972 resultados para CD4-Positive T-Lymphocytes


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fatores de risco e formas de transmissão do Vírus da Imunodeficiência humana (HIV) e o Vírus da hepatite B (VHB) são freqüentemente os mesmos, o qual explica a alta freqüência de co-infecção envolvendo esses dois agentes. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estimar a prevalência da infecção pelo VHB, analisar possíveis fatores de risco bem como examinar a associação entre a contagem de linfócitos T CD4+, CD8+ e carga viral plasmática em 129 portadores do HIV. Cada participante foi submetido a um questionário específico e tinha uma amostra de sangue testada para os marcadores sorológicos HBsAg, anti-HBc total, anti-HBs, contagem de linfócitos T CD4+, CD8+ e carga viral plasmática. A prevalência total de marcadores para o VHB foi de 46,5%, com 3,1% de soropositividade para o HBsAg, 27,1% para o anti-HBc total e 36,4% para o anti-HBs. Após ajuste por regressão logística, os marcadores sorológicos para hepatite B foram associados com as seguintes variáveis: sexo, preferência sexual e escolaridade. A freqüência de marcadores para hepatite B foi de 39,1% em homens e 16,6% em mulheres. A prevalência de marcadores para hepatite B foi 14,4% em homo/bissexuais e 15,4% em heterossexuais. A menor freqüência de hepatite B (1%) foi encontrada em pessoas com nível superior de escolaridade. Não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significante entre contagem de linfócitos CD4+, CD8+ e carga viral plasmática em pacientes co-infectados com VHB comparados com aqueles pacientes infectados somente com HIV.


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A estimativa de pessoas vivendo com HIV-1 no Brasil, até junho de 2008, é de 432.890 casos, sendo que 3% destes residem na região Norte. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo descrever o perfil nutricional de portadores do HIV-1 no Estado do Pará e sua correlação com fatores da dieta usual, aspectos demográficos, sociais e laboratoriais que possam estar influenciando a sua qualidade de vida. O grupo populacional constou de 58 indivíduos, atendidos na Unidade de Referência Especializada em Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias Especiais (URE-DIPE) e avaliados longitudinalmente (19 meses). Houve predominância do sexo masculino, na faixa etária entre 20 e 50 anos e com escolaridade menor que 8 anos. O perfil antropométrico da maioria, com relação ao peso corporal (% peso atual, % peso usual e IMC) mostrou eutrofia, porém quando avaliadas as reservas de gordura (prega cutânea triciptal, PCT) e proteínas (circunferência braquial, CB e circunferência muscular braquial, CMB), a maioria mostrou desnutrição. A contagem de linfócitos T CD4+ foi maior do que 350 células/mm³ e a carga viral, menor do que 10.000 cópias/mL. Níveis de colesterol total, LDL-colesterol, triglicerídeos, glicemia, ferro sérico e hemograma encontravam-se dentro dos padrões de referência, mas não o de HDL-colesterol. A correlaçãodos resultados laboratoriais com o estado nutricional mostrou significância estatística em pelo menos uma variável antropométrica (CMB), a exceção da contagem de linfócitos T CD4+ e triglicerídeos. O uso da TARV foi observado em 83% do grupo, no entanto, não houve correlação com o perfil nutricional. A dieta usual mostrou equilíbrio qualitativo (normoproteica, normoglicídica e normolipídica), porém insuficiente quantitativamente (hipocalórica). A correlação entre a alimentação utilizada e o perfil nutricional mostrou diferença estatística apenas quando associada ao consumo de proteínas e carboidratos.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objective: To investigate the significance of cellular immune markers, as well as that of collagen and elastic components of the extracellular matrix, within granulomatous structures in biopsies of patients with pulmonary or extrapulmonary sarcoidosis. Methods: We carried out qualitative and quantitative evaluations of inflammatory cells, collagen fibers, and elastic fibers in granulomatous structures in surgical biopsies of 40 patients with pulmonary and extrapulmonary sarcoidosis using histomorphometry, immunohistochemistry, picrosirius red staining, and Weigert's resorcin-fuchsin staining. Results: The extrapulmonary tissue biopsies presented significantly higher densities of lymphocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils than did the lung tissue biopsies. Pulmonary granulomas showed a significantly higher number of collagen fibers and a lower density of elastic fibers than did extrapulmonary granulomas. The amount of macrophages in the lung samples correlated with FVC (p < 0.05), whereas the amount of CD3+, CD4+, and CD8+ lymphocytes correlated with the FEV1/FVC ratio and VC. There were inverse correlations between TLC and the CD1a+ cell count (p < 0.05), as well as between DLCO and collagen/elastic fiber density (r = -0.90; p = 0.04). Conclusions: Immunophenotyping and remodeling both showed differences between pulmonary and extrapulmonary sarcoidosis in terms of the characteristics of the biopsy samples. These differences correlated with the clinical and spirometric data obtained for the patients, suggesting that two different pathways are involved in the mechanism of antigen clearance, which was more effective in the lungs and lymph nodes.


