966 resultados para Brassica vegetables
Sweet, sour and bitter tasting fruits, vegetables and medicinal plants are an important component of human diet. The role of chromium and zinc in carbohydrate metabolism for control of diabetes is highlighted in selected commodities. Average levels of chromium and zinc in sweet taste were 0.69 ± 0.48 mg kg-1 and 4.81 ± 4.31 mg kg-1 respectively with correlation of 0.545, while in sour taste the values were 22.5 ± 22.0 mg kg-1 and 24.5 ± 11.8 mg kg-1 respectively with the correlation of 0.239 and in bitter taste, 0.61 ± 0.33 mg kg-1 and 4.70 ± 3.54 mg kg-1 respectively with correlation of 0.343. Overall, sour tasting commodities were found higher in levels of chromium and zinc and are recommended as food supplement for diabeties. None of these species contain metals above the toxic level.
In this study, different solutions to extract vitamin C were tested. High-performance liquid chromatography was chosen and the conditions were based on isocratic elution in reverse phase column. Dehydroascorbic acid was determined indirectly after its reduction using dithiothreitol. The use of metaphosphoric acid to stabilize the vitamin C was shown to be required and it was necessary to neutralize the pH of the extract to apply dithiothreitol. The average recovery was 90% in collard and tomato samples. The presence of oil did not interfere in extraction and the methodology can be used to analyze stir fried vegetables.
The removal of important textile dyes by turnip peroxidase (TNP) was evaluated. The textile effluents besides the residual dyes contain also chemical auxiliaries such as salts, dispersing and wetting agents. The effect of these was evaluated in the removal of the dyes reactive blue 21 and reactive blue 19 by TNP in synthetic effluents. A decrease of the efficency decolorization was observed. The action of the enzyme on colour removal of dye mixture was equivalent to the dyes alone. The chemical demand of oxygen in the effluent after enzymatic treatment had a significant increase in relation to the untreated effluent.
A ocorrência de Pseudomonas viridiflava é descrita em sementes de couve chinesa (Brassica rapa var. pekinensis) importadas do Japão. Do ponto de vista epidemiológico, a detecção dessa bactéria é de extrema importância. Embora já existam, em nosso país, relatos desse patógeno nas culturas de alface, alho, cebola, cenoura, feijão e mandioca, sua presença em sementes de couve chinesa pode se constituir num risco potencial para outras espécies de brássicas aqui cultivadas.
Com o objetivo de avaliar a atividade respiratória e a produção de etileno do repolho inteiro e minimamente processado e a vida útil do repolho mimimamente processado em atmosfera controlada, realizaram-se dois experimentos em etapas seqüenciais. Na primeira etapa, avaliaram-se a atividade respiratória e a produção de etileno do repolho inteiro e minimamente processado, em sistema fechado, nas temperaturas de 5 ºC e 10 ºC. Na segunda etapa, avaliou-se a vida útil do repolho minimamente processado em atmosfera controlada. O produto foi submetido a fluxo contínuo de misturas gasosas ternárias, com concentrações de 2% a 10% de O2 e de 3% a 10% de CO2, previamente umidificadas, na temperatura de 5 ºC por 10 dias. Como controle, foi utilizado o ar atmosférico. A atividade respiratória do repolho inteiro e minimamente processado, armazenado a 5 ºC, foi significativamente menor que a do armazenado a 10 ºC, sendo que, em ambas as temperaturas, o repolho minimamente processado foi o que obteve a maior atividade respiratória com relação ao repolho inteiro. Não foi detectada a produção de etileno pelo método de análise utilizado. A atmosfera controlada não prolongou a vida útil do repolho minimamente processado nas concentrações de 2% a 10% de oxigênio e de 3% a 10% de dióxido de carbono.
Portable flow board for storage of fruits and vegetables in mini-chambers with controlled atmosphere
ABSTRACT A portable flow board system was developed in the present study with the aim to facilitate lab-scale experiments of controlled atmosphere (CA) with fruits and vegetables. This sturdy flow board combines ease fabrication, low cost and gas economy. Its functionality is provided by manifolds and gas mixers. Each gaseous component is supplied by a gas cylinder through a differential valve of adjusted pressure control, generally at 6 kPa, and forced through 13 standardized restrictors coupled to each manifold output. Controlled atmospheres are then formed with one, two or three gases in 13 gas mixers affixed to the flow board base, which are further conducted through flexible tubes to storage mini-chambers that can also be used to study metabolic consumption and production of gaseous components. The restrictors used in the flow gaseous components were manufactured from microhematocrit test-type capillary glass tubes following the hot forming method under continuous air flow. The portable flow board showed to be low cost and simple post-harvest equipment that allows preparing controlled atmospheres in open systems with stable composition and flow, in a manner similar to traditional flow boards with control of gas escape by barostats.
