935 resultados para CATIONIC SURFACTANTS
Langmuir monolayer films of the tetracationic porphyrin tetrakis(octadecyl-4-pyridin ium)porphyrinatozinc(II) bromide on various salt containing subphases were analyzed using surface pressure-area isotherms and X-ray reflectivity. The use of these complementary techniques showed that the porphyrin molecules undergo changes in conformation upon compression. Two main phases were identified, one in which the porphyrin moiety is parallel to the subphase and one in which the porphyrin moiety is tilted out of the plane. The addition of different salts into the subphase brought about changes in film behaviour, which are explained in terms of a lyotropic series. Copyright (C) 2002 Society of Porphyrins,& Phthalocyanines.
Quaternary ammonium surfactants were used to control the pore structure of bentonite intercalated with a mixed hydro-sol of silicon and titanium. Porous clay heterostructures of alumina and laponite were prepared in the presence of polyethylene oxide (PEO) surfactants. Participation of the surfactants in the synthesis results in significant changes in the structure of porous clay products. Surfactants are involved in different mechanisms, In the case of bentonite, the mean size of the framework pores was directly proportional to the chain length of the quaternary ammonium surfactants. This indicates a molecular templating mechanism, similar to that observed in the synthesis of MCM41. However, in the case of laponite, the size and volume of the mesopores were related to the amount of PEO surfactants used. By using an appropriate surfactant, we can obtain highly porous clays with various pore structures. Introducing surfactants during intercalation is an efficient strategy for the molecular engineering of porous clay adsorbents and catalysts. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Este trabalho foi desenvolvido no âmbito de um projecto europeu, BIOPRODUCTION, tendo em vista o desenvolvimento de dois tipos de biomaterias funcionais: ésteres de açúcares com ácidos gordos (SFAE) e metacrilatos funcionais. A síntese laboratorial do biosurfactante SFAE foi efectuada utilizando como matérias-primas diferentes sacáridos, nomeadamente sacarose, glucose e melaço de cana-de-açúcar (mistura de polissacáridos), e ésteres metílicos de ácidos gordos (FAME) de óleos vegetais, tais como colza e coco. Esta síntese é constituída por dois passos: acilação dos açúcares com anidrido acético, e transesterificação do açúcar acilado com FAME, utilizando triflatos de lantanídeos como catalisador. Diferentes estequiometrias foram testadas, bem como diferentes processos de modo a evitar a degradação dos açúcares. Foram efectuados testes preliminares de emulsão e calculou-se, empiricamente, o respectivo HLB. Procedeu-se à caracterização do produto através de FTIR e RMN e também à optimização iterativa do processo de síntese. A modificação, à escala laboratorial, de metacrilatos de metilo (MMA) realizou-se recorrendo à sua transesterificação com polióis convencionais. Efectuaram-se testes de reticulação do produto com diferentes catalisadores e iniciadores para posterior aplicação em revestimentos de borracha. Por fim, para ambos os produtos serão necessários estudos adicionais de caracterização, nomeadamente tensão superficial para os biosurfactantes e propriedades mecânicas para polímeros modificados com MMA.
5-Monocyclopentadienyliron(II)/ruthenium(II) complexes of the general formula [M(5-C5H5)(PP)(L1)][PF6] {M = Fe, PP = dppe; M = Ru, PP = dppe or 2PPh3; L1 = 5-[3-(thiophen-2-yl)benzo[c]thiophenyl]thiophene-2-carbonitrile} have been synthesized and studied to evaluate their molecular quadratic hyperpolarizabilities. The compounds were fully characterized by NMR, FTIR and UV/Vis spectroscopy and their electrochemical behaviour studied by cyclic voltammetry. Quadratic hyperpolarizabilities () were determined by hyper-Rayleigh scattering measurements at a fundamental wavelength of 1500 nm. Density functional theory calculations were employed to rationalize the second-order non-linear optical properties of these complexes.
