662 resultados para CERDOS - CRÍA
Análisis de un proyecto de trabajo que pretende solucionar las dificultades pedagógicas existentes para llevar los contenidos y las actividades escolares a los grupos completos de los Colegios Rurales Agrupados. Para ello, se realizan talleres basados en el aprendizaje significativo y en la innovación e investigación educativa. Se desarrolla en el CRA Alonso Quijano de Villaescusa de Haro (Cuenca), en los cursos de Educación Infantil y Primaria.
Seleccionado en la convocatoria: Proyectos de innovación e investigación educativa en centros docentes de niveles no universitarios, Gobierno de Aragón 2012-2013
O estudo visa contribuir para a discussão sobre as oportunidades e os limites para que as Cotas de Reserva Ambiental (CRAs) possam se configurar como valores mobiliários ofertados publicamente, atraindo o interesse de investidores que não estejam direta e operacionalmente interessados em compensar déficit de Reserva Legal.
Public services with an emphasis on rehabilitation treatment of disabled people, as established law, have aimed to ensure quality and equity assistance in a rehabilitation way to the segment highlighted. As for people with physical disabilities, the Unified Health System (hereby SUS) through the directive GM/ MS No. 818 of 2001, requires the creation of hierarchical and regionalized services networks at different levels of complexity to ensure appropriate assistance. This study whose title is Evaluation of effectiveness of the Adult Rehabilitation Center in Rn: elements for a discussion aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of rehabilitation services that institution, reference in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, has directed its patients, more specifically those who have had a stroke and therefore are disabled ones. From the standpoint of methodological conduction, it was prioritized a qualitative and empirical theoretical research which was carried out from the following courses: literature references with authors who are the themes pertaining to rehabilitation, inclusion, public policy evaluation, health policy and disability; documentary research through Regulation of Technical Procedures, files, records, informative booklets that were of great importance to the knowledge of the institution, as well as its functioning and dynamics of field research that was materialized with the managers, rehabilitation staff and Center s users, through the application of semi-structured interviews as a tool for data collection. The information obtained was analyzed from the critical analysis of discourse. As a result, it was identified some technical, administrative and financial difficulties which have obliterated the effectiveness of services provided, such as: lack of many professionals to meet existing demand, poor quality of equipment and the physical structure, limits on autonomy management as a result of dependence along with the SESAP/RN; besides the excessive bureaucratization in the administrative processes compromising Center s problem-solving needs. However, in the narratives of managers, rehabilitation staff of patients, despite the difficulties, treatment made by Centre has effectiveness to the extent that has been contributing even in a limited way to improve their quality of life
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The influence of the type of rotary cutting instrument on bone repair after osteotomy in swine jaw, was evaluated using digital and densitometric radiographic examinations, at controlled times. Two cross-sectional dissections were made through the base of the right jaw, one using a high speed rotary instrument and the other using low speed, both with liquid cooling. After established periods the animals were sacrificed and their jaws removed for direct and indirect digital radiographic and densitometric studies using the CROMOX, DIGORA and ODR systems. In the initial periods (7 and 28 days) the bone density was higher in osteotomy areas performed with high rotation speeds, and in the final periods (60 and 90 days) the bone density was higher in the osteotomies performed with low rotation, indicating a better final bone repair with the use of low rotation. The qualitative analysis of the repair process was made by the ODR system which obtained three-dimensional and coloured digital images, which enable the bone thickness to be measured using an aluminium wedge. This showed that by twenty-eight days the bone repair was already apparently complete. © 2010 SECOM.
Taking into account the bone repair process in pigs has shown a greater similarity among the histological variables studied compared to other biological models, the present study has as its aim to evaluate the histological bone repair process of osteotomy performed on alveolar and extra-alveolar bones, using drilling tools with liquid refrigeration. Material and method: Eighteen Large White pigs weighing between 20 and 25 Kg were divided into three groups of six animals in order to evaluate the osteotomy repairs with low and high speed in the alveolar bone and threes in the extra-alveolar area, study periods of 7, 14 and 28 days. Results: It was observed that in the alveolar bone at the postoperative times of 14 and 28 days, the best repair results were in the osteotomy performed with low speed, while in the 7 day postoperative period, the results with high speed were slightly better, in alveolar areas as well as extra-alveolar areas. There no statistically significant differences between the alveolar and extra-alveolar bone repair process. Conclusions: The repair process, by means of microscopic analysis in the alveolar and extra-alveolar areas, are similar with better results observed in osteotomies performed with low speed drills in the 14 and 28 day study periods, and at 7 days postoperative the results with high speed drills and refrigeration were slightly better. Research works using pigs as an animal model are perfectly viable. © 2011 SECOM.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBRC
Se condujeron dos experimentos para determinar el comportamiento de cerdos en crecimiento, comparando la dieta de maíz-soya con otra de raíz de yuca ensilada con agua o vinaza. Se utilizaron 16 cerdos de cruce comercial alojados en corrales individuales, mediante clasificación simple y dos tratamientos con ocho repeticiones/ tratamiento. En el segundo trabajo se utilizaron 16 animales en similares condiciones, con vinaza para ensilar. No fueron encontradas diferencias significativas para la ganancia diaria (g) y conversión alimentaria (kg kg-1). Se concluye que la raíz de yuca ensilada con agua y yogurt o vinaza, puede sustituir totalmente la energía del maíz para cerdos en crecimiento.