A cultura de canola é indicada nos esquemas de rotação de culturas, bem como para diversificação agrícola e cobertura vegetal do solo no período de inverno na Região Sul do Brasil. Contudo, a colheita mecanizada é uma das operações mais críticas do sistema de produção, uma vez que os frutos do tipo síliqua apresentam maturação desuniforme, gerando grandes perdas de produtividade devido à deiscência natural. O uso de dessecantes químicos permite uma colheita com as síliquas em maturação mais uniforme, porém é importante a manutenção da qualidade do produto obtido. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito da aplicação de herbicidas dessecantes na produtividade e na qualidade fisiológica e sanitária das sementes de canola cultivar Hyola 401. Os herbicidas utilizados foram o glufosinato de amônio (0,5 kg ha-1), carfentrazone-ethyl (0,03 kg ha-1), paraquat (0,4 kg ha-1) e diquat (0,3 kg ha-1), mais a testemunha sem aplicação. A qualidade das sementes foi avaliada por meio dos testes de germinação, de envelhecimento acelerado, de condutividade elétrica, de emergência em areia, de velocidade de emergência e de sanidade. A aplicação dos produtos dessecantes permitiu uma antecipação de sete dias na colheita das sementes de canola. A produtividade de sementes não foi afetada pela dessecação. A aplicação do glufosinato de amônio e carfentrazone-ethyl reduziu (P<0,05) os teores de proteína das sementes. A utilização dos produtos químicos não apresentou efeitos negativos na qualidade fisiológica das sementes.
Volunteer canola (Brassica napus) and Sinapis arvensis are well identified weeds of different cropping systems. Quantitative information on regarding seed production by them is limited. Such information is necessary to model dynamics of soil seed banks. The aim of this work was to quantify seed production as a function of the size of those weeds. A wide range of plant size was produced by using a fan seeding system performed at two sowing dates (environments). Plant size varied from 3 to 167 g per plant for canola and from 6 to 104 g per plant for S. arvensis. Seed production ranged from 543 to14,773 seeds per plant for canola, and from 264 to 10,336 seeds per plant for S. arvensis. There was a close relationship between seed production per plant and plant size which was well-described by a power function (y = 130.6x0.94; R² = 0.93 for canola and y = 28x1.27; R² = 0.95 for S. arvensis). There was also strong relationships among the number of pods produced in individual plants and the quantity of seeds produced (g per plant) with the size of the plant. The relationships found in this study can be used in dynamic seed bank models of volunteer canola and S. arvensis.
Broccoli is a vegetable of important economic value as well as a source of vitamin C and anticarcinogenic property substances. Although it can be minimally processed, this vegetable presents fast senescence, characterized by yellowing, loss of turgescence, development of off-odors, increase in enzymatic activity and reduction of nutritional value. Among the frequently used techniques that can extend the shelf-life of minimally processed broccoli, we have the use of cool storage and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP). Several factors interfere in the efficiency of MAP, influencing the speed and intensity of the changes on atmosphere composition. This work aimed to study the influence of the amount packaged broccoli on its postharvest quality, when stored at 1ºC. Results demonstrated strong influence of the use of MAP compared to control treatment. It was observed that for all packaged treatments there was better vitamin C retention, lower loss of weight, lower peroxidase activity and better turgidity score of broccoli. This study demonstrated that the treatments with higher amounts of product showed the worst performance on vitamin C and aroma evaluation. The peroxidase activity was also influenced, and the best results were found in the treatment with higher amounts, which presented lowest values. However there is a tendency of increase in the activity along the time, especially at the end of the experiment. It was not detected the influence of the fill weight about color evaluation.