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Primary varicella-zoster virus (VZV) infection during childhood leads to varicella commonly known as chickenpox. After primary infection has occurred VZV establishes latency in the host. During subsequent lifetime the virus can cause reactivated infection clinically known as herpes zoster or shingles. In immunodeficient patients’ dissemination of the virus can lead to life-threatening disease. Withdrawal of acyclovir drug prophylaxis puts allogeneic hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation (HSCT) patients at increased risk for herpes zoster as long as VZV-specific cellular immunity is impaired. Although an efficient live attenuated VZV vaccine for zoster prophylaxis exists, it is not approved in immunocompromised patients due to safety reasons. Knowledge of immunogenic VZV proteins would allow designing a noninfectious nonhazardous subunit vaccine suitable for patients with immunodeficiencies. The objective of this study was to identify T cell defined virus proteins of a VZV-infected Vero cell extract that we have recently described as a reliable antigen format for interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot (ELISpot) assays (Distler et al. 2008). We first separated the VZV-infected/-uninfected Vero cell extracts by size filtration and reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). The collected fractions were screened for VZV reactivity with peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of VZV-seropositive healthy individuals in the sensitive IFN-γ ELISpot assay. Using this strategy, we successfully identified bioactive fractions that contained immunogenic VZV material. VZV immune reactivity was mediated by CD4+ memory T lymphocytes (T cells) of VZV-seropositive healthy individuals as demonstrated in experiments with HLA blockade antibodies and T cell subpopulations already published by Distler et al. We next analyzed the bioactive fractions with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) techniques and identified the sequences of three VZV-derived proteins: glycoprotein E (gE); glycoprotein B (gB), and immediate early protein 62 (IE62). Complementary DNA of these identified proteins was used to generate in vitro transcribed RNA for effective expression in PBMCs by electroporation. We thereby established a reliable and convenient IFN-γ ELISPOT approach to screen PBMCs of healthy donors and HSCT patients for T cell reactivity to single full-length VZV proteins. Application in 10 VZV seropositive healthy donors demonstrated much stronger recognition of glycoproteins gE and gB compared to IE62. In addition, monitoring experiments with ex vivo PBMCs of 3 allo-HSCT patients detected strongly increased CD4+ T cell responses to gE and gB for several weeks to months after zoster onset, while IE62 reactivity remained moderate. Overall our results show for the first time that VZV glycoproteins gE and gB are major targets of the post-transplant anti-zoster CD4+ T cell response. The screening approach introduced herein may help to select VZV proteins recognized by memory CD4+ T cells for inclusion in a subunit vaccine, which can be safely used for zoster prophylaxis in immunocompromised HSCT patients.


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Während der Schwangerschaft kommt es häufig zu einer spontanen Verbesserung von klinischen Symptomen der autoimmunen Hepatitis und anderen Th1-vermittelten Autoimmunerkrankungen. Die Gründe hierfür sind bis heute noch nicht vollständig aufgeklärt. Eines der wichtigsten Hormone in der Schwangerschaft ist das humane Choriogonadotropin (hCG), welches schon in der frühen Schwangerschaft eine entscheidende Rolle spielt. Es sorgt für die Stimulation des Corpus luteums, wodurch es zur Ausschüttung von Progesteron kommt und somit die Einnistung der Blastozyte gewährleistet und die Abstoßung des Embryos verhindert wird. In dieser Arbeit wurden Effekt und Signalweg von hCG in primären murinen und humanen Hepatozyten sowie in Mausmodellen mit T-Zell-abhängigem Leberschaden untersucht. hCG führte sowohl bei akuten als auch bei chronischen Leberschäden zu einer drastischen Senkung der Aspartat-Aminotransferase, einem Indikator für Lebererkrankungen. Die Histologie der Leber hCG-behandelter Tiere wies außerdem signifikant weniger apoptotische Zellen und eine deutliche Reduktion infiltrierender CD4+ T-Zellen auf. Die Analyse des hCG-Signalweges zeigte, dass hCG die Langlebigkeitsproteine Foxo3a und Sirt1 reguliert. Die Aktivierung des PI3-Kinase/Akt-Signalweges durch hCG führte zu einem Transport des Transkriptionsfaktors Foxo3a aus dem Zellkern, wodurch die proapoptotischen Zielgene Bim und Puma nicht mehr transkribiert werden können. Eine zusätzliche Hemmung von Foxo3a erfolgte durch die Aktivierung der Deacetylase Sirt1, indem diese phosphoryliert wird und in den Zellkern transloziert. In weiteren Untersuchungen wurde der immunsuppressive Effekt von hCG näher betrachtet. Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass hCG effektiv die proteolytische Aktivität der Caspase-3 in Hepatozyten hemmt, wodurch die Ausschüttung der biologisch aktiven Form von Interleukin-16, einem chemotaktischen Faktor für CD4+ Zellen, herabgesetzt wird. Dadurch wird die Leber erfolgreich vor der Infiltration durch autoaggressive CD4+ Zellen geschützt. IL-16 spielt bei vielen inflammatorischen Krankheiten eine Rolle, was auch in dieser Arbeit durch den Nachweis hoher IL-16-Konzentrationen in Seren von Patienten mit autoimmuner Hepatitis bestätigt werden konnte. Die in dieser Studie beschriebene Wirkung von hCG und die Tatsache, dass hCG ein bereits bewährtes und auf Nebenwirkungen getestetes Medikament bei Infertilität ist, macht es zu einem idealen Kandidaten für immunsuppressive Therapieansätze bei akuten und chronisch entzündlichen Lebererkrankungen.


