282 resultados para Bauhinia guianensis


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Background: Previous experiments have shown that a decoction of Bauhinia forficata leaves reduces the changes in carbohydrate and protein metabolism that occur in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes. In the present investigation, the serum activities of enzymes known to be reliable toxicity markers were monitored in normal and streptozotocin-diabetic rats to discover whether the use of B. forficata decoction has toxic effects on liver, muscle or pancreas tissue or on renal microcirculation. Methods: An experimental group of normal and streptozotocin-diabetic rats received an aqueous decoction of fresh B. forficata leaves (150 g/L) by mouth for 33 days while a control group of normal and diabetic rats received water for the same length of time. The serum activity of the toxicity markers lactate dehydrogenase, creatine kinase, amylase, angiotensin-converting enzyme and bilirubin were assayed before receiving B. forficata decoction and on day 19 and 33 of treatment. Results: The toxicity markers in normal and diabetic rats were not altered by the diabetes itself nor by treatment with decoction. Whether or not they received B. forficata decoction the normal rats showed a significant increase in serum amylase activity during the experimental period while there was a tendency for the diabetic rats, both treated and untreated with decoction, to have lower serum amylase activities than the normal rats. Conclusions: Administration of an aqueous decoction of B. forficata is a potential treatment for diabetes and does not produce toxic effects measurable with the enzyme markers used in our study. © 2004 Pepato et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the herbage availability, nutritive value, dry matter intake and grass and legume percentage in diet of crossbred Holstein-Zebu cows, in pasture with Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk, Stylosanthes guianensis var. vulgaris cv. Mineirão and tree legumes. To estimate the fecal output, it was used 10 g cow -1 day -1 of chromium oxide during ten consecutive days. Extrusa samples were used to determine the chemical composition and in vitro dry matter digestibility. B. decumbens availability varied with climatic conditions, while S. guianensis availability decreased linearly along the experimental period. Dry matter intake was higher in May/2001 (1.9% body weight) and did not differ among other months (1.5% body weight). Low dry matter intake values were related to low in vitro dry matter digestibility coefficients (42.1 % to 48.0%) and high neutral detergent fiber content (70.2% to 79.4%). Dry matter intake was directly related to legume percentage in the pasture. This observation could indicate the potential of mixed pasture for improving nutritive value in dairy cattle diet.


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This study presents new information on feeding habits of Guiana dolphins, Sotalia guianensis, in south-eastern Brazil, together with new regression equations to evaluate the weight and length of fish from otoliths, showing an overview on the knowledge about this species-diet in this area. Eighteen stomach contents had been analysed and compared to 180 samples collected in another eight feeding studies. The analysed specimens were either incidentally caught in gillnets used in coastal waters by the fleet based in the Cananéia main harbour (25°00âS 47°55âW), south of São Paulo State, or found dead in inner waters of the Cananéia estuary between 2003 and 2009. Based on the index of relative importance analysis, the most important fish species were the banded croaker, Paralonchurus brasiliensis. Doryteuthis plei was the most representative cephalopod species. Stellifer rastrifer was the most important fish species observed in dolphins in inner estuarine waters and P. brasiliensis in recovered dolphins from coastal waters. Loliguncula brevis is the only cephalopod species reported from dolphins found in inner estuarine waters up to date. Doryteuthis plei was the most important cephalopod species observed in coastal dolphins. When considering other feeding studies, the most representative fish family in the diet of S. guianensis was Sciaenidae, which is mainly represented by demersal fishes. The main preys of S. guianensis are abundant in the studied areas, which may indicate an opportunistic feeding habit. The majority of them are not the most important target species by the commercial fishery in south-eastern Brazil. © 2012 Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom.


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Residues generated from wood processing and transformation result in a considerable waste of raw material, which adds no value to such noble good. The purpose of this study was to determine the yield of sawn timber from Itaúba (Mezilaurus itauba) and Tauarí (Couratari guianensis) species. To this end, the volumetry and yield percentage of three logs from each species were classified and calculated. The Tauarí species resulted in yields for logs 1, 2 and 3, of 49.70% to 50.28% 39.20%, respectively; while for the Itaúba species, the yields for logs 1, 2 and 3 were of 51.03%; 50.29%; and 47.60%, respectively. It was not possible to verify whether the classification of log quality have influenced the yield.


