116 resultados para Blasting
A indústria de injeção plástica é de fundamental importância para a economia nacional, pois é responsável pela produção de insumos primários para várias indústrias de eletroeletrônicos. Estas empresas geram efluentes procedentes das unidades de pintura por jateamento e aspersão. Este resíduo necessita de tratamento especial para sua separação, armazenagem e destino final. Este trabalho estuda uma forma alternativa de utilização deste resíduo na indústria de cerâmica vermelha, avaliando parâmetros que influenciam em propriedades importantes nos artefatos fabricados com argila vermelha como: densidade, porosidade e resistência à flexão, avaliados para misturas de 2%, 5% e 10% em peso de resíduo, em relação a argila utilizada, os resultados mostram que há influência deste material nas reações de estado sólido podendo haver melhora nas propriedades citadas.
A exploração de maciços rochosos com uso de explosivos provoca inevitáveis impactos ambientais e desconforto para as populações do entorno, as quais estão expostas cotidianamente aos seus efeitos. Os principais efeitos ambientais se fazem sentir através do ultralançamento de fragmentos, da geração de vibrações no terreno, de sobrepressão atmosférica, da emissão de materiais particulados (poeira) na atmosfera, do aumento dos níveis de ruído, do assoreamento de áreas e/ou de drenagens adjacentes às minerações, além da alteração visual e paisagística. Esses problemas podem ser reduzidos a um nível aceitável pela comunidade afetada, se a lavra for executada de modo a preservar as condições de saúde, segurança e bem estar da população afetada, adotando-se técnicas modernas de extração e beneficiamento, e pelo monitoramento continuado dos parâmetros ambientais envolvidos, mantendo-os, no mínimo, dentro dos limites estabelecidos pelos organismos governamentais fiscalizadores.
Neste estudo foi realizado o monitoramento das vibrações geradas por explosivos em uma lavra de calcário e argilito localizada no município de Limeira (SP), com o objetivo de desenvolver equação de atenuação das vibrações e verificação da existência de variação nos níveis de vibração gerados pelo desmonte em diferentes níveis litológicos e estratigráficos. Os registros da velocidade de vibração de partícula e sua freqüência foram obtidos utilizando sismógrafos de engenharia, concentrando-se em área localizada a 300 m a sudoeste do empreendimento mineiro, no Bairro Belinha Ometto. Os trabalhos foram realizados em duas etapas. Na primeira foi gerada uma equação de atenuação que foi utilizada pela empresa e reduziu os incômodos causados à população pelas operações de detonação. Os valores obtidos na etapa seguinte indicaram que o principal fator na dispersão das velocidades de partícula seria a variação, em relação aos nominais, dos tempos de retardo dos acessórios de detonação que foram utilizados durante os trabalhos. Nas condições encontradas, considera-se imprópria a elaboração de planos de fogo que contemplem intervalos de tempo nominais entre a detonação de minas ou grupo de minas menores que 25 ms quando da utilização de acessórios de iniciação da coluna de explosivos dotados de tempo de retardo superior a 200 ms.
