982 resultados para Biological Evolution


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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By establishing a relationship among several sections of Biology, the theory of the evolution enables a more systemized and less fragmented education of this science. However, students seem to have difficulties of understanding the concept of biological evolution, by virtue of misunderstanding conceptual and historical data present in textbooks, among other causes. One of these mentioned distortions is the shock between Lamarck and Darwin’s ideas. We aimed, in this work, to investigate the understanding of Biology’s students in pre-service teachers education concerning the Lamarck and Darwin’s theories at different moments of the Evolution discipline. For this, some steps had been followed: 1) Verification of the previous conceptions; 2) Elaboration of a pedagogical material, containing diverse historical texts of primary and secondary sources; 3) Debates in two didactic modules, using the pedagogical material elaborated; 4) Analysis of the conceptions constructed by the students, from the didactic intervention. The results obtained show the preconceptions of the students interviewed, concerning the Lamarck and Darwin’s theories, resemble the explanations presented in textbooks and the insertion of historical texts in the Evolution lessons can be an interesting strategy to construction of knowledge of this theme


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Crohn’s disease is a chronic infl ammatory bowel disease with segmental transmural infl ammation, which complicate with formation of fi stulas and abscesses. The hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is characterized by recurrent abscesses, with a predilection for areas rich in apocrine glands such as the axillary, inguinal and perineal. The differential diagnosis between these diseases is diffi cult and may compromise treatment. Report case: C.R.M.A., 40 year-old, female, white, ileal and colonic Crohn’s disease complicated with perianal and rectovaginal fi stula for 12 years, treated with biological therapy since May 2010. In Sep/2010 presented with an abscess in the buttock D with purulent discharge refractory to the use of ciprofl oxacin and metronidazole. USG: collection of 30 cm3 in buttock D. The diagnosis was HS and the patient underwent extensive surgical removal of the affected areas (10 x 2 cm) with healing by secondary intention. Skin graft performed unsuccessfully in Dec/2010. The patient returned in jan/2011 with a new fi stula at the site of resection, consistent with Crohn’s disease. In fev/2011 underwent drainage of abscesses and placement of setons in perianal fi stulas. Currently in therapy with good biological evolution of fi stulas. The prevalence of HS varies from 0.3 to 4% of the population in general. The axilla is the region most affected and perianal lesions are associated with greater weakness. There are published reports of association between HS and Crohn’s disease sporadically and further studies are needed to assess a common pathogenesis. The differential diagnosis should be performed in all cases planning immediate treatment, avoiding complications and worsening of the patient’s quality of life.


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BACKGROUND: Splanchnic vein thrombosis may complicate inherited thrombotic disorders. Acute cytomegalovirus infection is a rare cause of acquired venous thrombosis in the portal or mesenteric territory, but has never been described extending into a main hepatic vein. CASE PRESENTATION: A 36-year-old immunocompetent woman presented with acute primary cytomegalovirus infection in association with extensive thrombosis in the portal and splenic vein. In addition, a fresh thrombus was evident in the right hepatic vein. A thorough evaluation for a hypercoagulable state was negative. The clinical course, biological evolution, radiological and histological findings were consistent with cytomegalovirus hepatitis complicated by a partial acute Budd-Chiari syndrome and portal thrombosis. Therapeutic anticoagulation was associated with a slow clinical improvement and partial vascular recanalization. CONCLUSION: We described in details a new association between cytomegalovirus infection and acute venous thrombosis both in the portal vein and in the right hepatic vein, realizing a partial Budd-Chiari syndrome. One should be aware that this rare thrombotic event may be complicated by partial venous outflow block.


