994 resultados para Backbone


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10.1002/hlca.19950780816.abs A conformational analysis of the (3′S,5′R)-2′-deoxy-3′,5′-ethano-α-D-ribonucleosides (a-D-bicyclodeoxynucleosides) based on the X-ray analysis of N4-benzoyl-α-D-(bicyclodeoxycytidine) 6 and on 1H-NMR analysis of the α-D-bicyclodeoxynucleoside derivatives 1-7 reveals a rigid sugar structure with the furanose units in the l′-exo/2′-endo conformation and the secondary OH groups on the carbocyclic ring in the pseudoequatorial orientation. Oligonucleotides consisting of α-D-bicyclothymidine and α-D-bicyclodeoxyadenosine were successfully synthesized from the corresponding nucleosides by phosphoramidite methodology on a DNA synthesizer. An evaluation of their pairing properties with complementary natural RNA and DNA by means of UV/melting curves and CD spectroscopy show the following characteristics: i) α-bcd(A10) and α-bcd(T10) (α = short form of α-D)efficiently form complexes with complementary natural DNA and RNA. The stability of these hybrids is comparable or slightly lower as those with natural β-d(A10) or β-d(T10)( β = short form ofβ-D). ii) The strand orientation in α-bicyclo-DNA/β-DNA duplexes is parallel as was deduced from UV/melting curves of decamers with nonsymmetric base sequences. iii) CD Spectroscopy shows significant structural differences between α-bicyclo-DNA/β-DNA duplexes compared to α-DNA/β-DNA duplexes. Furthermore, α-bicyclo-DNA is ca. 100-fold more resistant to the enzyme snake-venom phosphodiesterase with respect to β-DNA and about equally resistant as α-DNA.


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Overexpression of the RIα subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) has been demonstrated in various human cancers. PKA has been suggested as a potential target for cancer therapy. The goal of the present study was to evaluate an anti-PKA antisense oligonucleotide (mixed-backbone oligonucleotide) as a therapeutic approach to human cancer treatment. The identified oligonucleotide inhibited the growth of cell lines of human colon cancer (LS174T, DLD-1), leukemia (HL-60), breast cancer (MCF-7, MDA-MB-468), and lung cancer (A549) in a time-, concentration-, and sequence-dependent manner. In a dose-dependent manner, the oligonucleotide displayed in vivo antitumor activity in severe combined immunodeficient and nude mice bearing xenografts of human cancers of the colon (LS174T), breast (MDA-MB-468), and lung (A549). The routes of drug administration were intraperitoneal and oral. Synergistic effects were found when the antisense oligonucleotide was used in combination with the cancer chemotherapeutic agent cisplatin. The pharmacokinetics of the oligonucleotide after oral administration of 35S-labeled oligonucleotide into tumor-bearing mice indicated an accumulation and retention of the oligonucleotide in tumor tissue. This study further provides a basis for clinical studies of the antisense oligonucleotide targeted to the RIα subunit of PKA (GEM 231) as a cancer therapeutic agent used alone or in combination with conventional chemotherapy.


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Protein kinase A type I plays a key role in neoplastic transformation, conveying mitogenic signals of different growth factors and oncogenes. Inhibition of protein kinase A type I by antisense oligonucleotides targeting its RIα regulatory subunit results in cancer cell growth inhibition in vitro and in vivo. A novel mixed backbone oligonucleotide HYB 190 and its mismatched control HYB 239 were tested on soft agar growth of several human cancer cell types. HYB 190 demonstrated a dose-dependent inhibition of colony formation in all cell lines whereas the HYB 239 at the same doses caused a modest or no growth inhibition. A noninhibitory dose of each mixed backbone oligonucleotide was used in OVCAR-3 ovarian and GEO colon cancer cells to study whether any cooperative effect may occur between the antisense and a series of cytotoxic drugs acting by different mechanisms. Treatment with HYB 190 resulted in an additive growth inhibitory effect with several cytotoxic drugs when measured by soft agar colony formation. A synergistic growth inhibition, which correlated with increased apoptosis, was observed when HYB 190 was added to cancer cells treated with taxanes, platinum-based compounds, and topoisomerase II selective drugs. This synergistic effect was also observed in breast cancer cells and was obtained with other related drugs such as docetaxel and carboplatin. Combination of HYB 190 and paclitaxel resulted in an accumulation of cells in late S-G2 phases of cell cycle and marked induction of apoptosis. A cooperative effect of HYB 190 and paclitaxel was also obtained in vivo in nude mice bearing human GEO colon cancer xenografts. These results are the first report of a cooperative growth inhibitory effect obtained in a variety of human cancer cell lines by antisense mixed backbone oligonucleotide targeting protein kinase A type I-mediated mitogenic signals and specific cytotoxic drugs.


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This report presents evidence that a reduced pyrrolo[1,2-a]benzimidazole (PBI) cleaves DNA as a result of phosphate alkylation followed by hydrolysis of the resulting phosphate triester. The base-pair specificity of the phosphate alkylation results from Hoogsteen-type hydrogen bonding of the reduced PBI in the major groove at only A.T and G.C base pairs. Alkylated phosphates were detected by 31P NMR and the cleavage products were detected by 1H NMR and HPLC. Evidence is also presented that a reduced PBI interacts with DNA in the major groove rather than in the minor groove or by intercalation.


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Progress in homology modeling and protein design has generated considerable interest in methods for predicting side-chain packing in the hydrophobic cores of proteins. Present techniques are not practically useful, however, because they are unable to model protein main-chain flexibility. Parameterization of backbone motions may represent a general and efficient method to incorporate backbone relaxation into such fixed main-chain models. To test this notion, we introduce a method for treating explicitly the backbone motions of alpha-helical bundles based on an algebraic parameterization proposed by Francis Crick in 1953 [Crick, F. H. C. (1953) Acta Crystallogr. 6, 685-689]. Given only the core amino acid sequence, a simple calculation can rapidly reproduce the crystallographic main-chain and core side-chain structures of three coiled coils (one dimer, one trimer, and one tetramer) to within 0.6-A root-mean-square deviations. The speed of the predictive method [approximately 3 min per rotamer choice on a Silicon Graphics (Mountain View, CA) 4D/35 computer] permits it to be used as a design tool.


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Mode of access: Internet.