943 resultados para C(K)
The max-coloring problem is to compute a legal coloring of the vertices of a graph G = (V, E) with a non-negative weight function w on V such that Sigma(k)(i=1) max(v epsilon Ci) w(v(i)) is minimized, where C-1, ... , C-k are the various color classes. Max-coloring general graphs is as hard as the classical vertex coloring problem, a special case where vertices have unit weight. In fact, in some cases it can even be harder: for example, no polynomial time algorithm is known for max-coloring trees. In this paper we consider the problem of max-coloring paths and its generalization, max-coloring abroad class of trees and show it can be solved in time O(vertical bar V vertical bar+time for sorting the vertex weights). When vertex weights belong to R, we show a matching lower bound of Omega(vertical bar V vertical bar log vertical bar V vertical bar) in the algebraic computation tree model.
用TEA CO_2激光辐照纯BCl_3气体,观察到可见荧光具有多种过程。系统地测量了可见荧光的空间、时间、光谱结构,以及它们随激光能量、BCl_3气压等参数的依赖关系。用简化碰撞动力学模型讨论了BCl_3可见荧光过程,得到有效振动温度、可见荧光强度的分析表达式和ρT_延≌C/K(T_ν)的简单关系。理论与实验结果一致。
Close to equilibrium, a normal Bose or Fermi fluid can be described by an exact kinetic equation whose kernel is nonlocal in space and time. The general expression derived for the kernel is evaluated to second order in the interparticle potential. The result is a wavevector- and frequency-dependent generalization of the linear Uehling-Uhlenbeck kernel with the Born approximation cross section.
The theory is formulated in terms of second-quantized phase space operators whose equilibrium averages are the n-particle Wigner distribution functions. Convenient expressions for the commutators and anticommutators of the phase space operators are obtained. The two-particle equilibrium distribution function is analyzed in terms of momentum-dependent quantum generalizations of the classical pair distribution function h(k) and direct correlation function c(k). The kinetic equation is presented as the equation of motion of a two -particle correlation function, the phase space density-density anticommutator, and is derived by a formal closure of the quantum BBGKY hierarchy. An alternative derivation using a projection operator is also given. It is shown that the method used for approximating the kernel by a second order expansion preserves all the sum rules to the same order, and that the second-order kernel satisfies the appropriate positivity and symmetry conditions.
The kinetics of the reduction of O2 by Ru(NH3)6+2 as catalyzed by cobalt(II) tetrakis(4-N-methylpyridyl)porphyrin are described both in homogeneous solution and when the reactants are confined to Nafion coatings on graphite electrodes. The catalytic mechanism is determined and the factors that can control the total reduction currents at Nafion-coated electrodes are specified. A kinetic zone diagram for analyzing the behavior of catalyst-mediator-substrate systems at polymer coated electrodes is presented and utilized in identifying the current-limiting processes. Good agreement is demonstrated between calculated and measured reduction currents at rotating disk electrodes. The experimental conditions that will yield the optimum performance of coated electrodes are discussed, and a relationship is derived for the optimal coating thickness.
The relation between the reduction potentials of adsorbed and unadsorbed cobalt(III) tetrakis(4-N-methylpyridyl)porphyrin and those where it catalyzes the electroreduction of dioxygen is described. There is an unusually large change in the formal potential of the Co(III) couple upon the adsorption of the porphyrin on the graphite electrode surface. The mechanism in which the (inevitably) adsorbed porphyrin catalyzes the reduction of O2 is in accord with a general mechanistic scheme proposed for most monomeric cobalt porphyrins.
Four new dimeric metalloporphyrins (prepared in the laboratory of Professor C. K. Chang) have the two porphyrin rings linked by an anthracene bridge attached to meso positions. The electrocatalytic behavior of the diporphyrins towards the reduction of O2 at graphite electrodes has been examined for the following combination of metal centers: Co-Cu, Co-Fe, Fe-Fe, Fe-H2. The Co-Cu diporphyrin catalyzes the reduction of O2 to H2O2 but no further. The other three catalysts all exhibit mixed reduction pathways leading to both H2O2 and H2O. However, the pathways that lead to H2O do not involve H2O2 as an intermediate. A possible mechanistic scheme is offered to account for the observed behavior.
Trabajo realizado dentro del Grupo de Investigación «Tradiciones Clásicas» de la UPV/EHU (GIU-07-26)
Currently there are 2 sources of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii production in Vietnam - natural production from the rivers and canals and aquaculture production from ponds and ricefields. An account is given of the production of this prawn in the Mekong Delta. The prawns are harvested primarily by a common small scale method using shelter traps. The total annual freshwater prawn production in Vietnam during 1985-90 was reported to vary from 5000 to 8000 tons, most of it from natural fisheries; although there are no official statistics on the production of farmed prawns, the amount is believed to be very small. The grow-out system includes intensive monospecies pond culture, and semi-intensive or extensive integrated rice-prawn or vegetable-prawn culture.