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The molecular mechanisms controlling bone extracellular matrix (ECM) deposition by differentiated osteoblasts in postnatal life, called hereafter bone formation, are unknown. This contrasts with the growing knowledge about the genetic control of osteoblast differentiation during embryonic development. Cbfa1, a transcriptional activator of osteoblast differentiation during embryonic development, is also expressed in differentiated osteoblasts postnatally. The perinatal lethality occurring in Cbfa1-deficient mice has prevented so far the study of its function after birth. To determine if Cbfa1 plays a role during bone formation we generated transgenic mice overexpressing Cbfa1 DNA-binding domain (DeltaCbfa1) in differentiated osteoblasts only postnatally. DeltaCbfa1 has a higher affinity for DNA than Cbfa1 itself, has no transcriptional activity on its own, and can act in a dominant-negative manner in DNA cotransfection assays. DeltaCbfa1-expressing mice have a normal skeleton at birth but develop an osteopenic phenotype thereafter. Dynamic histomorphometric studies show that this phenotype is caused by a major decrease in the bone formation rate in the face of a normal number of osteoblasts thus indicating that once osteoblasts are differentiated Cbfa1 regulates their function. Molecular analyses reveal that the expression of the genes expressed in osteoblasts and encoding bone ECM proteins is nearly abolished in transgenic mice, and ex vivo assays demonstrated that DeltaCbfa1-expressing osteoblasts were less active than wild-type osteoblasts. We also show that Cbfa1 regulates positively the activity of its own promoter, which has the highest affinity Cbfa1-binding sites characterized. This study demonstrates that beyond its differentiation function Cbfa1 is the first transcriptional activator of bone formation identified to date and illustrates that developmentally important genes control physiological processes postnatally.


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Molluscan preparations have yielded seminal discoveries in neuroscience, but the experimental advantages of this group have not, until now, been complemented by adequate molecular or genomic information for comparisons to genetically defined model organisms in other phyla. The recent sequencing of the transcriptome and genome of Aplysia californica, however, will enable extensive comparative studies at the molecular level. Among other benefits, this will bring the power of individually identifiable and manipulable neurons to bear upon questions of cellular function for evolutionarily conserved genes associated with clinically important neural dysfunction. Because of the slower rate of gene evolution in this molluscan lineage, more homologs of genes associated with human disease are present in Aplysia than in leading model organisms from Arthropoda (Drosophila) or Nematoda (Caenorhabditis elegans). Research has hardly begun in molluscs on the cellular functions of gene products that in humans are associated with neurological diseases. On the other hand, much is known about molecular and cellular mechanisms of long-term neuronal plasticity. Persistent nociceptive sensitization of nociceptors in Aplysia displays many functional similarities to alterations in mammalian nociceptors associated with the clinical problem of chronic pain. Moreover, in Aplysia and mammals the same cell signaling pathways trigger persistent enhancement of excitability and synaptic transmission following noxious stimulation, and these highly conserved pathways are also used to induce memory traces in neural circuits of diverse species. This functional and molecular overlap in distantly related lineages and neuronal types supports the proposal that fundamental plasticity mechanisms important for memory, chronic pain, and other lasting alterations evolved from adaptive responses to peripheral injury in the earliest neurons. Molluscan preparations should become increasingly useful for comparative studies across phyla that can provide insight into cellular functions of clinically important genes.


