992 resultados para Butte Rotary Club


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Seated on grass Kurt Godshaw; left to right Walter, Freddy, Ursula; seated on ball Hal Godshaw


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Seated on grass Kurt Godshaw; left to right Walter, Freddy, Ursula; seated on ball Hal Godshaw


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From left to right: Therese Gottschalk, Hal Gottschalk, Kurt Gottschalk, Henny Molling; on the ground: Elizabeth Gottschalk


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Seated on grass Kurt Godshaw; left to right Walter, Freddy, Ursula; seated on ball Hal Godshaw


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Seated on grass Kurt Godshaw; left to right Walter, Freddy, Ursula; seated on ball Hal Godshaw


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This report evaluates the wood and veneer properties of plantation-grown spotted gum (Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata, or CCV) and Dunn's white gum (Eucalyptus dunnii), grown at different stockings, in thinning trials near Ellangowan in north-east New South Wales (mean annual rainfall 1050 mm) and Kingaroy in south-east Queensland (mean annual rainfall 873 mm). Thinning trials were established at age seven years. Both species showed a significant increase in stem diameter growth of the dominant trees in response to thinning. At age 10 years, trees from the unthinned (950–1270 stems ha-1) and 300 stems ha-1 treatments were selected for veneering. Five dominant trees were felled from each combination of species x sites x thinning treatment. Diameter at breast height over bark of the selected trees ranged from 20 cm to 27 cm at Ellangowan, and 19 cm to 26 cm at Kingaroy. From each tree, 1.5 m long billets were removed at two positions: a butt billet from 0.3–1.8 m above ground and a top billet from approximately 5.5–7.0 m. Log end splitting was assessed 24 hours after harvesting and again after steaming, approximately four days after harvesting. Disks from just above both billets were collected for assessment of wood properties. Billets were peeled on a spindleless veneer lathe to produce a full veneer ribbon with a target green thickness of 2.8 to 3.0 mm. The 1.55 m wide (tangential dimension) veneer sheets were dried and graded according to AS/NZ Standard 2269:2008, which describes four veneer grades. Veneer samples taken along the length of the veneer ribbon, at regular intervals of 1.55 m, were tested for stiffness, shrinkage and density. Veneer length measurements were used to calculate the radial distance of each sample from the central axis of the billet. Overall veneer gross recoveries ranged from 50% to 70%. They were significantly lower at the Kingaroy site, for both species. The veneer recoveries achieved were 2–3 times higher than typical green off saw recoveries from small plantation hardwood logs of similar diameter. Most of the veneer recovered was classified as D-grade. CCV trees from the Ellangowan site yielded up to 38% of the better C-grade and higher grade veneers. The main limiting factors that prevented veneer from meeting higher grades were the presence of kino defects and encased knots. Splits in E. dunnii veneer also contributed to reduced grade quality. Log end splits were higher for E. dunnii than for CCV, and logs from Ellangowan exhibited more severe splitting. Split index was generally higher for top than for butt billets. Split index was strongly correlated with the average veneer grade from corresponding billets. The Ellangowan site, where rainfall was higher and trees grew faster, yielded significantly denser and stiffer veneers than did the drier sites near Kingaroy, where tree growth was slower. The difference was more pronounced for E. dunnii than for CCV. Differences in measured wood properties between thinned and unthinned treatments were generally small and not significant. On average, 10% of billet volume was lost during the peeling rounding-up process. Much of the wood laid down following thinning was removed during rounding-up, meaning the effect of thinning on veneer properties could not be effectively assessed. CCV was confirmed as having high veneer density and very good veneer stiffness, exceeding 15 GPa, making it very suitable for structural products. E. dunnii also demonstrated good potential as a useful structural plywood resource, achieving stiffness above 10 GPa. Veneer stiffness and density in CCV increased from pith to bark at both sites, while for E. dunnii there was a radial increase in these properties at the Ellangowan site only. At the drier Kingaroy site, veneer stiffness and density declined from mid-radius to the log periphery. This may be associated with prolonged drought from 2005 to 2009, corresponding to the later years of tree growth at the Kingaroy site. CCV appeared to be less sensitive to drought conditions. Standing tree acoustic velocity, determined by the Fakopp time-of-flight method, provided a reliable prediction of average veneer stiffness for both species (R2=0.78 for CCV and R2=0.90 for E. dunnii) suggesting that the Fakopp method may be a useful indicator of tree and stand quality, in terms of veneer stiffness in standing trees.


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A simple graphical design procedure is established for designing rotary vane vacuum pumps with capacities ranging from 20 litre/min to 500 litre/min, normally used in small laboratories. A new term called the idle angle is defined and its influence on the volumetric efficiency of some commercially available pumps is discussed.