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Surface roughness analysis of dental ceramics treated with hydrofl uoric acid and aluminum oxide jet
The aim of this study was to evaluate the surface roughness of 5 indirect restorative materials treated with hydrofluoric acid to 10%, with aluminum oxide jet and a combination of both. The specimens was prepared with 10 mm in diameter and 2 mm thickness, divided into fi ve groups: (1) Ceromer (CeseadII-Kuraray), (2) Leucite crystals ceramics (IPS EmpressIIIvoclarforcasket), (3) glass ceramic with fluorapatite (IPS D. Sign-Ivoclar), (4) lithium disilicate ceramic (IPS Empress II-Ivoclar restorations), (5) ceramics (Cergogold-Degussa). For all groups were performed the controls, and the surfaces with the 3 types of treatment. For testing roughness used the rugosimeter Taylor/Hobson-Precision, model form tracerSV-C525 high sensitivity. After confi rmation of variance analysis with a signifi cance level of 1% (p < 0.01), there was equality between the average roughness of materials from groups 1, 3 and 5, and the group 2 was different from the others. It was also found that the ceramics of the group 5 behaved similar to group 4. However the lowest average roughness was observed in group 2 ceramic. In the evaluation between the types of treatment, the aluminum oxide jet and associations and blasting with hydrofl uoric acid were similar, and different isolated hydrofl uoric acid, and 3 types of treatment signifi cantly higher than the control group. All treatments promoted superfi cial alterations in all tested materials.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Objectives: This study compared the biomechanical fixation and bone-to-implant contact (BIC) of implants with different surfaces treatment (experimental resorbable blasting media-processed nanometer roughness scale surface, and control dual acid-etched) in a dog model. Material and methods: Surface characterization was made in six implants by means of scanning electron microscopic imaging, atomic force microscopy to evaluate roughness parameters, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) for chemical assessment. The animal model comprised the bilateral placement of control (n = 24) and experimental surface (n = 24) implants along the proximal tibiae of six mongrel dogs, which remained in place for 2 or 4 weeks. Half of the specimens were biomechanically tested (torque), and the other half was subjected to histomorphologic/ morphometric evaluation. BIC and resistance to failure measures were each evaluated as a function of time and surface treatment in a mixed model ANOVA. Results: Surface texturing was significantly higher for the experimental compared with the control surface. The survey XPS spectra detected O, C, Al, and Ti at the control group, and Ca (similar to 0.2-0.9%) and P (similar to 1.7-4.1%) besides O, C, Al, and Ti at experimental surfaces. While no statistical difference in BIC was found between experimental and control surfaces or between 2 and 4 weeks in vivo, both longer time and use of experimental surface significantly increased resistance to failure. Conclusions: The experimental surface resulted in enhanced biomechanical fixation but comparable BIC relative to control, suggesting higher bone mechanical properties around the experimental implants.
Implant topography is an important factor that influences many cell types. To understand the role of topography in the inflammatory events, we evaluated the response of human gingival fibroblasts (HGFs) by the release pattern of cytokines. HGFs were cultured on Ti discs for 24 and 48 h. Four different surface treatments were used: machining method (turned), blasting followed by an acid-etching method (BAE), oxidative nanopatterning (ON) method, and an association of blasting followed by an acid-etching plus oxidative nanopatterning (BAE+ON) method. Extracellular levels of IL-6, IL-8, transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta), IL-4, and IL-10 were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay. Increased levels of IL-6 and IL-8 were observed in all surfaces after 24 h which decreased after 48 h. BAE, ON, and BAE+ON surfaces showed a reduction in IL-6 levels compared with the turned after 48 h (p < 0.05). On one hand, IL-8 production was lower in BAE+ON in comparison to the turned surface (p < 0.05). On the other hand, IL-4 showed increased levels with 48 h, which were significantly different between turned, BAE, and ON surfaces, but not with BAE+ON. Additionally, TGF-beta and IL-10 production were not detected. This study indicates that nanotopography might be important in the modulation of the inflammatory response in cultured HGFs. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part A 100A:2629-2636, 2012.
