998 resultados para Birds, Protection
This case study concentrates on the extent of knowledge of members of the Australian public of Australia’s tropical bird species and their willingness to pay for their conservation. In order to place this issue in context, it first provides background information on the status of Australian bird species, focusing attention on species that occur in tropical Australia. Then, using survey results, this study considers the hypothesis that the public’s relative support for the conservation of different bird species depends on its comparative knowledge of their existence and status. Based on experimental results from a sample of residents of Brisbane, Queensland (Australia), it is found that their knowledge of bird species that occur exclusively in the Australian tropics (including tropical Queensland) is very poor compared to those that also occur in the Brisbane area and are relatively common. Experimental results indicate that when respondents in the sample had an option to allocate $1,000 between ten bird species listed in the survey, it resulted in a greater allocation of funds to the better known and more common species than when they were provided with balanced information about all the selected species. With balanced information the average allocation to bird species confined mostly to the Australian tropics, particularly those threatened or endangered, increased. The general consequences of this for policies for the conservation of birds are discussed.
Two species of Clinostomum previously described from Australia, C. hornum from Botaurus poiciloptilus (Australian bittern) and Nycticorax caledonicus (Nankeen night heros) and C. australiense from Pelecanus conspicillatus (Australian pelican), which have previously been synonymised with C. complanatum, are redescribed and recognised as valid species. In addition, C. complanatum is recorded from Egretta alba (large egret), E. garzetta (little egret), E. intermedia (plumed egret), N. caledonicus and Ardea novaehollandiae (white-faced heron). C. wilsoni n. sp. is described from E. intermedia from Queensland. C. wilsoni differs from the other three species in size and shape of the body and in the oral collar, oral sucker, intestinal caeca, caecal diverticula and position of testes. Taxonomic problems within the genus Clinostomum are discussed.
We show how an initially prepared quantum state of a radiation mode in a cavity can be preserved for a long time using a feedback scheme based on the injection of appropriately prepared atoms. We present a feedback scheme both for optical cavities, which can be continuously monitored by a photodetector, and for microwave cavities, which can be monitored only indirectly via the detection of atoms that have interacted with the cavity field. We also discuss the possibility of applying these methods for decoherence control in quantum information processing.
We examined the distribution of butterflies over the mostly arid and semi-arid continent of Australia and analyzed the proportion of migrant species and species diversity with respect to an array of climatic and geographic variables. On a continent-wide scale, latitude explained virtually no variance in either proportion of migrants (r(2) = 0.01) or species diversity (r(2) = 0.03) in Australian butterflies. These results are in marked contrast to those for temperate-zone birds from three continents where latitude explained between 82 and 98% of the variance in frequency of migrants and also accounted for much of the variance in bird species diversity. In eastern Australia where rainfall regimes are similar to those in temperate Europe and North and South America, latitude explains 78% of the variance in frequency of butterfly migrants. In both eastern and central Australia, latitude also accounts for relatively high proportions of the variance in species diversity. Rainfall patterns and especially soil moisture are negatively associated with migration frequency in Australian butterfly faunas, both alone and in combination with other climate variables. Where moisture levels are relatively high, as in eastern Australia, measures of temperature are associated with migration frequency, a result consistent with findings for temperate-zone birds, suggesting latitude is a surrogate for temperature. The ultimate causes of migration in temperate-zone birds and Australian butterflies are the uneven temporal, and in Australia also spatial, distribution of resources. Uneven distribution is brought about primarily by temperature in temperate regions and by erratic rainfall over much of arid Australia. As a key determinant of productivity, especially in the tropics and subtropics, aridity is likely to be an important determinant of the global distributions of migrants.
We determined the prophylactic effect of both the d-mannose-binding lectin ArtinM extracted from the seeds of Artocarpus integrifolia (jackfruit) and its recombinant counterpart during the course of experimental paracoccidioidomycosis induced in BALB/c mice. Four experimental protocols of prophylaxis were employed to evaluate the most protective regimen of ArtinM administration. It was demonstrated that the best effect was obtained by administration of two ArtinM doses on days 10 and 3 before the challenge with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. By following this protocol, the lungs of mice that received native or recombinant ArtinM exhibited reduced fungal burden and granuloma incidence. In addition, the protocol augmented contents of IL-12, IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha and NO. On the other hand, the control group consisting of untreated infected mice had higher pulmonary levels of IL-4 and IL-10. In conclusion, prophylaxis with ArtinM significantly reproduces the effect of its therapeutic administration, i.e, it confers resistance to P. brasiliensis infection in mouse models by promoting IL-12 production and favours Th1-immunity.
