922 resultados para CELLULAR-AUTOMATA
We introduce a conceptual model for the in-plane physics of an earthquake fault. The model employs cellular automaton techniques to simulate tectonic loading, earthquake rupture, and strain redistribution. The impact of a hypothetical crustal elastodynamic Green's function is approximated by a long-range strain redistribution law with a r(-p) dependance. We investigate the influence of the effective elastodynamic interaction range upon the dynamical behaviour of the model by conducting experiments with different values of the exponent (p). The results indicate that this model has two distinct, stable modes of behaviour. The first mode produces a characteristic earthquake distribution with moderate to large events preceeded by an interval of time in which the rate of energy release accelerates. A correlation function analysis reveals that accelerating sequences are associated with a systematic, global evolution of strain energy correlations within the system. The second stable mode produces Gutenberg-Richter statistics, with near-linear energy release and no significant global correlation evolution. A model with effectively short-range interactions preferentially displays Gutenberg-Richter behaviour. However, models with long-range interactions appear to switch between the characteristic and GR modes. As the range of elastodynamic interactions is increased, characteristic behaviour begins to dominate GR behaviour. These models demonstrate that evolution of strain energy correlations may occur within systems with a fixed elastodynamic interaction range. Supposing that similar mode-switching dynamical behaviour occurs within earthquake faults then intermediate-term forecasting of large earthquakes may be feasible for some earthquakes but not for others, in alignment with certain empirical seismological observations. Further numerical investigation of dynamical models of this type may lead to advances in earthquake forecasting research and theoretical seismology.
Each year, more than 500 motorized vessel groundings cause widespread damage to seagrasses in Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS). Under Section 312 of the National Marine Sanctuaries Act (NMSA), any party responsible for the loss, injury, or destruction of any Sanctuary resource, including seagrass, is liable to the United States for response costs and resulting damages. As part of the damage assessment process, a cellular automata model is utilized to forecast seagrass recovery rates. Field validation of these forecasts was accomplished by comparing model-predicted percent recovery to that which was observed to be occurring naturally for 30 documented vessel grounding sites. Model recovery forecasts for both Thalassia testudinum and Syringodium filiforme exceeded natural recovery estimates for 93.1% and 89.5% of the sites, respectively. For Halodule wrightii, the number of over- and under-predictions by the model was similar. However, where under-estimation occurred, it was often severe, reflecting the well-known extraordinary growth potential of this opportunistic species. These preliminary findings indicate that the recovery model is consistently generous to Responsible Parties in that the model forecasts a much faster recovery than was observed to occur naturally, particularly for T. testudinum, the dominant seagrass species in the region and the species most often affected. Environmental setting (i.e., location, wave exposure) influences local seagrass landscape pattern and may also play a role in the recovery dynamics for a particular injury site. An examination of the relationship between selected environmental factors and injury recovery dynamics is currently underway. (PDF file contains 20 pages.)
142 p.
Desde os primórdios da humanidade, a descoberta do método de processamento cerebral do som, e consequentemente da música, fazem parte do imaginário humano. Portanto, as pesquisas relacionadas a este processo constituem um dos mais vastos campos de estudos das áreas de ciências. Dentre as inúmeras tentativas para compreensão do processamento biológico do som, o ser humano inventou o processo automático de composição musical, com o intuito de aferir a possibilidade da realização de composições musicais de qualidade sem a imposição sentimental, ou seja, apenas com a utilização das definições e estruturas de música existentes. Este procedimento automático de composição musical, também denominado música aleatória ou música do acaso, tem sido vastamente explorado ao longo dos séculos, já tendo sido utilizado por alguns dos grandes nomes do cenário