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Lake Ohrid (Macedonia/Albania) is an ancient lake with unique biodiversity and a site of global significance for investigating the influence of climate, geological, and tectonic events on the generation of endemic populations. Here, we present oxygen (δ18O) and carbon (δ13C) isotope data from carbonate over the upper 243 m of a composite core profile recovered as part of the Scientific Collaboration on Past Speciation Conditions in Lake Ohrid (SCOPSCO) project. The investigated sediment succession covers the past ca. 637 ka. Previous studies on short cores from the lake (up to 15 m, < 140 ka) have indicated the total inorganic carbon (TIC) content of sediments to be highly sensitive to climate change over the last glacial–interglacial cycle. Sediments corresponding to warmer periods contain abundant endogenic calcite; however, an overall low TIC content in glacial sediments is punctuated by discrete bands of early diagenetic authigenic siderite. Isotope measurements on endogenic calcite (δ18Oc and δ13Cc) reveal variations both between and within interglacials that suggest the lake has been subject to palaeoenvironmental change on orbital and millennial timescales. We also measured isotope ratios from authigenic siderite (δ18Os and δ13Cs) and, with the oxygen isotope composition of calcite and siderite, reconstruct δ18O of lake water (δ18Olw) over the last 637 ka. Interglacials have higher δ18Olw values when compared to glacial periods most likely due to changes in evaporation, summer temperature, the proportion of winter precipitation (snowfall), and inflow from adjacent Lake Prespa. The isotope stratigraphy suggests Lake Ohrid experienced a period of general stability from marine isotope stage (MIS) 15 to MIS 13, highlighting MIS 14 as a particularly warm glacial. Climate conditions became progressively wetter during MIS 11 and MIS 9. Interglacial periods after MIS 9 are characterised by increasingly evaporated and drier conditions through MIS 7, MIS 5, and the Holocene. Our results provide new evidence for long-term climate change in the northern Mediterranean region, which will form the basis to better understand the influence of major environmental events on biological evolution within Lake Ohrid.


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In a marvelous but somewhat neglected paper, 'The Corporation: Will It Be Managed by Machines?' Herbert Simon articulated from the perspective of 1960 his vision of what we now call the New Economy the machine-aided system of production and management of the late twentieth century. Simon's analysis sprang from what I term the principle of cognitive comparative advantage: one has to understand the quite different cognitive structures of humans and machines (including computers) in order to explain and predict the tasks to which each will be most suited. Perhaps unlike Simon's better-known predictions about progress in artificial intelligence research, the predictions of this 1960 article hold up remarkably well and continue to offer important insights. In what follows I attempt to tell a coherent story about the evolution of machines and the division of labor between humans and machines. Although inspired by Simon's 1960 paper, I weave many other strands into the tapestry, from classical discussions of the division of labor to present-day evolutionary psychology. The basic conclusion is that, with growth in the extent of the market, we should see humans 'crowded into' tasks that call for the kinds of cognition for which humans have been equipped by biological evolution. These human cognitive abilities range from the exercise of judgment in situations of ambiguity and surprise to more mundane abilities in spatio-temporal perception and locomotion. Conversely, we should see machines 'crowded into' tasks with a well-defined structure. This conclusion is not based (merely) on a claim that machines, including computers, are specialized idiots-savants today because of the limits (whether temporary or permanent) of artificial intelligence; rather, it rests on a claim that, for what are broadly 'economic' reasons, it will continue to make economic sense to create machines that are idiots-savants.


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This paper shows the importance of a holistic comprehension of the Earth as a living planet, where man inhabits and is exposed to environmental incidences of different nature. The aim of the paper here summarized is a reflection on all these concepts and scientific considerations related to the important role of men in the handling of natural hazards. Our Planet is an unstable and dynamical system highly sensitive to initial conditions, as proposed by Chaos theory (González-Miranda 2004); it is a complex organic whole, which responds to minimal variations which can affect several natural phenomena such as plate tectonics, solar flares, fluid turbulences, landscape formation, forest fires, growth and migration of populations and biological evolution. This is known as the “butterfly effect” (Lorenz 1972), which means that a small change of the system causes a chain of events leading to large-scale unpredictable consequences. The aim of this work is dwelling on the importance of the knowledge of these natural and catastrophic geological, biological and human systems so much sensible to equilibrium conditions, to prevent, avoid and mend their effects, and to face them in a resilient way


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It is quite possible that the level of atmospheric oxygen has varied (roughly between 15 and 30% O2) over the past 550 million years. This variation is suggested by modeling of the carbon and sulfur cycles, by the excessive sediment burial of organic matter that accompanied the advent of large vascular land plants, and by recent physiological studies that relate to biological evolution.