The research aimed to evaluate the relationship between the thermal environment of the rest pens in a pig slaughterhouse and the surface temperature (ST) of the animals as well as the effect of intermittent water spraying on thermal comfort. There were two visits to slaughter industrial being in each selected three pens of rest, one for control treatment (no spray throughout the period) and two for the treatment of intermittent spraying water (30 minutes intervals with constant spray followed by 30 minutes then turned off). Assessments began at the time of discharging animals in which are taken the thermographic images from lots using an infrared thermographic camera. After housing in the pens, were registered the thermographic images and the respiratory frequency (RF) every five minutes for four hours. Were evaluated the temperature, relative humidity and temperature-humidity index (THI). Considering the values of THI was observed that the animals remained in a condition of comfort only at the time of his arrival at the slaughterhouse. The ST and RF of the animals kept in the pens without sprinkler system (control) showed a linear increase in function of time of day, with increasing temperature. The treatment with intermittent sprinkling of water was observed oscillatory behavior of the ST and RF, however it was always lower than the control treatment, even in times when the water sprinklers were turned off. The time required of spray to reduction and stabilization of the ST of the animals was limited to the combination of temperature and relative humidity, being estimated at 25 minutes at times of higher THI. The maximum environmental temperature during evaluation was 28.4 oC.
Premio Extraordinario, Área de Ciencias de la Salud
Las palomas de competición o mensajeras (Columba livia) presentan un comportamiento diferente según sea el periodo del año en el que se encuentren, ya sea durante la muda (septiembre-octubre), la reproducción y cría (noviembre-diciembre) o durante el periodo de competición. Las parejas jóvenes tienen un mayor éxito de cría que las más adultas.
Grapholita molesta (Busck) es considerada plaga principal del duraznero en Mendoza. Sus larvas han sido criadas, en condiciones de laboratorio, con dietas naturales por diversos autores. Los objetivos fueron: 1. poner a punto la cría artificial de la especie; 2. diseñar una jaula para el apareamiento y la oviposición de los adultos; 3. evaluar la eficiencia de la jaula y la dieta larvaria mediante grados día, ciclo biológico, peso de pupas, recuperación de huevoadulto, fecundidad, viabilidad y longevidad. La cría artificial de una especie constituye una herramienta para profundizar sus conocimientos bioetoecológicos y, en consecuencia, aplicarlos en su control. En 1996 se fundó una cría con larvas salvajes alimentadas con manzanas verdes pequeñas del cv. Granny Smith. Los adultos se desarrollaron en una jaula especialmente diseñada. En el ciclo biológico, la recuperación huevo-adulto y la fecundidad se obtuvieron valores superiores a los citados por otros autores pero no ocurrió lo mismo con las otras variables. La cría artificial de Grapholita molesta (Busck) se logró desarrollar por 37 generaciones y la alta fecundidad obtenida es una clave fundamental en el éxito de su mantenimiento.
La provincia de Mendoza tiene una superficie aproximada de 7.000.000 de hectáreas con aptitud ganadera. La zona de mayor concentración y mejores oportunidades ganaderas se encuentra en el sur: General Alvear, San Rafael y Malargüe. En el centro de la llanura mendocina el ambiente es árido; las lluvias, que oscilan entre 250 y 300 mm anuales, se distribuyen en primavera - verano. El suelo es predominantemente arenoso; los suelos franco arenosos se presentan en forma parcial e irregular; existen también algunos sectores salinizados. La vegetación está representada por un estrato leñoso, en el que predomina casi exclusivamente el arbusto, y un estrato herbáceo. En la provincia de Mendoza la cría de bovinos se realiza en condiciones extensivas, teniendo como principal alimento los recursos forrajeros naturales. En consecuencia, es necesario tener presente la variación anual de estos recursos en cuanto a su calidad y cantidad. La producción de ganado en pasturas naturales de Mendoza es un negocio riesgoso. El productor debe lograr un balance entre productividad, estabilidad y sostenibilidad.
El control biológico aumentativo de Diatrae saccharalis Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) requiere la cría masiva del parasitoide Cotesia flavipes Cameron (Braconidae: Microgastrinae) y por ello, es necesario el desarrollo de dietas artificiales eficientes. El objetivo fue examinar los efectos de distintos tipos de dieta sobre parámetros biológicos de D. saccharalis y su impacto en la producción de cocones de C. flavipes. Se sembraron 46136 huevos de D. saccharalis en once combinaciones de dietas artificiales, con dos tipos de harinas y tres tipos de antibióticos. Los resultados mostraron que la composición de la dieta afectó los parámetros biológicos de ambas especies. La mayor eficiencia en la cría se obtuvo con el empleo de combinaciones de harina de poroto y ampicilina. Sin embargo, si se considera la relación entre costos de producción y parámetros biológicos, la dieta con harina de poroto, oxitetraciclina y estreptomicina resulta más adecuada para la cría masiva.