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The culture of tilapia has a long history in Africa. Fossil remains of members of the genus have been found which are about 18 million years old (Fryer and Iles, 1972). Oreochromis niloticus was the subject of detailed observations in Egypt of 5,000 years ago. A bas relief of 2,500B.C. depicts tilapia being reared in ponds in Egypt. However, despite this long history the prolific nature of this fish results in very high populations in pond culture systems. Consequently small size fish are harvested. Several methods have thus been tried to control the excessive reproduction of tilapia in captivity with only partial success. This paper reports how large size tilapia especially O. niloticus averaging at least 150g per piece can be commercially produced using floating net cages in the marine environment


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The findings are presented of an assessment made of the gillnet fishery in Kainji Lake, Nigeria from 1969 to the present, on the basis of data sets from commercial and experimental gillnet fishing, with the purpose to detect trends in some key fishery monitoring indicators. During this period, there has been an increase in the number of small meshed nets in the fishery resulting in a shift in the mode to lower mesh sizes; consequently, the average mesh size declined gradually in the fishery. This trend is found to be directly correlated with the decline in the CPUE and mean weight of the fish species. It is argued that the observed trend in CPUE and mean weight is forcing the fishermen to switch effort to gears such as traps which have very small meshes and can indescriminately take all sizes of the fish. It is shown that the catch composition by weight of Citharinus citharus, Lates niloticus and tilapias declined in the gillnet fishery in the late 70's and early 80's. Recent data, from 1994 to 1996, however indicates that C. citharus is recovering, but with declining mean weight. This suggests that the exploitation pattern is shifting to the smaller fish through the use of small meshed nets. In general, however, there has not been drastic changes in species bio-diversity in the Lake as a result of predatory effect and ecosystem overfishing as has happened in other great African Lakes. The species composition since lake formation continued to be dominated by fewer that 20 species. The potential yield for the lake has been estimated to be 32,166 tonnes (excluding clupeids) and the required optimum fishing effort to be 1,814 fishing canoes. In view of the relative stability of the species diversity in the lake and the current fish production level, it is proposed here that this MSY be adopted for all species. This would be achieved with the current effort level in the lake assuming that the efficiency of the fishermen and their gears do not improve. It should be reviewed after 10 or more years of catch and effort data collection. (PDF contains 65 pages)


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El c??ncer es una enfermedad que produce alta mortalidad, y el c??ncer de mama es un c??ncer espec??fico que se da especialmente en las mujeres y que les produce una disminuci??n de la calidad de vida y en caso de que sufran una mastectom??a, una disminuci??n de la movilidad del hombro. Por ello es importante que las mujeres realicen un programa ejercicio aer??bico y fuerza as?? como un programa de ejercicios para recuperar esa movilidad del hombro afectado.Espa??ol.


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En esta memoria se presenta una propuesta para desarrollar un proyecto de investigacin que permita establecer la eficacia de una estrategia original para evitar la entrada del virus de la hepatitis C (HCV) en las clulas hepticas. Se propone la utilizacin combinada de dos anticuerpos contra dos factores esenciales para la entrada HCV en las clulas hepticas, como son las molculas CD81 y SR-BI. La eficacia para reducir la capacidad infectiva del HCV de bloquear individualmente cada una de estas molculas ha sido previamente demostrada, as que en este proyecto proponemos que un uso combinado de molculas que bloqueen ambos receptores permitira avanzar en la bsqueda de vacunas que eviten eficazmente la infeccin del HCV.


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I. Ejercicios cortos de programacin: - Enunciados. - Soluciones propuestas. II. Ejercicios largos: - Componentes electrnicos. - Hbitos de consumo: bebidas. - Emisora de radio. - Gasolinera. - Tienda. - Central elctrica. - Ladrn Elca Comayor. - Cumbres de montaa. - Autopista. - Sala de juegos. - Farolas. - Pueblos de Guipzcoa. - Olimpiadas. - Ventas S.A. - Accidentes de circulacin. - Euskadi Irratia. - San Sebastin.


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I. Programazioko ariketa laburrak: - Enuntziatuak. - Soluzioen proposamenak. II. Ariketa luzeak: - Gailu elektronikoak. - Kontsumo ohiturak: edariak. - Irratsaioa. - Gasolindegia. - Denda. - Zentral elektrikoa. - Elca Comayor lapurra. - Medi igoerak. - Autopista. - Joko aretoa. - Farolak. - Herrien arteko distantziak. - Olinpiadak. - Ventas S.A. - Heriozko istripuak. - Euskadi Irratia. - San Sebastianak


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Tras la aparicin de Arduino en el ao 2002, emergi un fuerte movimiento concienciado con las plataformas libres, tanto en software como en hardware. Este movimiento junto con la filosofa del hgalo usted mismo (Do It Yourself) hizo que surgieran un sin fin de proyectos de todas las ndoles, desde proyectos simples, como robots cartesianos, hasta proyecto ms serios, como puede ser una mquina de control numrico. Todo esto es posible ya que junto con Arduino, han surgido infinidad de complementos y sensores asociados, fciles de conseguir, baratos y que hacen que casi cualquier proyecto sea fcil de llevar a cabo y adems econmicamente viable. Lo que el autor de este proyecto fin de grado quiere hacer llegar al lector, es que un proyecto tan abrumador como puede ser una mquina de control numrico, puede ser perfectamente factible gracias a las bondades de una placa de un precio nfimo y el ecosistema generado en torno a l.


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Este trabajo trata de un estudio profundo acerca del Cannabis y cmo ha ido evolucionando esta sustancia a lo largo de la historia, no solo desde un punto de vista antropolgico en cuanto a los diferentes usos que se le han ido dando en diversas sociedades y tiempos, sino tambin cmo ha ido desarrollndose en materia legal y es ah donde centro mi objeto de estudio en la regularizacin del Cannabis


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Colorectal cancer is one of the most frequent neoplasms and an important cause of mortality in the developed world. Mendelian syndromes account for about 5% of the total burden of CRC, being Lynch syndrome and familial adenomatous polyposis the most common forms. Lynch syndrome tumors develop mainly as a consequence of defective DNA mismatch repair associated with germline mutations in MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 and PMS2. A significant proportion of variants identified by screening these genes correspond to missense or noncoding changes without a clear pathogenic consequence, and they are designated as "variants of uncertain significance'', being the c.1852_1853delinsGC (p.K618A) variant in the MLH1 gene a clear example. The implication of this variant as a low-penetrance risk variant for CRC was assessed in the present study by performing a case-control study within a large cohort from the COGENT consortium-COST Action BM1206 including 18,723 individuals (8,055 colorectal cancer cases and 10,668 controls) and a case-only genotype-phenotype correlation with several clinical and pathological characteristics restricted to the Epicolon cohort. Our results showed no involvement of this variant as a low-penetrance variant for colorectal cancer genetic susceptibility and no association with any clinical and pathological characteristics including family history for this neoplasm or Lynch syndrome.


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The fields of organic electronics and spintronics have the potential to revolutionize the electronics industry. Finding the right materials that can retain their electrical and spin properties when combined is a technological and fundamental challenge. We carry out the study of three archetypal organic molecules in intimate contact with the BiAg2 surface alloy. We show that the BiAg2 alloy is an especially suited substrate due to its inertness as support for molecular films, exhibiting an almost complete absence of substrate-molecular interactions. This is inferred from the persistence of a completely unaltered giant spin-orbit split surface state of the BiAg2 substrate, and from the absence of significant metallic screening of charged molecular levels in the organic layer. Spin-orbit split states in BiAg2 turn out to be far more robust to organic overlayers than previously thought.


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