987 resultados para Behavioral-changes
Rats reared under isolation conditions from weaning present a number of behavioral changes compared to animals reared under social conditions (group housing). These changes include deficits in prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the startle reflex to a loud sound. PPI refers to the reduction of the magnitude of the startle reflex when a relatively weak stimulus (the prepulse) precedes by an appropriate time interval the intense startle-elicing stimulus (the pulse). PPI is useful for studying sensorimotor integration. The present study evaluated the effect of handling on the impairment of PPI induced by isolation-rearing. Male Wistar rats (N = 11-15/group) were housed in groups (5 per cage and handled three times a week) or isolated (housed individually) since weaning (21 days) for 10 weeks when they reach approximately 150 g. The isolated rats were divided into "minimally handled" animals (handled once a week for cleaning purposes only) or "handled" animals (handled three times a week). This handling consisted of grasping the rat by the tail and moving it to a clean cage (approximately 5 s). A statistically significant reduction (52%) in the PPI test was found only in the isolated group with minimal handling while no difference was seen between grouped animals and isolated handled animals. These results indicate that isolation rearing causes disruption in the PPI at adult age, which serves as an index of attention deficit. This change in the sensory processing of information induced by post-weaning isolation can be prevented by handling during the development of the animal.
A serine proteinase with thrombin-like activity was isolated from the venom of the Central American pit viper Bothrops asper. Isolation was performed by a combination of affinity chromatography on aminobenzamidine-Sepharose and ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose. The enzyme accounts for approximately 0.13% of the venom dry weight and has a molecular mass of 32 kDa as determined by SDS-PAGE, and of 27 kDa as determined by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Its partial amino acid sequence shows high identity with snake venom serine proteinases and a complete identity with a cDNA clone previously sequenced from this species. The N-terminal sequence of the enzyme is VIGGDECNINEHRSLVVLFXSSGFL CAGTLVQDEWVLTAANCDSKNFQ. The enzyme induces clotting of plasma (minimum coagulant dose = 4.1 µg) and fibrinogen (minimum coagulant dose = 4.2 µg) in vitro, and promotes defibrin(ogen)ation in vivo (minimum defibrin(ogen)ating dose = 1.0 µg). In addition, when injected intravenously in mice at doses of 5 and 10 µg, it induces a series of behavioral changes, i.e., loss of the righting reflex, opisthotonus, and intermittent rotations over the long axis of the body, which closely resemble the `gyroxin-like' effect induced by other thrombin-like enzymes from snake venoms.
The balance of body fluids is critical to health and the development of diseases. Although quite a few review papers have shown that several mechanisms, including hormonal and behavioral regulation, play an important role in body fluid homeostasis in adults, there is limited information on the development of regulatory mechanisms for fetal body fluid balance. Hormonal, renal, and behavioral control of body fluids function to some extent in utero. Hormonal mechanisms including the renin-angiotensin system, aldosterone, and vasopressin are involved in modifying fetal renal excretion, reabsorption of sodium and water, and regulation of vascular volume. In utero behavioral changes, such as fetal swallowing, have been suggested to be early functional development in response to dipsogens. Since diseases, such as hypertension, can be traced to fetal origin, it is important to understand the development of fetal regulatory mechanisms for body fluid homeostasis in this early stage of life. This review focuses on fetal hormonal, behavioral, and renal development related to regulation of body fluids in utero.