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BACKGROUND The treatment and outcomes of patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-associated Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) continue to evolve. The International Prognostic Score (IPS) is used to predict the survival of patients with advanced-stage HL, but it has not been validated in patients with HIV infection. METHODS This was a multi-institutional, retrospective study of 229 patients with HIV-associated, advanced-stage, classical HL who received doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine (ABVD) plus combination antiretroviral therapy. Their clinical characteristics were presented descriptively, and multivariate analyses were performed to identify the factors that were predictive of response and prognostic of progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS). RESULTS The overall and complete response rates to ABVD in patients with HIV-associated HL were 91% and 83%, respectively. After a median follow-up of 5 years, the 5-year PFS and OS rates were 69% and 78%, respectively. In multivariate analyses, there was a trend toward an IPS score >3 as an adverse factor for PFS (hazard ratio [HR], 1.49; P=.15) and OS (HR, 1.84; P=.06). A cluster of differentiation 4 (CD4)-positive (T-helper) cell count <200 cells/μL was associated independently with both PFS (HR, 2.60; P=.002) and OS (HR, 2.04; P=.04). The CD4-positive cell count was associated with an increased incidence of death from other causes (HR, 2.64; P=.04) but not with death from HL-related causes (HR, 1.55; P=.32). CONCLUSIONS The current results indicate excellent response and survival rates in patients with HIV-associated, advanced-stage, classical HL who receive ABVD and combination antiretroviral therapy as well as the prognostic value of the CD4-positive cell count at the time of lymphoma diagnosis for PFS and OS. Cancer 2014. © 2014 American Cancer Society.


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Interleukin 10 (IL-10) is a recently described natural endogenous immunosuppressive cytokine that has been identified in human, murine, and other organisms. Human IL-10 (hIL-10) has high homology with murine IL-10 (mIL-10) as well as with an Epstein–Barr virus genome product BCRFI. This viral IL-10 (vIL-10) shares a number of activities with hIL-10. IL-10 significantly affects chemokine biology, because human IL-10 inhibits chemokine production and is a specific chemotactic factor for CD8+ T cells. It suppresses the ability of CD4+ T cells, but not CD8+ T cells, to migrate in response to IL-8. A nonapeptide (IT9302) with complete homology to a sequence of hIL-10 located in the C-terminal portion (residues 152–160) of the cytokine was found to possess activities that mimic some of those of hIL-10. These are: (i) inhibition of IL-1β-induced IL-8 production by peripheral blood mononuclear cell, (ii) inhibition of spontaneous IL-8 production by cultured human monocytes, (iii) induction of IL-1 receptor antagonistic protein production by human monocytes, (iv) induction of chemotactic migration of CD8+ human T lymphocytes in vitro, (v) desensitization of human CD8+ T cells resulting in an unresponsiveness toward rhIL-10-induced chemotaxis, (vi) suppression of the chemotactic response of CD4+ T human lymphocytes toward IL-8, (vii) induction of IL-4 production by cultured normal human CD4+ T cells, (viii) down-regulation of tumor necrosis factor-α production by CD8+ T cells, and (ix) inhibition of class II major histocompatibility complex antigen expression on IFN-γ-stimulated human monocytes. Another nonapeptide (IT9403) close to the NH2-terminal part of hIL-10 did not reveal cytokine synthesis inhibitory properties, but proved to be a regulator of mast cell proliferation. In conclusion, we have identified two functional domains of IL-10 exerting different IL-10 like activities, an observation that suggests that relatively small segments of these signal proteins are responsible for particular biological functions.


