976 resultados para Blade runner (Pel·lícula cinematogràfica)


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La verificació que la vida acadèmica està patint una revolució formal i de contingut obliga a recrear el discurs pedagògic introduint-hi elements molt heterogenis. Ressaltar els valors culturals dels diferents mitjans de comunicació ens permet destacar les potencialitats i l¿ús del cinema com a instrument docent facilitador dels aprenentatges dels alumnes. Fa molts anys que cadascú de nosaltres hem incorporat el cinema en el nostre treball docent. D¿acord amb els continguts que desenvolupem en les nostres assignatures, l¿utilitzem com a font analítica i documental per a la intervenció pedagògica i social. Els relats filmogràfics ens permeten introduir pràctiques formatives i professionalitzadores a partir de l¿anàlisi de casos, una eina de treball molt utilitzada en l¿àmbit socioeducatiu. Amb aquest article, presentem, doncs, tres visions diferents desenvolupades en el marc de tres assignatures dels ensenyaments de Pedagogia i Educació Social, i ho fem a partir d¿una mateixa pel·lícula, Sleepers, de Barry Levinson (1996), tot demostrant el caràcter transversal de la nostra proposta.


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El present treball consisteix en una descripció de les característiques d'una varietat gascona parlada a la vall de Varossa, situada al sud est de Gascunya. Aquest estudi s'ha realitzat a partir d'un documental etnogràfic gravat en aquesta zona. En primer lloc, s'introdueix el document estudiat i la zona on s'emmarca. Tot seguit, s'exposen els comentaris lingüístics, que han estat dividits en cinc apartats: trets generals del document, aspectes de fonètica i fonologia, morfologia, sintaxi i lèxic amb referències específiques al contacte de llengües. També s'ha inclòs un apartat de qüestions relatives al contacte de llengües i a la interferència. Aquest tipus d'estudi, que cal remarcar que no és exhaustiu, pot servir d'introducció a un altre de més ampli, i explora un mètode d'investigació original amb força possibilitats.


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The objective of this work was to test a closed soilless growing system for producing bare root transplants and runner tips of two strawberry clones, using two categories of substrates. The system used corrugated roofing panels of fiber-cement, over which a substrate layer was used as a growing bed. The nutrient solution was pumped from a reservoir toward the upper end of the roofing panels and drained back to a reservoir. Plant growth and development were determined for two advanced strawberry clones, grown in sand or in Plantmax organic substrate. Growth of the stock plants and the number and dry mass of bare root transplants were similar in the substrates, but bare roots differed in their crown diameters by substrate. For number of runner tips, no significant differences were found in total, small, and medium categories in the substrates. A mean production of about 590 runner tips per square meter and 145 bare root transplants per square meter was obtained. For both clones, a large number of bare root transplants and runner tips of adequate size were produced in the closed soilless growing system using sand or organic substrate.


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The objective of this work was to estimate the stability and adaptability of pod and seed yield in runner peanut genotypes based on the nonlinear regression and AMMI analysis. Yield data from 11 trials, distributed in six environments and three harvests, carried out in the Northeast region of Brazil during the rainy season were used. Significant effects of genotypes (G), environments (E), and GE interactions were detected in the analysis, indicating different behaviors among genotypes in favorable and unfavorable environmental conditions. The genotypes BRS Pérola Branca and LViPE‑06 are more stable and adapted to the semiarid environment, whereas LGoPE‑06 is a promising material for pod production, despite being highly dependent on favorable environments.


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The objective of this work was to determine the sink-source relationships and their effects on the number and growth of runner tips of 'Camino Real' strawberry stock plants. Three types of sources were evaluated: one defoliation at 96 days after planting (DAP), two defoliations at 50 and 96 DAP, and mother plants without defoliation. Four types of sink were accessed: runner tips collected weekly and monthly, four stolons with rooted runner tips in pots, and four freely-grown stolons. A completely randomized experimental design was used in a split-plot arrangement, with four replicates. The source types were placed in the plots, and sink types in the subplots. The number of runner tips, the crown diameter, and the dry matter mass were determined. Number and growth of tips were higher on plants without defoliation, and decreased 44.7% on twice-defoliated mother plants. The two-defoliation management did not reduce runner tip dry matter mass only on plants with rooted stolons, which produced runner tips 50% heavier. Defoliation of mother plants bearing rooting stolons can be used to reduce their growth, without reducing the emission and growth of runner tips.


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Estudi sobre com Internet ha canviat la manera de distribuir curtmetratges i llargmetratges, i la influència d’aquests canvis als processos previs de producció. Es complementa l’estudi bibliogràfic de les fases de producció amb entrevistes a tres cineastes per comprovar que Internet ha generat alguns canvis a l’hora de plantejar certs treballs cinematogràfics.


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La presente investigación tiene como objeto de estudio la Alfabetización Cinematográfica (Film Literacy). El trabajo está estructurado en cuatro partes, la primera parte es aproximación al desarrollo conceptual de la Alfabetización Cinematográfica desde las teorías relacionadas la Alfabetización Mediática (Media Literacy). La segunda, presenta brevemente los usos pedagógicos del cine desde una perspectiva educomunicativa. Durante la tercera fase de la investigación, se realizó un análisis documental de las políticas públicas educativas en relación a la implementación del cine en el ámbito educativo. Por último, para conocer la realidad desde la práctica, se realizó un análisis de contenido de 72 iniciativas que fomentan la Alfabetización Cinematográfica en España.