Les commotions cérébrales subies en contexte sportif constituent un sujet préoccupant. Il est estimé qu’aux États-Unis, environ cinq pourcent de l’ensemble des athlètes subiront une commotion cérébrale. Celle-ci est considérée comme une blessure transitoire dans la majorité des cas. Dans le domaine de la commotion cérébrale sportive, le phénomène de risque accru chez des athlètes ayant subi préalablement des commotions cérébrales est bien documenté. Cet aspect remet en question l’aspect transitoire de la blessure. Les techniques d’imagerie fonctionnelle offrent un grand potentiel dans la compréhension de cette pathologie en montrant notamment les différences fonctionnelles chez des participants ayant subi un traumatisme crânio-cérébral léger en l’absence de résultats comportementaux. Il est probable que des altérations fonctionnelles persistent au-delà de la phase de récupération postsymptômes. L’électrophysiologie, en particulier les potentiels évoqués cognitifs sont un outil de choix pour étudier la question en raison de leur sensibilité et de la mesure fonctionnelle qu’ils permettent d’obtenir. Les potentiels évoqués cognitifs consistent en une réponse électrique cérébrale moyenne générée lors de l’accomplissement d’une tâche. Il est possible d’identifier différentes composantes dans le tracé d’un potentiel évoqué; ces composantes sont associées à différents aspects de l’activité électrique cérébrale durant le traitement perceptuel et cognitif.Les articles scientifiques inclus dans cette thèse se penchent sur les effets de commotions cérébrales multiples chez des athlètes plusieurs mois après la dernière commotion. Dans un premier temps, l’aspect temporel est évalué par le biais de la mesure de la P3a et la P3b dans différents groupes d’athlètes. Ces composantes sont liées aux processus de mémoire et d’attention. Les résultats suggèrent que, malgré un fonctionnement normal, les athlètes ayant subi des commotions cérébrales éprouveraient de probables changements cognitifs sous-cliniques persistants se traduisant par une atténuation des P3a et P3b. Des altérations seraient aussi présentes quelques années après la dernière commotion, mais de façon plus subtile. La deuxième étude soumise s’intéresse aux processus électrophysiologiques liés au maintien de l’information en mémoire de travail visuel chez des athlètes ayant subi plusieurs commotions cérébrales. La mesure utilisée est la SPCN (sustained posterior controlateral negativity), une composante ERP spécifique au processus cognitif étudié. Les résultats montrent non seulement une composante atténuée chez les athlètes ayant subi trois commotions cérébrales ou plus, mais aussi une modulation de la composante en fonction du nombre de commotions cérébrales subies. Ces résultats pourraient contribuer à expliquer le risque accru de subir des commotions cérébrales subséquentes observées chez ces athlètes. En lien avec la littérature, ces données pourraient s’expliquer par la présence de déficits cognitifs sous-cliniques ou encore par la mise en place de mécanismes compensatoires. Enfin, ces résultats invitent à une grande prudence dans la gestion des cas de commotions cérébrales ainsi qu’à un effort d’éducation plus poussé chez les jeunes athlètes afin qu’ils puissent prendre les meilleures décisions concernant leur avenir.
Le taux de mortalité chez les patients à risque d’arythmies cardiaques menaçantes à la vie a été considérablement réduit grâce au défibrillateur cardiaque implantable (DCI). Toutefois, des préoccupations uniques face au DCI, y compris les chocs que l’appareil peut déclencher, sont susceptibles de provoquer des symptômes d'anxiété et une limitation perçue des activités chez les porteurs de DCI. Ces réactions émotives et modifications de comportement peuvent affecter l’acceptation du patient envers le DCI. Cette étude pilote randomisée avec groupe contrôle (n=15 /groupe) visait à examiner la faisabilité et l'acceptabilité d'une intervention infirmière individualisée de même que ses effets préliminaires sur l’anxiété, le fonctionnement dans les activités de la vie quotidienne et l’acceptation du DCI auprès de nouveaux porteurs de DCI. L'intervention infirmière, basée sur la théorie du Human Caring et teintée d’une approche cognitive comportementale, ciblait les préoccupations individuelles face au DCI. À partir des préoccupations identifiées, l’infirmière intervenait en mettant l'accent sur les croyances contraignantes du patient, qui pouvaient mener à de l’anxiété et des comportements d'évitement. Après randomisation, les patients du groupe intervention (GI) ont participé à un premier entretien en face-à-face avant le congé hospitalier. Subséquemment, deux entretiens se sont faits par téléphone, à environ 7 et 14 jours suite au congé hospitalier. Les résultats soutiennent la faisabilité et l’acceptabilité du devis de l’étude et de l’intervention évaluée. De plus, ils soulignent le potentiel de l’intervention à diminuer les sentiments anxieux chez les participants du GI. Les résultats de cette étude pilote offrent des pistes de recherches futures et permettront de guider la pratique clinique.
