460 resultados para Blister rust


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The effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration on biological control of coffee leaf rust, caused by Hemileia vastatrix, was evaluated by leaf disc assay, under controlled conditions. The biocontrol agents Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus pumilus and Lecanicillium longisporum were applied 24h before, 24h after, and simultaneously with the H. vastatrix on leaf discs (diameter of 1.5cm). The CO2 concentrations tested were: 380, 430, 700 and 1300ppm for B. subtilis and B. pumilus; and 380, 430, 670 and 1200ppm for L. longisporum. The antagonists were not affected by CO2 concentrations. B. subtilis was the most effective in controlling the disease when applied before and simultaneously with pathogen.


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The production of sound, clean fruit is unquestionably one of the major problems facing the modern fruit grower. Culture may be neglected and pruning delayed for a time but the omission of sprays for even a single season demonstrates their absolute necessity. This applies equally to the commercial grower and to the farmer or gardener who has only a few trees. Spray materials, equipment, management, schedules, insect pests and orchard diseases are discussed in this 1928 extension circular.


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This four-color extension circular identifies the different diseases of soybeans: soybean rust, bacterial blight, bacterial pustle, and downy mildew. It also shows diseases that are similar looking: Cercospora blight, Frogeye leaf spot and brown spot. It also discusses what to look for when scouting for soybean rust.


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Various features of the biology of the rust fungi and of the epidemiology of the plant diseases they cause illustrate the important role of rainfall in their life history. Based on this insight we have characterized the ice nucleation activity (INA) of the aerially disseminated spores (urediospores) of this group of fungi. Urediospores of this obligate plant parasite were collected from natural infections of 7 species of weeds in France, from coffee in Brazil and from field and greenhouse-grown wheat in France, the USA, Turkey and Syria. Immersion freezing was used to determine freezing onset temperatures and the abundance of ice nuclei in suspensions of washed spores. Microbiological analyses of spores from France, the USA and Brazil, and subsequent tests of the ice nucleation activity of the bacteria associated with spores were deployed to quantify the contribution of bacteria to the ice nucleation activity of the spores. All samples of spores were ice nucleation active, having freezing onset temperatures as high as −4 °C. Spores in most of the samples carried cells of ice nucleation-active strains of the bacterium Pseudomonas syringae (at rates of less than 1 bacterial cell per 100 urediospores), but bacterial INA accounted for only a small fraction of the INA observed in spore suspensions. Changes in the INA of spore suspensions after treatment with lysozyme suggest that the INA of urediospores involves a polysaccharide. Based on data from the literature, we have estimated the concentrations of urediospores in air at cloud height and in rainfall. These quantities are very similar to those reported for other biological ice nucleators in these same substrates. However, at cloud level convective activity leads to widely varying concentrations of particles of surface origin, so that mean concentrations can underestimate their possible effects on clouds. We propose that spatial and temporal concentrations of biological ice nucleators active at temperatures > −10 °C and the specific conditions under which they can influence cloud glaciation need to be further evaluated so as to understand how evolutionary processes could have positively selected for INA.


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In wheat, stem rust is known to rapidly evolve new virulence to resistance genes. While more than 50 stem rust resistance (Sr) loci have been identified in wheat, only a few remain effective, particularly against the highly virulent race Ug99 (TTKSK race) and a mixture of durum-specific races. An association mapping (AM) study based on 183 durum wheat accessions was utilized to identify resistance loci for stem rust response in Ethiopia over four seasons and artificial inoculation with Ug99 (TTKSK race) and a mixture of durum-specific races under field conditions as well as in greenhouse test at seedling stage under controlled conditions for resistance to four highly virulent stem rust races: TRTTF, TTTTF, (TTKSK (Ug99) and JRCQC. The panel was profiled with 1,253 SSR and DArT markers. Twelve QTL-tagging markers were significant (P < 0.05) across three to four seasons. The role of Sr13, Sr9, Sr14, Sr17, and Sr28 was confirmed. Thirteen significant markers were in regions with no Sr genes/QTLs. The results under controlled conditions showed that 15, 20, 19 and 19 chromosome regions harbored markers that showed significant effects for races TRTTF, TTTTF, TTKSK and JRCQC, respectively. These genomic regions showed marker R2 values ranging from 1.13 to 8.34, 1.92 to 17.64, 1.75 to 23.12 and 1.51 to 15.33% for races TRTTF, TTTTF, TTKSK and JRCQC, respectively. The study demonstrates that stem rust resistance in durum wheat is governed in part by shared loci and in part by race-specific ones. The QTLs identified in this study through AM will be useful in the marker-assisted development of durum wheat cultivars with durable stem rust resistance.