Tese de Doutoramento Biologia Molecular e Ambiental - Especialidade em Biologia Celular e Saúde
The current study describes the in vitro phosphorylation of a human hair keratin, using protein kinase for the first time. Phosphorylation of keratin was demonstrated by 31P NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) and Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform (DRIFT) techniques. Phosphorylation induced a 2.5 fold increase of adsorption capacity in the first 10 minutes for cationic moiety like Methylene Blue (MB). Thorough description of MB adsorption process was performed by several isothermal models. Reconstructed fluorescent microscopy images depict distinct amounts of dye bound to the differently treated hair. The results of this work suggest that the enzymatic phosphorylation of keratins might have significant implications in hair shampooing and conditioning, where short application times of cationic components are of prime importance.
Un dels problemes associats a la remeiació de contaminants hidròfobs és la seva poca disponibilitat. Es considera que un contaminant està disponible quan roman a la fase líquida del medi, ja sigui solubilitzat o en forma d’emulsió. Els surfactants són substàncies anfifíliques que promouen la transferència de compostos hidròfobs de la fase sòlida a la líquida. En aquest estudi s’escull el pirè com a representant dels hidrocarburs aromàtics policíclics i tres surfactants no iònics: un àmpliament citat a la bibliografia científica (Tween 80) i dos comercials (Gold Crew, BS-400). L’estudi es fa amb tres mescles d’argila i sorra amb diferents proporcions. La concentració micel·lar crítica (CMC) s’assoleix abans en sòls amb poc contingut en argila. L’eficiència dels surfactants està estretament relacionada amb la proporció d’argila i sorra. A concentracions molt per sobre de la CMC no s’observa una relació entre l’eficiència i la quantitat d’argila. El Tween 80 ha donat millors resultats que el Gold Crew i el BS-400, sense que aquest darrer no hagi presentat desadsorció de pirè.
Novel formulations of cationic nanoemulsions based on three different lipids were developed to strengthen the attraction of the polyanionic oligonucleotide (ODN) macromolecules to the cationic moieties on the oil nanodroplets. These formulations were developed to prolong the release of the ODN from the nanoemulsion under appropriate physiological dilutions as encountered in the eye following topical application. Increasing the concentration of the new cationic lipid exhibiting two cationic amine groups (AOA) in the emulsion from 0.05% to 0.4% did not alter markedly the particle size or zeta potential value of the blank cationic nanoemulsion. The extent of ODN association did not vary significantly when the initial concentration of ODN remained constant at 10 microM irrespective of the cationic lipid nature. However, the zeta potential value dropped consistently with the low concentrations of 0.05% and 0.1% of AOA in the emulsions suggesting that an electrostatic attraction occurred between the cationic lipids and the polyanionic ODN molecules at the o/w interface. Only the nanoemulsion prepared with N-[1-(2,3-dioleoyloxy)propyl]-N,N,N-trimethylammonium salts (DOTAP) remained physically stable over time. DOTAP cationic lipid nanoemulsion was the most efficient formulation capable of retaining the ODN despite the high dilution of 1:100 with simulated tear solution (STS). Less than 10% of the ODN was exchanged in contrast to 40-50% with the other cationic nanoemulsions. The in-vitro release kinetic behavior of ODN exchange with physiological anions present in the STS appears to be complex and difficult to characterize using mathematical fitting model equations. Further pharmacokinetic studies are needed to verify our kinetic assumptions and confirm the in-vitro ODN release profile from DOTAP cationic nanoemulsions.
We read with interest the article by Qiu et al (Thorax 2007;62:475–82). In this paper, neutrophils and eosinophils were identified using mouse anti-human neutrophil elastase and anti-eosinophil cationic protein (ECP), both monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). mAbs against ECP have been used to detect total eosinophils, but immunostaining techniques evidenced that the number of ECP+ cells was higher than the number of eosinophils.1 Recent studies show that ECP is not only a distinctive eosinophil protein, but has been found in neutrophils.1–3
Ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (USPIONs) are currently under development for the intracellular delivery of therapeutics. However, the mechanisms of cellular uptake and the cellular reaction to this uptake, independent of therapeutics, are not well defined. The interactions of biocompatible cationic aminoUSPIONs with human cells was studied in 2D and 3D cultures using biochemical and electron microscopy techniques. AminoUSPIONs were internalized by human melanoma cells in 2D and 3D cultures. Uptake was clathrin mediated and the particles localized in lysosomes, inducing activation of the lysosomal cathepsin D and decreasing the expression of the transferrin receptor in human melanoma cells and/or skin fibroblasts. AminoUSPIONs deeply invaded 3D spheroids of human melanoma cells. Thus, aminoUSPIONs can invade tumors and their uptake by human cells induces cell reaction.
In alkaline lavas, the chemical zoning of megacrystals of spinel is due to the cationic exchange between the latter and the host lava. The application of Fick's law to cationic diffusion profiles allows to calculate the time these crystals have stayed in the lava. Those which are in a chemical equilibrium were in contact with the lava during 20 to 30 days, whereas megacrystals lacking this equilibrium were in contact only for 3 or 4 days. The duration of the rise of an ultrabasic nodule in the volcanic chimney was calculated by applying Stokes' law.
Nanoparticles (NPs) are in clinical use or under development for therapeutic imaging and drug delivery. However, relatively little information exists concerning the uptake and transport of NPs across human colon cell layers, or their potential to invade three-dimensional models of human colon cells that better mimic the tissue structures of normal and tumoral colon. In order to gain such information, the interactions of biocompatible ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (USPIO NPs) (iron oxide core 9-10 nm) coated with either cationic polyvinylamine (aminoPVA) or anionic oleic acid with human HT-29 and Caco-2 colon cells was determined. The uptake of the cationic USPIO NPs was much higher than the uptake of the anionic USPIO NPs. The intracellular localization of aminoPVA USPIO NPs was confirmed in HT-29 cells by transmission electron microscopy that detected the iron oxide core. AminoPVA USPIO NPs invaded three-dimensional spheroids of both HT-29 and Caco-2 cells, whereas oleic acid-coated USPIO NPs could only invade Caco-2 spheroids. Neither cationic aminoPVA USPIO NPs nor anionic oleic acid-coated USPIO NPs were transported at detectable levels across the tight CacoReady? intestinal barrier model or the more permeable mucus-secreting CacoGoblet? model.
Microstructural features of La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 layers of various thicknesses grown on top of 001 LaAlO3 substrates are studied by using transmission electron microscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy. Films are of high microstructural quality but exhibit some structural relaxation and mosaicity both when increasing thickness or after annealing processes. The existence of a cationic segregation process of La atoms toward free surface has been detected, as well as a Mn oxidation state variation through layer thickness. La diffusion would lead to a Mn valence change and, in turn, to reduced magnetization.
The efficacy of an antisense oligonucleotide (ODN17) cationic nanoemulsion directed at VEGF-R2 to reduce neovascularization was evaluated using rat corneal neovascularization and retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) mouse models. Application of saline solution or scrambled ODN17 solution on eyes of rats led to the highest extent of corneal neovascularization. The groups treated with blank nanoemulsion or scrambled ODN17 nanoemulsion showed moderate inhibition in corneal neovascularization with no significant difference with the saline and scrambled ODN17 control solution groups, while the groups treated with ODN17 solution or Avastin® (positive ODN17 control) clearly elicited marked significant inhibition in corneal neovascularization confirming the results reported in the literature. The highest significant corneal neovascularization inhibition efficiency was noted in the groups treated with ODN17 nanoemulsion (topical and subconjunctivally). However, in the ROP mouse model, the ODN17 in PBS induced a 34% inhibition of retinal neovascularization when compared to the aqueous-vehicle-injected eyes. A significantly higher inhibition of vitreal neovascularization (64%) was observed in the group of eyes treated with ODN17 nanoemulsion. No difference in extent of neovascularization was observed between blank nanoemulsion, scrambled ODN17 nanoemulsion, vehicle or non-treated eyes. The overall results indicate that cationic nanoemulsion can be considered a promising potential ocular delivery system and an effective therapeutic tool of high clinical significance in the prevention and forthcoming treatment of ocular neovascular diseases.