Con l’aumento dell’acidità e degli inquinanti nelle deposizioni umide, la corrosione atmosferica dei bronzi esposti all’aperto è stata accelerata e la stabilità della patina di prodotti di alterazione, che solitamente protegge parzialmente il substrato metallico, risulta compromessa. La patina costituisce il supporto reale nelle condizioni d’impiego dell’inibitore o del protettivo, il quale viene applicato in seguito ad una pulitura del manufatto corroso che non espone il metallo nudo. L’inibitore attualmente più utilizzato, benzotriazolo (BTA), risulta non totalmente adeguato nei confronti del bronzo, tossico per l’ambiente e sospetto cancerogeno per l’uomo. Occorre quindi sviluppare soluzioni alternative per la conservazione dei bronzi all’aperto: a questo scopo, il presente lavoro di tesi si è sviluppato in tre fasi: (i) patinazione via invecchiamento artificiale accelerato, simulando la pioggia battente (dropping test) e la pioggia stagnante (wet&dry) su campioni di bronzo quaternario Cu-Sn-Zn-Pb, al fine di produrre un substrato rappresentativo, diversificando le patine prodotte dalle due geometrie di esposizione, sul quale possa essere applicato un inibitore o protettivo. La patinazione artificiale ha permesso di riprodurre efficacemente le due tipologie di patine naturali: le superfici patinate in pioggia battente hanno mostrato il tipico arricchimento in Stagno dovuto alla decuprificazione, mentre le superfici patinate in pioggia stagnante hanno presentato la comparsa dei tipici prodotti precursori dei solfati basici. (ii) pulitura di una patina naturale su bronzo quaternario (fontana del XVII sec.) mediante sabbiatura criogenica (dry-ice blasting), al fine di verificare l’efficienza di questa tecnica per preparare le superfici patinate all’applicazione di un inibitore o protettivo e il suo eventuale utilizzo in sostituzione alle tecniche tradizionali. La sabbiatura criogenica si è tuttavia dimostrata non selettiva nei confronti dei depositi calcarei, dimostrandosi non utilmente applicabile. (iii) protezione di superfici di bronzo quaternario, patinate artificialmente simulando la pioggia battente, mediante un trattamento innovativo di biopatinazione ottenuto applicando il ceppo fungino Beauveria Bassiana, potenzialmente in grado di convertire in ossalati i prodotti di corrosione della patina naturale. Lo scopo è quello di valutare l’efficienza protettiva della biopatina in seguito ad un invecchiamento accelerato simulante la pioggia battente. La biopatinazione è risultata applicabile anche a superfici arricchite in Stagno artificialmente (dropping test), ma la biopatina ottenuta non si è mostrata in grado di limitare i fenomeni corrosivi. Si ritengono necessarie ulteriori prove per valutarne l’efficienza a più lungo termine.
The effects of cold spray coating and substrate surface preparation on crack initiation under cyclic loading have been studied on Al2024 alloy specimens. Commercially pure (CP) aluminum feedstock powder has been deposited on Al2024-T351 samples using a cold-spray coating technique known as high velocity particle consolidation. Substrate specimens were prepared by surface grit blasting or shot peening prior to coating. The fatigue behavior of both coated and uncoated specimens was then tested under rotating bend conditions at two stress levels, 180 MPa and 210 MPa. Scanning electron microscopy was used to analyze failure surfaces and identify failure mechanisms. The results indicate that the fatigue strength was significantly improved on average, up to 50% at 180 MPa and up to 38% at 210 MPa, by the deposition of the cold-sprayed CP-Al coatings. Coated specimens first prepared by glass bead grit blasting experienced the largest average increase in fatigue life over bare specimens. The results display a strong dependency of the fatigue strength on the surface preparation and cold spray parameters
In 1988 a landslide occurred at a construction site in Birmingham, Alabama in which a portion of the construction site required excavating a rock slope with a group of apartments that were located at the top of the slope. During construction, two separate landslides occurred causing one and half of the apartment buildings to collapse downslope. The slope failure was investigated by two firms. One firm investigated the site conditions and the second firm investigated the design of the cut slope. The main concerns in the investigation were (1) the lack of consideration for the existing joint system, (2) using averaged the strength parameters, (3) the possibility of damaging the slope with blasting, and (4) the potential that there were underground mines at the site. The Rocscience program RocPlane was used to model the in situ conditions and the excavation. The model showed that the joint system’s pore water pressure was most likely the main factor in the failure.
