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This is an ecological, analytical and retrospective study comprising the 645 municipalities in the State of Sao Paulo, the scope of which was to determine the relationship between socioeconomic, demographic variables and the model of care in relation to infant mortality rates in the period from 1998 to 2008. The ratio of average annual change for each indicator per stratum coverage was calculated. Infant mortality was analyzed according to the model for repeated measures over time, adjusted for the following correction variables: the city's population, proportion of Family Health Programs (PSFs) deployed, proportion of Growth Acceleration Programs (PACs) deployed, per capita GDP and SPSRI (Sao Paulo social responsibility index). The analysis was performed by generalized linear models, considering the gamma distribution. Multiple comparisons were performed with the likelihood ratio with chi-square approximate distribution, considering a significance level of 5%. There was a decrease in infant mortality over the years (p < 0.05), with no significant difference from 2004 to 2008 (p > 0.05). The proportion of PSFs deployed (p < 0.0001) and per capita GDP (p < 0.0001) were significant in the model. The decline of infant mortality in this period was influenced by the growth of per capita GDP and PSFs.


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O objetivo do estudo foi descrever a ocorrência da doença meningocócica notificada no Departamento Regional de Saúde XVI, Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brasil, no período de 1999 a 2008. Em Sorocaba, a incidência anual da doença foi de cerca de dois casos por 100 mil habitantes, com aumento entre 2006 e 2008. As incidências anuais foram maiores entre 0 a 4 anos de idade. A letalidade no período foi de 21,8%, maior nas faixas etárias de 0 a 4 anos (26,4%), na qual se deu a maior incidência da doença, e com idade superior a 30 anos (28%). A confirmação diagnóstica foi laboratorial em 71% dos casos (cultura em 45,3%) e por critérios clínico-epidemiológicos em 22%. O sorogrupo B ocorreu em 45,7%; o C, em 47,3%; o W135, em 3,7%; e o Y, em 1,5% dos casos identificados, com predomínio do sorogrupo B, entre 1999 e 2003, e do C, entre 2004 e 2008. Os fenótipos B:4,7:P1.19,15 e C:23:P1.14-6 predominaram. Os resultados reforçam a necessidade de acompanhamento, de forma regional, da tendência da doença para a detecção de surtos precocemente e monitoramento de cepas circulantes.


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Perennial snow and ice (PSI) extent is an important parameter of mountain environments with regard to its involvement in the hydrological cycle and the surface energy budget. We investigated interannual variations of PSI in nine mountain regions of interest (ROI) between 2000 and 2008. For that purpose, a novel MODIS data set processed at the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing at 250 m spatial resolution was utilized. The extent of PSI exhibited significant interannual variations, with coefficients of variation ranging from 5% to 81% depending on the ROI. A strong negative relationship was found between PSI and positive degree-days (threshold 0°C) during the summer months in most ROIs, with linear correlation coefficients (r) being as low as r = −0.90. In the European Alps and Scandinavia, PSI extent was significantly correlated with annual net glacier mass balances, with r = 0.91 and r = 0.85, respectively, suggesting that MODIS-derived PSI extent may be used as an indicator of net glacier mass balances. Validation of PSI extent in two land surface classifications for the years 2000 and 2005, GLC-2000 and Globcover, revealed significant discrepancies of up to 129% for both classifications. With regard to the importance of such classifications for land surface parameterizations in climate and land surface process models, this is a potential source of error to be investigated in future studies. The results presented here provide an interesting insight into variations of PSI in several ROIs and are instrumental for our understanding of sensitive mountain regions in the context of global climate change assessment.


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El ámbito dominante del desarrollo profesional del Trabajo Social está circunscripto a la generación, prestación y evaluación de servicios sociales destinados a la población excluida; estos servicios sociales han sido históricamente definidos dentro de marcos de políticas públicas y en especial de las políticas sociales. La investigación transitó sobre dos ejes de indagación primero, identificar las características de las políticas sociales vigentes -orientadas a disminuir o hacer desaparecer los mecanismos de exclusión social que pesan sobre los sectores más desfavorecidos de la estructura y dinámica social- y la mirada de los “beneficiarios”, es decir, los sujetos históricos destinatarios de la acción estatal y, considerando que también constituye el espacio social de intervención/empleo del Trabajador Social. Y el segundo eje orientado a analizar la situación laboral de los profesionales en Trabajo Social, desde el punto de vista de sujetos asalariados, enfrentados a situaciones de elevada precariedad laboral y de exclusión social. Frente a esta realidad, nos planteamos como interrogante principal ¿qué implicancia tiene esta situación de precariedad/exclusión en los procesos de ciudadanizacióndesciudadanización que implican a los sujetos destinatarios de las políticas sociales y a los profesionales de Trabajo Social que actúan en el campo de las políticas sociales (provinciales y/o nacionales) en el periodo 2000 - 2008


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Actividades desarrolladas durante el período: Estado del Arte. Se ha trabajado en la exploración documental, lectura, análisis y síntesis de materiales bibliográficos, documentos de trabajo, revistas científicas, etc. que permitieron construir el marco teórico de referencia que oriente la búsqueda de información y reconocimiento de categorías analíticas-operativas; recopilación de información referente a las políticas publicas desarrolladas en la provincia de Misiones, en el período 2000-2008; búsqueda de información referente a los egresados. Padrones, matriculados, empleo /desempleo; identificación de áreas más significativas y a los posibles entrevistados tanto profesionales como usuarios.


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The Yangtze River Basin downstream of China's Three Gorges Dam (TGD) (thereafter referred to as "downstream" basin) hosts the largest cluster of freshwater lakes in East Asia. These lakes are crucial water stocks to local biophysical environments and socioeconomic development. Existing studies document that individual lakes in this region have recently experienced dramatic changes under the context of enduring meteorological drought, continuous population growth, and extensive water regulation since TGD's initial impoundment (i.e., June, 2003). However, spatial and temporal patterns of lake dynamics across the complete downstream Yangtze basin remain poorly characterized. Using daily MODIS imagery and an advanced thematic mapping scheme, this study presents a comprehensive monitoring of area dynamics in the downstream lake system at a 10-day temporal resolution during 2000-2011. The studied lakes constitute ~76% (~11,400 km**2) of the total downstream lake area, including the entire +70 major lakes larger than 20 km**2. The results reveal a decadal net decline in lake inundation area across the downstream Yangtze Basin, with a cumulative decrease of 849 km**2 or 7.4% from 2000 to 2011. Despite an excessive precipitation anomaly in the year 2010, the decreasing trend was tested significant in all seasons. The most substantial decrease in the post-TGD period appears in fall (1.1%/yr), which intriguingly coincides with the TGD water storage season. Regional lake dynamics exhibit contrasting spatial patterns, manifested as evident decrease and increase of aggregated lake areas respectively within and beyond the Yangtze Plain. This contrast suggests a marked vulnerability of lakes in the Yangtze Plain, to not only local meteorological variability but also intensified human water regulations from both the upstream Yangtze main stem (e.g., the TGD) and tributaries (e.g., lakes/reservoirs beyond the Yangtze Plain). The produced lake mapping result and derived lake area dynamics across the downstream Yangtze Basin provides a crucial monitoring basis for continuous investigations of changing mechanisms in the Yangtze lake system.


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