286 resultados para Balmer
For radiotherapy treatment planning of retinoblastoma inchildhood, Computed Tomography (CT) represents thestandard method for tumor volume delineation, despitesome inherent limitations. CT scan is very useful inproviding information on physical density for dosecalculation and morphological volumetric information butpresents a low sensitivity in assessing the tumorviability. On the other hand, 3D ultrasound (US) allows ahigh accurate definition of the tumor volume thanks toits high spatial resolution but it is not currentlyintegrated in the treatment planning but used only fordiagnosis and follow-up. Our ultimate goal is anautomatic segmentation of gross tumor volume (GTV) in the3D US, the segmentation of the organs at risk (OAR) inthe CT and the registration of both. In this paper, wepresent some preliminary results in this direction. Wepresent 3D active contour-based segmentation of the eyeball and the lens in CT images; the presented approachincorporates the prior knowledge of the anatomy by usinga 3D geometrical eye model. The automated segmentationresults are validated by comparing with manualsegmentations. Then, for the fusion of 3D CT and USimages, we present two approaches: (i) landmark-basedtransformation, and (ii) object-based transformation thatmakes use of eye ball contour information on CT and USimages.
Purpose:Coats' disease is a non-hereditary condition characterized by idiopathic retinal telangiectasia, and exudative retinopathy. Although the exudation often spreads from the main areas of telangiectasia, there is a preferential accumulation of exudation in the macular area in Coats' disease. A subfoveal nodule has usually been described in the context of resolution of macular exudates after treatment of peripheral retinal telangiectasis. Nevertheless, a recent reports stressed out an uncommon prominent subfoveal nodule with peripheral exudates as initial presentation of Coats'disease. The purpose of this study was to report the prevalence of this presentation in a cohort of patients. Methods:All consecutive patients with Coats' disease referred to the Jules Gonin Eye Hospital between January 1979 and July 2006 were included. All charts were screened for a clear cut subfoveal circular lesion on fundus photographies at initial presentation. Results:95 patients suffering of Coat's disease were enrolled. 33 out of 95 patients had subtotal or total exudative retinal detachment, which impeded macular examination. 14 out of 62 (22.6%) resting patients presented with a clear cut prominent circular subfoveal lesion at initial presentation. All patients had unilateral disease. Mean age was 5.6 ± 3.5 year old at initial presentation. There were 4 females and 10 males. Pigmentation and size of the nodule were not homogenous. Mean diameter was 1.1 ± 0.5 optic disc diameter. Conclusions:The present study shows that subfoveal nodule is not such a rare primary presentation of Coats' disease in contrast to what it has been previously reported in the literature. Thus the initial finding of prominent subfoveal nodule associated with peripheral retinal findings made the diagnosis of Coats' disease highly likely.Physicians should be aware that a proeminent subfoveal nodule is a common initial presentation of Coats' disease as it can be confused clinically with Retinoblastoma.
PURPOSE: To remind of the absolute necessity for early diagnosis in the presence of ocular signs in children giving rise to possible intraocular tumours. METHOD: Based on our own experience of intraocular tumours in children, together with findings from the literature, diagnostic criteria and methods of treatment are presented. RESULTS: Retinoblastoma is the predominant cause of intraocular tumours in children, representing over 80% of cases under the age of 15 years. Other diseases may give rise to the same initial signs, usually leukocoria, sometimes strabismus, more rarely other atypical signs. Elements taken into account for diagnosis include age, sex, laterality, heredity, size of the globe, clinical aspect of the tumours, presence of calcifications and vitreous seeding. Full fundus examination under general anaesthetic is usually necessary. Biological examination, ultrasonography, computerized tomography and MRI enable an accurate diagnosis to be made in the majority of doubtful cases. The management of retinoblastoma is adapted for each individual case from the wide range of treatments available. Enucleation, radioactive applicators (...), brachytherapy (...), cryo- and photocoagulation represent classical measures. Primary chemotherapy, combined with other treatments such as thermotherapy, has become the treatment of choice in those cases where external beam radiotherapy has been used up to now, or in some instances before enucleation. Enucleation is usually carried out for medullo-epitheliomas, but brachytherapy may offer an alternative. CONCLUSION: Any unexplained ocular sign in children should be considered as a possible retinoblastoma, making an accurate and certain diagnosis imperative. Early treatment may save not only the life but also the vision of patients carrying this highly malignant lesion.