Sm14 and paramyosin are two major Schistosoma mansoni vaccine candidate antigens. Recently, we have identified Sm14 and paramyosin epitopes that are recognized by T cells of resistant individuals living in endemic areas for schistosomiasis. Herein, mice were immunized with these peptides separately or in association in order to evaluate their vaccine potential. Immunization of mice with Sm14 peptides alone or mixed with paramyosin peptides was able to induce 26%-36.7% or 28%-29.2% of worm burden reduction, 67% or 46% of intestinal eggs reduction and also 54%-61% or 43%-52% of liver pathology reduction, respectively. Protection was associated with a Th1 type of immune response induced by Sm14 peptide immunization. In contrast, paramyosin peptide vaccination did not engender protective immunity or liver pathology reduction and immunization was associated with a Th2 type of immune response. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Extensive lymphocyte apoptosis may be an important cause of immune suppression in sepsis. Here we investigated the effect of LPS tolerance on lymphocyte apoptosis in an experimental model of polymicrobial infection. Tolerance was induced by the injection of lipopolysaccharide (1.0 mg/kg/subcutaneously) once a day for 5 days. Macroarray analysis of mRNA isolated from T-(CD4) lymphocytes was used to identify genes that are differentially expressed during LPS tolerance. In addition, assessment of the expression of apoptosis-associated lymphocyte gene products and apoptotic events was performed on the 8th day; 6 h after the terminal challenge with polymicrobial infection or high-dose LPS administration. Survival studies with polymicrobial infection were also conducted. LPS tolerance induced a broad reprogramming of cell death pathways, including a suppression of receptor-mediated and mitochondrial apoptotic pathways, inflammatory caspases, alternate apoptotic pathways, as well as reduced expression of genes involved in necrosis. These alterations led to a marked resistance of lymphocytes against cell death during the subsequent period of sepsis. In addition, LPS tolerance produced an increased differentiation of T-lymphocytes to T(H)1 and T(H)2, with a T(H)1 differentiation predominance. Thus, in the current study we provide an evidence for a marked reprogramming of gene expression of multiple cell death pathways during LPS tolerance. These alterations may play a significant role in the observed protection of the animals from a subsequent lethal polymicrobial sepsis challenge. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Introduction. The quality and effectiveness of myocardial protection are fundamental problems to expand the use of and consequently good outcomes of donated hearts for transplantation. Objective. The purpose of this investigation was to compare the cardioprotective effects of Krebs-Henseleit, Bretschneider-HTK, St Thomas, and Celsior solutions using a modified nonrecirculating Langendorff column model of isolated perfused rat heart during prolonged cold storage. Materials and Methods. After removal 36 rat hearts underwent isolated perfusion into a Langendorff apparatus using Krebs-Henseleit solution for a 15-minute period of recovery; we excluded organs that did not maintain an aortic pressure above 100 m Hg. Subsequently, we equally distributed the hearts into four groups according to the cardioprotection solution; group 1, Krebs-Henseleit (control); group II, Bretschneider-HTK; group III, St Thomas; and group IV, Celsior. Each heart received the specific cardioplegic solution at 10 C for 2-hour storage at 20 C, before a 15 minutes perfusion with Krebs-Henseleit solution for recovery and stabilization. After 60 additional minutes of perfusion, every 5 minutes we determined heart rate (HR), coronary flow (CF), left ventricular systolic pressure (LVSP), and positive and negative peak of the first derivative of left ventricular pressure (+dP/dt and dP/dt, respectively). Results. Comparative analysis by Turkey`s test showed the following performances among the groups at 60 minutes of reperfusion: HR: II = IV > III > I; CF: II = IV > I = III; LVSP: IV > I = II = III; +dP/dt: IV > I = II = III; and dP/dt: IV = II > I = II. Conclusion. Cardioprotective solutions generally used in clinical practice are not able to avoid hemodynamic alterations in hearts exposed to prolonged ischemia. Celsior solution showed better performance than Bretschneider-HTK, St Thomas, and Krebs-Henseleit.
