958 resultados para Booklet Viver é Lutar
The purpose of this study is to analyze the strategies used by families living in at-risk-and-vulnerable situations registered with the Estratgia Sade da Famlia (ESF) ( Family Health Strategy ) as they face their daily problems. This is an investigation of a qualitative nature, using interview as the main tool for an empirical approach. Ten women from the Panatis location in northern Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, whose families live in precarious social-economical situations were interviewed. The interviews occurred between the months of April and June, 2007. The reports revealed that a mixture of improvisations and creativity was used as strategies for overcoming the privations and necessities of daily life. We also reached the conclusion that these families sought solutions for their problems through religiosity and a gift reciprocity system as resources for obtaining personal recognition and support in adversity. The results, in addition, point to ESF as one of the strategies used by these families in the search for attention and care. From this perspective, ESF has proven to be a place for listening and the construction of ties that are consolidated through home visits, organized groups, in parties and outings that are promoted in the community, reestablishing contact and support among people and signaling a way out of abandonment and isolation. Holders of knowledge constructed through life experiences, the participants of the study led us to induce and infer the need to amplify space that will allow them to express meanings, values and experiences, and consider that becoming ill is a process that incorporates dimensions of life that go beyond the physical. As health professionals, we need to be aware of the multiple and creative abilities used in the daily lives of these families, so that we can, along with them, reinvent a new way of dealing with health
Analyses the presence of new standards of habitation detected in the construction of the region called Cidade Nova, in the first s years of the XX century. Associates the presence of these new patterns with the historical moment lived by the capital, marked by the urban modernization and by the changes of local life. Map voices that, introduced by the republican groups since 1889, pronounced the overcome of the old city of the XIX century asseverated a new model of town. Make use, as fundamental fonts of research, of the urban chronicles produced by the local intellectuals and the newspapers, like A Repblica. Dialog with chronics that includes since propositions about the colonial past until the preoccupations about the acting of the State on how to order the public space. Identifies on those texts the political motivations and the elements whose where inherent to capitalism that accelerated the changes occurred in the urban space. Demonstrates the gradual occupation of Cidade Nova as an important modification happened in the city from that time on. That neighborhood adopted a new model on how to construct the houses of their citizens and helped to promote the urban life as a whole. From now on, Natal has a space meant for the home of their richest families. Recognizes, from many ways, many discourses, manners of living that was legitimized by the changing of the XIX to the XX century and has his highest point in the 1920s. And it was representative of the strong attachment about the habits of refinery and order in the essence of the private life of the local urban elites
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Analisa o modo de viver dos moradores da ilha do Combu Belm- Par, visando compreender os elementos de resistncia contidos no saber popular. Esta ilha dita 1,5 km da cidade de Belm e tem como territrio 15 km, sendo que, aproximadamente, 95% dessa superfcie coberta por floresta secundria (mata de vrzea). Anteriormente, pertenceu jurisdio do municpio de Acar, mas a partir de 1996 passou a cidade de Belm. Apresenta caracterstica peculiar de um espao rural, com conservao local de muitos recursos naturais e da singularidade do modo de viver ribeirinho, como populao que vive prximo aos cursos dgua e da vegetao florestal, o que lhes possibilita um cotidiano tranquilo, aparentemente cheio de paz, sem barulho nem poluio; diferente da vida na cidade maior. Sendo essa tranquilidade medida por uma relao baseada no respeito e na proteo da vizinhana, observados nos seus hbitos e costumes; alm da liberdade de conversar, passear, comer peixe fresco, camaro, tomar aa feito na hora e sentir-se despreocupado com a violncia, muito presente na cidade grande. Os resultados deste trabalho traduzem todo um aprendizado, obtido por meio desses moradores que resistem imposio do modelo formal da educao estatal. Assim, 70% dos pesquisados apresentou preferncia ao aprendizado com seus parentes, que vai alm dos remdios caseiros, dos saberes representados pelo fazer peconha, pelo tup, pelo fazer comida, plantar, pescar, nadar no rio, apanhar aa e jogar tarrafa, at o respeito s pessoas, na busca de conhecimento para viver uma vida honesta e para dar continuidade educao da gerao de cultura ribeirinha.