909 resultados para Brazilian sub-national elections


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In discussing the potential role of the EU, the Member States, their composite parts and civil society organisations in establishing social services of general interest at sub-national, national, transnational and EU wide levels, this chapter explores the EU competence regime for social services of general interest. Its analysis contradicts a tendency in academic writing to demand protection of national prerogatives for shaping welfare states against EU intervention at all costs, because this would be counterproductive for the progress of the EU project. It submits that an EU constitution of social governance should create mixed responsibilities so that the EU, states and civil society actors support each other in creating preconditions for social integration in the EU. It uses the field of social services of general interests as an example of applying this general theoretical concept.


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Through a case-study analysis of Ontario's ethanol policy, this thesis addresses a number of themes that are consequential to policy and policy-making: spatiality, democracy and uncertainty. First, I address the 'spatial debate' in Geography pertaining to the relevance and affordances of a 'scalar' versus a 'flat' ontoepistemology. I argue that policy is guided by prior arrangements, but is by no means inevitable or predetermined. As such, scale and network are pragmatic geographical concepts that can effectively address the issue of the spatiality of policy and policy-making. Second, I discuss the democratic nature of policy-making in Ontario through an examination of the spaces of engagement that facilitate deliberative democracy. I analyze to what extent these spaces fit into Ontario's environmental policy-making process, and to what extent they were used by various stakeholders. Last, I take seriously the fact that uncertainty and unavoidable injustice are central to policy, and examine the ways in which this uncertainty shaped the specifics of Ontario's ethanol policy. Ultimately, this thesis is an exercise in understanding sub-national environmental policy-making in Canada, with an emphasis on how policy-makers tackle the issues they are faced with in the context of environmental change, political-economic integration, local priorities, individual goals, and irreducible uncertainty.


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Cet article discute des problèmes de gouvernance et de corruption en Afrique dans le cadre d’un débat politique et philosophique large entre universalisme et relativisme, idéalisme et réalisme, ainsi que entre individualisme et communautarisme. Premièrement, je défends que l’approche réaliste de l’éthique politique et du leadership ne permet pas de différencier entre les éléments descriptifs et prescriptifs de la gouvernance et peut aisément être utilisée pour justifier « les Mains Sales » des dirigeants au nom de l’intérêt supérieur de la nation, même dans les cas où l’intérêt personnel est la seule force motivationnelle pour les actions qui sapent les codes sociaux et éthiques ordinaires. Deuxièmement, l’article montre la faillite de la confiance publique dans le gouvernement et la faiblesse de l’Etat renforce les politiques communautariennes sub-nationales qui tendent à être fondées sur l’ethnie et exclusive, et par conséquent, qui viole le cœur de l’éthique publique, c’est-à-dire l’impartialité. Finalement, l’article suggère que les principes d’éthique universels pour les services publiques soient introduits en complément plutôt qu’en concurrence avec les éthiques locales, socialement et culturellement limitée au privé. Cela requière, d’une part, que nous comprenions mieux la complexité historique, les circonstances économiques et sociales et les arrangements politiques transitionnels dans les pays africains. D’autre part, un nous devons investir dans une éducation éthique civique et professionnel réflexive qui adopte un point de vue nuancé entre le réalisme politique et l’idéalisme comme point de départ des réformes institutionnelles, aussi bien que modalité de changement des comportements à long terme.


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Thèse diffusée initialement dans le cadre d'un projet pilote des Presses de l'Université de Montréal/Centre d'édition numérique UdeM (1997-2008) avec l'autorisation de l'auteur.