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Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Eignung und Nutzen des „Objective therapy Compliance Measurement“ (OtCMTM)-Systems, einer innovativen Weiterentwicklung im Bereich der elektronischen Compliance-Messung, untersucht. Unter experimentellen Bedingungen wurden Funktionalität und Verlässlichkeit der elektronischen OtCMTM-Blisterpackungen überprüft, um deren Eignung für den klinischen Einsatz zu zeigen. Funktionalität (≥90% lesbare Blister), Richtigkeit (≤2% Fehler) und Robustheit waren bei den OtCMTM-Blistern der Version 3 gegeben, nachdem die Fehler der Versionen 1 und 2 in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Hersteller TCG identifiziert und eliminiert worden waren. Der als Alternative zu den elektronischen Blistern für die Verpackung von klinischen Prüfmustern entwickelte OtCMTM e-Dispenser wurde bezüglich Funktionalität und Anwenderfreundlichkeit in einer Pilotstudie untersucht. Dabei wurde ein Optimierungsbedarf festgestellt. In einer klinischen Studie wurde das OtCMTM-System mit dem als „Goldstandard“ geltenden MEMS® verglichen. Vergleichskriterien waren Datenqualität, Akzeptanz und Anwenderfreundlichkeit, Zeitaufwand bei der Bereitstellung der Medikation und Datenauswertung, sowie Validität. Insgesamt 40 Patienten, die mit Rekawan® retard 600mg behandelt wurden, nahmen an der offenen, randomisierten, prospektiven Studie teil. Das OtCMTM-System zeigte sich bezüglich Validität, Akzeptanz und Anwenderfreundlichkeit mit MEMS® vergleichbar. Eine erwartete Zeitersparnis wurde mit dem OtCMTM-System gegenüber MEMS® nicht erreicht. Vorteile des OtCMTM-Systems sind eine höhere Datenqualität und die Möglichkeit zum Einsatz in der Telemedizin.


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Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der Einflüsse von Blister-Design und Folienqualität auf die Funktionalität von Blisterverpackungen. Hierzu werden analytische Methoden mittels Interferometrie, IR-Spektroskopie, Betarückstreuverfahren, Wirbelstromverfahren und Impedanzspektroskopie entwickelt, die zur quantitativen Bestimmung von Heißsiegellacken und Laminatbeschichtungen von Aluminium-Blisterfolien geeignet sind. Ein Vergleich der Methoden zeigt, dass sich das Betarückstreuverfahren, die Interferometrie und IR-Messungen für die Heißsiegellackbestimmung, die Interferometrie und das Wirbelstromverfahren für die Bestimmung von Kunststofflaminaten eignen.rnIm zweiten Abschnitt der Arbeit werden Einflüsse des Heißsiegellack-Flächengewichtes von Deckfolien auf die Qualität von Blisterverpackungen untersucht. Mit Zunahme des Flächengewichtes zeigt sich eine Erhöhung der Siegelnahtfestigkeit aber auch der Wasserdampfdurchlässigkeit von Blistern. Die untersuchten Heißsiegellacke zeigen Permeationskoeffizienten vergleichbar mit Polyvinylchlorid. In Untersuchungen zur Siegelprozessvalidität zeigt das Heißsiegellack-Flächengewicht nur geringfügige Auswirkungen auf diese. rnIm dritten Abschnitt der Arbeit werden Einflüsse des Blister-Designs auf die Benutzerfreundlichkeit von Blisterverpackungen durch eine Handlingstudie untersucht. Variationen der Öffnungskräfte von Durchdrück-Blistern wirken sich deutlich auf die Bewertungen der Blister durch die Probanden aus. Während die meisten Probanden alle getesteten Durchdrück-Blister innerhalb der Testdauer von 4 Minuten öffnen können (>84%), treten beim Peel-Blister und Peel-off-push-through-Blister deutlich mehr Handlingprobleme auf. Die Handlingprobleme korrelieren mit dem Alter, der Lebenssituation, der gesundheitlichen Verfassung und der Sehfähigkeit der Probanden. rn


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Lo scopo principale dell’elaborato è descrivere e studiare la fattibilità tecnica e le fasi di progettazione e di realizzazione di una macchina automatica adibita alla gestione di blister farmaceutici. Tale attività è stata svolta in collaborazione con l’azienda Siropack Italia S.r.l. a seguito di un percorso di tirocinio curriculare. E’ dunque obiettivo della tesi esplicitare, motivandole, le scelte effettuate in campo progettuale, grazie alle quali si è arrivati alla realizzazione vera e propria della macchina. Dopo una descrizione dell’azienda e dei settori verso cui si interfaccia, si passa ad esporre, in maniera generale, il panorama farmaceutico nazionale ed internazionale, descrivendo anche il cliente per il quale è stata realizzata la macchina e ogni step affrontato per la sua progettazione. In questa fase viene descritto anche il nastro adibito alla gestione del magazzino, dove sosteranno numerose unità del prodotto lavorato. Si conclude poi con la descrizione dei passi che portano la macchina al suo effettivo funzionamento. Essendo un prototipo, dovrà poi affrontare numerose ore di prove e collaudi prima di essere definitivamente consegnata al cliente; in questo elaborato non verrà, però, descritto quest’ultimo step poiché la linea, della quale la macchina fa parte, è tutt’ora in fase di realizzazione.


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INTRODUCTION Erythema exsudativum multiforme majus (EEMM) and Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS) are severe cutaneous reaction patterns caused by infections or drug hypersensitivity. The mechanism by which widespread keratinocyte death is mediated by the immune system in EEMM/SJS are still to be elucidated. Here, we characterized the blister cells isolated from a patient with EEMM/SJS overlap and investigated its cause. METHODS Clinical classification of the cutaneous eruption was done according to the consensus definition of severe blistering skin reactions and histological analysis. Common infectious causes of EEMM were investigated using standard clinical techniques. T cell reactivity for potentially causative drugs was assessed by lymphocyte transformation tests (LTT). Lymphocytes isolated from blister fluid were analyzed for their expression of activation markers and cytotoxic molecules using flow cytometry. RESULTS The healthy 58 year-old woman suffered from mild respiratory tract infection and therefore started treatment with the secretolytic drug Ambroxol. One week later, she presented with large palmar and plantar blisters, painful mucosal erosions, and flat atypical target lesions and maculae on the trunc, thus showing the clinical picture of an EEMM/SJS overlap (Fig. 1). This diagnosis was supported by histology, where also eosinophils were found to infiltrate the upper dermis, thus pointing towards a cutaneous adverse drug reaction (cADR). Analysis of blister cells showed that they mainly consisted of CD8+ and CD4+ T cells and a smaller population of NK cells. Both the CD8+ T cells and the NK cells were highly activated and expressed Fas ligand and the cytotoxic molecule granulysin (Fig. 2). In addition, in comparison to NK cells from PBMC, NK cells in blister fluids strongly upregulated the expression of the skin-homing chemokine receptor CCR4 (Fig 4). Surprisingly, the LTT performed on PBMCs in the acute phase was positive for Ambroxol (SI=2.9) whereas a LTT from a healthy but exposed individual did not show unspecific proliferation. Laboratory tests for common infectious causes of EEMM were negative (HSV-1/-2, M. pneumoniae, Parvovirus B19). However, 6 weeks later, specific proliferation to Ambroxol could no longer be observed in the LTT (Fig 4.).


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Biotrophic plant pathogenic fungi differentiate specialized infection structures within the living cells of their host plants. These haustoria have been linked to nutrient uptake ever since their discovery. We have for the first time to our knowledge shown that the flow of sugars from the host Vicia faba to the rust fungus Uromyces fabae seems to occur largely through the haustorial complex. One of the most abundantly expressed genes in rust haustoria, the expression of which is negligible in other fungal structures, codes for a hexose transporter. Functional expression of the gene termed HXT1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Xenopus laevis oocytes assigned a substrate specificity for d-glucose and d-fructose and indicated a proton symport mechanism. Abs against HXT1p exclusively labeled haustoria in immunofluorescence microscopy and the haustorial plasma membrane in electron microscopy. These results suggest that the fungus concentrates this transporter in haustoria to take advantage of a specialized compartment of the haustorial complex. The extrahaustorial matrix, delimited by the plasma membranes of both host and parasite, constitutes a newly formed apoplastic compartment with qualities distinct from those of the bulk apoplast. This organization might facilitate the competition of the parasite with natural sink organs of the host.