musical, como por exemplo, Mozart. Os avanços nas áreas de engenharia e computação permitiram a evolução dos métodos utilizados para composição de música aleatória, tornando a aplicação de autômatos celulares uma alternativa viável para determinação da sequência de execução de notas musicais e outros itens utilizados durante a composição deste tipo de música. Esta dissertação propõe uma arquitetura para geração de música harmonizada a partir de intervalos melódicos determinados por autômatos celulares, implementada em hardware reconfigurável do tipo FPGA. A arquitetura proposta possui quatro tipos de autômatos celulares, desenvolvidos através dos modelos de vizinhança unidimensional de Wolfram, vizinhança bidimensional de Neumann, vizinhança bidimensional Moore e vizinhança tridimensional de Neumann, que podem ser combinados de 16 formas diferentes para geração de melodias. Os resultados do processamento realizado pela arquitetura proposta são melodias no formato .mid, compostas através da utilização de dois autômatos celulares, um para escolha das notas e outro para escolha dos instrumentos a serem emulados, de acordo com o protocolo MIDI. Para tal esta arquitetura é formada por três unidades principais, a unidade divisor de frequência, que é responsável pelo sincronismo das tarefas executadas pela arquitetura, a unidade de conjunto de autômatos celulares, que é responsável pelo controle e habilitação dos autômatos celulares, e a unidade máquina MIDI, que é responsável por organizar os resultados de cada iteração corrente dos autômatos celulares e convertê-los conforme a estrutura do protocolo MIDI, gerando-se assim o produto musical. A arquitetura proposta é parametrizável, de modo que a configuração dos dados que influenciam no produto musical gerado, como por exemplo, a definição dos conjuntos de regras para os autômatos celulares habilitados, fica a cargo do usuário, não havendo então limites para as combinações possíveis a serem realizadas na arquitetura. Para validação da funcionalidade e aplicabilidade da arquitetura proposta, alguns dos resultados obtidos foram apresentados e detalhados através do uso de técnicas de obtenção de informação musical.
A região Centro-Oeste do Brasil tornou-se nos últimos 40 anos grande produtora de grãos e carne bovina. As condições edafoclimáticas, o sistema de manejo do solo e o descumprimento de leis ambientais trouxeram conseqüências drásticas à região como o agravamento do processo hídrico erosivo, principalmente na Bacia do Alto Taquari (BAT). Cerca de 90% da BAT localiza-se na porção norte do estado de Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), porém os efeitos do transporte de sedimentos e volume de água são refletidos a jusante dos rios, na Bacia do Pantanal. Utilizando-se pressupostos do Painel Intergovernamental de Mudanças Climáticas (IPCC) foram estabelecidos cenários de mudanças climáticas na Bacia do Alto Taquari, visando identificar áreas com maior vulnerabilidade ao processo erosivo em função de pressões de uso da terra. Usando a modelagem dinâmica no TerraME (Environment Modeling) foram gerados cenários topopluviais até 2100, considerando-se para a temperatura do ar média anual um aumento de 1C, em cenário otimista e, em pessimista, elevações térmicas de 3C. Para a precipitação pluvial média anual um cenário foi com aumento de 15% e outro com reduções de 15%. Os dados foram espacializados no ArcGis 9.2 e exportados para o TerraView 3.2, criando-se espaços celulares e integrando-se com as informações do modelo digital do terreno do Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) para geração dos mapas topoclimáticos e simulações de cenários no TerraMe. Os resultados apontam que 85% da área da BAT nas condições atuais as temperaturas médias variam entre 23,6 a 25,7C. As simulações térmicas no cenário otimista indicam que em 40 anos as temperaturas tendem a superar o maior limite térmico médio nas áreas ao longo do rio Taquari, no sentido Oeste-Leste. Esses valores evidenciam elevações nas taxas evapotranspiratórias de matas ciliares, indicando reduções na vazão do Taquari. Em cenário pessimista essas temperaturas antecipam sua ocorrência, em um prazo de 20 anos. Os cenários com acréscimo de 15% na precipitação pluvial mostram aumentos no volume de água precipitada na parte norte da Bacia, região mais vulnerável aos problemas de erosão hídrica. Cenários do regime térmico-hídrico apontam áreas mais sensíveis às mudanças climáticas na parte oeste da BAT e impactos ambientais também na Bacia do Pantanal. Conclui-se que o TerraME é indicado para gerar cenários de mudanças climáticas em bacias hidrográficas.