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Complexity originates from the tendency of large dynamical systems to organize themselves into a critical state, with avalanches or "punctuations" of all sizes. In the critical state, events which would otherwise be uncoupled become correlated. The apparent, historical contingency in many sciences, including geology, biology, and economics, finds a natural interpretation as a self-organized critical phenomenon. These ideas are discussed in the context of simple mathematical models of sandpiles and biological evolution. Insights are gained not only from numerical simulations but also from rigorous mathematical analysis.


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Includes index.


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Development plays a significant role in biological evolution, and is likely to prove an effective route to overcoming the limitations of direct genotype-phenotype mappings in artificial evolution. Nonetheless, the relationship between development and evolution is complex and still poorly understood. One question of current interest concerns the possible role that developmental processes may play in orienting evolution. A first step towards exploring this issue from a theoretical perspective is understanding the structure of ontogenetic space: the space of possible genotype-phenotype mappings. Using a quantitative model of development that enables ontogenetic space to be characterised in terms of complexity, we show that ontogenetic landscapes have a characteristic structure that varies with genotypic properties.


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A közgazdaság-tudomány számos problémája a fizika analóg modelljeinek segítségével nyert megoldást. A közgazdászok körében erőteljesen megoszlanak a vélemények, hogy a közgazdasági modellek mennyire redukálhatók a fizika, vagy más természettudományok eredményeire. Vannak,akik pontosan ezzel magyarázzák,hogy a mai mainstream közgazdasági elmélet átalakult alkalmazott matematikává,ami a gazdasági kérdéseket csak a társadalom-tudományi vonatkozásaitól eltekintve képes vizsgálni. Mások, e tanulmányszerzője is, viszont úgy vélekednek, hogy a közgazdasági problémák egy része, ahol lehetőség van a mérésre, jól modellezhetők a természettudományok technikai arzenáljával. A másik része, amelyekben nem lehet mérni,s tipikusan ilyenek a társadalomtudományi kérdések, ott sokkal komplexebb technikákra lesz szükség. Etanulmány célkitűzése, hogy felvázolja a fizika legújabb, az irreverzibilis dinamika, a relativitáselmélet és a kvantummechanika sztochasztikus matematikai összefüggéseit, amelyekből a közgazdászok választhatnak egy-egy probléma megfogalmazásában és megoldásában. Például az időoperátorok pontos értelmezése jelentős fordulatot hozhat a makroökonómiai elméletekben; vagy az eddigi statikus egyensúlyi referencia pontokat felválthatják a dinamikus,időben változó sztochasztikus egyensúlyi referenciafüggvények, ami forradalmian új megvilágításba helyezhet számos társadalomtudományi, s főleg nemegyensúlyi közgazdasági kérdést.A termodinamika és a biológiai evolúció fogalmait és definícióit Paul A. Samuelson (1947) már adaptálta a közgazdaságtanban, viszont a kvantummechanika legújabb eredményeit, az időoperátorokat stb. nem érintette. E cikk azokat a legújabb fizikai, kémiai és biológiai matematikai összefüggéseket foglalja össze,amelyek hasznosak lehetnek a közgazdasági modellek komplexebb megfogalmazásához. ___________________ The aim of this paper is to out line the newest results of physics,i.e.,the stochastic mathematical relations of relativity theory and quantum mechanics as well as irreversible dynamics which can be applied for some economic problems.For example,the correct interpretation of time operators using for the macroeconomic theories may provide a serious improvement in approach to the reality.The stochastic dynamic equilibrium reference functions will take over the role of recent static equilibrium reference points,which may also reveal some nonequilibrium questions of macroeconomics.The concepts and definitions of thermodynamics and biological evolution have been adopted in economics by Paul A. Samuelson, but he did not concern the newest results of quantum mechanics, e.g., the time operators. Now we do it.In addition, following Samuelson,we show that von Neumann growth model cannot be explained as a peculiar extension of thermodynamic irreversibility.