998 resultados para Bienes de uso público


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Aborda a problemática enfrentada, diuturnamente, pelas pessoas com necessidades especiais, frente às barreiras arquitetônicas, nos edifícios destinados ao uso público e nos meios de transporte coletivo, bem como diante da falta de equipamentos e elementos do mobiliário urbano acessíveis. Utiliza dados censitários acerca das referidas pessoas. Analisa essa problemática sob o enfoque dos direitos humanos. Enfatiza a imprescindibilidade de eliminação das referidas barreiras ou de serem adaptadas. Demonstra como o assunto é tratado no plano internacional e como está substanciado em normas constitucionais nacionais e estaduais, nas leis orgânicas municipais e na legislação infraconstitucional específica nos níveis federal, estadual e municipal, bem assim em normas técnicas. Aponta a precariedade das estruturas físico-ambientais, principalmente no município de Belém, Estado do Pará. Contém propostas para a efetividade das normas de acessibilidade e locomoção das aludidas pessoas e a concreção desses direitos humanos.


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At a time when people turn increasingly to technological innovations and virtual networks, a closer interaction with the environment can provide sensitizing experiences. One tool that facilitates this approach is the interpretative trail: its use in a Unit of Conservation (UC) allows more contact between the visitor and the nature elements. This research aimed to propose the establishment of an interpretative trail at the State Florest “Edmundo Navarro de Andrade” (FEENA) in Rio Claro (SP) with theoretical bases from Waldorf Pedagogy. The proposed trail is destined for students with 07-14 years-old, a period that the awareness is more accurate in a person, according to Waldorf tenets. On the path of the trail, we propose some educational activities at the points of interpretation: storytelling about environment; “photograph” the place with a drawing; create a song with sounds produced by the body and by nature elements; blindfold guide and a circle of people to share experiences. The activities aim to provide in the student a close and harmonious contact with oneself, with other people and with the natural world, and also serve as a support for programs of public use and environmental education at UC. The environmental awareness process in the context of FEENA - which has a significant landscape valuation - develops through the sensibilities of exterior and interior world. And also develops with the creation if images, thoughts, feelings and interdependencies relationships. Therefore, the ecologic education allows changes and formation of values and sensitive attitudes to students about the environment


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O presente trabalho será desenvolvido em uma quadra urbana no centro da cidade de Roma que compreende o Complexo da Crypta Balbi em cujo espaço é possível realizar uma leitura do ponto de vista arquitetônico e urbano ao longo da história e ver refletida a cidade ao longo de seu desenvolvimento através de vestígios arqueológicos do início da formação de Roma (III a.C.) até construções do século XIX . O trabalho visa a restauração e reabilitação do Complexo, mais especificamente das edificações localizadas na Via del Delfini a fim de abrigar um edifício de uso público assim como a requalificação do espaço aberto no interior do quarteirão permitindo sua integração com o entorno imediato e com os edifícios da quadra


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One of the ways of Geography is the study of the relationship between man and space, so that the question of the preservation of the environment and yours attributes is increasingly standing out in society. The State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade is a conservation of sustainable use, so with this category aims to reconcile nature conservation with sustainable use of a portion of its resources, and a place that has many direct and indirect benefits to the interconnected environment . Therefore, the object of study is the State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade, highlighting its Public Use Area. This work has as main objective to measure the importance of the State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade, in the view of visitors, and present some key aspects of the unit in relation to its attractions. Thus, we seek the appreciation of the history of the city of Rio Claro and qualities of the State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Within the current context of environmental degradation, primarily caused by unsustainable pat terns of production and consumption (AGENDA 21, 1992), the Protected Areas (PAs) are considered internationally as one of the most successful measures for the conservat ion of biodiversity, according to the Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The city of Rio Claro (Sao Paulo, Brazi l ) has a significant conservation area in both environmental aspects as historical and cultural, the State Forest 'Edmundo Navarro de Andrade' (FEENA). Beyond the conservation measures, there is a need to develop environmental education that encourages community participation and appreciation in the unit 's maintenance and protection, as well as provide moments of reflection that could conduct perceptual changes, behavioral, attitudinal and evaluative on relations between human beings and their environment . This work brings the proposal to create an interpretive trail in the area of public use of FEENA to contribute to the Unit Management Plan in order to make it an Environmental Education tool. To prepare the planning of the interpretive trail, a deep bibliographic and cartographic review was performed on the subject. It was applied questionnaires in order to know the visitors better and map the features of public visitation, as well as map the visitor preferences about how they would like to receive information on the area and expose field studies in the track site. The trail was traced taking into account the environmental and social aspects, we propose a track suspended above the ground, in order to affect as little as possible and to include the area in the context of PAs people with reduced mobility and visually impaired


