled pollen profile of the profundal zone embracing the entire Late glacial and Holocene serves as a reference. From the Boreal onwards the relative ages are transformed by AMS ages and varve counts into calibrated and absolute. A transect cored close to the neolithic pile field across the lake marl-platform demonstrates its geological architecture in the shallow water since the Lateglacial. Studies of the microfabric of thin sections of drilled cores and of box cores from the excavations demonstrate that neolithic settlements now at 2-3,5 m water depth had been erected on lake marl freshly fallen dry, thus indicating earlier lake levels dropped by 1.5-2 m. The neolithic section of the highly resolved off-site profile in the lake=s profundal zone has laminated and calcareous zones alternating with massive ones. Assemblages of diatoms and concentrations of trace elements changing simultaneously characterise the calcareous sections as deposits of low lake levels that lasted between some 40 and more than 300 years. The ages of discovered lake shore dwellings fall into calcareous segments with low lake levels. From the end of the Upper Atlantic period (F VII) appear Secondary Forest Cycles in the beech forest, a man-made sequence of repeated vegetational development with an identical pattern: With a decrease of beech pollen appear pollen of grasses, herbs and cultural indicators. These are suppressed by the light demanding hazel and birch, those again by ash, and finally by the shade demanding beech forming a new pollen peak. Seven main Forest Cycles are identified In the upper Neolithic period each comprising some 250, 450 or 800 years. They are subdivided into subcycles that can be broken down by very dense sampling in even shorter cycles of decadal length. Farming settlers have caused minor patchy clearances of the beech-mixed-forest with the use of fire. The phases of clearance coincide with peaks of charcoal and low stands of the lake levels. The Secondary Forest Cycles and the continuous occurrence of charcoal prove a continued occupation of the region. Together with the repeated restoration of the beech climax forest they point to pulsating occupation probably associated with dynamic demography. The synchronism of the many palynological, sedimentological and archaeological data point to an external forcing as the climate that affects comprehensively all these proxies. The fluctuations of the activity of the sun as manifested in the residual d14C go largely along with the proxies. The initial clearances at the begin of the forest cycles are linked to low lake levels and negative values of d14C that point to dry and warm phases of a more continental climate type. The subcycles exist independent from climatic changes, indicating that early man acted largely independent from external forces.
Edipo en Colono de Sófocles resulta una obra fuertemente argumentativa por los debates dialécticos que se presentan entre los Episodios II a IV, cuya función dramática consiste en demorar el destino de Edipo y, a su vez, desplegar una densidad intratextual muy rica. Easterling (1999: 95-107) afirma que hay tres rasgos que definen el estilo de Sófocles, ellos son, por un lado, la tensión de opuestos o contradicciones; en segundo lugar, la oscilación entre el sentido literal y el sentido metafórico y, por último, la concentración junto con el uso de repeticiones. En el presente estudio analizamos el discurso de Polinices como el ejemplo de las características mencionadas, las que convierten la intervención del joven guerrero en el punto cultimante de las escenas agonales, que constituyen el núcleo de la obra. Estas instancias disonantes que los enfrentamientos producen son atemperadas por la presencia de Teseo.
The Late Quaternary benthic foraminifera of four deep-sea cores off Western Australia (ODP 122-760A, ODP 122-762B, BMR96GC21 and RC9-150) have been examined for evidence of increased surface productivity to explain the anomalously low sea-surface paleotemperatures inferred by planktic foraminifera for the last and penultimate glaciations. The delta13C trends of Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi, and differences between the delta13C trends of planktics (Globigerinoides sacculifer) and benthics (C. wuellerstorfi) in the four cores indicate that during stage 6 bottom waters were significantly depleted in delta13C, and strong delta13C gradients were established in the water column, while during stage 2 and the Last Glacial Maximum, delta13C trends did not differ greatly from that of the Holocene. Two main assemblages of benthic foraminifera were identified by principal component analyses: one dominated by Uvigerina peregrina, another dominated by U. proboscidea. Abundance of these Uvigerinids, and of taxa preferring an infaunal microhabitat, and of Epistominella exigua and Bulimina aculeata indicate that episodes of high influx of particulate organic matter were established in most sites during glacial episodes, and particularly so during stage 6, while evidence for upwelling during the Last Glacial Maximum is less strong. The Penultimate Glaciation upwellings were established within the areas of low sea-surface paleotemperature indicated by planktic foraminifera. During the Last Interglacial Climax, upwelling appears to have been established in an isolated region offshore from a strengthened Leeuwin Current off North West Cape. Last Glacial Maximum delta13C values of C. wuellerstorfi at waterdepths of less than 2000 m show smaller than global mean glacial-interglacial changes suggesting the development of a deep hydrological front. A similar vertical stratification/bathyal front was also established during the Penultimate Glaciation.
Edipo en Colono de Sófocles resulta una obra fuertemente argumentativa por los debates dialécticos que se presentan entre los Episodios II a IV, cuya función dramática consiste en demorar el destino de Edipo y, a su vez, desplegar una densidad intratextual muy rica. Easterling (1999: 95-107) afirma que hay tres rasgos que definen el estilo de Sófocles, ellos son, por un lado, la tensión de opuestos o contradicciones; en segundo lugar, la oscilación entre el sentido literal y el sentido metafórico y, por último, la concentración junto con el uso de repeticiones. En el presente estudio analizamos el discurso de Polinices como el ejemplo de las características mencionadas, las que convierten la intervención del joven guerrero en el punto cultimante de las escenas agonales, que constituyen el núcleo de la obra. Estas instancias disonantes que los enfrentamientos producen son atemperadas por la presencia de Teseo.