Predicting and averting the spread of invasive species is a core focus of resource managers in all ecosystems. Patterns of invasion are difficult to forecast, compounded by a lack of user-friendly species distribution model (SDM) tools to help managers focus control efforts. This paper presents a web-based cellular automata hybrid modeling tool developed to study the invasion pattern of lionfish (Pterois volitans/miles) in the western Atlantic and is a natural extension our previous lionfish study. Our goal is to make publically available this hybrid SDM tool and demonstrate both a test case (P. volitans/miles) and a use case (Caulerpa taxifolia). The software derived from the model, titled Invasionsoft, is unique in its ability to examine multiple default or user-defined parameters, their relation to invasion patterns, and is presented in a rich web browser-based GUI with integrated results viewer. The beta version is not species-specific and includes a default parameter set that is tailored to the marine habitat. Invasionsoft is provided as copyright protected freeware at http://www.invasionsoft.com.
Subhayan Sen等人提出了一个基于细胞自动机的分组密码系统(cellular automata based cryptosystem,简称CAC),但并没有给出CAC的某些构造模块的细节描述,从应用角度考虑,将其中的一个模块固定得到CAC的变形--SMCAC(samemajor-CACAC).对SMCAC进行密码分析,结果表明,CAC的这种变形在选择明文攻击下是极不安全的.对SMCAC进行分析的意义在于,知道CAC的具体设计细节以后,借鉴对SMCAC的分析,有可能对CAC密码系统本身的安全性造成威胁.
Spatial relations, reflecting the complex association between geographical phenomena and environments, are very important in the solution of geographical issues. Different spatial relations can be expressed by indicators which are useful for the analysis of geographical issues. Urbanization, an important geographical issue, is considered in this paper. The spatial relationship indicators concerning urbanization are expressed with a decision table. Thereafter, the spatial relationship indicator rules are extracted based on the application of rough set theory. The extraction process of spatial relationship indicator rules is illustrated with data from the urban and rural areas of Shenzhen and Hong Kong, located in the Pearl River Delta. Land use vector data of 1995 and 2000 are used. The extracted spatial relationship indicator rules of 1995 are used to identify the urban and rural areas in Zhongshan, Zhuhai and Macao. The identification accuracy is approximately 96.3%. Similar procedures are used to extract the spatial relationship indicator rules of 2000 for the urban and rural areas in Zhongshan, Zhuhai and Macao. An identification accuracy of about 83.6% is obtained.
Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) technology is a promising potential alternative to CMOS technology. To explore the characteristics of QCA and suitable design methodologies, digital circuit design approaches have been investigated. Due to the inherent wire delay in QCA, pipelined architectures appear to be a particularly suitable design technique. Also, because of the pipeline nature of QCA technology, it is not suitable for complicated control system design. Systolic arrays take advantage of pipelining, parallelism and simple local control. Therefore, an investigation into these architectures in QCA technology is provided in this paper. Two case studies, (a matrix multiplier and a Galois Field multiplier) are designed and analyzed based on both multilayer and coplanar crossings. The performance of these two types of interconnections are compared and it is found that even though coplanar crossings are currently more practical, they tend to occupy a larger design area and incur slightly more delay. A general semi-conductor QCA systolic array design methodology is also proposed. It is found that by applying a systolic array structure in QCA design, significant benefits can be achieved particularly with large systolic arrays, even more so than when applied in CMOS-based technology.
This Integration Insight provides a brief overview of the most popular modelling techniques used to analyse complex real-world problems, as well as some less popular but highly relevant techniques. The modelling methods are divided into three categories, with each encompassing a number of methods, as follows: 1) Qualitative Aggregate Models (Soft Systems Methodology, Concept Maps and Mind Mapping, Scenario Planning, Causal (Loop) Diagrams), 2) Quantitative Aggregate Models (Function fitting and Regression, Bayesian Nets, System of differential equations / Dynamical systems, System Dynamics, Evolutionary Algorithms) and 3) Individual Oriented Models (Cellular Automata, Microsimulation, Agent Based Models, Discrete Event Simulation, Social Network
Analysis). Each technique is broadly described with example uses, key attributes and reference material.