BACKGROUND:: Superselective ophthalmic artery chemotherapy (SOAC) has recently been proposed as an alternative to intravenous chemoreduction for advanced intraocular retinoblastoma. Preliminary results appear promising in terms of tumor control and eye conservation, but little is known regarding ocular toxicity and visual prognosis. In this study, we report on the vascular adverse effects observed in our initial cohort of 13 patients. METHODS:: The charts of 13 consecutive patients with retinoblastoma who received a total of 30 injections (up to 3 injections of a single agent per patient at 3-week interval) of melphalan (0.35 mg/kg) in the ophthalmic artery between November 2008 and June 2010 were retrospectively reviewed. RetCam fundus photography and fluorescein angiography were performed at presentation and before each injection. Vision was assessed at the latest visit. RESULTS:: Enucleation and external beam radiotherapy could be avoided in all cases but one, with a mean follow-up of 7 months. Sectoral choroidal occlusive vasculopathy leading to chorioretinal atrophy was observed temporally in 2 eyes (15%) 3 weeks to 6 weeks after the beginning of SOAC and retinal arteriolar emboli in 1 eye 2 weeks after injection. There was no stroke or other clinically significant systemic side effects except a peroperative transient spasm of the internal carotid artery in one patient. Vision ranged between 20/1600 and 20/32 depending on the status of the macula. CONCLUSION:: Superselective ophthalmic artery chemotherapy was effective in all patients with no stroke or other systemic vascular complications. Unlike intravenous chemoreduction, SOAC is associated with potentially sight-threatening adverse effects, such as severe chorioretinal atrophy secondary to subacute choroidal occlusive vasculopathy or central retinal artery embolism, not to mention the risk of ophthalmic artery obstruction, which was not observed in this series. Further analysis of the risks and benefits of SOAC will define its role within the therapeutic arsenal. Meanwhile, we suggest that SOAC should be given in one eye only and restricted to advanced cases of retinoblastoma, as an alternative to enucleation and/or external beam radiotherapy.
For decades intravitreal chemotherapy (IViC) remained virtually banished from the therapeutic armamentarium against retinoblastoma, except as a heroic attempt of salvage before enucleation in only eyes with refractory vitreous seeding. Very recently, we have initiated a reappraisal of this route of administration by (1) profiling eligibility criteria, (2) describing a safety-enhanced injection procedure, (3) adjusting the tumoricidal dose of melphalan, and (4) reporting an unprecedented efficacy in terms of tumor control of vitreous seeding. Since then, intravitreal chemotherapy is being progressively implemented worldwide with great success, but still awaits formal validation by the ongoing prospective phase II clinical trial. As far as preliminary results are concerned, IViC appears to achieve complete vitreous response in 100% of the 35 newly recruited patients irrespective of the previous treatment regimen, including external beam radiotherapy and/or intra-arterial melphalan. In other words, vitreous seeding, still considered as the major cause of primary and secondary enucleation, can now be controlled by IViC. However, sterilization of vitreous seeding does not necessarily translate into eye survival, unless the retinal source of the seeds receives concomitant therapy. In conclusion, IViC, an unsophisticated and cost-effective treatment, is about to revolutionize the eye survival prognosis of vitreous disease in advanced retinoblastoma.
Ophthalmologists typically acquire different image modalities to diagnose eye pathologies. They comprise, e.g., Fundus photography, optical coherence tomography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Yet, these images are often complementary and do express the same pathologies in a different way. Some pathologies are only visible in a particular modality. Thus, it is beneficial for the ophthalmologist to have these modalities fused into a single patient-specific model. The goal of this paper is a fusion of Fundus photography with segmented MRI volumes. This adds information to MRI that was not visible before like vessels and the macula. This paper contributions include automatic detection of the optic disc, the fovea, the optic axis, and an automatic segmentation of the vitreous humor of the eye.
Thirteen years ago, Motegi and colleagues (J Med Genet 1987;24:696-697) summarized the specific facial phenotype of six Japanese retinoblastoma patients with interstitial 13q14 deletions. Among a series of 228 propositi with retinoblastoma referred to the Lausanne Retinoblastoma Clinic for treatment and genetic counseling between 1986 and 1997, 13 (5.7%) were diagnosed with a cytogenetic de-novo 13q14 deletion. We confirm the presence of the reported facial phenotype in our population of Caucasian patients and describe additional clinical traits, thus extending the facial phenotype associated with the 13q14 deletion. Del(13q14) comprises, among others, cranial anomalies, frontal bossing, deeply grooved and long philtrum, depressed and broad nasal bridge, bulbous tip of the nose, thick lower lip, thin upper lip, broad cheeks, and large ears and lobules. Recognition of this particular facial appearance was instrumental in the genetic diagnosis of 13q deletions and in the presymptomatic diagnosis of retinoblastoma in a significant number of our cases. Identification of this phenotype in a retinoblastoma patient allows for efficient diagnosis of recurrence in his progeny and/or sibship, while its ignorance will compromise genetic counseling due to the possible difficulties in detecting large deletions by standard molecular mutation analysis. Recognition of this syndrome in newborns without known familial risk for retinoblastoma is even more important as it is a clear warning sign that indicates immediate ophthalmic examination.
Leukocoria in infants is always a danger signal as retinoblastoma, a malignant retinal tumor, is responsible for half of the cases in this age group. More common signs should also be considered suspicious until proved otherwise, such as strabismus, the second most frequent sign of retinoblastoma. Less frequent manifestations are inflammatory conditions resistant to treatment, hypopyon, orbital cellulitis, hyphema or heterochromia. Other causal pathologies, including persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV), Coats' disease, ocular toxocariasis or retinopathy of prematurity, may also manifest the same warning signs and require specialized differential diagnosis. Members of the immediate family circle are most likely to notice the first signs, the general practitioner, pediatrician or general ophthalmologist the first to be consulted. On their attitude will depend the final outcome of this vision and life-threatening disease. Early diagnosis is vital.