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Radio speech on the writers, actors, artists, and others who emigrated from Nazi Germany to the Los Angeles area.


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The processing of Australian plantation-grown Eucalyptus globulus and E. nitens into rotary veneer was shown to produce acceptable recoveries. Three plantation sites for each species were sampled. Silvicultural treatments (thinning and pruning) and growing environments varied between sites. Graded veneer recoveries were dominated by D-grade veneer across all six sites. Variation between the E. nitens sites was evident, with recoveries differing between sites reflecting silvicultural treatments. However, only minimal variation in recovery was shown between the E. globulus sites. The presence of similar levels of defects across all E. globulus sites indicates that the intensive silvicultural management at one site studied was not effective in the production of clear wood, and may possibly have adversely affected grade recovery. Veneer value analysis demonstrated only minimal differences between E. globulus sites. More variation was observed in the E. nitens value analysis; however, intensive silvicultural management implemented did not necessarily result in higher veneer value.


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High levels of percentage green veneer recovery can be obtained from temperate eucalypt plantations. Recovery traits are affected by site and log position in the stem. Of the post-felling log traits studied, out-of-roundness was the best predictor of green recovery.


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The paper presents simple graphical procedures for position synthesis of plane linkage mechanisms to generate functions of two independent variables. The procedures are based on point-position reduction and permit synthesis of the linkage to satisfy up to six arbitrarily selected precision positions.


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El presente trabajo se realizó en la Finca Surco Muerto, Municipio de Sébaco–Matagalpa en el período comprendido de Julio a octubre del 2004, con la finalidad de evaluar diferentes productos fungicidas sistémicos (Phyton 0.5 L. ha-1, Benomil 0.5 kg ha-1 y Curzate 2 kg ha-1) y preventivos (Mancozeb 2 kg ha-1 y Clorotalonil 2 L. ha-1) en el manejo de enfermedades foliares en tomate. El diseño establecido fué el de Bloques Completos al Azar (BCA),con siete tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones. Los resultados indican que el efecto de los tratamientos evaluados sobre el control de Alternaria solani enlas primeras fechas no demuestran diferencia estadística, hasta los 62 días después del trasplante (ddt), donde Clorotalonil se comportó como el mejor tratamiento en protección al follaje.Para la variable severidad de Xanthomonas campestris en follaje los resultados indican, que es a partir de los 78 ddt donde los tratamientos demuestran diferencia estadística, comportándose Phyton como el mejor tratamiento para el manejo de dicha enfermedad.El cultivo también fué fuerte mente afectado por Mosca blanca(Bemisia tabaciGenn.) lo que repercutió en porcentajes de severidad de virosis muy altos(92%),enmascarando un mejor efecto que pudieron haber tenido los tratamientos evaluados. Enrelación a las variables de rendimiento analizadas por contrastes ortogonales, para la variable peso de frutos buenos, el análisis no encontró diferencias estadísticas entre los grupos evaluados.Para la variable peso de frutos afectados por Alternaria el análisis detectó diferencias estadísticas entre los grupos evaluados donde el grupo de los Preventivos (Clorotalonil y Mancozeb) ejercieron mejor control para dicho patógeno por haberse obtenido con ellos los más bajos rendimientos afectados con 40.85 kg ha-1. En la variable peso de frutos afectados por Xanthomonas Campestris pvvesicatoria el análisis no encontró diferencias estadísticas entre los grupos comparados.Para el rendimiento real el análisis encontró diferencias estadísticas, donde demuestra que son los tratamientos preventivos (Mancozeb y Clorotalonil) los que ejercieron el mejor control con el más alto rendimiento 5658.56 kg ha-1.Los resultados del análisis económico indican que el tratamiento rentable es Mancozeb, por obtenerse con el una tasa de retorno marginal de 960.25%. En condiciones de bajo rendimiento es Alternado (Curzate + Clorotalonil +Mancozeb) el tratamiento rentable por obtenerse con el una TRM de 246.95%. Al realizar el análisis de sensibilidad los resultados demuestran que la aplicación de Mancozeb es justificable; aun cuando el precio del tomate disminuye en un 70%, de su precio original,ya que con precios bajos se obtiene una TRM de 1.98%.


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Desde 1956, en ocho ocasiones la Argentina refinanció deudas oficiales en el ámbito del Club de París. Estas refinanciaciones implicaron implementar programas de ajuste, acompañados en seis oportunidades por acuerdos contingentes con el FMI. Pero la apreciación subsiguiente de la moneda doméstica y los compromisos de facilitar importaciones pactados en tales acuerdos, desencadenan un ciclo de auge y deterioro de la cuenta corriente del balance de pagos que finaliza con una nueva crisis y una deuda externa incrementada, agravando la restricción de divisas originante de tal situación, en un contexto de salida masiva de capitales, inflación y recesión.