942 resultados para Bus Priority


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Sleep-related complaints have become a highlight for physicians as well as public health administrators. Studies of sleep patterns and sleep-related complaints of shift workers have been useful in minimizing reduction in the quality of life due to the warping of the sleep-wake cycle. The objective of the present study was to assess patterns of sleep, sleep-related complaints as well as physical activity and scoring rates for depression and anxiety in interstate bus drivers. Data were obtained with a sleep questionnaire, with the Beck inventory for depression, and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). A total of 400 interstate bus drivers from the northern, southern, central-western and south-eastern regions of Brazil were interviewed. Sixty percent of the subjects interviewed presented at least one sleep-related complaint, 16% admitted to have dozed at the wheel while on duty, and 41% stated that they exercised on a regular basis. Other sleep disturbance complaints reported were: sleep latency 29'17"; physical fatigue, 59.8%; mental fatigue, 45.4%; sleepiness, 25.8%; irritability, 20.6%; insomnia, 37.5%, respiratory disturbances, 19.25% and snoring, 20.75%. Scores for anxiety and depression were not in the pathological range. The present data reinforce the view that bus drivers are generally discontent with shift work and its effects on sleep. Consequently, it is very important to establish an appropriate work schedule for drivers, besides implementing photo-therapy and physical activities in order to minimize sleepiness when driving.


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Internet of Things (IoT) technologies are developing rapidly, and therefore there exist several standards of interconnection protocols and platforms. The existence of heterogeneous protocols and platforms has become a critical challenge for IoT system developers. To mitigate this challenge, few alliances and organizations have taken the initiative to build a framework that helps to integrate application silos. Some of these frameworks focus only on a specific domain like home automation. However, the resource constraints in the large proportion of connected devices make it difficult to build an interoperable system using such frameworks. Therefore, a general purpose, lightweight interoperability framework that can be used for a range of devices is required. To tackle the heterogeneous nature, this work introduces an embedded, distributed and lightweight service bus, Lightweight IoT Service bus Architecture (LISA), which fits inside the network stack of a small real-time operating system for constrained nodes. LISA provides a uniform application programming interface for an IoT system on a range of devices with variable resource constraints. It hides platform and protocol variations underneath it, thus facilitating interoperability in IoT implementations. LISA is inspired by the Network on Terminal Architecture, a service centric open architecture by Nokia Research Center. Unlike many other interoperability frameworks, LISA is designed specifically for resource constrained nodes and it provides essential features of a service bus for easy service oriented architecture implementation. The presented architecture utilizes an intermediate computing layer, a Fog layer, between the small nodes and the cloud, thereby facilitating the federation of constrained nodes into subnetworks. As a result of a modular and distributed design, the part of LISA running in the Fog layer handles the heavy lifting to assist the lightweight portion of LISA inside the resource constrained nodes. Furthermore, LISA introduces a new networking paradigm, Node Centric Networking, to route messages across protocol boundaries to facilitate interoperability. This thesis presents a concept implementation of the architecture and creates a foundation for future extension towards a comprehensive interoperability framework for IoT.