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Actually, the most used method to control ticks is synthetic acaricides with neurotoxic action. However, the use of these methods presents inconveniences, such as the contamination of the environment and risks to the host's health due to the residual effects. Thus, several studies have been developed aiming to find alternative ways to control these ectoparasites, such as the use of natural compounds with active ingredients, which act controlling some species of plagues in addition to presenting medicinal properties that are beneficial to humans. The present study aimed to analyze the action of andiroba oil (Carapa guianensis) on the synganglion of Rhipicephalus sanguineus semiengorged females through morphological and cytochemical techniques aiming to verify if this natural product have neurotoxic action as the numerous synthetic acaricides. The results showed that andiroba oil interferes in the synganglion through structural and enzymatic changes, which lead the nervous tissue to apoptotic death involving autophagy. Among these changes was observed the emergence of large empty spaces between the perineurium and the cortical region, vacuolated cortex cells and with cell swelling, neural cells with picnotic nuclei or in initial stage of chromatin margination and neuropile with high structural disorganization. Considering these data, it can be concluded that andiroba seed oil can be used as an alternative method in the control of R. sanguineus ticks due to its neurotoxic action. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Botânica) - IBB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O uso do fogo e de roçadeira para controle de plantas daninhas em pastagens tem se mostrado pouco efetivo. Já o uso de herbicidas sintéticos, embora mais eficaz no controle de plantas daninhas, tem sido questionado quanto ao impacto ambiental. Portanto, a busca de compostos naturais para possível utilização como herbicida é de fundamental importância. Esses fatos motivaram o presente estudo, que teve como objetivos isolar, identificar e caracterizar a atividade alelopática potencial de substâncias químicas produzidas por Myrcia guianensis (pedra-ume-caá). Foram analisados os efeitos potenciais alelopáticos de extratos brutos, partições, óleo essencial e das substâncias químicas isoladas (ácido gálico e ácido protocatecuico) sobre a germinação e o desenvolvimento da radícula e do hipocótilo das plantas daninhas Mimosa pudica (malícia) e Senna obtusifolia (mata-pasto) em pastagens. Os extratos brutos e as partições foram analisados em concentração de 1%; o óleo essencial, em concentrações de 1, 5, 10, 15 e 20 ppm; e as substâncias isoladas, em concentrações de 15, 30, 45 e 60 ppm. A espécie malícia se mostrou mais sensível aos efeitos alelopáticos dos extratos brutos e das partições. O óleo essencial inibiu a germinação da malícia e estimulou a germinação no mata-pasto. A atividade alelopática das substâncias químicas isoladas esteve associada à concentração, e a atividade mais intensa foi em 60 ppm.


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Avaliou-se o potencial acaricida in vitro do óleo da semente da andiroba (Carapa guianensis) sobre fêmeas ingurgitadas de Anocentor nitens (n=210) e Rhipicephalus sanguineus (n=140), coletadas manualmente, respectivamente, de equinos e de cães naturalmente infestados. Para o teste de imersão, empregaram-se cinco diluições do óleo de andiroba, 100%, 50%, 30%, 25% e 10%, em água destilada, utilizando-se tween 80 como dispersante. No teste com A. nitens, foram usadas três repetições para cada diluição, utilizando-se 10 fêmeas ingurgitadas para cada tratamento. No teste com R. sanguineus, usaram-se duas repetições, e formaram-se, ainda, dois grupos-controle para cada espécie de ixodídeo, um com água destilada e outro com tween 80 mais água destilada. Após os testes, as fêmeas foram mantidas em laboratório sob temperatura ambiente. Observou-se mortalidade das fêmeas ingurgitadas e redução de postura, neste caso, com ovos inférteis, demonstrando eficácia de 100% nas duas espécies em todas as diluições testadas. Os dados obtidos evidenciaram a potencialidade do uso do extrato de andiroba contra A. nitens e R. sanguineus.


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O processo de hidroesterificação (hidrolise seguida de esterificação) se constitui como uma alternativa ao processo convencional de produção de biodiesel, pois permite o uso de matérias-primas de qualquer teor de água e de ácidos graxos. O biodiesel foi gerado a partir da esterificação do óleo de andiroba com alto teor de ácidos graxos sendo utilizado o oxido de nióbio em pó da CBMM (HY-340) como catalisador. Para execução dos experimentos foi utilizado um reator autoclave (batelada). A reação de hidrolise foi conduzida na temperatura de 300°C, ~1200psi e razão molar água/óleo de 20. Nas reações de esterificação foram observados os efeitos da razão molar metanol/acido graxo (1,2; 2,1 e 3,0), da temperatura (150, 175 e 200oC) e da concentração de catalisador (0, 10 e 20% m/m) tendo como resposta a conversão e a taxa inicial da reação. Os dados foram conduzidos segundo um planejamento experimental (fatorial com 23 e adição de 3 pontos centrais) analisado pelo programa Statistica. A conversão das reações de esterificação foi monitorada a partir de medidas titulometricas de acidez das alíquotas, retiradas nos tempos de 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45 e 60 min. Nos experimentos de esterificação a maior conversão obtida foi 96,1% com temperatura de 200oC, 20% m/m de catalisador e razão molar metanol/acido igual a 3,0. Eliminando o catalisador e considerando os mesmos niveis para as outras duas variáveis analisadas (temperatura e razão molar), foi obtida uma conversão de 95,3%, porem foi observada uma taxa de conversão menor tendo-se um aumento de 35 minutos no tempo de reação comparando com a reação catalisada.