252 resultados para Buddhism.


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Esta tese apresenta como um dos seus aspectos fundamentais a compreensão de outra cultura, outra versão, outro conjunto de valores: o pensamento indiano, berço da Ahamkãra a consciência individual, o eu e das práticas ascéticas de origem pré-ariana e autóctone. No interior dessa tradição, foram escolhidos os ensinamentos do Buddha Shãkyamuni, por sua absoluta originalidade na concepção da individualidade, transformando radicalmente as concepções de subjetividade existentes em sua época. O intuito, ao buscar uma tradição em tudo diferente da nossa, é, por dirigir o foco para o mais contrastante, iluminar nossa própria tradição, enriquecer o campo de discussão das novas matrizes de subjetivação em nossa sociedade ocidental pós-moderna e globalizada. Com essa abordagem objetiva-se contribuir para o debate em torno do despertar do budismo ocidental, no séc. XXI, lançando algumas linhas de reflexão que auxiliem, por um lado, a contextualizar esse acontecimento, e, por outro, a ampliar o debate sobre as questões relativas à noção de sujeito, utilizada pelos teóricos da psicanálise, através da apresentação de uma outra versão, a do eu budista. A comparação entre uma forma de individualidade oriunda de uma sociedade tradicional e holista e a forma da individualidade contemporânea, oriunda de uma sociedade secularizada e individualista, é possível através do que Harpham denomina imperativo ascético, uma força estruturante primária e transcultural. Nesse sentido visualiza-se uma relação entre as práticas ascéticas e a construção do eu. Segundo Mauss, o eu também é uma categoria universal, presente em todas as culturas. Assim como se encontram variações sobre o repertório das práticas ascéticas disponíveis em diferentes culturas, encontram-se variações na forma da subjetividade, de acordo com o seu solo cultural e sua paisagem mental. Fizemos uma conexão entre as práticas ascéticas indianas e o que denominamos de identificação mística, a partir da qual foi possível inferir essa imbricação entre ascetismo, construção e sacralização do eu nos primórdios da civilização indiana. Com o budismo ocorre uma espécie de descentramento, a sacralização é estendida a todo o cosmo, as práticas de meditação sintonizam com todos os seres, com todos os animais, para eliminar as causas do sofrimento. O budismo nasce com uma vocação universalista e leva para fora das fronteiras da Índia esse eu construído a partir dos conceitos da Ãhimsa, a não-violência, e da noção de ausência de existência inerente, inscritos no pensamento budista há dois mil e quinhentos anos, despertando o interesse do ocidente após um longo período de obscurecimento.


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A proposta do trabalho é analisar como a morte é entendida pela visão da hipermodernidade e pela visão do Budismo. Na contemporaneidade cuja lógica capitalista é embasada na lógica do mercado onde o consumo assume o papel principal, a morte se tornou um tabu, onde ela é evitada, esvaziada de sentido e descaracterizada. A dor e o sofrimento são depreciados e é exigido do homem uma inabalável postura performática e um desempenho cada vez melhor. Há ainda a crença de que o discurso tecnocientífico trará todas as soluções para as mazelas humanas. A felicidade é, portanto, um imperativo da sociedade hipermoderna e sua busca é exteriorizada isentando os indivíduos de um olhar crítico. Assim, a morte e o luto perdem seu lugar para a busca incessante de satisfação e bem-estar. O Budismo tem uma lógica que segue na contramão. Ensina que a existência humana no Samsara é constituída por principalmente quatro sofrimentos básicos: nascimento, envelhecimento, doença e morte. O Budismo ensina que a morte, assim como a vida, é um fenômeno comum a todos os seres vivos e que o exercício budista possibilita compreender o real significado da vida e da morte. A meditação sobre a impermanência, uma das práticas budistas, visa familiarizar o adepto budista a três pensamentos: certamente vou morrer; a hora da minha morte é totalmente incerta e na hora da minha morte e, depois dela, só a prática do Dharma vai me ajudar. Postula que para alcançar a verdadeira felicidade o homem deve provocar uma mudança interior, exercitar a compaixão e se desapegar da crença de que os fenômenos são permanentes e imutáveis. Tais considerações foram possíveis a partir da pesquisa sobre o Budismo da Nova Tradição Kadampa a partir de uma metodologia etnográfica que incluíram visitas ao campo de estudo, a confecção de um diário de campo e a realização de entrevistas com os praticantes budistas da Nova Tradição Kadampa.


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The category of ‘religion’ as contemporary scholarship has demonstrated is a fairly recent innovation, dating back only a few hundred years in Western thought, and ‘world religions’ as we think of it and as we teach it is an even more recent category, emerging out of European colonialism. Thus the academic study of religion is both the product and, at times, the agent of colonial modes of knowledge. And yet, it is perhaps because ‘religion’ continues to be invented and reinvented through connections across cultures that investigating the work of religious ideas and practices offers such fruitful possibilities for understanding the work of culture and power. This article investigates religion and the study of religion as a mode of anti-colonial practice, seeking to understand how each have the potential to cross boundaries, build bridges and produce critical insights into assumptions and worldviews too often taken for granted.


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This dissertation involves a general overview of the meditative practice of zazen and analytic philosophy of mind while suggesting a potential bridge between them in the form of an analysis of the practicality of realising impermanence. By the end of my argument I hope to have offered up some compelling evidence in favour of the idea that analytic philosophy would benefit greatly from adopting principles which are best learned and expressed through the practice of, and scholarship around, Zen Buddhism and in particular the treatment of the concept of impermanence. I demonstrate the Western philosophical tendency to make dichotomous assumptions about the nature of mind, even when explicitly denying a dualist framework. I do so by examining the historical and philosophical precedent for dualistic thinking in the work of figures such as Plato and Descartes. I expand on this idea by examining the psychology of categorisation - i.e. creating mental categories and boundaries - and demonstrating how such categorisations feeds back into behaviour in practical ways, both positive and negative. The Zen Buddhist principle of impermanence states that all phenomena are impermanent and therefore lack essential nature; this includes intellectual concepts such as the metaphysical framework of the analytic approach to mind. Impermanence is a principle which is realised through the embodied practice of zazen. By demonstrating its application to analytic philosophy of mind I show that zazen (and mindfulness practice in general) provides an ongoing opportunity for clearing up entrenched world views, metaphysical assumptions and dogmatic thinking. This in turn may promote a more holistic and ultimately more rewarding comprehension of the role of first-person experience in understanding the world. My argument is not limited to analytic philosophy of mind but reflects broad aspects of thinking in general, and I explain its application to issues of social importance, in particular education systems.


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Individuals who have been subtly reminded of death display heightened in-group favouritism, or “worldview defense.” Terror management theory argues (i) that death cues engender worldview defense via psychological mechanisms specifically evolved to suppress death anxiety, and (ii) that the core function of religiosity is to suppress death anxiety. Thus, terror management theory predicts that extremely religious individuals will not evince worldview defense. Here, two studies are presented in support of an alternative perspective. According to the unconscious vigilance hypothesis, subtly processed threats (which need not pertain to death) heighten sensitivity to affectively valenced stimuli (which need not pertain to cultural attitudes). From this perspective, religiosity mitigates the influence of mortality-salience only insofar as afterlife doctrines reduce the perceived threat posed by death. Tibetan Buddhism portrays death as a perilous gateway to rebirth rather than an end to suffering; faith in this doctrine should therefore not be expected to nullify mortality-salience effects. In Study 1, devout Tibetan Buddhists who were subtly reminded of death produced exaggerated aesthetic ratings unrelated to cultural worldviews. In Study 2, devout Tibetan Buddhists produced worldview defense following subliminal exposure to non-death cues of threat. The results demonstrate both the domain-generality of the process underlying worldview defense and the importance of religious doctrinal content in moderating mortality-salience effects.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2015


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Abstract The study was undertaken to identify what motivates registered nurses to participate in continuing education activities. The primary questions were whether basic nursing education, employment status, clinical area, and position, as well as readiness for selfdirected learning influenced Canadian nurses' motivational orientations when deciding to participate in continuing education activities. Other individual differences (e.g., age) were also examined. The sample included 142 registered nurses employed at an urban community hospital. Three instruments were used for data collection: the Education Participation Scale, the Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale, and a nursing survey consisting of demographic questions. Basic nursing education and employment status did not effect motivational orientation or self-directed learning readiness. Clinical area and level of position significantly influenced nurses' decisions to participate in continuing education activities. Motivational orientation had a significant relationship with selfdirected learning readiness. Implications for practice as a result of this study involves program planning and delivery. The identification of the motivational orientations of participants may assist in the development and delivery of continuing education programs that are beneficial, relevant, and address the identified learning needs of participants. Implications for future research also exist in relation to studying different groups of nurses, for example, registered nursing assistants, and investigating related issues, for example, what are the deterrents to participation in continuing education?


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This thesis presents Zen experience as aesthetic in nature. This is done through an analysis of language, a central concern for Zen Buddhism. The thesis develops two modes of language at work in Zen: representational and indexical. What these modes of language entail, the kind of relations that are developed through their use, are explored with recourse to a variety of Zen platforms: poetry, the koan, zazen, music, and suizen. In doing so, a primacy of listening is found in Zen - a listening without a listener. Given this primacy of listening, silence comes to the forefront of the investigation. An analysis of John Cage's 4'33" provides this thesis with justification of the groundlessness of silence, and the groundlessness of subjectivity. Listening allows for the abyssal subject to emerges, which in tum allows for reality to present itself outside of the constitutive function of language.


