994 resultados para Bellingshausen Sea, ridge-groove province: ridge


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A detailed record of the strontium-87 to strontium-86 ratio in seawater during the last 100 million years was determined by measuring this ratio in 137 well-preserved and well-dated fossil foraminifera samples. Sample preservation was evaluated from scanning electron microscopy studies, measured strontium-calcium ratios, and pore water strontium isotope ratios. The evolution of the strontium isotopic ratio in seawater offers a means to evaluate long-term changes in the global strontium isotope mass balance. Results show that the marine strontium isotope composition can be used for correlating and dating well-preserved authigenic marine sediments throughout much of the Cenozoic to a precision of +/- 1 million years. The strontium-87 to strontium-86 ratio in seawater increased sharply across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, but this feature is not readily explained as strontium input from a bolide impact on land.


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The extent to which the spatial distribution of marine planktonic microbes is controlled by local environmental selection or dispersal is poorly understood. Our ability to separate the effects of these two biogeographic controls is limited by the enormous environmental variability both in space and through time. To circumvent this limitation, we analyzed fossil diatom assemblages over the past ~1.5 million years from the world oceans and show that these eukaryotic microbes are not limited by dispersal. The lack of dispersal limitation in marine diatoms suggests that the biodiversity at the microbial level fundamentally differs from that of macroscopic animals and plants for which geographic isolation is a common component of speciation.


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Compressional (Vp) and shear (Vs) wave velocities have been measured to 1.0 kbar for 14 cores of well-consolidated sedimentary rock from Atlantic and Pacific sites of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. The range of VP (2.05-5.38 km/sec at 0.5 kbar) shows significant overlap with the range of oceanic layer-2 seismic velocities determined by marine refraction surveys, suggesting that sedimentary rocks may, in some regions, constitute the upper portion of layer 2. Differing linear relationships between VP and Vs for basalts and sedimentary rocks, however, may provide a method of resolving layer-2 composition. This is illustra ted for a refraction survey site on the flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge where layer-2 velocities agree with basalt, and two sites on the Saya de Malha Bank in the Indian Ocean where layer-2 velocities appear to represent sedimentary rock.


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Formation of the Cretaceous Caribbean plateau, including the komatiites of Gorgona, has been linked to the currently active Galápagos hotspot. We use Hf-Nd isotopes and trace element data to characterise both the Caribbean plateau and the Galápagos hotspot, and to investigate the relationship between them. Four geochemical components are identified in the Galápagos mantle plume: two 'enriched' components with epsilon-Hf and epsilon-Nd similar to enriched components observed in other mantle plumes, one moderately enriched component with high Nb/Y, and a fourth component which most likely represents depleted MORB source mantle. The Caribbean plateau basalt data form a linear array in Hf-Nd isotope space, consistent with mixing between two mantle components. Combined Hf-Nd-Pb-Sr-He isotope and trace element data from this study and the literature suggest that the more enriched Caribbean end member corresponds to one or both of the enriched components identified on Galápagos. Likewise, the depleted end member of the array is geochemically indistinguishable from MORB and corresponds to the depleted component of the Galápagos system. Enriched basalts from Gorgona partially overlap with the Caribbean plateau array in epsilon-Hf vs. epsilon-Nd, whereas depleted basalts, picrites and komatiites from Gorgona have a high epsilon-Hf for a given epsilon-Nd, defining a high-epsilon-Hf depleted end member that is not observed elsewhere within the Caribbean plateau sequences. This component is similar, however, in terms of Hf-Nd-Pb-He isotopes and trace elements to the depleted plume component recognised in basalts from Iceland and along the Reykjanes Ridge. We suggest that the Caribbean plateau represents the initial outpourings of the ancestral Galápagos plume. Absence of a moderately enriched, high Nb/Y component in the older Caribbean plateau (but found today on the island of Floreana) is either due to changing source compositions of the plume over its 90 Ma history, or is an artifact of limited sampling. The high-epsilon-Hf depleted component sampled by the Gorgona komatiites and depleted basalts is unique to Gorgona and is not found in the Caribbean plateau. This may be an indication of the scale of heterogeneity of the Caribbean plateau system; alternatively Gorgona may represent a separate oceanic plateau derived from a completely different Pacific plume, such as the Sala y Gomez.


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Obtaining long, continuous, and undisturbed sections of unconsolidated Neogene deep sea sedimentary sections has been limited by (1) practical length of piston cores to about 30 meters and (2) disturbance of sediment by rotary drilling with Glomar Challenger. The relatively high deposition rates of late Neogene sediments in the North Atlantic and in the Caribbean in particular has limited penetration, with conventional piston coring, to sediments not much older than late Pliocene in the Atlantic and not even through the late Pleistocene in the Caribbean. Rotary drilling has penetrated much older sediments in both areas, but the cores suffered extensive drilling disturbance that seriously degrades the Paleomagnetism of the material. Utilization of the hydraulic piston corer on the Challenger combines the advantage of a generally undisturbed recovery and great penetration to produce long, relatively undisturbed sections of late Neogene and Quaternary sediments suitable for paleomagnetic studies. In this chapter we present paleomagnetic data from Site 502. We tried to determine relative azimuthal orientation of successive cores (see Introduction for details). Because the low latitude of the site meant a small (inclination of about 22°) vertical component of magnetization, reversals of magnetization could easily be detected only in changes in the horizontal component, as 180° shifts in the declination direction of magnetization. Based on information from the core orienting device, a fiducial line was drawn the length of each core prior to cutting it into the standard 1.5 meter sections.