Effet de la transmission cholinergique sur la cartographie fonctionnelle du cortex visuel du rongeur
La transmission cholinergique, et notamment muscarinique, joue un rôle déterminant dans le système nerveux central au niveau de la modulation de la plasticité neuronale. La libération d'ACh dans le cortex visuel est concomitante à la présentation de stimuli visuels. Par son action sur la transmission neuronale corticale, l'ACh module à long terme les réponses à de nouveaux stimuli sensoriels. Dans la présente étude, l'implication du système cholinergique au niveau du développement cortical et de la plasticité inductible chez l'adulte a été étudiée par les techniques d'imagerie optique des signaux intrinsèques et d'immunohistochimie chez le rongeur. Ces deux techniques de cartographie de l'activité corticale nous ont permis d'évaluer, d'une part, l'impact modulatoire de l'acétylcholine (ACh) et de ses récepteurs muscariniques (mAChRs, M1 à M5) sur l'organisation fonctionnelle du cortex visuel chez des souris déficitaires pour les mAChRs et, d'autre part, l'impact de la libération d'ACh lors d'un entraînement visuel, sur le nombre, la nature neurochimique et la localisation au niveau des couches corticales des neurones corticaux activés. L'implication du système cholinergique sur la cartographie du cortex visuel primaire a été étudiée sur les souris génétiquement modifiées délétères (knock out : KO) pour différentes combinaisons de sous-types de mAChRs. L'imagerie des signaux intrinsèques, basée sur les changements de réflectance corticale de la lumière survenant lors de la consommation d'oxygène par les neurones activés, a permis de déterminer, lors de stimulations visuelles, les différentes composantes des propriétés des neurones du cortex visuel. La taille des champs récepteurs des neurones est diminuée lors de l'absence du récepteur M1 ou de la combinaison M1/M3. Le champ visuel apparent est augmenté chez les souris M2/M4-KO mais diminué chez les M1-KO. La finesse des connectivités neuronales (évaluée par la mesure du scatter du signal) est réduite lors de l'absence des récepteurs M2/M4. Finalement, chez les animaux M1/M3-KO, une diminution de l'acuité visuelle est observée. L'effet à long-terme d'un entraînement visuel couplé à une stimulation des neurones cholinergiques sur la distribution et la nature des neurones immunoréactifs au c-Fos, c'est-à-dire les neurones activés, a été évalué. Puisque cette stimulation combinée est en mesure de produire des modifications comportementales, notamment au niveau de l'acuité visuelle, il devenait intéressant de s'attarder aux modifications neuroanatomiques et de déterminer quels éléments de l'équilibre excitateur/inhibiteur sont compromis chez ces animaux. Les résultats obtenus démontrent que les animaux ayant reçu une combinaison de l'entraînement cholinergique et visuel présentent une augmentation du marquage c-Fos comparativement aux animaux n'ayant reçu que la stimulation cholinergique. D'autre part, chez ces animaux, il est possible d'observer des modifications de l'équilibre excitateur/inhibiteur qui correspond au potentiel plastique de la région. En conclusion, ces études démontrent un rôle important du système cholinergique dans le développement, la maturation et la plasticité du système visuel cérébral.