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Notre analyse porte sur la notion d’éveil au sein du Sûtra de Vimalakîrti. Premièrement, nous présentons et comparons les modèles d’éveil exposés dans ce texte, soit la figure du bouddha et – surtout – celle du bodhisattva; nous analysons leurs deux grands traits caractéristiques, c’est-à-dire la connaissance transcendante et les méthodes habiles, puis élaborons leur rôle par rapport à l’éveil. Il apparaît d’emblée que la connaissance transcendante est une connaissance non discursive de la réelle nature de toute chose et qu’elle est une condition nécessaire à l’éveil, alors que les méthodes habiles – aussi appelées expédients salvifiques – constituent la myriade de moyens rusés et provisoires conçus et employés par les bouddhas et bodhisattva dans le but d’amener les êtres ignorants à l’éveil et d’ainsi les libérer de l’attachement et de la souffrance. Dans le second chapitre, nous caractérisons l’état de conscience de l’éveillé à l’aide de notions telles la non-dualité, la non-discrimination et la non-pensée, puis présentons la conception de la pratique méditationnelle soutenue dans notre sûtra. Nous montrons que l’état d’éveil est un état de conscience non discriminateur au sein duquel l’identité personnelle et les phénomènes – ou la dualité sujet-objet – sont reconnus comme étant des illusions ou, plus précisément, des constructions mentales et langagières. Ainsi, la méditation apparaît comme étant une méthode habile provisoire dont les buts sont essentiellement la déconstruction du paradigme dualiste de la pensée discursive et la réalisation qu’il n’existe, ultimement et paradoxalement, aucune réelle entrave à l’éveil et aucune pratique méditationnelle nécessaire à l’expérience de l’éveil.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Cette recherche a comme objectif l’étude d’un des thèmes clef dans la vaste œuvre du poète et essayiste mexicain Octavio Paz (1914-1998) : les analogies entre l’érotisme, le poème et le sacré comme chemins ou voies d’union et de réconciliation humaine, idée qui est particulièrement renforcée dans son œuvre à partir des voyages et du séjour en Orient –spécialement en Inde– entre 1951 et 1968. Pendant la période nommée « cycle indien » (‘ciclo hindú’), Paz s’est intéressé aux différentes traditions de la pensée orientale, particulièrement le bouddhisme, et surtout son orientation tantrique. Ce mémoire analyse les apports les plus significatifs du bouddhisme à l’œuvre de Paz. À partir de l’étude de concepts comme la vacuité, le silence, l’autre bord (‘otra orilla’), l’union extatique transcendante et la libération, ce mémoire soutient que Paz a approfondi les analogies entre l’érotisme, la poésie et le sacré en ne les concevant pas seulement comme expériences de réconciliation mais en les menant au-delà, au plan transcendental, à partir de l’union extatique dans la vacuité. Même si ce mémoire tient compte d’un grand nombre d’œuvres d’Octavio Paz, qui vont de El arco y la lira (1956) à Vislumbres de la India (1995), une attention particulière est dédiée à deux textes qui sont les plus représentatifs du résultat de sa rencontre avec l’Orient, Ladera este (1969) et El mono gramático (1974), dans lesquels il est possible d’observer les analogies que Paz établit entre l’érotisme, le poème, et le bouddhisme tantrique à partir de l’expérience de l’altérité (‘otredad’), qui propose à l’être humain la recherche de son ‘autre’ pour se réconcilier dans l’unité, et de l’expérience de dissipation dans la vacuité. La conclusion générale de l’étude souligne que l’érotisme, le poème, et le bouddhisme tantrique se proposent dans l’œuvre de Octavio Paz comme trois chemins parallèles de révélation par lesquels l’être humain peut accéder à sa plénitude, état manifeste dans l’expérience extatique.


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Dans le Cambodge angkorien, les souverains khmers administraient une paysannerie mouvante par le biais de temples-palais. Lorsque les Français prennent le contrôle, en 1845, ils se retrouvent devant une « masse paysanne inorganisée, inorganique même » (Delvert, 1961 : 201) et restent « confondus devant la mobilité des Cambodgiens » (Forest, 1980 : 30). À l’époque postcoloniale, les ethnologues feront essentiellement le même constat, pendant que John F. Embree (1950) proposera de catégoriser les sociétés indianisées du Sud-Est asiatique comme étant « loosely structured » : postulant une faible intégration individuelle des structures sociales donnant lieu à une prévalence de comportements individualistes ad hoc et à des communautés sans réelle organisation. La proposition fera école. Ces observations paraissent justes, mais l’analyse infructueuse. La structure dont parle Embree s’appuie sur une culture hautement syncrétique qui se reflétait aléatoirement dans les comportements. Mais l’organisation sociale khmère se trouve ailleurs : dans les solutions organisationnelles qui gouvernent les choix des individus lorsqu’ils doivent se regrouper afin d’effectuer des tâches récurrentes. À ce titre, les paysans khmers évoluaient dans une organisation sociale rigoureusement minimaliste et flexible. La maisonnée était l’élément essentiel, tandis que la communauté territoriale locale était contingente et fluctuante. Dans l’environnement naturel généreux du Cambodge, un petit groupe d’individus mobiles réunis sous un même toit pouvait aisément accomplir toutes les tâches nécessaires à sa survie. Alors on ne s’attachait jamais indéfiniment à une localité : seulement à des communautés sans cesse en évolution, centrées autour de pagodes agissant comme des ports d’ancrage.