The Brazilian consumer's understanding and perceptions of organic vegetables: a Focus Group approach
Focus Group is a tool which generates, through interview sessions with a small number of participants, preliminary data to be used in subsequent quantitative stages. Many consumer studies use qualitative research with the aim of obtaining information and opinions on a specific product or situation. The objective of the present study was to obtain knowledge on the opinion, understanding and perception of the Brazilian consumer with respect to vegetables, focusing on organic products, using Focus Group Sessions. Four Focus Group Sessions were held with men and women in different environments, following a previously elaborated interview guide. In this study, it was observed that the consumers demonstrated being interested in having a healthy diet, based on fruit, vegetables and natural products. However, only a few declared consuming organic foods. Some participants did not know what the term organic meant, and most of them think that organic products are still very expensive, are not easily available in the supermarkets, do not have a good appearance, mainly in terms of size and packaging, and their certification is not always trustworthy. Almost all participants stated that they read package labels and among the items most observed were best-before date, nutritional information, production system and price. This study has identified important vegetable attributes perceived by the consumer, favouring the planning of a subsequent quantitative research. The results suggest that more information on the benefits of organic agriculture has to be passed on to consumers in order to contribute to a higher consumption of such products.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the hygienic-sanitary quality of vegetables and irrigation water and assess the effectiveness of lemon juice and vinegar in reducing E. coli strains inoculated on lettuce. One hundred and forty samples of vegetables and 45 samples of irrigation water were investigated for thermotolerant coliforms and Salmonella spp. In order to verify the effectiveness of natural household sanitizers in reducing E. coli in inoculated lettuce, four treatment solutions were tested: fresh lemon juice, alcohol vinegar, lemon juice-vinegar mixture, and lemon juice-vinegar-water mixture. The microbiological analysis revealed high rates of contamination by thermotolerant coliforms and identified the presence of E. coli in 32% of the tested vegetable samples and 56% of the water samples. While no significant statistical difference (p < 0, 05) was identified in the tested solutions, the treatment with a combination of lemon juice and vinegar resulted in the highest Decimal Reductions (DR) of E. coli O157: H7 while the treatment with vinegar alone was the most effective against the indigenous E. coli strain
This research was designed to analyze whether the procedures adopted by foodservice establishments for the purchase of minimally processed and fresh vegetables favor the acquisition of safe products. This research investigated the purchasing policies of such establishments, whether self-managed or administered by foodservice contractors, in the municipality of Campinas and its outlying districts. A random sample of thirty-nine establishments participated in the research. The instruments for data collection were pre-tested, and the actual interviews were conducted by trained personnel. Comparative analyses were made using various statistical tests. All of the participating establishments purchase fresh vegetables, although only six of them use minimally processed ones. For most of the establishments, price is at least one of the most important criteria for the selection of a supplier, and they do not normally monitor the safety of the fresh products purchased (51.3%), nor do they make regular technical visits to guarantee quality (46.2%); moreover, most do not carry out a supplier development program. It is suggested that routine technical visits to suppliers should be adopted, as well as the creation of courses, such as those dealing with the safety of vegetables and supplier development, to be offered to foodservices.
The aim of the present study was to precool cauliflower using forced-air, vacuum and high and low flow hydro cooling methods. The weight of the precooled cauliflower heads (5000±5 g) was measured before they were placed in standard plastic crates. Cauliflower heads, whose initial temperature was 23.5 ± 0.5 ºC, were cooled until the temperature reached at 1 ºC. During the precooling process, time-dependent temperature and energy consumption were measured, and during vacuum precooling, the decreasing pressure values were recorded, and a curve of time-dependent pressure decrease (vacuum) was built. The most suitable cooling method to precool cauliflower in terms of cooling time and energy consumption was vacuum, followed by the high and low flow hydro and forced-air precooling methods, respectively. The highest weight loss was observed in the vacuum precooling method, followed by the forced-air method. However, there was an increase in the weight of the cauliflower heads in the high and low flow hydro precooling method. The best colour and hardness values were found in the vacuum precooling method. Among all methods tested, the most suitable method to precool cauliflower in terms of cooling and quality parameters was the vacuum precooling method.
Cauliflower heads, which were precooled using four different methods including vacuum, forced-air, and high and low flow hydro precooling, were stored under controlled atmosphere and room conditions. Controlled atmosphere conditions (CA) were as follows: 1°C temperature, 90 ± 5% relative humidity, and 0:21 [(%CO2:%O2) – (0:21) control] atmosphere composition. Room conditions (RC) were: 22±1°C temperature and 55-60% humidity. Various quality parameters of the cauliflower heads were assessed during storage (days 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, and 35) under controlled atmosphere and room conditions (days 0, 5, and 10). During storage, weight loss, deterioration rate, overall sensory quality score, hardness, and colour (L, a, b, C and α) were evaluated. In the present study, the strength and quality parameters of cauliflower under CA and RC conditions were obtained. Vacuum precooling was found to be most suitable method before cauliflower was submitted to cold storage and sent to market. Furthermore, the storage of cauliflower without precooling resulted in a significant decrease in quality parameters.
Enzymatic senescence processes and browning of fresh cut vegetables negatively affect their sensory properties and nutritional value and finally result in the rejection of affected products by consumers. In order to prevent quality decay, the combined effects of natural antioxidants and storage temperature on peroxidase activity and sensory attributes (overall visual quality, browning and odor) of individual and mixed vegetables for soup (butternut squash, leek and celery) were evaluated. Fresh cut vegetables were treated with antioxidant solutions as tea tree essential oil (15 μl/mL), propolis extract (15 μl/mL) and gallic acid (2 mg/mL) and stored at optimal (5 °C) and abusive (15 °C) temperature for a maximum of 14 days. The application of natural preservatives, plus optimal storage conditions, exerted significant inhibitory effects in peroxidase activity of squash, celery and mixed vegetables throughout the storage. Furthermore, propolis treatment applied on mixed vegetables retarded browning appearance and preserved the visual quality for a longer period when compared to untreated product.