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Contient : « Le livre des parties d'Oultre mer, lequel fu fait, ordonné et compilé par honorable et vaillant seigneur Jehan de Mandeville... Escript (fol. 62) par moy, Ogier de Caumont, en la cité de Liege, et finy le penultieme jour de juillet l'an mil CCC IIIIxx??? et XVI. » Cf. R. Röhricht, Bibliotheca geographica Palestinae, p. 79 ; On lit : « Hunc librum acquisivit monasterio Sancti Victoris prope Parisius frater Johannes Lamasse, dum esset prior ejusdem ecclesie. Scriptum anno Domini 1424 » ; Prière à la Vierge ; « Dit de la rose », pièce en l'honneur de la Vierge ; Les peines de l'enfer ; « Scriptum quoddam super degradatione et combustione quorumdam fratrum ordinis Predicatorum, qui... opinionem suam ab ecclesia damnata de conceptione purissime Virginis matris Domini Jhesu deffendere nitebantur... Actum anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo nono. » Cf. Du Boulay, Historia Universitatis Parisiensis, t. VI, p. 45 ; Pater Noster et Ave Maria, en vers ; Vers sur le plaisir de boire. « Ad primum morsum, nisi potavero mort sum... » (15 vers) ; « Statutum sacre facultatis Theologie studii Parisiensis super materia conceptionis immaculate gloriosissime Virginis... » (1497) ; Paraphrase, en vers français, de l'Ave maris stella ; « Clericus sic ethimologizatur : Per c intelligitur quod sit clarus... » ; « Almalarius (sic), qui loquitur de duobus ebdomadis passionis Christi. Due ebdomade passionis Christi significant duo tempora ante legem et sub lege... » ; Explications, en latin, du Pater et du Credo. « Elegit Dominus Deus noster Jhesus Christus septem apostolos... » ; « Tabula fidei christiane. Septem virtutes principales : fides, spes... » ; Notes de comput. « Ad habendum ciclum solarem, secundum Gallandum, sive litteram dominicalem... » ; Prière à la Vierge ; « La deputaison » ou « le mireur du corps et de l'ame. Une grant vision est en ce livre escripte... » ; Prières à la Vierge ; I ; II ; III ; Note relative à « Jehan Le Mire, jadis trésorier des guerres » (1339) ; La maison de sapience ; Poème moral sur la mort du Christ ; Vers latins, en l'honneur de S. Jean-Baptiste ; « Missa pro evitanda mortalitate, quam dominus papa Clemens sextus constituit et fecit... » ; « Le Testament maistre Jehan de Meun. » Cf. Histoire littéraire, t. XXVIII (1880), p. 416 (art. de P. Paris) ; Roman de Fauvel, par Gervais Du Bus. Cf. Histoire littéraire, t. XXXII (1898), p. 108 (art. de M. G. Paris) ; Vers latins contre les femmes ; Autre pièce contre les femmes ; Autre pièce sur les femmes. « Se j'avoye une fame qui ne me mentist point... » ; Prière. « Doulx Diex, qui es sans fin et sans initium... » ; « Les heures de la Croiz [en vers], ausquellez le pape Jehan XXII donna i an ex xl jours de vray pardon à quelconque persone, qui par devocion dira ceste office du mistère de la Passion Jhesu Crist » ; Prière à la Vierge


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One way of exploring the power of sound in the experience and constitution of space is through the phenomenon of personal listening devices (PLDs) in public environments. In this thesis, I draw from in-depth interviews with eleven Brock University students in S1. Catharines, Ontario, to show how PLDs (such as MP3 players like the iPod) are used to create personalized soundscapes and mediate their public transit journeys. I discuss how my interview participants experience the space-time of public transit, and show how PLDs are used to mediate these experiences in acoustic and non-acoustic ways. PLD use demonstrates that acoustic and environmental experiences are co-constitutive, which highlights a kinaesthetic quality of the transit-space. My empirical findings show that PLDs transform space, particularly by overlapping public and private appropriations of the bus. I use these empirical findings to discuss the PLD phenomenon in the theoretical context of spatiality, and more specifically, acoustic space. J develop the ontological notion of acoustic space, stating that space shares many of the properties of sound, and argue that sound is a rich epistemological tool for understanding and explaining our everyday experiences.


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We study the assignment of indivisible objects with quotas (houses, jobs, or offices) to a set of agents (students, job applicants, or professors). Each agent receives at most one object and monetary compensations are not possible. We characterize efficient priority rules by efficiency, strategy-proofness, and reallocation-consistency. Such a rule respects an acyclical priority structure and the allocations can be determined using the deferred acceptance algorithm.


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Aquest curs la reducció en un 20% del preu que els estudiants de la UdG paguen per l'abonament del bus s'ha traduït en un augment de més del 600% en la venda de títols de transport


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El Cine Bus La Esperanza es un proyecto que, a través de una solución móvil, busca llevar un teatro de cine itinerante a 32 municipios del Valle del Cauca, para la exhibición gratuita de películas de cine en formato de video digital. Se trata de un bus adecuado con un teatro de cine en su interior, con capacidad para 30 personas y un mecanismo para ensamblar una pantalla en su parte exterior para funciones al aire libre. Al ser una estrategia de formación y sensibilización de públicos este proyecto lleva consigo una propuesta pedagógica con el fin de posicionar el teatro de cine como un espacio público estratégico entre la población de los municipios del Valle del Cauca.


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