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo a implantao do Mercado Viver em substituio ao atual Mercado Modelo. O intuito propor um novo programa de mercado, baseado na interao social, sociabilidade, agregando diversidade de usos, estimulando e desenvolvendo as economias locais. O espao escolhido para implantao localiza-se na rea central contgua a umas das principais vias da cidade, a Avenida Brasil. Esta rea vem acrescentar a proposta de um projeto no qual se espera que seja acessvel a todos e que contenha fluxo constante de pessoas. Atualmente a rea encontra-se subutilizada e degradada e, portanto a interveno arquitetnica do Mercado Viver surge como proposta no apenas de revitalizao desta rea, mas principalmente com intuito de sugerir um novo espao comercial que atraia a populao tanto para as compras quanto para o convvio, a cultura e o lazer, produzindo assim um espao pblico ativo. Desta forma, o objeto em questo trata-se de um lugar para compras de produtos diversificados com espaos de encontro que favoream a integrao entre os frequentadores e comerciantes atravs de atividades culturais e sociais, com toda a infraestrutura necessria de forma a proporcionar qualidade de produtos, conforto e comodidade aos usurios
Juggling practices permeate the cultural heritage of many people for a long time. Not limited only to the circus, we see more and more an invasion of juggling in the streets, schools and other spaces (formal and informal), among whom the professional of Physical Education also operates. Given this context, it is ever more urgent the need to give more attention to this practice within the academic training, not only to better understand it but also to value it as an educational practice. It is in pursuit of this understanding and appreciation that asks: What learning to juggling practices brings to the professional future of Physical Education? Based on these, this study sought to map the learning incorporated in the researcher's relationship with this practice throughout their academic training. Therefore, the survey noted the juggling as art of living, that is, as a technique that was involved with the life of the researcher and contributing to enhance the course of their training. The investigation started a literature in which it was possible to situate this work within the context of studies approaching the Fitness to philosophical studies. This approach sought to map the effects of juggling practice on academic background - and the very subjectivity - a subject / researcher that folds on itself to move their training
This study aimed to describe the production process of an educational booklet focusing on health promotion of pregnant women. The action research method was used in this process composed of the following steps: choice of the content based on the needs of pregnant women, creation of illustrations, content preparation based on scientific literature, validation of the material by experts and pregnant women. This work resulted in the final version of the booklet, which was entitled "Celebrating life: our commitment with the health promotion of pregnant women". Active participation of health professionals and pregnant women through dialogue and collective strategy permeated the process of development of the booklet. The opinions of pregnant women and experts who considered the booklet enriching and enlightening justify the use of it as an additional resource of educational activities carried out during the prenatal care.
Objetivou-se entender a realidade do viver com esquizofrenia a partir do relato de quem a vivencia. Foram realizadas entrevistas com dez portadores de esquizofrenia internados em hospital geral, diagnosticados com o transtorno h, no mnimo, cinco anos. Para a anlise do contedo das entrevistas foi utilizada a anlise temtica. Foi identificada a categoria "Convivendo com a esquizofrenia" e seis temas que abordam o conhecimento da doena, os sintomas, a difcil convivncia, o estigma, a famlia e a religio. Esta pesquisa pode permitir a ampliao do olhar para os portadores de esquizofrenia, uma vez que o conhecimento sobre a doena e suas implicaes ocorreram a partir da perspectiva de quem vivencia cotidianamente este sofrimento.
