181 resultados para CHF
INTRODUCTION : L’insuffisance cardiaque congestive (ICC) induit remodelage pulmonaire et dysfonction ventriculaire droite (VD) qui contribuent de façon importante à la morbidité/mortalité. Malgré l’efficacité prouvée, l’antagonisme des récepteurs minéralocorticoïdes est sous-utilisé en ICC et ses mécanismes d’actions demeurent incompris. Nous avons évalué si l’Aldostérone contribue au remodelage pulmonaire et à la dysfonction VD en stimulant la prolifération des myofibroblastes (MYFs) pulmonaires. MÉTHODE ET RÉSULTATS : L’étude a été réalisée chez des rats avec infarctus du myocarde (IM) de taille modérée à grande permettant le développement de l’ICC. Deux semaines après l’IM, les rats ont été traités avec 100mg/kg/jour d’Aldactone ou non, pendant trois semaines et comparé à un groupe témoin (N=21;24;8). Comparativement au groupe témoin, les rats IM ont développé une ICC caractérisée par une réduction de la fraction de raccourcissement du VG (53±1%vs.16±2%, moyenne±ESM, P<0.0001), une hypertension pulmonaire (PSVD:27±1vs.40±3mmHg, P<0.01) et une hypertrophie VD (VD/(VG+Septum):24±1%vs.38±3%, P<0.05). L’Aldactone n’a eu aucun effet sur ces paramètres. Les rats IM ont développé un syndrome pulmonaire caractérisé par un abaissement de la courbe respiratoire pression-volume, un remodelage structurel pulmonaire avec doublement du poids poumon sec (P<0.01) et de la fibrose pulmonaire avec augmentation du taux de collagène dans les poumons (P<0.05). L’Aldactone n’a pas restauré la fonction pulmonaire. Enfin, les MYFs pulmonaires isolés n’ont pas proliféré avec l’exposition de 48h aux deux traitements d’Aldostérone (10-7M, 10-6M). CONCLUSION : L’Aldostérone ne contribue pas au remodelage pulmonaire et à la dysfonction VD associés à l’ICC. D’autres mécanismes d’actions sont responsables des effets bénéfiques de l’Aldactone.
La pression artérielle est un déterminant potentiellement majeur de l’évolution de pathologies telles que la FA et l’insuffisance cardiaque. Pourtant, il demeure plusieurs incertitudes quant à la prise en charge optimale de la pression artérielle chez ces patients. Le rôle potentiel de la pression artérielle sur l’efficacité du maintien en rythme sinusal est inconnu. De plus, en présence d’insuffisance cardiaque, non seulement une pression artérielle élevée, mais aussi une pression artérielle basse pourrait augmenter la mortalité. Les travaux présentés ont pour but d’évaluer l’impact de la pression artérielle sur l’efficacité du contrôle du rythme et la mortalité ainsi que d’évaluer le rôle potentiel de l’insuffisance cardiaque sur cette interaction. Une étude post-hoc utilisant une banque de données combinant les études AFFIRM et AF-CHF a été réalisée. Les patients ont d’abord été classés selon leur FEVG (>40%, ≤40%), puis nous avons évalué l’impact de la PAS (<120 mmHg, 120-140 mmHg, >140 mmHg) sur les issues. Premièrement, chez les 2715 patients randomisés au contrôle du rythme, nous avons évalué la survie sans récidive de FA. Deuxièmement, chez tous les 5436 patients inclus dans les 2 études sources, nous avons évalué la mortalité et la morbidité. Chez les patients avec FEVG >40%, aucune des issues n’a été affectée par la PAS dans des analyses de régression multivariées de Cox. Par contraste, chez les patients avec FEVG ≤40%, le taux de récidive de FA était plus élevé avec une PAS >140 mmHg et une PAS <120 mmHg, par rapport à une PAS de 120-140 mmHg [HR, 1.47; IC 95% (1.12-1.93)] et [HR 1.15; IC 95% (0.92-1.43)], respectivement. La mortalité s’est également avérée augmentée chez ces patients avec une PAS >140 mmHg et une PAS <120 mmHg [HR 1.75; IC 95% (1.41-2.17)] et [HR 1.40; IC 95% (1.04-1.90)], respectivement. En conclusion, le maintien en rythme sinusal et la survie sont influencés par la PAS chez les patients avec FA et FEVG diminuée, mais non chez les patients avec FEVG normale. Une courbe en forme de U a été identifiée, où les pression plus basses (<120 mmHg) et plus hautes (>140 mmHg) sont associées à un moins bon pronostic.
Our group in the Psychology Department at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) developed a rat genetic model of extreme freezing in response to contextual cues in an experimental chamber previously associated with footshock. One of the lines, Carioca High Freezing (CHF), exhibits an enhanced conditioned freezing response, whereas the other line, Carioca Low Freezing (CLF), shows the opposite response. The present study investigated corticosterone concentration between these two lines of animals and a random (RND) line of rats both under basal conditions and test condition after an emotional challenge using a contextual fear conditioning protocol. Comparisons between basal and test plasma corticosterone concentrations suggested differential basal and fear-induced differences between the two lines. The differences between basal conditions is an important and relevant aspect to be considered in behavioral experiments using or assessing stress and could help to understand variability in naïve populations.
The kinetics of the photodimerisation reactions of the 2- and 4-β-halogeno-derivatives of trans-cinnamic acid (where the halogen is fluorine, chlorine or bromine) have been investigated by infrared microspectroscopy. It is found that none of the reactions proceed to 100% yield. This is in line with a reaction mechanism developed by Wernick and his co-workers that postulates the formation of isolated monomers within the solid, which cannot react. β-4-Bromo and β-4-chloro-trans-cinnamic acids show approximately first order kinetics, although in both cases the reaction accelerates somewhat as it proceeds. First order kinetics is explained in terms of a reaction between one excited- and one ground-state monomer molecule, while the acceleration of the reaction implies that it is promoted as defects are formed within the crystal. By contrast β-2-chloro-trans-cinnamic acid shows a strongly accelerating reaction which models closely to the contracting cube equation. β-2-Fluoro- and β-4-fluoro-trans-cinnamic acids show a close match to first order kinetics. The 4-fluoro-derivative, however, shows a reaction that proceeds via a structural intermediate. The difference in behaviour between the 2-fluoro- and 4-fluoro-derivative may be due to different C–HF hydrogen bonds observed within these single-crystalline starting materials.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos do lisinopril (L) sobre as taxas de mortes (M), insuficiência cardíaca (ICC), características da remodelação miocárdica, geométrica e funcional do ventrículo esquerdo (VE), em ratos com estenose aórtica supravalvar (EAS). MÉTODOS: Ratos foram submetidos a EAS ou cirurgia simulada (GC:n=10). Randomizados após 6 semanas para receber L (GL:n=30) ou nenhum tratamento (GE:n=73) sendo avaliados 6s e 21s por estudos ecocardiográfico, hemodinâmico e morfológico concomitantes. RESULTADOS: As taxas de M (GE: 53,9% vs GL: 16,7% e ICC GE: 44,8% vs GL: 20% p<0,05). No final do experimento, os valores da pressão sistólica do VE dos grupos GE e GL foram equivalentes e significantemente mais elevados do que no grupo GC; (p<0,05) não diferindo dos observados 6 semanas após os procedimentos cirúrgicos. Os valores da pressão diastólica do VE no grupo GE foram maiores do que os do grupo GL (p<0,05) sendo ambos maiores do que os do grupo GC (4 ± 2 mmHg, p<0,05). O mesmo comportamento foi observado com as variáveis: razão E/A; índice de massa, área seccional dos miócitos e conteúdo de hidroxiprolina do VE. A porcentagem de encurtamento do VE foi semelhante nos grupos GC e GL (p>0,05) sendo ambos maiores que os verificados no grupo GE. Comportamento semelhante foram obtidos com os valores da primeira derivada positiva e negativa da pressão do VE. CONCLUSÃO: em ratos com EAS o L reduziu as taxas de M e ICC e exerceu efeitos benéficos sobre a remodelação e a função do VE.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a contribuição relativa da remodelação geométrica do ventrículo esquerdo (VE) e das alterações morfológicas e funcionais do miocárdio, em ratos com estenose aórtica supravalvar (EAS), na fase de transição da hipertrofia compensada para a insuficiência cardíaca congestiva (ICC). MÉTODOS: Vinte e uma semanas após a indução da EAS os ratos foram classificados como controles (GC,n=13), não portadores (GE,n=11) ou portadores de insuficiência cardíaca congestiva (GE-IC,n=12).Todos os grupos foram avaliados com estudo ecocardiográfico, hemodinâmico e morfológico do miocárdio. RESULTADOS: Vinte e uma semanas após EAS: índice de massa (GE-IC>GE>GC,p<0.05); pressão sistólica: (GE-IC = GE>GC, p<0,05); pressão diastólica: (GE-IC>GE>GC, p<0,05); estresse meridional sistólico e diastólico: (GE-IC>GE>GC,p<0.05); área de secção dos miócitos: (GE-IC>GE>GC, p<0,05) e conteúdo de hidroxiprolina: (GE-IC>GE>GC, p<0,05) do VE. No grupo GE-IC o remodelamento geométrico do VE foi caracterizado por aumento significante das dimensões e espessura relativa da parede normal (remodelamento excêntrico) enquanto que o grupo GE apresentou remodelamento concêntrico. Os índices de desempenho do VE do grupo GE-IC foram significantemente menores que do grupo GE. CONCLUSÃO: Os grupos GE-IC e GE diferiram primariamente no processo de remodelação geométrica do VE e estrutural do miocárdio que estabeleceu um estado cronicamente compensado no grupo GE e precipitou a ICC no grupo GE-IC na vigência de graus equivalentes de comprometimento da contratilidade. Neste modelo experimental a fase de transição da hipertrofia compensada para a ICC está mais estreitamente relacionada com o remodelamento geométrico adverso do VE e estrutural do miocárdio do que com o grau de comprometimento da contratilidade.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether changes in myosin heavy chain (MHC) expression and atrophy in rat skeletal muscle are observed during transition from cardiac hypertrophy to chronic heart failure (CHF) induced by aortic stenosis (AS). AS and control animals were studied 12 and 18 weeks after surgery and when overt CHF had developed in AS animals, 28 weeks after the surgery. The following parameters were studied in the soleus muscle: muscle atrophy index (soleus weight/body weight), muscle fibre diameter and frequency and MHC expression. AS animals presented decreases in both MHC1 and type I fibres and increases in both MHC2a and type IIa fibres during late cardiac hypertrophy and CHF. Type IIa fibre atrophy occurred during CHF. In conclusion, our data demonstrate that skeletal muscle phenotype changes occur in both late cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure; this suggests that attention should be given to the fact that skeletal muscle phenotype changes occur prior to overt heart failure symptoms.
Patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) show metabolic, hemodynamic and skeletal muscle alterations, which decrease the life expectancy. These alterations are attributed to several factors. The focus of this review was to approach the questions related to physiological, metabolic, morphological and molecular alterations which affect the muscular system of these patients. Later, it was discussed the benefits of physical exercise to this syndrome as well as the pharmacological interventions, which are in investigation aiming the treatment of the same. Some muscle alterations are already described on the literature. For example, the more predominance of type II fibers, lower oxidative enzymatic activity, muscle atrophy and elevated concentration of cytokines that affect the muscle integrity. Thus, further studies involving cellular and molecular mechanisms of skeletal muscle in order to create strategies for prevention and treatment for patients with CHF are required
Patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) may develop a wasting syndrome, termed cardiac cachexia. This condition should be diagnosed when weight loss of more than 7.5% of the premorbid normal weight occurs over a time period of more than 6 months. Although the pathophysiologic causes of body wasting in patients with CHF remain unclear, studies have suggested that reduction of the dietary ingestion, intestinal malabsorption of nutrients, increased resting metabolic rates, and humoral neuroendocrine and immunologic abnormalities may play a role. The development of cachexia in the patients with CHF results in clinical symptoms, adverse consequences on the heart, and impaired survival.
Objective: To report the outcome of partial external mitral annuloplasty in dogs with congestive heart failure (CHF) due to mitral regurgitation caused by myxomatous mitral valve degeneration (MMVD). Animals, materials and methods: Nine client-owned dogs with CHF due to mitral regurgitation caused by MMVD. Surgery consisted of a double row of pledget-butressed continuous suture lines placed into the left ventricle parallel and just ventral to the atrioventricular groove between the subsinuosal branch of the left circumflex coronary artery and the paraconal branch of the left coronary artery. Results: Two dogs died during surgery because of severe hemorrhage. Two dogs died 12 and 36 h after surgery because of acute myocardial infarction. Three dogs were euthanized 2 and 4 weeks after surgery because of progression of CHF, 1 was euthanized 30 days after surgery for non-cardiac disease, and 1 survived for 48 months. In the 5 dogs that survived to discharge there was no significant change in the left atrium to aortic ratio with surgery (3.6 ± 0.56 before surgery; 3.1 ± 0.4 after surgery; p = 0.182), and no significant change in mitral regurgitant fraction in 4 dogs in which this measurement was made (78.7 ± 2.0% before surgery; 68.7 ± 7.5% after surgery; p = 0.09). Conclusions: Partial external mitral annuloplasty in dogs with CHF due to MMVD was associated with high perioperative mortality and most dogs that survived to discharge failed to show clinically relevant palliation from this procedure. Consequently, partial external mitral annuloplasty is not a viable option for dogs with mitral regurgitation due to MMVD that has progressed to the stage of CHF. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this minireview we describe the involvement of the atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) in cardiovascular pathophysiology and exercise. The ANP has a broad homeostatic role and exerts complex effects on the cardio-circulatory hemodynamics, it is produced by the left atrium and has a key role in regulating sodium and water balance in mammals and humans. The dominant stimulus for its release is atrial wall tension, commonly caused by exercise. The ANP is involved in the process of lipolysis through a cGMP signaling pathway and, as a consequence, reducing blood pressure by decreasing the sensitivity of vascular smooth muscle to the action of vasoconstrictors and regulate fluid balance. The increase of this hormone is associated with better survival in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). This minireview provides new evidence based on recent studies related to the beneficial effects of exercise in patients with cardiovascular disease, focusing on the ANP. © 2012 de Almeida et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV