942 resultados para C language


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Neste trabalho proposto um modelo mecanobiolgico de remodelagem ssea para a estimativa de variaes, provocadas por perturbaes mecnicas ou biolgicas, na matriz de rigidez estrutural da escala macroscpica e na densidade mineral em uma regio do osso. Na cooperao entre as reas da sade e da engenharia, como nos estudos estruturais de biomecnica no sistema esqueltico, as propriedades mecnicas dos materiais devem ser conhecidas, entretanto os ossos possuem uma constituio material altamente complexa, dinmica e variante entre indivduos. Sua dinmica decorre dos ciclos de absoro e deposio de matriz ssea na remodelagem ssea, a qual ocorre para manter a integridade estrutural do esqueleto e adapt-lo aos estmulos do ambiente, sejam eles biolgicos, qumicos ou mecnicos. Como a remodelagem ssea pode provocar alteraes no material do osso, espera-se que suas propriedades mecnicas tambm sejam alteradas. Na literatura cientfica h modelos matemticos que preveem a variao da matriz de rigidez estrutural a partir do estmulo mecnico, porm somente os modelos mais recentes incluram explicitamente processos biolgicos e qumicos da remodelagem ssea. A densidade mineral ssea um importante parmetro utilizado no diagnstico de doenas sseas na rea mdica. Desse modo, para a obteno da variao da rigidez estrutural e da densidade mineral ssea, prope-se um modelo numrico mecanobiolgico composto por cinco submodelos: da dinmica da populao de clulas sseas, da resposta das clulas ao estmulo mecnico, da porosidade ssea, da densidade mineral ssea e, baseado na Lei de Voigt para materiais compsitos, da rigidez estrutural. Os valores das constantes das equaes dos submodelos foram obtidos de literatura. Para a soluo das equaes do modelo, prope-se uma implementao numrica e computacional escrita em linguagem C. O mtodo de Runge-Kutta-Dorman-Prince, cuja vantagem consiste no uso de um passo de soluo varivel, utilizado no modelo para controlar o erro numrico do resultado do sistema de equaes diferenciais. Foi realizada uma avaliao comparativa entre os resultados obtidos com o modelo proposto e os da literatura dos modelos de remodelagem ssea recentes. Conclui-se que o modelo e a implementao propostos so capazes de obter variaes da matriz de rigidez estrutural macroscpica e da densidade mineral ssea decorrentes da perturbao nos parmetros mecnicos ou biolgicos do processo de remodelagem ssea.


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Interaction engineering is fundamental for agent based systems. In this paper we will present a design pattern for the core of a multi-agent platform - the message communication and behavior activation mechanisms - using language features of C#. An agent platform is developed based on the pattern structure, which is legiti- mated through experiences of using JADE in real applications. Results of the communication model are compared against the popular JADE platform.


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AMS Subj. Classication: 49J15, 49M15


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Interval Temporal Logic provides time-dependant formal description of hardware and software. Such formalism is needed for description of behaviors of the middleware of AOmLE project, depending on different scenarios of operation. In order to use ITL, we need an interpreter. Tempura provides executable ITL framework, written in C language. We cannot use Tempura as is, because AOmLE is developed entirely in Java. For this reason we need Java version of Tempura. This paper describes our plan for reengineering of CTempura and creating Java version if the ITL interpreter.


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An nonlinear elliptic system for generating adaptive quadrilateral meshes in curved domains is presented. The presented technique has been implemented in the C++ language with the help of the standard template library. The software package writes the converged meshes in the GMV and the Matlab formats. Grid generation is the first very important step for numerically solving partial differential equations. Thus, the presented C++ grid generator is extremely important to the computational science community.


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This study investigated the relation of several predictors to high school dropout. The data, composed of records from a cohort of students ( N = 10,100) who entered ninth grade in 2001, were analyzed via logistic regression. The predictor variables were: (a) Algebra I grade, (b) Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) level, (c) language proficiency, (d) gender, (e) race/ethnicity, (f) Exceptional Student Education program membership, and (g) socio-economic status. The criterion was graduation status: graduated or dropped out. Algebra I grades were an important predictor of whether students drop out or graduate; students who failed this course were 4.1 times more likely to drop out than those who passed the course. Other significant predictors of high school dropout were language proficiency, Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) level, gender, and socio-economic status. The main focus of the study was on Algebra I as a predictor, but the study was not designed to discover the specific factors related to or underlying success in this course. Nevertheless, because Algebra I may be considered an important prerequisite for other major facets of the curriculum and because of its high relationship to high school dropout, a recommendation emerging from these findings is that districts address the issue of preventing failure in this course. Adequate support mechanisms for improving retention include addressing the students' readiness for enrolling in mathematics courses as well as curriculum improvements that enhance student readiness through such processes as remediation. Assuring that mathematics instruction is monitored and improved and that remedial programs are in place to facilitate content learning in all subjects for all students, but especially for those having limited English proficiency, are critical educational responsibilities.


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The purpose of this research is to develop an optimal kernel which would be used in a real-time engineering and communications system. Since the application is a real-time system, relevant real-time issues are studied in conjunction with kernel related issues. The emphasis of the research is the development of a kernel which would not only adhere to the criteria of a real-time environment, namely determinism and performance, but also provide the flexibility and portability associated with non-real-time environments. The essence of the research is to study how the features found in non-real-time systems could be applied to the real-time system in order to generate an optimal kernel which would provide flexibility and architecture independence while maintaining the performance needed by most of the engineering applications. Traditionally, development of real-time kernels has been done using assembly language. By utilizing the powerful constructs of the C language, a real-time kernel was developed which addressed the goals of flexibility and portability while still meeting the real-time criteria. The implementation of the kernel is carried out using the powerful 68010/20/30/40 microprocessor based systems.


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This work deals with the specification and the implementation of a protocol for controlling communication between two programmable interface microcontrollers (PIC), using power line communication (PLC), making communication more secure and economically viable. The Protocol was implemented in C language, with reference to some protocols developed for automotive use. A circuit to test the communication between the PLC and the Protocol was also implemented.


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En este artculo se presenta a DeBuPa (Deteccin Bsqueda Pateo) un humanoide de tamao pequeo (38 cm de alto) construido con las piezas del kit Bioloid. Del kit se ha excluido la tarjeta CM-510 para sustituirla por la tarjeta controladora Arbotix, que ser la que controle los 16 motores Dynamixel Ax-12+ (para mover al robot) y 2 servomotores analgicos (para mover la cmara). Adems se ha agregado un mini computador Raspberry Pi, con su cmara, para que el robot pueda detectar y seguir la pelota de forma autnoma. Todos estos componentes deben ser coordinados para que se logre cumplir la tarea de detectar, seguir y patear la pelota. Por ello se hace necesaria la comunicacin entre la Arbotix y la Raspberry Pi. La herramienta empleada para ello es el framework ROS (Robot Operating System). En la Raspberry Pi se usa el lenguaje C++ y se ejecuta un solo programa encargado de captar la imagen de la cmara, filtrar y procesar para encontrar la pelota, tomar la decisin de la accin a ejecutar y hacer la peticin a la Arbotix para que d la orden a los motores de ejecutar el movimiento. Para captar la imagen de la cmara se ha utilizado la librera RasPiCam CV. Para filtrar y procesar la imagen se ha usado las libreras de OpenCV. La Arbotix, adems de controlar los motores, se encarga de monitorizar que el robot se encuentre balanceado, para ello usa el sensor Gyro de Robotis. Si detecta un desbalance de un cierto tamao puede saber si se ha cado y levantarse.


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Apresentase um breve resumo histrico da evoluo da amostragem por transectos lineares e desenvolvese a sua teoria. Descrevemos a teoria de amostragem por transectos lineares, proposta por Buckland (1992), sendo apresentados os pontos mais relevantes, no que diz respeito modelao da funo de deteco. Apresentamos uma descrio do princpio CDM (Rissanen, 1978) e a sua aplicao estimao de uma funo densidade por um histograma (Kontkanen e Myllymki, 2006), procedendo aplicao de um exemplo prtico, recorrendo a uma mistura de densidades. Procedemos sua aplicao ao clculo do estimador da probabilidade de deteco, no caso dos transectos lineares e desta forma estimar a densidade populacional de animais. Analisamos dois casos prticos, clssicos na amostragem por distncias, comparando os resultados obtidos. De forma a avaliar a metodologia, simulmos vrios conjuntos de observaes, tendo como base o exemplo das estacas, recorrendo s funes de deteco semi-normal, taxa de risco, exponencial e uniforme com um cosseno. Os resultados foram obtidos com o programa DISTANCE (Thomas et al., in press) e um algoritmo escrito em linguagem C, cedido pelo Professor Doutor Petri Kontkanen (Departamento de Cincias da Computao, Universidade de Helsnquia). Foram desenvolvidos programas de forma a calcular intervalos de confiana recorrendo tcnica bootstrap (Efron, 1978). So discutidos os resultados finais e apresentadas sugestes de desenvolvimentos futuros. ABSTRACT; We present a brief historical note on the evolution of line transect sampling and its theoretical developments. We describe line transect sampling theory as proposed by Buckland (1992), and present the most relevant issues about modeling the detection function. We present a description of the CDM principle (Rissanen, 1978) and its application to histogram density estimation (Kontkanen and Myllymki, 2006), with a practical example, using a mixture of densities. We proceed with the application and estimate probability of detection and animal population density in the context of line transect sampling. Two classical examples from the literature are analyzed and compared. ln order to evaluate the proposed methodology, we carry out a simulation study based on a wooden stakes example, and using as detection functions half normal, hazard rate, exponential and uniform with a cosine term. The results were obtained using program DISTANCE (Thomas et al., in press), and an algorithm written in C language, kindly offered by Professor Petri Kontkanen (Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki). We develop some programs in order to estimate confidence intervals using the bootstrap technique (Efron, 1978). Finally, the results are presented and discussed with suggestions for future developments.


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In this paper, fault-tolerant control of redundant planar serial manipulators has been investigated experimentally via an offline method called psuedo-inverse reconfiguration method. Minimizing the end-effector's velocity jump via an optimal mapping of joint failures into healthy joints velocity space can be regarded as the main contribution of this reconfiguration approach. This algorithm has been simulated and implemented on a four-link serial manipulator named as TaArm. It should be mentioned that for simulation and practical tests, C++ programming language in QtCreator environment has been used which provided high computational speed. Two scenarios has been selected for simulation and implementation studies and results shows that the algorithm considerably removes the velocity jump of the end-effector in both simulation and experimetal studies.


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<b>Purpose:</b> An ongoing concern with the evaluation of auditory processing disorders is the extent that assessment instruments are influenced by higher order cognitive functions. This study examined the relationship between verbal working memory and performance on the Test for Auditory Processing Disorders in Children--Revised (SCAN-C; Keith, 2000b) in children with specific language impairment (SLI) and typically developing (TD) children. <br /><br /><b>Method:</b> Sixteen children with SLI and 16 TD children ages 8/4 to 11 years participated in the study. The children were presented with the SCAN-C and tests measuring verbal working memory. <br /><b><br />Results:</b> Initial comparisons revealed that the SLI group obtained significantly lower scores than the TD group on the SCAN-C. However, after controlling for verbal working memory, significant differences between the 2 groups were no longer observed. Correlational analyses revealed that the composite score from the SCAN-C was related to all tests assessing verbal working memory. <br /><b><br />Conclusions:</b> Performance on the SCAN-C may be related to working memory functioning. As a consequence, it is unclear whether difficulty on this task should be viewed as a problem with auditory processing or a problem with verbal working memory. <br />