Introducción: El Alzhéimer tiene una prevalencia de 1,6% en las personas mayores de 65 años. Se caracteriza por la pérdida de memoria y otras funciones cognoscitivas, pero más del 70% de los afectados presentan síntomas no cognitivos entre los que se encuentran alteraciones del afecto, comportamiento y psicosis. Estos síntomas están asociados a mayores tasas de institucionalización, morbilidad y mortalidad. Métodos: Revisión sistemática de la literatura de artículos que proporcionaron información sobre la eficacia de los inhibidores selectivos de recaptación de serotonina en síntomas no cognitivos del Alzhéimer. Resultados: La búsqueda inicial arrojó un total de 495 resultados, 64 artículos fueron preseleccionados y 7 se incluyeron en la revisión; éstos se clasificaron como nivel de evidencia Ib; citalopram mostró ser más eficaz que el placebo y similar a antipsicóticos para síntomas comportamentales y psicóticos asociados al Alzhéimer con un perfil de efectos adversos más tolerable; sertralina no mostró eficacia en depresión y sí una mayor incidencia de efectos adversos con respecto al placebo. Discusión: Se obtuvieron resultados favorables en síntomas comportamentales y psicóticos pero no en afectivos. Las diferencias metodológicas de los estudios le dan complejidad a la interpretación de los resultados. Conclusión: La evidencia sugiere que el tratamiento con citalopram es eficaz en síntomas comportamentales y psicóticos asociados al Alzhéimer; para el tratamiento de la depresión asociado a esta demencia aún no existe un antidepresivo que pueda considerarse de elección.
This paper makes use of a short, sharp, unexpected health shock in the form of the 2010 Colombian Dengue outbreak to examine the direct and indirect impact of negative health shocks on behaviour of households in affected areas. Our analysis combines data from several sources in order to obtain a comprehensive picture of the influence of the outbreak, and furthermore to understand the underlying mechanisms driving the effects. Our initial analysis indicates that the outbreak had a substantial negative effect on the health status of adults and adversely affected their ability to function as usual in their daily lives. In our aggregated school data, in areas with high levels of haemorrhagic Dengue we observe a reduction innational exam attendance (last year of secondary school) and on enrolment rates in primary education. Further analysis aims to exploit detailed individual level data to gain a more in depth understanding of the precise channels through which this disease influenced the behaviour and outcomes of the poor in Colombia.
A imunocontracepção tem sido proposta como possível ferramenta para controlar populações de elefantes que ultrapassem as capacidades do habitat onde vivem. Até à data a única técnica imunocontraceptiva testada em elefantes selvagens foi a vacina contra a zona pelúcida de elefantes fêmea utilizando zona pelúcida porcina (pZP) numa vacina que induz a formação de anticorpos anti-zona pelúcida e consequente bloqueio do processo de fertilização. A literatura disponível revela que tal vacina tem uma eficácia contraceptiva que varia entre 22% e 100%, pode ser administrada à distância através de um dardo, é segura para animais gestantes, não passa na cadeia alimentar e é reversível, pelo menos a médio prazo. O estudo realizado no âmbito deste trabalho, teve como objectivo avaliar a técnica utilizada para a vacinação com pZP da população de elefantes femêa na Makalali game reserve (Africa do Sul) em relação ao método, tempo, efeitos secundários, e custos envolvidos. Todos os animais foram vacinados apartir de um helicóptero, o processo teve uma duração média por elefante de 2.8 minutos, observou-se efeitos secundários locais em 4 individuos, duas das três manadas evidenciaram alterações comportamentais após a vacinação, e o custo total da operação foi de 3417 dólares americanos.