1. Chrysophtharta bimaculata is a native chrysomelid species that can cause chronic defoliation of plantation and regrowth Eucalyptus forests in Tasmania, Australia. Knowledge of the dispersion pattern of C. bimaculata was needed in order to assess the efficiency of an integrated pest management (IPM) programme currently used for its control. 2. Using data from yellow flight traps, local populations of C. bimaculata adults were monitored over a season at spatial scales relevant to commercial forestry: within a 50-ha operational management unit (a forestry 'coupe') and between coupes. In addition, oviposition was monitored over a season at a subset of the between-coupe sites. 3. Dispersion indices (Taylor's Power Law and Iwao's Mean Crowding regression method) demonstrated that C. bimaculata adults were spatially aggregated within and between coupes, although the number of egg-batches laid at the between-coupe scale was uniform. Spatial autocorrelation analysis showed that trap-catches at the within-coupe level were similar (positively autocorrelated) to a radius distance of approximately 110 m, and then dissimilar (negatively autocorrelated) at approximately 250 m. At the between-coupe scale, no repeatable spatial autocorrelation patterns were observed. 4. For any individual site, rapid changes in beetle density were observed to be associated with loosely aggregated flights of beetles into and out of that site. Peak adult catches (> the weekly mean plus standard deviation trap-catch) for a site occurred for a period of 2.0 +/- 0.22 weeks at a time (n = 37), with normally only one or two peaks per site per season. Peak oviposition events for a site occurred on average 1.4 +/- 0.11 times per season and lasted 1.5 +/- 0.12 weeks. 5. Analysis of an extensive data set (n = 417) demonstrated that adult abundance at a site was positively correlated with egg density, but negatively correlated with tree damage (caused by conspecifics) and the presence of conspecific larvae. There was no relationship between adult abundance and a visual estimate of the amount of young foliage on trees. 6. Adults of C. bimaculata are show n to occur in relatively small, mobile aggregations. This means that pest surveys must be both regular (less than 2 weeks apart) and intensive (with sampling points no more than 150 m apart) if beetle populations are to be monitored with confidence. Further refinement of the current IPM strategy must recognize the problems posed by this temporal and spatial patchiness, particularly with regard to the use of biological insecticides, such as Bacillus thuringiensis, for which only a very short operational window exists.
Background To estimate labeled sun protection factor (SPF) for sunscreen, the amount of product applied on volunteers, according to food and drug administration (FDA) and International protocols, is 2 mg/cm(2). However, different studies have shown that consumers actually apply much less product when exposed to the sun. Previous studies have reported contradictory findings in an attempt to correlate the amount applied in relation to SPF. The objective of the present study was to estimate the influence of the quantity of sunscreen applied in the determination of SPF, according to the FDA methodology. Subjects and methods Forty volunteers were included in two groups (SPF 15 and 30). The selected sunscreen was then applied in four different quantities (2, 1.5, 1.0 and 0.5 mg/cm(2)). All areas were irradiated with a solar simulator. After 24 h, the minimal erythemal dose (MED) and SPF were determined. Results In both groups, we observed that the SPF decreased when the amount of sunscreen applied was decreased. The differences between the 2 mg/cm(2) area and the others were significant in both groups (P < 0.001). The correlation between specified SPF and applied amount grew exponentially. Conclusion The protection provided by sunscreen is related to the amount of product applied. It is essential to educate consumers to apply larger amounts of sunscreen for adequate photoprotection.
Background. Diving liver ischemia, the decrease in mitochondrial energy causes cellular damage that is aggravated after reperfusion. This injury can trigger a systemic inflammatory syndrome, also producing remote organ damage. Several substances have been employed to decrease this inflammatory response during liver transplantation, liver resections, and hypovolemic shock. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of hypertonic saline solution and the best timing of administration to prevent organ injury during experimental liver ischemia/reperfusion. Methods. Rats underwent 1 hr of warm liver ischemia followed by reperfusion. Eighty-four rats Were allocated into 6 groups: sham group, control of ischemia group) (C), pre-ischemia treated NaCl 0.9% (ISS) and NaCl 7.5% (HTS) groups, pre-repefusion ISS, and HTS groups. Blood and tissue samples were collected 4 hr after reperfusion. Results. HTS showed beneficial effects in prevention of live ischemia/reperfusion injury. HTS groups developed increases in AST and ALT levels that were significantly less than ISS groups; however, the HTS pre-reperfusion group showed levels significantly less than the HTS pre-ischemia group. No differences in IL-6 and IL-10 levels, were observed. A significant decrease in mitochondrial dysfunction as well as hepatic edema was observed in the HTS pre-reperfusion group. Pulmonary vascular permeability Was significantly less in the pre-reperfusion HTS group compared to the ISS group. No differences in myeloperoxidase activity were observed. The liver histologic score was significantly less in the pre-reperfusion HTS group compared to the pre-ischemia I-ITS group. Conclusion. HTS ameliorated local and systemic injuries in experimental liver ischemia/reperfusion. Infusion of HTS in the pre-reperfusion period may be an important adjunct to accomplish the best results. (Surgery 2010;147:415-23.)