994 resultados para Burlington Strike, 1888.
Hibernia is mostly a memory today as is so many immigrant neighborhoods. However, there are several guideposts to the past that still witness to the history of years gone by, such as St. Patrick's Church, a beacon reflecting the Irish Catholic heritage. Murray Iron Works and the Embalming Burial Case Company and the worker's homes on the surrounding streets witness to the industrial/employee relationship of the past.
In Illinois and Iowa, the author finds that plants with approximately 750 employees have suffered the highest strike-frequency rate. Why at this size? Among other explanations, it is posited that in significantly smaller plants labor-management relations can be personalized-and tensions reduced-while in appreciably larger plants sophistication in dealing with disputes may, of necessity, have been developed. C. Fred Eisele is a graduate teaching assistant at the University of Iowa's College of Business Administration.
The Center for Transportation Research and Education (CTRE) used the traffic simulation model CORSIM to access proposed capacity and safety improvement strategies for the U.S. 61 corridor through Burlington, Iowa. The comparison between the base and alternative models allow for evaluation of the traffic flow performance under the existing conditions as well as other design scenarios. The models also provide visualization of performance for interpretation by technical staff, public policy makers, and the public. The objectives of this project are to evaluate the use of traffic simulation models for future use by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) and to develop procedures for employing simulation modeling to conduct the analysis of alternative designs. This report presents both the findings of the U.S. 61 evaluation and an overview of model development procedures. The first part of the report includes the simulation modeling development procedures. The simulation analysis is illustrated through the Burlington U.S. 61 corridor case study application. Part I is not intended to be a user manual but simply introductory guidelines for traffic simulation modeling. Part II of the report evaluates the proposed improvement concepts in a side by side comparison of the base and alternative models.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has requested the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) Hazardous Waste Site Health Assessment Program to evaluate the health impacts of the proposed remedial strategy to be implemented at the Iowa City Former Manufactured Gas Plant Site (FMGP). The proposed remedial strategy to be implemented incorporates the following: 1) access restrictions through the continued operation of the Iowa-Illinois Manor and restriction on any future water well installation through continued implementation of a local environmental covenant; 2) previous site decommissioning activities that have restricted access to site contaminants; and 3) continued monitoring of the groundwater to ensure that contaminant levels in groundwater remain the same or are declining in concentration. This health consultation addresses potential health risks to people from exposure to the soil and vapors within the property. The information in this health consultation was current at the time of writing. Data that emerges later could alter this document’s conclusions and recommendations.
Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) has re-initiated planning and preliminary design studies to improve U.S. 61 from Memorial Park Road in Burlington north to 1-mile north of IA 78 in Louisa County. The proposed project consists of improving approximately 18 miles of roadway from 2-lanes to 4-lanes and evaluating a potential bypass around Mediapolis.
Autour du ballet d'Ambroise Thomas, "La Tempête". - 11 juillet : Lui fait part des difficultés de toutes sortes qu'il a mesurées après sa rencontre avec le directeur de l'Opéra, "difficultés basées surtout sur la question des appointements qui, trop modestes, diminueraient l'artiste et, trop forts, grèveraient inutilement le budget du théâtre". - 30 juillet : au sujet d'un rendez-vous. - 3 août : Souhaite connaître les chiffres des primes qu'il a touchées pour "Néron". - 26 septembre : Évoque la partition de "Miranda" (dont le titre allait se changer en "La Tempête") : "merveille de grâce, de couleur, d'élégance, de légèreté, de distinction, de poésie et de sentiment". - 29 septembre : L'informe qu'ils iront dîner chez Thomas la semaine suivante à Argenteuil. - 25 octobre : Regrette de n'avoir pu retenir la personne que Heugel lui avait recommandée (concours de chant?), laquelle avait de nombreuses concurrentes. - 3 novembre : Au sujet de Mademoiselle Van Zandt qui ne doit pas manquer l'occasion de reparaître devant le public parisien. - 8 décembre : Au sujet de la Patti qui va reprendre son rôle le lundi suivant. - 20 et 21 décembre : au sujet d'un rendez-vous avec Thomas remis à la semaine suivante. - Comporte l'argument manuscrit (2 f.) du ballet dans la NLAS-224 (4)
Lui recommande une jeune chanteuse, Madame Montbios, "qui a une voix magnifique, qui a beaucoup travaillé et qui a la folie du théâtre". - Comprend également la lettre d'introduction remise par la jeune femme
Comprend : Ó-Kemenczei gereb. Unghmagye ; A Popp Ivan (1940 m), Szerban (1795 m) és Poloninka (1625 m) a Precsulka elöhavasról. Máramorosmegye ; Szaláncz várromjai az Ujhely-Kassai vasut vonalán. Albanjmegye ; Crachyt szikla a "Szinnai kö" tetején (998 méter), Zemplén és Unghmegye Határán