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Aquest treball és una adaptació d'una obra literària a guió cinematogràfic d'un llargmetratge.


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Treball de fi de màster que estudia comparativament les relacions entre la novel·la "Jane Eyre" de Charlotte Brontë i l'adaptació cinematogràfica de la mateixa realitzada pel director Cary Fukunaga.


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The goal of the Master’s thesis is to develop and to analyze the optimization method for finding a geometry shape of classical horizontal wind turbine blades based on set of criteria. The thesis develops a technique that allows the designer to determine the weight of such factors as power coefficient, sound pressure level and the cost function in the overall process of blade shape optimization. The optimization technique applies the Desirability function. It was never used before in that kind of technical problems, and in this sense it can claim to originality of research. To do the analysis and the optimization processes more convenient the software application was developed.


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Nowadays, the upwind three bladed horizontal axis wind turbine is the leading player on the market. It has been found to be the best industrial compromise in the range of different turbine constructions. The current wind industry innovation is conducted in the development of individual turbine components. The blade constitutes 20-25% of the overall turbine budget. Its optimal operation in particular local economic and wind conditions is worth investigating. The blade geometry, namely the chord, twist and airfoil type distributions along the span, responds to the output measures of the blade performance. Therefore, the optimal wind blade geometry can improve the overall turbine performance. The objectives of the dissertation are focused on the development of a methodology and specific tool for the investigation of possible existing wind blade geometry adjustments. The novelty of the methodology presented in the thesis is the multiobjective perspective on wind blade geometry optimization, particularly taking simultaneously into account the local wind conditions and the issue of aerodynamic noise emissions. The presented optimization objective approach has not been investigated previously for the implementation in wind blade design. The possibilities to use different theories for the analysis and search procedures are investigated and sufficient arguments derived for the usage of proposed theories. The tool is used for the test optimization of a particular wind turbine blade. The sensitivity analysis shows the dependence of the outputs on the provided inputs, as well as its relative and absolute divergences and instabilities. The pros and cons of the proposed technique are seen from the practical implementation, which is documented in the results, analysis and conclusion sections.


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Työn aiheena oli tehdä ohut barrierkalvo terä- tai sauvapäällystys menetelmällä. Erilaisissa elintarvikepakkauksissa käytetään hyviä barrier-ominaisuuksia omaavia ohuita päällysteitä. Elintarvikepakkauksen tehtävä on suojata pakattua tuotetta ympäristöltä, mahdollistaa helppo kuljetus ja säilytys sekä antaa tarvittavat tiedot tuotteesta tuotteen käsittelijöille ja loppukäyttäjille. Diplomityön teoriaosuudessa keskityttiin barrierpäällystykseen, eri päällystysmenetelmiin, niiden erityisvaatimuksiin ja ominaisuuksiin. Teoriaosuudessa käsiteltiin myös vaadittavia barrier-ominaisuuksia ja haasteita niiden saavuttamisessa. Kirjallisuuden perusteella haasteiksi nousivat helposti muodostuvat mikroreiät. Kokeellinen osa jakautui kahteen osakokonaisuuteen: laboratoriokokeisiin ja pilot-koeajoon. Laboratoriokokeita tehtiin ennen pilot-ajoa, jotta pilot-koeajoon voitiin valita parhaat päällystereseptit. Pilot-koeajonäytteiden päällystemäärät osoittautuivat liian pieniksi ja siksi laboratoriossa tehtiin jatkotutkimuksia riittävän päällystemäärän saavuttamiseksi. Tämän työnperusteella pohjakartongin ominaisuuksilla, erityisesti karheudella, on merkittävä vaikutus päällystyksen onnistumisessa ja yksinkertaisilla resepteillä ja päällystysmenetelmillä ei saada tarpeeksi laadukasta kalvoa.


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The objective of this study was to make a quantitative assess of the anatomic characteristics of leaf blade of the sugarcane cultivars RB855113, SP80-1842, SP80-1816, RB867515 and clone RB957689 presenting different sensitivity to the mixture of sodium trifloxysulfuron + ametryn herbicides. Compared to the other cultivars assessed, RB855113 cultivar, considered more sensitive to the herbicide mixture, presented relevant differences such as greater proportion of bulliform cells, greater tissue proportion in the transverse section of the leaf blade, greater stomata and trichome density on both surfaces, thinner epidermis on the adaxial surface and length of stomata on both surfaces. The external paraclinal wall of the bulliform cells was thinner than in the common epidermis cells in all the genotypes on the adaxial and abaxial surfaces. Multivariate analysis of the data on the variables considered most relevant to explain the herbicide penetration singled out the sensitive RB855113 from the other materials. Such characteristics can explain the greater penetration, and consequently, greater sensitivity of this cultivar to the sodium trifloxysulfuron + ametryn mixture.