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The State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade (FEENA), Rio Claro/SP has a huge potential for cyclists tracks; the Unit already have a trail at the principal entrance, passing by firebreaks bordering the towers quadrants and finishing at the municipal road. This work aims the ambiental interpretation of this trail already established and implant activities planned before at the public use program of the State Forest according to the management plan of the Unit; to interpret the tracks for mountain bike cyclists; promote the conservation of natural, historic and cultural resources of the Forest. At the present work has been accomplished the Ambiental Interpretation through the panels, containing the characteristic native flora and fauna, the existing water resources at the Unit and also the representatives individuals of the exotic arboreal species, found around the trail. Ten points were chosen for interpretation, therefore, for preparation of the script it was considered besides the bibliographic literature, experiences of project team members at FEENA, Unit Management Plan knowledge relating the gaps in the public use program and field work. The panels contain figures and texts about the chosen topics, to promote a language easily understandable to the visitor and concomitantly, inform to the population who attends the Unit, increasing this way the user satisfaction


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The State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade (FEENA), Rio Claro/SP has a huge potential for cyclists tracks; the Unit already have a trail at the principal entrance, passing by firebreaks bordering the towers quadrants and finishing at the municipal road. This work aims the ambiental interpretation of this trail already established and implant activities planned before at the public use program of the State Forest according to the management plan of the Unit; to interpret the tracks for mountain bike cyclists; promote the conservation of natural, historic and cultural resources of the Forest. At the present work has been accomplished the Ambiental Interpretation through the panels, containing the characteristic native flora and fauna, the existing water resources at the Unit and also the representatives individuals of the exotic arboreal species, found around the trail. Ten points were chosen for interpretation, therefore, for preparation of the script it was considered besides the bibliographic literature, experiences of project team members at FEENA, Unit Management Plan knowledge relating the gaps in the public use program and field work. The panels contain figures and texts about the chosen topics, to promote a language easily understandable to the visitor and concomitantly, inform to the population who attends the Unit, increasing this way the user satisfaction


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La tesis estudia el principio de neutralidad en su vertiente interna y su aplicación efectiva en el IVA. Se centra en los principales aspectos de la configuración jurídica del impuesto: derecho de deducción, exenciones y tipos reducidos. Se realiza en primer lugar una aproximación teórica al principio desde un punto de vista jurídico y también económico. Una vez construido el principio se acomete una comparación de las distintas clases de impuestos indirectos que pueden establecerse y se analiza su cumplimiento del principio de neutralidad fiscal. El énfasis es mayor en los impuestos en cascada, impuestos monofásicos minoristas y en el IVA. El objetivo de la tesis es, por tanto, concretar el contenido del principio, desarrollar sus implicaciones económicas principales y analizar el grado de cumplimiento real de la Directiva IVA. Desde el punto de vista del derecho de deducción y de las exenciones el estudio se apoya en el análisis de la jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea, donde se profundizará en cuestiones como la utilización de bienes de uso mixto, la consideración de costes como directos o generales y las formas de ejercicio del exceso de deducción (devolución y compensación). Además, la tesis muestra las principales excepciones al principio de neutralidad establecidas en la Directiva IVA: prohibiciones al derecho de deducción, exenciones y tipos reducidos. En esta parte también se apoyará el estudio en la jurisprudencia del TJUE, que ha construido en gran medida los criterios de interpretación de estas excepciones. En conclusión, el objetivo de la tesis es medir si la directiva IVA cumple con el principio de neutralidad fiscal, para lo que deberá haberse especificado primero su significado concreto y se habrá debido diferenciar entre sus dos dimensiones: interna y externa.


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El objetivo de este artículo es obtener una visión más profunda de las características, condiciones, criterios y posibilidades del proyecto residencial actual en la vivienda colectiva obsoleta de la ciudad consolidada. El fracaso del crecimiento extensivo en la periferia durante los últimos veinte años ha puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de defender la vuelta al centro. Para ello, las políticas de construcción de vivienda ex novo deben dejar paso a otras políticas que consideren el parque residencial existente como materia de proyecto para la ciudad contemporánea. El futuro inmediato de ésta se centra en la definición de operaciones estratégicas de regeneración funcional y tipológica del tejido residencial de la ciudad existente. El reto es utilizar construcciones intelectuales nuevas sobre un soporte antiguo, esto es, llevar a cabo el proyecto de la vivienda del siglo XXI sobre una "carcasa" del XIX o del XX. La solución proyectual a dicha idea no pasa por hacer un proyecto específico para cada caso, sino por definir un proyecto genérico para la ciudad heredada y que se dejará en herencia. Las medidas de actualización de lo existente a escala residencial deben encaminarse hacia la neutralización del soporte habitable, la optimización de los recursos energéticos y la consecución de una regulación alternativa. Se pretende concebir, en definitiva, el edificio o la manzana de la ciudad consolidada de tipo postindustrial como una infraestructura residencial de uso público, donde la vivienda sea entendida como un servicio y no como un producto