Les changements climatiques prennent une importance grandissante dans l’étude des phénomènes spatiaux à grande échelle. Plusieurs experts affirment que les changements climatiques seront un des principaux moteurs de changement écologique dans les prochaines décennies et que leurs conséquences seront inévitables. Ces changements se manifesteront sur le milieu physique par la fonte des calottes glaciaires, le dégel du pergélisol, l’instabilité des versants montagneux en zone de pergélisol, l’augmentation de l’intensité, de la sévérité et de la fréquence des événements climatiques extrêmes tels les feux de forêt. Les changements climatiques se manifesteront aussi sur le milieu biologique, tel la modification de la durée de la saison végétative, l’augmentation des espèces exotiques invasives et les changements dans la distribution en espèces vivantes. Deux aspects sont couverts par cette étude : 1) les changements dans la répartition spatiale de 39 espèces d’oiseaux et 2) les modifications dans les patrons spatiaux des feux, en forêt boréale québécoise, tous deux dans l’horizon climatique de 2100. Une approche de modélisation statistique démontre que la répartition spatiale des oiseaux de la forêt boréale est fortement liée à des variables bioclimatiques (R2adj = 0.53). Ces résultats permettent d’effectuer des modélisations bioclimatiques pour le gros-bec errant et la mésange à tête noire quivoient une augmentation de la limite nordique de distribution de l’espèce suivant l’intensité du réchauffement climatique. Finalement, une modélisation spatialement explicite par automate cellulaire permet de démontrer comment les changements climatiques induiront une augmentation dans la fréquence de feux de forêt et dans la superficie brûlée en forêt boréale du Québec.
In this thesis I present a language for instructing a sheet of identically-programmed, flexible, autonomous agents (``cells'') to assemble themselves into a predetermined global shape, using local interactions. The global shape is described as a folding construction on a continuous sheet, using a set of axioms from paper-folding (origami). I provide a means of automatically deriving the cell program, executed by all cells, from the global shape description. With this language, a wide variety of global shapes and patterns can be synthesized, using only local interactions between identically-programmed cells. Examples include flat layered shapes, all plane Euclidean constructions, and a variety of tessellation patterns. In contrast to approaches based on cellular automata or evolution, the cell program is directly derived from the global shape description and is composed from a small number of biologically-inspired primitives: gradients, neighborhood query, polarity inversion, cell-to-cell contact and flexible folding. The cell programs are robust, without relying on regular cell placement, global coordinates, or synchronous operation and can tolerate a small amount of random cell death. I show that an average cell neighborhood of 15 is sufficient to reliably self-assemble complex shapes and geometric patterns on randomly distributed cells. The language provides many insights into the relationship between local and global descriptions of behavior, such as the advantage of constructive languages, mechanisms for achieving global robustness, and mechanisms for achieving scale-independent shapes from a single cell program. The language suggests a mechanism by which many related shapes can be created by the same cell program, in the manner of D'Arcy Thompson's famous coordinate transformations. The thesis illuminates how complex morphology and pattern can emerge from local interactions, and how one can engineer robust self-assembly.
Estado situacional de los modelos basados en agentes y su impacto en la investigación organizacional
En un mundo hiperconectado, dinámico y cargado de incertidumbre como el actual, los métodos y modelos analíticos convencionales están mostrando sus limitaciones. Las organizaciones requieren, por tanto, herramientas útiles que empleen tecnología de información y modelos de simulación computacional como mecanismos para la toma de decisiones y la resolución de problemas. Una de las más recientes, potentes y prometedoras es el modelamiento y la simulación basados en agentes (MSBA). Muchas organizaciones, incluidas empresas consultoras, emplean esta técnica para comprender fenómenos, hacer evaluación de estrategias y resolver problemas de diversa índole. Pese a ello, no existe (hasta donde conocemos) un estado situacional acerca del MSBA y su aplicación a la investigación organizacional. Cabe anotar, además, que por su novedad no es un tema suficientemente difundido y trabajado en Latinoamérica. En consecuencia, este proyecto pretende elaborar un estado situacional sobre el MSBA y su impacto sobre la investigación organizacional.
We performed Monte Carlo simulations to investigate the steady-state critical behavior of a one-dimensional contact process with an aperiodic distribution of rates of transition. As in the presence of randomness, spatial fluctuations can lead to changes of critical behavior. For sufficiently weak fluctuations, we give numerical evidence to show that there is no departure from the universal critical behavior of the underlying uniform model. For strong spatial fluctuations, the analysis of the data indicates a change of critical universality class.