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Aldosterone stimulates transepithelial Na+ transport in the toad bladder, and thyroid hormone antagonizes this mineralocorticoid action. In the present study, we assessed the influence of these two hormones on the biosynthesis of (Na+,K+)ATPase, the major driving force of Na+ transport. Rates of enzyme synthesis were estimated by immunoprecipitation with monospecific alpha (96,000 daltons) and beta (60,000 daltons) subunit antibodies. After a 30-min pulse of intact tissue with [35S]methionine, the anti-alpha-serum recognized the 96,000-dalton alpha subunit and the anti-beta-serum, a 42,000-dalton protein, in total cell extracts. The biosynthesis rates of both these proteins were increased 2.8- and 2.4-fold respectively, over controls by 80 nM aldosterone after 18 h of hormone treatment. The hormonal effect was not apparent up to 3 h of incubation and was dose dependent between 0.2 and 20 nM aldosterone. The hormonal induction was antagonized by spironolactone (500-fold excess) but not by amiloride. The action of aldosterone thus seems to be a receptor-mediated process and a primary event independent of the Na+ permeability of the apical membrane. Thyroid hormone, on the other hand, had no effect on either basal or aldosterone-stimulated synthesis rates of both enzyme proteins. The results demonstrate a direct effect of aldosterone on gene expression of the (Na+,K+)-ATPase. Ultimately, this phenomenon could be linked to the late mineralocorticoid action of this hormone. On the other hand, thyroid hormone, in contrast to the situation in mammals, does not stimulate de novo enzyme synthesis in amphibia. Neither can the antimineralocorticoid action of thyroid hormone in the toad bladder be explained by an inhibition of the (Na+,K+)-ATPase synthesis.


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O abacaxi 'IAC Gomo-de-Mel' é uma espécie economicamente importante devido a diversas características sensoriais. Uma das técnicas para obter maior número de plantas é a micropropagação. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a ação do TIBA (ácido 2,3,5-tri-iodobenzoico) na formação de brotos e raízes do abacaxizeiro 'IAC Gomo-de-Mel', assim como possíveis alterações na morfologia de tecidos foliares. Foram utilizados segmentos das gemas da coroa de abacaxi, com aproximadamente 1 cm, oriundos de cultivo em meio líquido, suplementadas com 1,0 mg L-1 BAP+ 0,5 mg L-1 NAA , sendo posteriormente inoculados em meio MS líquido contendo diversas concentrações de TIBA, em condição de luz e temperatura controladas, implantando 3 diferentes experimentos para as análises biométrica, bioquímica e anatômica. Os experimentos foram implantados em delineamento experimental inteiramente ao acaso, com 8 tratamentos, com 4 repetições para as análises biométricas e 5 repetições para a bioquímica e anatômica. Ao final de 60 dias, foram avaliados o número e o comprimento das brotações, o comprimento da planta-mãe e o número de raízes. A análise da atividade de AIA-oxidase foi realizada no dia da instalação do experimento e aos 15; 30; 45 e 60 dias de cultivo. Conclui-se que o TIBA isoladamente não induz brotações. A redução na atividade da AIA-oxidase foi relacionada com a emissão de novas raízes, e o aumento na espessura dos tecidos foliares ocorreu após aplicação exógena de TIBA, em abacaxizeiro in vitro.