Edipo en Colono de Sófocles resulta una obra fuertemente argumentativa por los debates dialécticos que se presentan entre los Episodios II a IV, cuya función dramática consiste en demorar el destino de Edipo y, a su vez, desplegar una densidad intratextual muy rica. Easterling (1999: 95-107) afirma que hay tres rasgos que definen el estilo de Sófocles, ellos son, por un lado, la tensión de opuestos o contradicciones; en segundo lugar, la oscilación entre el sentido literal y el sentido metafórico y, por último, la concentración junto con el uso de repeticiones. En el presente estudio analizamos el discurso de Polinices como el ejemplo de las características mencionadas, las que convierten la intervención del joven guerrero en el punto cultimante de las escenas agonales, que constituyen el núcleo de la obra. Estas instancias disonantes que los enfrentamientos producen son atemperadas por la presencia de Teseo.
Benthic oxygen and carbon isotopic results from a depth transect on Maud Rise, Antarctica, provide the first evidence for Warm Saline Deep Water (WSDW) in the Paleogene oceans. Distinct reversals occur in the oxygen isotopic gradient between the shallower Hole 689B (Eocene depth ~1400 m; present-day depth 2080 m) and the deeper Hole 690B (Eocene depth ~2250 m; present-day depth 2914 m). The isotopic reversals, well developed by at least 46 Ma (middle middle Eocene), existed for much of the remaining Paleogene. We do not consider these reversals to be artifacts of differential diagenesis between the two sites or to have resulted from other potentially complicating factors. This being so, the results show that deep waters at Hole 690B were significantly warmer than deep waters at the shallower Hole 689B. A progressive decrease and eventual reversal in benthic to planktonic delta18O gradients in Hole 690B, demonstrate that the deeper waters became warmer relative to Antarctic surface waters during the Eocene. The warmer deep waters of the Paleogene are inferred to have been produced at middle to low latitudes, probably in the Tethyan region which contained extensive shallow-water platforms, ideal sites for the formation of high salinity water through evaporative processes. The ocean during the Eocene, and perhaps the Paleocene, is inferred to have been two-layered, consisting of warm, saline deep waters formed at low latitudes and overlain by cooler waters formed at high latitudes. This thermospheric ocean, dominated by halothermal circulation we name Proteus. The Neogene and modern psychrospheric ocean Oceanus is dominated by thermohaline circulation of deep waters largely formed at high latitudes. An intermediate condition existed during the Oligocene, with a three-layered ocean that consisted of cold, dense deep waters formed in the Antarctic (Proto-AABW), overlain by warm, saline deep waters from low latitudes, and in turn overlain by cool waters formed in the polar regions. This we name Proto-oceanus which combined both halothermal and thermohaline processes. The sequence of high latitude, major, climatic change inferred from the oxygen isotopic records is as follows: generally cooler earlier Paleocene; warming during the late Paleocene; climax of Cenozoic warmth during the early Eocene and continuing into the early middle Eocene; cooling mainly in a series of steps during the remainder of the Paleogene. Superimposed upon this Paleogene pattern, the Paleocene/Eocene boundary is marked by a brief but distinct warming that involved deep to surface waters and a reduction in surface to deep carbon and oxygen isotopic gradients. This event coincided with major extinctions among the deep-sea benthic foraminifers as shown by Thomas (1990 doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.113.123.1990). Salinity has played a major role in deep ocean circulation, and thus paleotemperatures cannot be inferred directly from the oxygen isotopic composition of Paleogene benthic foraminifers without first accounting for the salinity effect.
A high-resolution history of paleoceanographic changes in the subpolar waters of the southern margin of the Subtropical Convergence Zone during the last 130 kyr, is present in foraminiferal assemblages of DSDP Site 594. The foraminifera indicate that sea-surface temperatures during the Last Interglacial Climax were warmer than today, and that between substage 5d through to the end of isotope stage 2, temperatures were mostly cooler than Holocene temperatures. The paleotemperatures suggest that (1) the Subtropical Convergence was located over the site during substage 5e, later moving further north, then moving southwards to near the site during the Holocene, and (2) the Polar Front was positioned over the Site during glacial stages 6, 4, 2 and possibly parts of stage 3. Several major events are indicated by the nannofloral assemblages during these large changes in sea-surface temperature and associated reorganization of ocean circulation. First, the time-progressive trends between E. huxleyi and medium to large Gephyrocupsa are unique to this site, with E. huxleyi dominating over medium Gephyrocupsa during stages 5c-a, middle part of stage 4 and after the middle point of stage 3. This unusual trend may (at least partly) be caused by the shift of the Polar Front across the site. Second, upwelling flora (E. huxleyi and small placoliths) increase in abundance during stages 1, 3 and 5, suggesting that upwelling or disturbance of water stratification took place during the interglacials. Thirdly, there are no significant differences between the distribution patterns of the various morphotypes of medium to large Gephyrocupsu, and the combined value of all medium Gephyrocupsu increases in abundance during glacials (stages 2 and 4 and the end of stage 6), similar to the abundance trends in benthic foraminifera. Finally, subordinate nannofossil taxa also show distinctive climatic trends during the last glacial cycle: (1) Syrucosphaera spp. are present in increased abundance during warmer extremes in climate (substages 5e, 5a, and stage 1); (2) Coccolithus pelagicus and Culcidiscus leptoporus dominate the subordinate nannofossil taxa, and their relative proportions seem to provide a useful paleoceanographic index, with C. pelagicus dominating when the Polar Front Zone is over the site (stages 6, 4 and 2), whilst C. leptoporus is relatively more abundant when the STC is positioned over the site (stages 1 and 5e). Increased abundance of C. pelagicus also can indicate intensified coastal upwelling.