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La théorie transgouvernementale s’appuie sur l’existence de réseaux transfrontaliers entre composantes de l’État exerçant des fonctions similaires dans une optique de gestion de problèmes communs. Le transgouvernementalisme canado-américain se caractérise par un faible abandon de souveraineté des partenaires, une forte participation des acteurs régionaux, une informalité dans les relations et une intégration des secteurs privé et public et de la société civile au sein de réseaux mixtes. Le modèle de gouvernance binationale en place dans la région du bassin du Saint-Laurent et des Grands Lacs présente toutes les caractéristiques du modèle typique d’intégration transgouvernementale canado-américain. Une analyse poussée révèle en effet une matrice complexe et solide de réseaux transgouvernementaux dont les multiples ramifications s’étendent aujourd’hui beaucoup plus loin que le strict cadre des ententes sous l’égide desquelles ces réseaux ont pris naissance. Si le modèle de l’intégration par réseaux transgouvernementaux apparaît comme la solution retenue par les pouvoirs publics dans la gestion collaborative du bassin du Saint-Laurent et des Grands Lacs, s’agit-il du modèle à privilégier en ce qui a trait à la gouvernance du Passage du Nord-Ouest? Bien que le modèle en place dans la région du Saint-Laurent et des Grands Lacs ne puisse être reproduit intégralement relativement à la gestion du Passage du Nord-Ouest, un modèle d’intégration transgouvernementale, du « bas vers le haut », axé sur la mise en place d’une réglementation commune en matière de navigation et sur une intégration opérationnelle visant à assurer la mise en œuvre de cette règlementation, s’avère approprié pour la gestion du Passage du Nord-Ouest.


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Early studies of electoral behavior proposed that party identification could be negative as well as positive. Over time, though, the concept became mostly understood as a positive construct. The few studies that took negative identification into account tended to portray it as a marginal factor that went “hand-in-hand” with positive preferences. Recent scholarship in psychology reaffirms, however, that negative evaluations are not simply the bipolar opposite of positive ones. This article considers negative party identification from this standpoint, and evaluates its impact in recent national elections in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States. Our findings highlight the autonomous power of negative partisanship. They indicate as well that ideology has an influence on both positive and negative partisan identification.


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La existencia de una red de diferentes niveles de gobernanza europea, que integre a los gobiernos locales, regionales y nacionales en el espectro supranacional, sumada al actual orden internacional globalizado, hace que algunas decisiones tomadas a nivel comunitario afecten directamente a los gobiernos que se encuentran por debajo del Estado Central. Como resultado, estos actores subnacionales han buscado la apertura de espacios para su participación en la construcción de la Unión Europea y en los procesos de toma de decisiones a escala supranacional, ya sea a través de sus gobiernos nacionales o realizando actividades internacionales no centrales. Éste es el caso de los gobiernos de Mecklemburgo-Pomerania Occidental (Mecklenburg Vorpommern), Land de la República Federal de Alemania, e Isla de Francia (Île-de-France), región de la República de Francia.


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El artículo analiza la crisis que atraviesa el Estado-nación como producto de la agudización, profundización y aceleramiento de los procesos de globalización. En primer lugar, se abordan los cambios que se producen en su estructura, sus funciones y sus atribuciones soberanas de decisión, las cuales son sometidas a presiones en lo internacional y lo subnacional. Desde esta perspectiva, se hace énfasis en su lucha por sobrevivir a través de la diversificación de sus escenarios y de la cooperación con otros actores nacionales o internacionales. En consecuencia, el análisis nos conduce a constatar que el Estado-nación, en vez de desempeñar su papel jerárquico y autoritario tradicional, ha comenzado a jugar un rol negociador y de mediador entre los grandes problemas y los actores, o la combinación de actores, que más se adecuen a cada circunstancia. En este contexto, se evalúa la función integradora del Estado-nación, así como su capacidad para seguir siendo una pieza clave en un mundo globalizado y en momentos de fraccionamiento y pluralización de las sociedades actuales. Por último, se llega a la conclusión de que el Estadonación, a pesar de su crisis, sigue siendo la institución más importante del control global.-----This article analises the crisis affecting the Nation-State, which is a product of the aggravation, profundization and acceleration of the processes of globalization. In the first place the article deals with the changes of its structure, its functions and its decision-making power, all submitted to new international and sub-national pressures. From this perspective, emphasis is being placed on its struggle for survival through diversification of its scenarios and cooperation with other national and international actors. As a consequence, the analysis leads us to realize that the Nation-State, instead of being the hierarchical and authoritarian traditional entity, has started to play a new role as a negotiator and mediator of the big problems and their actors involved. In this context the integrating function of the Nation-State is being evaluated, as well as its capacity to stay a key player in a globalized world at times of the fragmentation and pluralization of modern societies. Finally the article concludes that the Nation-State, in spite of its current crisis, continues to be the most important institution of global control.