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The long-term kinetics of T cell production following highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) were investigated in blood and lymph node in a group of HIV-infected subjects at early stage of established infection and prospectively studied for 72 wk. Before HAART, CD4 and CD8 T cell turnover was increased. However, the total number of proliferating CD4+ T lymphocytes, i.e., CD4+Ki67+ T lymphocytes, was not significantly different in HIV-infected (n = 73) and HIV-negative (n = 15) subjects, whereas proliferating CD8+Ki67+ T lymphocytes were significantly higher in HIV-infected subjects. After HAART, the total body number of proliferating CD4+Ki67+ T lymphocytes increased over time and was associated with an increase of both naive and memory CD4+ T cells. The maximal increase (2-fold) was observed at week 36, whereas at week 72 the number of proliferating CD4+ T cells dropped to baseline levels, i.e., before HAART. The kinetics of the fraction of proliferating CD4 and CD8 T cells were significantly correlated with the changes in the total body number of these T cell subsets. These results demonstrate a direct relationship between ex vivo measures of T cell production and quantitative changes in total body T lymphocyte populations. This study provides advances in the delineation of the kinetics of T cell production in HIV infection in the presence and/or in the absence of HAART.


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DC-SIGN, a C-type lectin expressed on the surface of dendritic cells (DCs), efficiently binds and transmits HIVs and simian immunodeficiency viruses to susceptible cells in trans. A DC-SIGN homologue, termed DC-SIGNR, has recently been described. Herein we show that DC-SIGNR, like DC-SIGN, can bind to multiple strains of HIV-1, HIV-2, and simian immunodeficiency virus and transmit these viruses to both T cell lines and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Binding of virus to DC-SIGNR was dependent on carbohydrate recognition. Immunostaining with a DC-SIGNR-specific antiserum showed that DC-SIGNR was expressed on sinusoidal endothelial cells in the liver and on endothelial cells in lymph node sinuses and placental villi. The presence of this efficient virus attachment factor on multiple endothelial cell types indicates that DC-SIGNR could play a role in the vertical transmission of primate lentiviruses, in the enabling of HIV to traverse the capillary endothelium in some organs, and in the presentation of virus to CD4-positive cells in multiple locations including lymph nodes.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is a naturally occurring lentivirus of domestic cats, which shares many similarities with its human counterpart, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). FIV infects its main target cell, the CD4+ T lymphocyte, via interactions with its primary receptor CD134 (an activation marker expressed on activated CD4+ T lymphocytes), and, the chemokine receptor CXCR4. According to the different ways in which FIV isolates interact with CD134, FIV may be categorised into two groups. The first group contains strains that tend to dominate during the earlier phase of infection, such as GL8 and CPG41. These strains are characterized by their requirement for an additional interaction with the second cysteine rich domain (CRD2) of the CD134 molecule and are classified as “CRD2-dependent” strains. The second group, on the other hand, contains either laboratory-adapted isolates or isolates that emerge after several years of infection, such as PPR or the GL8 variants that emerged in cats 6 years post experimental infection and were studied in this thesis. These isolates are designated “CRD2-independent” as they can infect target cells without interacting with CRD2 of the CD134 molecule. This study provides the first evidence that FIV compartmentalisation is related to FIV-CD134 usage and the tissue availability of CD134+ target cells. In tissue compartments containing high levels of CD134+ cells such as peripheral blood and lymph nodes, CRD2-dependent viruses predominated, whereas CRD2-independent viruses predominated in compartments with fewer CD134+ cells, such as the thymus. The dynamics of CD4+CD134+ T lymphocytes at different stages of FIV infection were also described. The levels of CD4+CD134+ T lymphocytes, which were very high in the early phase, gradually decreased in the later phase of infection. The dynamics of CD4+CD134+ T lymphocyte numbers appeared to correlate with FIV tropism switching, as more CRD2-independent viruses were isolated from cats in the late phase of infection. Moreover, it was observed that pseudotypes bearing Envs of CRD2-dependent variants infected CD134+ target cells more efficiently than pseudotypes bearing Envs of CRD2-independent variants, confirming the selective advantage of CRD2-dependent variants in environments with high levels of CD134+ target cells. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that target cell types and numbers, as well as their dynamics, play important roles in the selection and expansion of FIV variants within the viral quasispecies. Improved understanding of the roles of target cells in FIV transmission and pathogenesis will provide important information required for the development of an improved, more successful protective FIV vaccine and will provide insight into the development of effective vaccines against other lentiviral infections such as HIV.


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BACKGROUND: Histiocytic sarcoma (HS) is a rare hematologic neoplasm with a few hundred cases having been described to date.