937 resultados para Built heritage sites


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Il y a aussi des chapitres en français. There are also chapters in English. Cap. 1. El complicado arte de exponer. Iñaki Arrieta Urtizberea. Cap. 2. “Esta exposición no es para este museo”. Las salas permanentes del Museu Valencià d’Etnologia. Joan Segui. Cap. 3. Debunking, Decentralizing and Dissonance: Cultural Jamming @ Museum of Vancouver. Viviane Gosselin. Cap. 4. L’exposition des objets de cultures autochtones aujourd’hui, gain ou perte de sens? Le cas de l’exposition « C’est notre histoire... » au Musée de la civilisation de Québec. Daniel Arsenault et Nadine Desbiens. Cap. 5. El Born de Barcelona: exposiciones conmemorativas, límites, problemas y desafíos. Francesc Xavier Hernàndez Cardona. Cap. 6. Silencios y omisiones: narrando y exhibiendo la historia nacional. Magdalena Mieri. Cap. 7. Exhibiting the Commons. The Case of Tensta konsthall. Haizea Barcenilla Garcia. Cap. 8. Interactividad y patrimonio. Retos, tendencias y líneas de futuro. Núria Serrat Antolí.


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Excavation works in urban areas require a preliminary risk damage assessment. In historical cities, the prediction of building response to settlements is necessary to reduce the risk of damage of the architectural heritage. The current method used to predict the building damage due to ground deformations is the Limiting Tensile Strain Method (LTSM). In this approach the building is modelled as an elastic beam subjected to imposed Greenfield settlements and the induced tensile strains are compared with a limit value for the material. These assumptions can lead to a non realistic evaluation of the damage. In this paper, the possibility to apply a settlement risk assessment derived from the seismic vulnerability approach is considered. The parameters that influence the structural response to settlements can be defined through numerical analyses which take into account the nonlinear behaviour of masonry and the soil-structure interaction. The effects of factors like material quality, geometry of the structure, amount of openings, type of foundation or the actual state of preservation can be included in a global vulnerability index, which should indicate the building susceptibility to damage by differential settlements of a given magnitude. Vulnerability curves will represent the expected damage of each vulnerability class of building as a function of the settlement.


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Williams, Gruffydd. 'The literary tradition to c. 1560', In: History of Merioneth, Vol. II: The Middle Ages (University of Wales Press, 2001), pp.507-628 RAE2008


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitetura e Urbanismo


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The Irish Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2012 charts a position for Irish architecture in a global culture where the modes of production of architecture are radically altered. Ireland is one of the most globalised countries in the world, yet it has developed a national culture of architecture derived from local place as a material construct. We now have to evolve our understanding in the light of the globalised nature of economic processes and architectural production which is largely dependent on internationally networked flows of products, data, and knowledge. We have just begun to represent this situation to ourselves and others. How should a global architecture be grounded culturally and philosophically? How does it position itself outside of shared national reference points?
heneghan peng architects were selected as participants because they are working across three continents on a range of competition-winning projects. Several of these are in sensitive and/or symbolic sites that include three UNESCO World Heritage sites, including the Grand Egyptian Museum in Cairo, the Giants Causeway Visitor Centre in Northern Ireland, and the new Rhine Bridge near Lorelei.
Our dialogue led us to discussing the universal languages of projective geometry and number are been shared by architects and related professionals. In the work of heneghan peng, the specific embodiment of these geometries is carefully calibrated by the choice of materials and the detailed design of their physical performance on site. The stone facade of the Giant’s Causeway Visitor Centre takes precise measure of the properties of the volcanic basalt seams from which it is hewn. The extraction of the stone is the subject of the pavilion wall drawings which record the cutting of stones to create the façade of the causeway centre.
We also identified water as an element which is shared across the different sites. Venice is a perfect place to take measure of this element which suggests links to another site – the Nile Valley which was enriched by the annual flooding of the River Nile. An ancient Egyptian rod for measuring the water level of the Nile inspired the design of the Nilometre - a responsive oscillating bench that invites visitors to balance their respective weights. This action embodies the ways of thinking that are evolving to operate in the globalised world, where the autonomous architectural object is dissolving into an expanded field of conceptual rules and systems. The bench constitutes a shifting ground located in the unstable field of Venice. It is about measurement and calibration of the weight of the body in relation to other bodies; in relation to the site of the installation; and in relation to water. The exhibit is located in the Artiglierie section of the Arsenale. Its level is calibrated against the mark of the acqua alta in the adjacent brickwork of the building which embodies a liminal moment in the fluctuating level of the lagoon.
The weights of bodies, the level of water, changes over time, are constant aspects of design across cultures and collectively they constitute a common ground for architecture - a ground shared with other design professionals. The movement of the bench required complex engineering design and active collaboration between the architects, engineers and fabricators. It is a kind of prototype – a physical object produced from digital data that explores the mathematics at play – the see-saw motion invites the observer to become a participant, to give it a test drive. It shows how a simple principle can generate complex effects that are difficult to predict and invites visitors to experiment and play with them.