Marine crabs belonging to the family Portunidae form bycatch of shrimp trawlers in India. They are sold at low prices and consumers discard eggs and consume the meat. The paper details the nutritional value of eggs of Portunus pelagicus.
丁香属隶属于木犀科,分布于东南欧和东亚至喜马拉雅地区,我国是丁香属的现代分布中心。《中国植物志》(61卷,1992)记录了我国野生丁香种类16种;《Flora of China》(15卷,1996)记录了中国原产丁香种类16种,并认为全世界大约有20种。丁香属属下分类等级划分分歧较大,很多种的划分也存在争议。花叶丁香、四川丁香等种类是根据栽培植物描述的,没有指定模式标本,给分类处理带来了一定困难。另外,丁香属很多分类群的性状变异非常复杂,仅根据有限的标本很难做出合理的分类处理。本研究通过广泛查阅文献和标本,同时进行野外居群取样和性状观察,对各类群的性状在居群内和居群间的变异进行统计学分析,判断其分类价值,并运用多变量分析的方法,为各类群的合理划分提供依据。结合性状分析和地理分布等证据,做出分类处理。 作者查阅了国内外16个标本馆的近2000份标本,其中模式标本约70份。对我国12个省市的40余个居群进行了取样和观察,采集标本500余份,涉及了《中国植物志》61卷收录的除了藏南丁香以外的所有类群。通过对9个复合体的40余个性状在居群内和居群间的变异进行统计分析,发现叶片类型、叶柄长度、花序着生类型、花冠大小、花丝长度、花药颜色在不同类群间差异明显,可以用作划分种的依据;叶片形状、叶片毛被、花序轴毛被、花冠管形状等性状在有些复合体内的居群间呈现连续的变异,只能用作种下等级(亚种)的划分;叶片大小、花序轴形状、花药着生在花冠的位置、蒴果是否被皮孔等性状在不同复合体的居群间呈现间断或连续的变异,视不同情况可以用作种间或种下等级的划分依据,或作种内变异处理;而叶脉、花色、花萼齿裂、花冠裂片形状等性状在居群间差异不大,不适合用作分类依据。 在性状分析和多变量分析的基础上,本文将丁香属划分为2组2系12种13亚种,其中短花冠管组有1种3亚种;长花冠管组的顶生花序系有5种5亚种,侧生花序系有6种5亚种,并指定了各组和系的模式种;编制了属下各组、系、种和亚种划分的检索表,对12种13亚种进行了形态描述、标本引证,给出了地理分布图和生境,并提出了分类处理依据。文中对巧玲花、皱叶丁香、红丁香和云南丁香等复合体内的一些分类群进行了归并,做出4个新组合:S. pubescens ‘Meyer’、S. villosa subsp. wolfii、S. yunnanensis subsp. sweginzowii和S. yunnanensis subsp. tomentella,处理了11个新异名(S. fauriei H. Lév.、S. julianae C. K. Schneid.、S. meyeri var. spontanea M. C. Chang、S. pinetorum W. W. Sm.、S. wardii W. W. Sm.、S. oblata var. donaldii R. B. Clark et J. L. Fiala、S. afghanica C. K. Schneid.、S. protolaciniata P. S. Green et M. C. Chang、S. tibetica P. Y. Bai、S. reflexa C. K. Schneid. 、S. wilsonii C. K. Schneid.)。作者指定了3种4亚种(S. reticulata subsp. reticulata、 S. reticulata subsp. amurensis、S. pubescens subsp. microphylla、S. oblata subsp. dilatata的后选模式,并对其它10个名称指定了后选模式。文中还提出了分类处理原则,对我国丁 香属的分布及各地方植物志的记载进行了评述,并对丁香属的分布格局提出了作者的看法。 作者还对13个分类群的16号材料进行了染色体观察,发现除了毛丁香有染色体2n=48外,其它均为2n=46,其中朝阳丁香的染色体数目为首次报道。对小叶巧玲花不同异名(包括小叶蓝丁香、小叶巧玲花与小叶蓝丁香的杂交种)的材料进行染色体观察时,发现它们之间差异很小,进一步佐证了作者将其合并的合理性。另外野生的花叶丁香(华丁香)与栽培的花叶丁香在染色体数目上也无差异,支持了作者认为二者为同物异名的观点。