Este trabalho de investigação consiste num estudo empírico sobre uma nova ciência - a Biblioterapia, e a situação mais específica, a sua aplicação em contexto prisional. Para alcançar este objetivo formulámos a seguinte hipótese: “o livro exerce sobre as pessoas em geral e, de uma forma mais particular, sobre indivíduos em contexto de detenção institucional uma função terapêutica”. A metodologia adotada para esta investigação assenta essencialmente em fontes documentais textuais e digitais, sobre autores especialistas na matéria, que de uma forma mais precisa se identificam e citam especificamente no capítulo referente à revisão da literatura. Para atingir o nosso propósito começámos por definir os conceitos de leitura, de leitura terapêutica, de fenomenologia da linguagem, de terapia e de diálogo assim como procurámos saber quais os fundamentos filosóficos e os componentes biblioterapêuticos, público-alvo e áreas com maiores potencialidades de aplicação, benefícios e limitações que norteiam à aplicação da Biblioterapia, nomeadamente, para fins de desenvolvimento pessoal e de alterações comportamentais. Fez-se igualmente uma análise da evolução do conceito, desde Aristóteles até aos nossos dias. Só com o conhecimento efetivo desta realidade seria possível prosseguir o nosso objeto de estudo. Entendemos ainda ser importante perceber qual é a situação da leitura em Portugal e as políticas desenvolvidas nesta área pelo Estado, para promover a leitura junto dos estudantes e da população em geral. Apenas assente nestas duas realidades que se entrecruzam, no processo de leitor/livro é possível identificar e relacionar esta problemática em estudo. Constatamos a existência de dois tipos de Biblioterapia, a Biblioterapia-arte e a Biblioterapia-ciência, identificando algumas das suas características, principalmente o que as aproxima e o que as separa. Apresentamos um exemplo de uma área reconhecidamente bem sucedida na aplicação da Biblioterapia não-clínica, em instituições prisionais, efetuando uma abordagem às questões mais pertinentes neste campo: os seus aspetos institucionais, os psicossociais e os de reinserção social. Considerámos ainda as recomendações da IFLA para este setor populacional – Guidelines for Library Services to Prisoners. Ao longo do trabalho e de uma forma transversal realçamos as interrelações biblioterapêuticas entre pacientes, bibliotecários e outros intervenientes no processo biblioterapêutico, tais como médicos e orientadores de leitura. Finalizamos o trabalho concluindo que a prática de leitura de temas específicos, em qualquer campo de atuação e sob orientação de um elemento profissional com conhecimentos aprofundados tanto em relação às personalidades e problemas dos destinatários como aos materiais que tem à sua disposição – o livro, em sentido lato - pode efetivamente desencadear benefícios terapêuticos nos leitores.
Mutations in several classes of embryonically-expressed transcription factor genes are associated with behavioral disorders and epilepsies. However, there is little known about how such genetic and neurodevelopmental defects lead to brain dysfunction. Here we present the characterization of an epilepsy syndrome caused by the absence of the transcription factor SOX1 in mice. In vivo electroencephalographic recordings from SOX1 mutants established a correlation between behavioral changes and cortical output that was consistent with a seizure origin in the limbic forebrain. In vitro intracellular recordings from three major forebrain regions, neocortex, hippocampus and olfactory (piriform) cortex (OC) showed that only the OC exhibits abnormal enhanced synaptic excitability and spontaneous epileptiform discharges. Furthermore, the hyperexcitability of the OC neurons was present in mutants prior to the onset of seizures but was completely absent from both the hippocampus and neocortex of the same animals. The local inhibitory GABAergic neurotransmission remained normal in the OC of SOX1-deficient brains, but there was a severe developmental deficit of OC postsynaptic target neurons, mainly GABAergic projection neurons within the olfactory tubercle and the nucleus accumbens shell. Our data show that SOX1 is essential for ventral telencephalic development and suggest that the neurodevelopmental defect disrupts local neuronal circuits leading to epilepsy in the SOX1-deficient mice
Anatomically segregated systems linking the frontal cortex and the striatum are involved in various aspects of cognitive, affective, and motor processing. In this study, we examined the effects of combined unilateral lesions of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and the core subregion of the nucleus accumbens (AcbC) in opposite hemispheres (disconnection) on a continuous performance, visual attention test [five-choice serial reaction-time task (5CSRTT)]. The disconnection lesion produced a set of specific changes in performance of the 5CSRTT, resembling changes that followed bilateral AcbC lesions while, in addition, comprising a subset of the behavioral changes after bilateral mPFC lesions previously reported using the same task. Specifically, both mPFC/AcbC disconnection and bilateral AcbC lesions markedly affected aspects of response control related to affective feedback, as indexed by perseverative responding in the 5CSRTT. These effects were comparable, although not identical, to those in animals with either bilateral AcbC or mPFC/AcbC disconnection lesions. The mPFC/AcbC disconnection resulted in a behavioral profile largely distinct from that produced by disconnection of a similar circuit described previously, between the mPFC and the dorsomedial striatum, which were shown to form a functional network underlying aspects of visual attention and attention to action. This distinction provides an insight into the functional specialization of corticostriatal circuits in similar behavioral contexts.