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Opinnäytetyöni haasteena oli työstää musiikkikasvatuskansio, joka on tarkoitettu päiväkodissa työskenteleville kasvattajille 3-5 - vuotiaiden lasten musiikkikasvatuksen tukena. Musiikkikasvatuskansion laatimisen idea lähti liikkeelle työyhteisön tarpeesta kehittää osaamistaan musiikkikasvatuksen osa-alueella. Myös tekijän oma kiinnostus musiikkiin sekä ammatillinen kehittyminen musiikkikasvatuksessa loivat ideaa musiikkikasvatuskansion kokoamiselle. Opinnäytetyössäni yhdistyvät käytännön toteutus musiikkikasvatuskansion kautta sekä sen raportointi. Opinnäytetyö on työelämälähtöinen ja käytännönläheinen, jossa osoitan aiheen tietojen ja taitojen hallintaa. Opinnäytetyöni tavoitteena oli käytännön toiminnan ohjeistaminen, opastaminen, toiminnan järjestäminen ja järkeistäminen laatimani musiikkikasvatuskansion pohjalta. Tavoitteena oli, että musiikkikasvatuskansion käyttäjälle hahmottuu teoriassa sekä käytännön esimerkein selkeä kuva musiikkikasvatustoiminnasta ja kynnys musiikin käyttämiseen aktiivisena työvälineenä päiväkodin varhaiskasvatuksessa olisi matalampi. Tavoitteena oli luoda kasvattajalle rohkeutta tarttua musiikin toiminnallisiin menetelmiin, vaikka ei tuntisi musiikkia vahvaksi osa-alueeksi omassa työssään. Musiikkikasvatuskansio sisältää lyhyen teoriaosuuden yleisesti musiikkikasvatuksesta ja sen merkityksestä varhaiskasvatuksessa. Muu osa kansiosta on jaettu kolmeen osioon, joissa on valmiita esimerkkejä musiikkikasvatustoiminnan tueksi sekä niihin liittyvät laulut ja laululeikit nuotteineen. Osiot on jaettu ikävaiheittain 3-4 - vuotiaiden ja 4-5 - vuotiaiden musiikkikasvatukseen sekä yleiseen käytännön osioon, jotta musiikkikasvatuskansio olisi mahdollisimman selkeä, helppokäyttöinen ja monipuolinen.Musiikkikasvatuskansio on suunnattu 3-5 - vuotiaiden lasten musiikkikasvatukseen päiväkodissa, mutta sitä on mahdollisuus soveltaa ja laajentaa koskemaan kaikkia työyhteisössäni toimivia lapsiryhmiä, kuten esimerkiksi erityistä tukea ja kasvatusta tarvitsevat lapset, eri kieli- ja kulttuuritaustaiset lapset sekä alle 3-vuotiaiden lasten musiikkikasvatus.


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C11H11N3O4 , Mr = 249.23, triclinic, , a = 5.453(1), b = 22.873(5), c = 4.893(1) Å, a = 94.47(3), b = 96.36(3), g = 86.27(3)º, V = 603.7(8)ų,Z = 2, Dx = 1.371 Mg/m-3,l(Cu Ka1) = 1.54178Å, m = 0.86mm-1, room temperature. The crystal structure of N-isopropyl-2-cyano-3(5'-nitrofuryl) - acrylamide has been determined by Direct Methods and refined to R = 0.086 for 797 observed reflections. The molecules in the crystal are packed at normal van der Waals forces and by an hydrogen bond between N1-H1...02i (N1...02i: 2.910(1)Å), with i=x,y,z+1).


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The synthesis of ten symmetrically and unsymmetrically substituted 1,3,5-triazines by Phase Transfer Catalysis (PTC) method is described. Their toxicities were determined against Artemia salina Leach. The LD50 values have also been obtained for these compounds.


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The physico-chemical properties and thermal stability in air of Cu(II) 2,3- , 3,5- and 2,6-dimethoxybenzoates were compared and the influence of the position of -OCH3 substituent on their thermal stability was investigated. The complexes are crystalline, hydrated salts with blue colour. The carboxylate ion is a bidentate chelating or bridging group. The thermal stability of analysed Cu(II) dimethoxybenzoates was studied in the temperature range of 293-1173 K. The positions of methoxy- groups in benzene ring influence the thermal properties of studied complexes. Their different thermal properties are markedly connected with the various influence of inductive, mesomeric and steric effects of -OCH3 substituent on the electron density in benzene ring. The magnetic susceptibilities of the complexes were measured over the range of 76-300 K and the magnetic moments were calculated. The results show that they form dimers.


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Complexes of Ni(II) 2,3-, 3,5- and 2,6-dimethoxybenzoates have been synthesized, their physico-chemical properties have been compared and the influence of the position of -OCH3 substituent on their properties investigated. The analysed compounds are crystalline, hydrated salts with green colour. The carboxylate ions show a bidentate chelating or bridging coordination modes. The thermal stabilities of Ni(II) dimethoxybenzoates were investigated in air in the range of 293-1173 K. The complexes decompose in three steps, yelding the NiO as the final product of decomposition. Their solubilities in water at 293 K are in the order of 10-2-10-4 mol×dm-3. The magnetic susceptibilities for the analysed dimethoxybenzoates of Ni(II) were measured over the range of 76-303 K and the magnetic moments were calculated. The results reveal that the complexes are the high-spin ones and the ligands form the weak electrostatic field in the octahedral coordination sphere of the central Ni(II) ion. The various position -OCH3 groups in benzene ring cause the different steric, mesomeric and inductive effects on the electron density in benzene ring.