本文对神农架地区广泛分布的米心水青冈林和锐齿槲栎林的种群和群落学特征、干扰历史、更新策略、生物量、生产量及元素循环特征进行了研究。得到如下结论: 1 米心水青冈林是神农架地区山地垂直分布的地带性植被类型,主要群落学特征为:(1)建群种明显,该区域主要有2种类型,即米心水青冈林和米心水青冈、锐齿槲栎林;(2)群落结构简单,但物种组成丰富,在6600m~2样地中出现高等植物(不含苔藓植物)77科150属271种,组成种类以蔷薇科、百合科、忍冬科、虎耳草科、樟科、杜鹃花科和壳斗科为主;(3)群落乔木层(占重要值的12%)和灌木层(占盖度的15%)中含有一定比例的常绿树种;(4)群落生活型以高位芽植物(70.89%)占绝对优势,其次为地面芽植物(15.50%)和地下芽植物(12.92%)。 2 米心水青冈是多主干的树种,萌枝现象普遍,但萌枝数量不同地点差异较大。通过萌枝产生的枝群体平均密度为257 ± 99.3n•hm~(-2)。枝群体的年龄结构表现为“幼龄个体数目较多型”和“中国年龄阶段数目较多型”,并且有较多的枝群体表现出一致的年龄结构。从整个群落米心水青冈的年龄结构来看,表现出发展型种群的特点。枝群体的分布格局为随机分布。9丛米心水青冈完整的年轮分析结果表明,它们萌枝的时间不是边疆的,而与森林的受干扰有关。根据83个圆盘和生长锥芯资料,米心水青冈在萌枝后成长为乔木层或林冠层的过程中,径向生长表现为5种模式。这是丛株内竞争的结果。萌枝在米心水青冈林的维持和发展过程中,具有重要的生态学作用。 3 锐齿槲栎林是神农架地区山地垂地分布的地带性植被类型,主要群落学特征为:(1)建群种明显,该区域主要有2种类型,即锐齿槲栎林和锐齿槲栎、米心水青冈林;(2)群落乔木层和灌木层中含有一定比例的常绿树种,和暖温带的落叶栎林有较大差异;(3)群落物种组成丰富,不仅具有典型的温带科属,还有典型亚热带分布的科属,组成种类主要以蔷薇科、百合科、忍冬科、虎耳草科、山茱萸科、杜鹃花科、壳斗科和樟科;(4)生活型以高位芽植物(66.32%)占绝对优势,其次为地面芽(23.51%)和地下芽(9.47%)植物。 4 通过样地调查、树干解析及直径分析法,对米心水青冈林和锐齿槲栎林受压和释压历史及更新策略进行了研究。米心水青冈直径生长表现为5种模式。而锐齿槲栎只表现为2种模式。85.9 ± 6.9%的米心水青冈有过受压过程,平均受压2.1 ± 0.8次,平均受压时间为47 ± 24.1a,最长受压时间73a,平均释压次数为1.6 ± 0.7次,平均释压时间为23 ± 21.5a,而60.83%的锐齿槲栎都均有1次受压。平均受压时间为19 ± 14a,受压后没有表现出释压过程。结合高生长和径向生长,认为米心水青冈是耐阴树种,它的更新策略是在林下形成苗性萌枝,在有林窗形成时释压生长进入乔木层;而锐齿槲栎是不耐阴树种,它的更新策略是通过产生大量种子,当有大的林窗时,幼苗在林窗内生长逐步进入乔木层。 5 神农架地区102-130a成熟米心水青冈林的生物量在251.31-358.63T•hm~(-2)之间,平均为288.70 ± 48.30T•~(-2),20-60a锐齿槲栎林群落生物量在134.85-301.20T•hm~(-2),平均为231.60 ± 78.10T•hm~(-2)。虽然米心水青冈林和锐齿槲栎林灌木层草本层及藤本植物组成很丰富,但二种类型森林生物量的95%以上集中在乔木层。乔木层生物量主要集中在少数优势种中。在米心水青冈林生物量从大到小的序列中,前5种植物分别占乔木层总生物量58.67%-96.37%不等,同样锐齿槲栎林前5种植物占群落生物量的68.13%-95.26%。常绿植物占乔木层生物量的比例变化较大,米心水青冈林中占2.85-18.70%,锐齿槲栎林中一般常绿植物占0.8-9.98%,只有1个锐齿槲栎林样地常绿植物(主要是粉白杜鹃)占乔木层生物量的44.04%。米心水青冈林生物量根冠比为0.27 ± 0.05,锐齿槲栎林为0.21 ± 0.06。神农架地区米心水青冈林的生物量,在成熟的欧洲水青冈林及日本的水青冈林生物量范围之内,而锐齿槲栎林生物量远远大于我国温带落叶栎林的生物量。 6 神农架地区102-130a米心水青冈林生产量范围在1857-2786g•m~(-2)•a~(-1),平均为2330 ± 397 g•m~(-2)•a~(-1)。20-60a锐齿槲栎林的生产量范围在1319-2521 g•m~(-2)•a~(-1),平均为1930 ± 498 g•m~(-2)•a~(-1)。米心水青冈林和锐齿槲栎林乔木层生产量占群落总生产量的95%以上,乔木层各器官生产量大小顺序为叶> 树干> 枝和根,其中叶生产量占乔木层的一半以上,达53.87 ± 2.72%(米心水青冈林)和57.31 ± 6.23%(锐齿槲栎林)。在乔木层生产量从大到小的序列中,前5种植物平均占乔木层总生产量的81.03 ± 13.94%(米心水青冈林,范围在62.75%-92.66%)和84.23 ± 9.68%(锐齿槲栎林,范围在68.54-95.11%)。米心水青冈林和锐齿槲栎林群落地下部分生产量占总生产量的比例分别为11.29 ± 1.02%和9.22 ± 2.72。和我国其它地区地带性植被类型相比。米心水青冈林和锐齿槲栎生产量是较高的,和亚热带绿阔叶林生产量接近,但在器官分配上两者差异较大。 7 米心水青冈林和锐齿槲栎林土壤均呈酸性。其中锐齿槲栎林地土壤酸性更强。土壤元素特征表现为Al>C>K>Mg>Ca>N>S、P的特点,富铝化作用明显。8种元素在群落优势植物不同部位含量差异较大,N、P、K、Ca、Mg基本上是以叶片含量最高,树干或根中最低。仅从叶片来看,元素特征表现为C>Ca、N>K>Mg>S>P、Al。优势植物的C/N和C/P显著高于暖温带落叶阔叶林优势植物。8种元素在米心水青冈林和锐齿槲栎林中积累量分别为147.09 ± 25.60和116.00 ± 37.63 Mg hm~(-2)a~(-1),其中97%以上积累在群落乔木层。两种森林类型各元素的积累量都表现为C>Ca, N> K> Mg> P> S> Al的特点。米心水青风林和锐齿槲栎林8种元素的年存留量分别为6263 ± 90.8和5946 ±246 kg hm~(-2)a~(-1),其中N、P、K、Ca、Mg 5种主要营养元素的存留量分别为179.7 ± 18.2和169.4 ± 23.5kg hm~(-2) a~(-1)。两种森林类型各元素的存留量都表现为C> N> Ca> K> Mg> S> P> Al。