Evidence suggests that flavonoid-rich foods are capable of inducing improvements in memory and cognition in animals and humans. However, there is a lack of clarity concerning whether flavonoids are the causal agents in inducing such behavioral responses. Here we show that supplementation with pure anthocyanins or pure flavanols for 6 weeks, at levels similar to that found in blueberry (2% w/w), results in an enhancement of spatial memory in 18 month old rats. Pure flavanols and pure anthocyanins were observed to induce significant improvements in spatial working memory (p = 0.002 and p = 0.006 respectively), to a similar extent to that following blueberry supplementation (p = 0.002). These behavioral changes were paralleled by increases in hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor (R = 0.46, p<0.01), suggesting a common mechanism for the enhancement of memory. However, unlike protein levels of BDNF, the regional enhancement of BDNF mRNA expression in the hippocampus appeared to be predominantly enhanced by anthocyanins. Our data support the claim that flavonoids are likely causal agents in mediating the cognitive effects of flavonoid-rich foods.
The increase in incidence and prevalence of neurodegenerative diseases highlights the need for a more comprehensive understanding of how food components may affect neural systems. In particular, flavonoids have been recognized as promising agents capable of influencing different aspects of synaptic plasticity resulting in improvements in memory and learning in both animals and humans. Our previous studies highlight the efficacy of flavonoids in reversing memory impairments in aged rats, yet little is known about the effects of these compounds in healthy animals, particularly with respect to the molecular mechanisms by which flavonoids might alter the underlying synaptic modifications responsible for behavioral changes. We demonstrate that a 3-week intervention with two dietary doses of flavonoids (Dose I: 8.7 mg/day and Dose II: 17.4 mg/day) facilitates spatial memory acquisition and consolidation (24 recall) (p < 0.05) in young healthy rats. We show for the first time that these behavioral improvements are linked to increased levels in the polysialylated form of the neural adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM) in the dentate gyrus (DG) of the hippocampus, which is known to be required for the establishment of durable memories. We observed parallel increases in hippocampal NMDA receptors containing the NR2B subunit for both 8.7 mg/day (p < 0.05) and 17.4 mg/day (p < 0.001) doses, suggesting an enhancement of glutamate signaling following flavonoid intervention. This is further strengthened by the simultaneous modulation of hippocampal ERK/CREB/BDNF signaling and the activation of the Akt/mTOR/Arc pathway, which are crucial in inducing changes in the strength of hippocampal synaptic connections that underlie learning. Collectively, the present data supports a new role for PSA-NCAM and NMDA-NR2B receptor on flavonoid-induced improvements in learning and memory, contributing further to the growing body of evidence suggesting beneficial effects of flavonoids in cognition and brain health.
Background: Smokers with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have high nicotine dependence making it difficult to quit smoking. Motivational interviewing (MI) is a method that is used in stimulating motivation and behavioral changes. Objective: To describe smoking cessation communication between patients and registered nurses trained in MI in COPD nurse-led clinics in Swedish primary health care. Methods: A prospective observational study with structured quantitative content analyses of the communication between six nurses with basic education in MI and 13 patients in non-smoking consultations. Results: Only to a small extent did nurses’ evoke patients’ reasons for change, stimulate collaboration, and support patients’ autonomy. Nurses provided information, asked closed questions, and made simple reflections. Patients’ communicationwasmainly neutral and focusing on reasons for and against smoking. It was uncommon for patients to be committed and take steps toward smoking cessation. Conclusion: The nurses did not adhere to the principles of MI in smoking cessation, and the patients focused to a limited extent on how to quit smoking. Practice implications: To make patients more active, the nurses need more education and continuous training in motivational communication.