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Este documento explora las dinámicas de cambio y continuidad de los autoritarismos subnacionales (específicamente en las provincias) en los regímenes democráticos nacionales. Tomando contribuciones de teorías propias de la política territorial provee un marco para el análisis del contexto estratégico en el que élites autoritarias en el poder y sus oponentes locales y nacionales adelantan estrategias de control territorial y de oposición. El autoritarismo subnacional no debe ser entendido como un asunto local, sino como un resultado de dinámicas más amplias de gobernanza territorial nacional en regímenes democráticos. Los conflictos entre los autoritarismos y la oposición ocurren a través de múltiples ámbitos territoriales dentro del sistema político nacional. En regímenes democráticos nacionales las élites autoritarias adelantarán tres tipos de estrategias: la parroquialización del poder, la nacionalización de su influencia, y la monopolización de los vínculos institucionales entre lo nacional y lo subnacional. La democratización subnacional, cuando ocurra, resultará entonces de la intervención por parte de actores en espacios políticas nacionales. Para este fin se han hecho dos distinciones entre las “modalidades” de cambio político subnacional: las transiciones “lideradas por partidos políticos” y las transiciones “lideradas por el centro”.-----This document examines the dynamics established between change and continuity under sub-national authoritarianisms (more specifically in provinces) in national democratic regimes. Contributions taken from local theories on territorial politics constitute the framework for our analysis of the strategic context in the midst of which authoritarian elites in power, and their local and national opponents, put forward their territorial control and opposition strategies. Still, sub-national authoritarianism must not be considered a mere local issue, but rather the final result of wider national territorial governing dynamics within democratic regimes. That is, conflicts arising between different authoritarianisms and the opposition take place in myriad territorial arenas within an established national political system. In national democratic regimes, authoritarian elites will attempt three different types of strategies: establishing a parochial-style mode of exerting power, extending its influence nationwide, and monopolizing the extant institutional links between the national and sub-national spheres. Thus, the democratization of the sub-national realm, if and when it happens, will only take place via the intervention of actors and agents from national political arenas. In order to better understand this phenomenon, two main distinctions are made between two types or modes of sub-national political change: those transitions “led by political parties” and those “led by the center”.


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Civilians constitute a large share of casualties in civil wars across the world. They are targeted to create fear and punish allegiance with the enemy. This maximizes collaboration with the perpetrator and strengthens the support network necessary to consolidate control over contested regions. I develop a model of the magnitude and structure of civilian killings in civil wars involving two armed groups who Öght over territorial control. Armies secure compliance through a combination of carrots and sticks. In turn, civilians di§er from each other in their intrinsic preference towards one group. I explore the e§ect of the empowerment of one of the groups in the civilian death toll. There are two e§ects that go in opposite directions. While a direct e§ect makes the powerful group more lethal, there is an indirect e§ect by which the number of civilians who align with that group increases, leaving less enemy supporters to kill. I study the conditions under which there is one dominant e§ect and illustrate the predictions using sub-national longitudinal data for Colombiaís civil war.