The internal structure of rain falls in terms of rain rate during various instances of time can be determined by measuring rain amounts received during very short intervals of time. A system that can record the intensity of rain fall at every minute has been used for this study.
The hydrobiological features like temperature, salinity, phytoplankton, zooplankton and bottom fauna at twelve stations in the Vembanad lake during pre-monsoon and monsoon months were studied and the results communicated in this paper.
A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of phosphorus supplementation in the
formulated fish diet on carcass quality of Nile tilapia in net-cages suspended in fertilized
earthen ponds. In the experiment 3% di-calcium phosphate (DCP), 3% triple supper
phosphate (TSP) and 7% 16:20 inorganic fertilizer were added as phosphorous sources to
three diets containing fish meal as main protein ingredient. Feeding tilapia in net-cages
with these diets significantly (p
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the possibility of using inorganic fertilizer triple super phosphate (TSP), inorganic fertilizer 16:20 (a 16:20 grade fertilizer contains 16 percent N and 20 percent P20 5), rice-bran and duck-manure as phosphorus sources in formulated fish feed for Nile tilapia ( Oreochromis niloticus). Experiment was conducted for a period of 2 months in net-cages suspended in fertilized earthen ponds and all male sex-reversed Nile tilapia (9.39- 10.37 g) were used in the experiment. Seven treatments including one non-feed treatment were used in this experiment. Treatment 1 (non-feed), treatment 2 (-P) where fish fed with phosphorus non-supplemented diet acted as control 1 and treatment 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 where fish fed with 3% di-calcium phosphate (DCP), 3% triple supper phosphate (TSP), 7% 16:20 inorganic fertilizer, 30% rice-bran and 30% duck-manure supplemented diet, respectively. Results showed that the TSP and 16:20 grade inorganic fertilizer supplementation in diets as phosphorus sources were equivalent to DCP (Di-calcium phosphate) supplementation in terms of growth performance, feed utilization efficiency and final body composition of Nile tilapia. Ricebran and duck-manure were not found as good phosphorus sources.