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Cities are constantly changing, and city centres are the pinnacle of that change. In the last hundred years these changes have been dramatic, transforming city centres from a complex combination of uses into exclusively retail and leisure areas. Meanwhile, most residents of city centres fled to the suburbs, removing much of the livelihood of central areas. These transformations has been stronger in Northern Europe and especially in English speaking countries, where zoning policies were instrumental in urban development since the 1960s. This process along with the rise of shopping malls left many city centre streets lifeless, which in turn caused the dereliction and demolition of significant heritage areas and buildings. Belfast is no exception, where the broad process of suburbanization and zoning since the 1970s produced a city centre for either retail or dereliction, where much built heritage has been lost or is at risk of being lost.


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O povoamento das áreas de montanha é quase sempre conformado por aglomerados de pequena dimensão vinculados no passado a uma economia de subsistência. Em Portugal, as mutações significativas que, num contexto de forte recessão demográfica, têm marcado as povoações serranas do interior estão, por vezes, associadas à persistência dos hábitos e das construções característicos da cultura tradicional, como é especialmente evidente nalgumas das aldeias do maciço beirão da Gralheira. O presente artigo incidirá no património construído desta região, tomando como caso de estudo o lugar da Drave e considerando, de forma articulada, a caracterização do núcleo edificado tradicional e da paisagem onde se integra. Constituem instrumentos fundamentais deste trabalho o levantamento desenhado do lugar e a leitura da Crónica dos Martins da Drave datada de meados do século de oitocentos.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações


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Mestre em Engenharia Civil - Especialização em Estruturas


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A reabilitação de edifícios antigos tem vindo a alcançar uma maior importância na actual narrativa da organização das cidades, devido à inevitável necessidade de reabilitar o património arquitetónico dos centros degradados, sendo vista pelo setor da construção civil como uma atividade com potencial de desenvolvimento para todos os intervenientes na construção. Torna-se, por isso, num tema consensual e extremamente interessante como objeto de estudo e reflexão, concretamente na cidade do Porto, onde se pode encontrar um centro histórico classificado. Nesta perspetiva deve ser dada a devida relevância à preservação do património construído, reabilitando-o para que a população regresse ao centro urbano. O presente relatório tem como base um estágio desenvolvido na empresa Porto Vivo, Sociedade de Reabilitação Urbana (SRU) da Baixa do Porto. Numa primeira parte deste trabalho será feita uma reflexão sobre a reabilitação urbana, registando a evolução que esta tem vindo a sofrer ao longo dos tempos, tendo posteriormente o foco na cidade do Porto, mais concretamente no centro histórico da cidade. Também será dado ênfase à intervenção da Porto Vivo SRU. Numa segunda parte, serão abordados os tipos de estrutura predominantes no centro histórico da cidade do Porto, nomeadamente, estruturas de madeira e estruturas de alvenaria de pedra. Por fim, na terceira parte deste trabalho analisaremos dois casos de obra. Como corolário, apresentamos a conclusão do trabalho onde se incluem propostas e sugestões para o seu desenvolvimento futuro.


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Depuis quelques années, l’urbanisme tend à considérer de plus en plus la question patrimoniale. Au Québec, c’est suite à l’adoption, en 1980, de la Loi sur l’aménagement et l’urbanisme que fut formellement introduite la donne patrimoniale dans la pratique urbanistique. Bien que cette pratique tente aujourd’hui de poser la conservation du patrimoine bâti comme l’une de ses préoccupations, elle ne parvient pas à l’assumer complètement. En nous basant sur la définition du patrimoine urbain telle que proposée par Gustavo Giovannoni, nous voulons, par cette étude, amorcer une réflexion sur les enjeux d’une approche urbanistique du patrimoine urbain. Nous proposons dans un premier temps un survol de l’évolution de la notion de patrimoine urbain. Cette évolution est mise en relation avec la constitution d’un regard sur le patrimoine bâti québécois. Nous analysons, par la suite, trois moments clés dans la constitution d’un tel regard. La mise en contexte de la naissance de l’urbanisme québécois constitue, quant à elle, le troisième et avant-dernier volet de notre réflexion. À la lumière de cette analyse, nous considérons que le regard de l’urbaniste, posé sur le patrimoine bâti, témoigne encore aujourd’hui d’un désintérêt pour la forme. L’abandon du domaine du physico-spatial au profit d’une gestion rationnelle de la ville a engendré une méconnaissance des processus de constitution des ensembles bâtis et du rôle des formes spécialisées polarisantes. Une véritable approche urbanistique du patrimoine bâti ne saurait passer que par la reconnaissance des processus morphogénétiques des ensembles urbains anciens et de leur inscription dans la ville contemporaine.


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Un fichier intitulé Charbonneau_Nathalie_2008_AnimationAnnexeT accompagne la thèse. Il contient une séquence animée démontrant le type de parcours pouvant être effectué au sein des environnements numériques développés. Il s'agit d'un fichier .wmv qui a été compressé.