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How do resource booms affect human capital accumulation? We exploit time and spatial variation generated by the commodity boom across local governments in Peru to measure the effect of natural resources on human capital formation. We explore the effect of both mining production and tax revenues on test scores, finding a substantial and statistically significant effect for the latter. Transfers to local governments from mining tax revenues are linked to an increase in math test scores of around 0.23 standard deviations. We find that the hiring of permanent teachers as well as the increases in parental employment and improvements in health outcomes of adults and children are plausible mechanisms for such large effect on learning. These findings suggest that redistributive policies could facilitate the accumulation of human capital in resource abundant developing countries as a way to avoid the natural resources curse.


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Em África, o fracasso do processo de (re)construção do Estado e a debilidade dos mecanismos institucionais de integração nacional levaram muito cedo as comunidades subnacionais como locais a desafiar as soberanias autoritárias instituídas pelos «new comers». A década de noventa gerou a mudança daquele registo, com destaque para África Central. A República Democrática do Congo (ex-Zaire) colocada no ranking dos «failed states», serve hoje de laboratório experimental do sonho democrático qua as províncias congolesas sempre buscaram para afirmar a sua autonomia face ao poder central.


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In recognition that the world is moving towards a new climate change regime that in many ways will be very different from the world in which the Kyoto Protocol has been operating, climate negotiators and other specialists have begun to focus their attention on developing a “framework for variable approaches” (FVA). It is hoped that this new framework will prove more adaptable to national circumstances and more capable of catalysing new ideas, at the regional, national or sub-national level. This paper examines the assumptions, objectives, scope, components and functions of an FVA, with a view to creating the right conditions in which a well-functioning global carbon market can emerge.


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The devolution of political power in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and the developing regional agenda in England are widely read as a significant reconfiguration of the institutions and scales of economic governance. The process is furthest developed in Scotland while Wales and Northern Ireland, in their own distinct ways, provide intermediate cases. Devolution is least developed in England where regional political identities are generally weak and the historical legacy of regional institutions is limited. Within the overall context of devolution government policy has continued to emphasize partnership forms of. governance. Accordingly, the political representation of business interests has a particular salience in the new arrangements. This paper reports on findings from a study designed to examine the relationship between devolution and changes in the political representation of business interests in the territories and regions of the UK. It highlights a number of changes in the nature and extent of business representation. While some of these are significant the evidence suggests that they fail to mark a fundamental shift in the institutional foundation for sub-national business interest representation in the UK. Indeed the political geography of business representation remains dominated by an overarching centralism that is likely to provide a significant check on the further devolution of political power and democratic authority. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The GEFSOC Project developed a system for estimating soil carbon (C) stocks and changes at the national and sub-national scale. As part of the development of the system, the Century ecosystem model was evaluated for its ability to simulate soil organic C (SOC) changes in environmental conditions in the Indo-Gangetic Plains, India (IGP). Two long-term fertilizer trials (LTFT), with all necessary parameters needed to run Century, were used for this purpose: a jute (Corchorus capsularis L.), rice (Oryza sativa L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) trial at Barrackpore, West Bengal, and a rice-wheat trial at Ludhiana, Punjab. The trials represent two contrasting climates of the IGP, viz. semi-arid, dry with mean annual rainfall (MAR) of < 800 mm and humid with > 1600 turn. Both trials involved several different treatments with different organic and inorganic fertilizer inputs. In general, the model tended to overestimate treatment effects by approximately 15%. At the semi-arid site, modelled data simulated actual data reasonably well for all treatments, with the control and chemical N + farm yard manure showing the best agreement (RMSE = 7). At the humid site, Century performed less well. This could have been due to a range of factors including site history. During the study, Century was calibrated to simulate crop yields for the two sites considered using data from across the Indian IGP. However, further adjustments may improve model performance at these sites and others in the IGP. The availability of more longterm experimental data sets (especially those involving flooded lowland rice and triple cropping systems from the IGP) for testing and validation is critical to the application of the model's predictive capabilities for this area of the Indian sub-continent. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.