O presente artigo busca explicitar o conceito de ironia na Teoria do romance. A explicitao do conceito de ironia se desdobrar num desenvolvimento duplo: como exigncia normativo-composicional e como radicalizao subjetiva que excede a normatividade. No primeiro sentido, a ironia configura subjetivamente uma totalidade na obra pica, partindo da sua fragmentao objetiva nas relaes sociais modernas. Nessa acepo, a ironia se apresenta como uma manobra subjetiva a servio da normatividade pica do romance, pois sua finalidade harmonizar o ideal subjetivo com a objetividade histrica burguesa. Seu paradigma representado, neste artigo, por Goethe. O outro sentido pelo qual a ironia romntica aparece demarcado pela forma extremada da subjetividade. Esta, reconhecendo uma impossibilidade de realizao de seu ideal harmnico na modernidade, porque o mundo moderno se lhe apresenta como uma efetividade oposta aos anseios subjetivos, refugia-se na prpria interioridade e se distancia do mundo presente, buscando refgio em tempos e lugares mais propcios realizao potica. Novalis o modelo dessa ironia radicalizada. Essa forma irnica, ao contrrio da "cadncia irnica" de Goethe, aniquila a forma romance, uma vez que o aspecto subjetivo da pura reflexo, a lrica, se sobrepe objetividade histrica presente que o romance tambm necessariamente deve encerrar.
As a group of experienced and novice youth workers, we believe that youth work is fundamentally about building trust-filled, mutually respectful relationships with young people. We create safe environments for young people to connect with other supportive adults and peers and to avoid violence in their neighborhoods and their homes. We guide those harmed by oppressive community conditions such as racism, sexism, agism, homophobia, and classism through a process of healing. As we get to know more about young peoples interests, we help them develop knowledge and skills in a variety of areas including: academic, athletic, leadership/civic, the arts, health and wellbeing, and career exploration. In short, we create transformative experiences for young people. In spite of the critical roles we play, we have largely been overlooked in youth development research, policy, and as a professional workforce. We face challenges moving up in our careers. We get frustrated by how little money we earn. We are discouraged that despite our knowledge and experience we are not invited to the tables where youth funding, programming, and policy decisions are made. It is truemany of us do not have formal training or degrees in youth worka reality which at times we regret. Yet, as our colleague communicates in the accompanying passage (see below), we resent that formal education is required for us to get ahead, particularly because we question whether we need it to do our jobs more effectively. Through the What is the Value of Youth Work? symposium, we hope to address these concerns through a dialogue about youth work with the following objectives: Increase awareness of the knowledge, skills, contributions, and professionalism of youth workers; Advance a youth worker professional development model that integrates a dilemma-focused approach with principles of social justice youth development; Launch an ongoing Worcester area Youth Worker network. This booklet provides a brief overview of the challenges in professionalizing youth work and an alternative approach that we are advancing that puts the knowledge and expertise of youth workers at the center of professional development.
Many patient educational documents are written at a grade level higher than the level at which most individuals can read. This discrepancy can lead to treatment noncompliance and negative health outcomes. Therefore, it is important that patients receive readable health information. The Texas "A Woman's Right to Know" booklet is a state mandated informational document provided to women seeking abortion services. Given the significance of the abortion procedure, it is imperative that women considering having an abortion receive accurate and readable health materials. However, no published studies were found that evaluated the readability of the "A Woman's Right to Know" booklet. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess the readability of the "A Woman's Right to Know" booklet. To assess the readability, the Flesch-Kincaid readability test was used to evaluate the reading grade level of the entire "A Woman's Right to Know" booklet and each of the 7 sections of the booklet. The results showed that the readability of the entire booklet as well as each section of the booklet was written below the 8th grade reading level. Although the booklet was written below the estimated United States reading level (8th grade), the reading level of this booklet may still be too high for people in Texas who read below the 8th grade level. Based on these results, it is recommended that health care professionals involved in the distribution and explanation of the "A Woman's Right to Know" booklet provide their patients with both written and verbal medical information. The patients should be allowed to ask questions about the abortion procedure so that they can make the most informed choice.^