Previous studies have highlighted the severity of detrimental effects for life on earth after an assumed regionally limited nuclear war. These effects are caused by climatic, chemical and radiative changes persisting for up to one decade. However, so far only a very limited number of climate model simulations have been performed, giving rise to the question how realistic previous computations have been. This study uses the coupled chemistry climate model (CCM) SOCOL, which belongs to a different family of CCMs than previously used, to investigate the consequences of such a hypothetical nuclear conflict. In accordance with previous studies, the present work assumes a scenario of a nuclear conflict between India and Pakistan, each applying 50 warheads with an individual blasting power of 15 kt ("Hiroshima size") against the major population centers, resulting in the emission of tiny soot particles, which are generated in the firestorms expected in the aftermath of the detonations. Substantial uncertainties related to the calculation of likely soot emissions, particularly concerning assumptions of target fuel loading and targeting of weapons, have been addressed by simulating several scenarios, with soot emissions ranging from 1 to 12 Tg. Their high absorptivity with respect to solar radiation leads to a rapid self-lofting of the soot particles into the strato- and mesosphere within a few days after emission, where they remain for several years. Consequently, the model suggests earth's surface temperatures to drop by several degrees Celsius due to the shielding of solar irradiance by the soot, indicating a major global cooling. In addition, there is a substantial reduction of precipitation lasting 5 to 10 yr after the conflict, depending on the magnitude of the initial soot release. Extreme cold spells associated with an increase in sea ice formation are found during Northern Hemisphere winter, which expose the continental land masses of North America and Eurasia to a cooling of several degrees. In the stratosphere, the strong heating leads to an acceleration of catalytic ozone loss and, consequently, to enhancements of UV radiation at the ground. In contrast to surface temperature and precipitation changes, which show a linear dependence to the soot burden, there is a saturation effect with respect to stratospheric ozone chemistry. Soot emissions of 5 Tg lead to an ozone column reduction of almost 50% in northern high latitudes, while emitting 12 Tg only increases ozone loss by a further 10%. In summary, this study, though using a different chemistry climate model, corroborates the previous investigations with respect to the atmospheric impacts. In addition to these persistent effects, the present study draws attention to episodically cold phases, which would likely add to the severity of human harm worldwide. The best insurance against such a catastrophic development would be the delegitimization of nuclear weapons.
Background Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) are widely used in population genetic studies but their classical development is costly and time-consuming. The ever-increasing available DNA datasets generated by high-throughput techniques offer an inexpensive alternative for SSRs discovery. Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) have been widely used as SSR source for plants of economic relevance but their application to non-model species is still modest. Methods Here, we explored the use of publicly available ESTs (GenBank at the National Center for Biotechnology Information-NCBI) for SSRs development in non-model plants, focusing on genera listed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). We also search two model genera with fully annotated genomes for EST-SSRs, Arabidopsis and Oryza, and used them as controls for genome distribution analyses. Overall, we downloaded 16 031 555 sequences for 258 plant genera which were mined for SSRsand their primers with the help of QDD1. Genome distribution analyses in Oryza and Arabidopsis were done by blasting the sequences with SSR against the Oryza sativa and Arabidopsis thaliana reference genomes implemented in the Basal Local Alignment Tool (BLAST) of the NCBI website. Finally, we performed an empirical test to determine the performance of our EST-SSRs in a few individuals from four species of two eudicot genera, Trifolium and Centaurea. Results We explored a total of 14 498 726 EST sequences from the dbEST database (NCBI) in 257 plant genera from the IUCN Red List. We identify a very large number (17 102) of ready-to-test EST-SSRs in most plant genera (193) at no cost. Overall, dinucleotide and trinucleotide repeats were the prevalent types but the abundance of the various types of repeat differed between taxonomic groups. Control genomes revealed that trinucleotide repeats were mostly located in coding regions while dinucleotide repeats were largely associated with untranslated regions. Our results from the empirical test revealed considerable amplification success and transferability between congenerics. Conclusions The present work represents the first large-scale study developing SSRs by utilizing publicly accessible EST databases in threatened plants. Here we provide a very large number of ready-to-test EST-SSR (17 102) for 193 genera. The cross-species transferability suggests that the number of possible target species would be large. Since trinucleotide repeats are abundant and mainly linked to exons they might be useful in evolutionary and conservation studies. Altogether, our study highly supports the use of EST databases as an extremely affordable and fast alternative for SSR developing in threatened plants.