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El objetivo de este proyecto se materializa en el diseño acústico y electroacústico de las salas de cine con número 18, 19, 20 y 21 del centro de cines Kinépolis situado en la Ciudad de la Imagen. Dichas salas son idénticas por lo que con el estudio y análisis de una se podrán extrapolar los resultados a las demás, por tanto a partir de ahora se realizará el diseño acústico y electroacústico centrado en la sala 18. Así pues se procederá a certificar que dicha sala cumple la norma THX. En dicho recinto se habrán aplicando con anterioridad diferentes técnicas de acondicionamiento sonoro (insonorización mediante el uso de materiales tanto absorbentes como reflectantes, arquitectura de la sala de las paredes, dimensiones... etc.>), así como todos los acondicionamientos propios de un espacio de uso público cumpliendo las consiguientes normativas de seguridad. Se analizará la sala en su estado de partida mediante medidas acústicas in-situ tanto del tiempo de reverberación como del ruido de fondo, así como medidas espaciales con un medidor de alta precisión (láser); para posteriormente realizar las simulaciones en el programa EASE 4.01 de manera que la simulación sea lo más fidedigna posible. Estas medidas se realizarán de acuerdo a lo especificado en la norma UNE-EN ISO 3382. Cuando el comportamiento acústico del modelado de la sala sea el mismo que el de la sala real (respondan con el mismo Tiempo de Reverberación), mediante la introducción de los materiales adecuados y del ruido de fondo; se procederá al diseño electroacústico del equipo necesario para implementar el sistema de sonido multicanal Dolby (R). En el estudio electroacústico se distribuirán los diferentes altavoces que correctamente insertados ajustados sus niveles y retardos cubrirán con su señal uniformemente la sala cumpliendo los requisitos de la norma Dolby (R). Y finalmente una vez propuesto el sistema electroacústico y comprobado su correcto funcionamiento y por tanto el cumplimiento de la norma THX se propondrán mejoras en el sistema. Hay que señalar que aunque las recomendaciones THX son conocidas como norma THX no es una norma como tal, sino un conjunto de recomendaciones, que aconsejan utilizar una norma u otra para cada requisito. De ahora en adelante se referirá en este documento como norma THX. Se recuerda una vez más que dado que las salas son idénticas, y que las medidas realizadas en cada una de ellas son similares, se procederá en adelante al estudio de la sala única sala, la sala 18, siendo todos los estudios, análisis, comentarios y conclusiones aplicables a las otras 3 salas. Abstract The aim of this Project is the acoustic and electroacoustic design of the projection rooms 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st of the theater kinépolis, which is located at “Ciudad de la imagen”. These rooms are equal so with the studing and analazing of one of them , the results can be extrapolted from this one to the others, therefore as from now the and electroacoustic design will focus on the 18th room. As result the room will be certified that it comply with the standard THX. The starting point of the room will be analized such on-spot acoustical measures as the reverberation time and the noise level, in the same way the spatial measurements will be make with a precise laser meter, in order to perform simulations with the data obtained with the EASE 4.01 program. These mesurements should be made in accordance with the standard UNE-EN ISO 3382. Once the acoustical behavior of the simulated room became the same as the real room (the same reverberation times), through the configuration of the suitable materials and the background noise, previously measured, the electroacoustic design of the equipment necessary to develop the multichannel sound system Dolby (R) will be completed. In the electroacoustic design the sound power level and the dealys of the speakers and its amplifiers will be configurated till amplifiers provide an uniform coverage over the entire room in compliance with the Dolby (R) standard. Finally, once an electroacoustic system will be proposed and checked it works correctly in compliance with the THX standard, posible improvements will be identified. Abstract. Acoustic and electroacoustic study of the 18th room of the movie theater Kinépolis (Madrid) It must however be pointed out that although the THX standard is known as a standard it is actually a set of recommended practices made by Lucasfilm Ltd, anyway, from now on we will call it THX standard.


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Sign.: A-Z6, 2A-2E6, 2F3