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The origin and development of the Phillipine Sea have been central issues in tectonic studies of a marginal sea: the deep-sea drilling project (DSDP), Leg 31, was primarily intended to resolve the question. Unfortunately, at only two of the Leg 31 sites (292 and 296) were microfossils indicating the age of the basement recovered, so the age of the ocean basin, had to be deduced by dating the drilled basement rocks.


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Fifteen lengths of Leg 59 cores (primarily from Hole 451 as well as from Holes 447A and 448A) exhibiting macroscopic faults were selected by Dr. R. B. Scott (Co-Chief Scientist, Leg 59) to help us initiate this petrofabric analysis. We proposed to (1) determine what dynamically useful deformation features might be associated with the faults, and (2) infer from these features as much as possible about the physical environment of the deformation (effective pressure, differential stress, temperature, and strain rate), the orientation and relatively magnitudes of the principal stresses at the time of deformation, and the degree of induration of the rocks at the time of deformation. The cores, mainly from Hole 451, had been slabbed on board ship with respect to the trace of bedding so that each cut surface contains the true bedding dip-direction. In general, the cores from Hole 451 are largely calcareous, lithic and vitric, brecciated tuffs, whereas those from Holes 447A and 448A are basalts or basalt breccias.


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Major and trace dement data are used to establish the nature and extent of spatial and temporal chemical variations in basalts erupted in the Iceland region of the North Atlantic Ocean. The ocean floor samples are those recovered by legs 38 and 49 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Within each of the active zones on Iceland there are small scale variations in the light rare earth elements and ratios such as K/Y: several central complexes and their associated fissure swarms erupt basalts with values of K/Y distinct from those erupted at adjacent centres; also basalts showing a wide range of immobile trace element ratios occur together within single vertical sections and ocean floor drill holes. Although such variations can be explained in terms of the magmatic processes operating on Iceland they make extrapolations from single basalt samples to mantle sources underlying the outcrop of the sample highly tenuous. 87Sr/86Sr ratios measured for 25 of the samples indicate a total range from 0.7028 in a tholeiite from the Reykjanes Ridge to 0.7034 in an alkali basalt from Iceland and are consistent with other published ratios from the region. A positive correlation between 87Sr/86Sr and Ce/Yb ratios indicates the existence of systematic isotopic and elemental variations in the mantle source region. An approximately fivefold variation in Ce/Yb ratio observed in basalts with the same 87Sr/86Sr ratio implies that different degrees and types of partial melting have been involved in magma genesis from a single mantle composition. 87Sr/86Sr ratios above 0.7028, Th/U ratios close to 4 and La/Ta ratios close to 10 distinguish most basalts erupted in this part of the North Atlantic Ocean from normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (N-type MORB) - although N-type MORB has been erupted at extinct spreading axes just to the north and northeast of Iceland as well as the presently active Iceland-Jan Mayen Ridge. Comparisons with the hygromagmatophile element and radiogenic isotope ratios of MORB and the estimated primordial mantle indicate that the mantle sources producing Iceland basalts have undergone previous depletion followed by more recent enrichment events. A veined mantle source region is proposed in preference to the mantle plume model to explain the chemical variations.


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This book presents new data on chemical and mineral compositions and on density of altered and fresh igneous rocks from key DSDP and ODP holes drilled on the following main tectonomagmatic structures of the ocean floor: 1. Mid-ocean ridges and abyssal plains and basins (DSDP Legs 37, 61, 63, 64, 65, 69, 70, 83, and 91 and ODP Legs 106, 111, 123, 129, 137, 139, 140, 148, and 169); 2. Seamounts and guyots (DSDP Legs 19, 55, and 62 and ODP Legs 143 and 144); 3. Intraplate rises (DSDP Legs 26, 33, 51, 52, 53, 72, and 74 and ODP Legs 104, 115, 120, 121, and 183); and 4. Marginal seas (DSDP Legs 19, 59, and 60 and ODP Legs 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, and 135). Study results of altered gabbro from the Southwest Indian Ridge (ODP Leg 118) and serpentinized ultramafic rocks from the Galicia margin (ODP Leg 103) are also presented. Samples were collected by the authors from the DSDP/ODP repositories, as well as during some Glomar Challenger and JOIDES Resolution legs. The book also includes descriptions of thin sections, geochemical diagrams, data on secondary mineral assemblages, and recalculated results of chemical analyses with corrections for rock density. Atomic content of each element can be quantified in grams per standard volume (g/1000 cm**3). The suite of results can be used to estimate mass balance, but parts of the data need additional work, which depends on locating fresh analogs of altered rocks studied here. Results of quantitative estimation of element mobility in recovered sections of the upper oceanic crust as a whole are shown for certain cases: Hole 504B (Costa Rica Rift) and Holes 856H, 857C, and 857D (Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge).