195 resultados para BPS
The aim was to explore the relationship between sources of stress and a range of coping behaviours on student
satisfaction and motivation. Most research exploring sources of stress construes stress as distress, with little
attempt to consider positive, good stress or ‘eustress’ experiences. A cohort of first-year psychology students (N=88)
were surveyed on a range of stressors. These were amended from the UK National Student Survey (NSS, 2011).
Published university league tables draw heavily on student course satisfaction but study results suggest there was
also merit in measuring students’ intellectual motivation and the extent to which they felt part of a learning
community. Using multiple regression analyses, it was found that even the attributes that normally help one to adjust to change, such as self-efficacy, do little to help the new student adjust to university life, such was the acuteness of perceived stress in the first year. Social opportunities within the university were important to help new students integrate into university life and to help them network and build support. Educators need to consider how course experiences contribute, not just to potential distress but to potential eustress.
Next generation Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers will operate in multiple navigation bands. An efficient way to achieve this with lower power and cost is to employ BandPass Sampling (BPS); nevertheless, the sampling operation injects large amounts of jitter noise, which degrades the performance of the receiver. Continuous–Time (CT) Delta–Sigma (ΔΣ) modulators are capable of suppressing this noise but the impact of clock jitter at the output of the Digital– to–Analog Converter (DAC) in the feedback path of the modulator should be taken into account. This paper presents an analytical approach for describing clock jitter in GNSS receivers when a CT–ΔΣ modulator is utilized for Analog–to–Digital Conversion (ADC). The validity of the presented approach is verified through time–domain simulations using a behavioural model of the fourth–order CT–ΔΣ modulator with 1–bit NRZ DAC feedback pulse.
While dehydration has negative effects on memory and attention, few studies have investigated whether drinking water can enhance cognitive performance, and none have addressed this in a real-world setting. In this study we explored the potential benefits of the availability of water for undergraduates. The exam performance of students who brought drinks in to exams was compared with those that did not for three cohorts of undergraduates (N = 447). We employed earlier coursework marks as a measure of underlying ability. Students who brought water to the exam achieved better grades than students who did not. When coursework marks were covaried, this effect remained statistically significant, suggesting that this finding was not simply due to more able students being more likely to bring in water. This implies that water consumption may facilitate performance in real-world settings, and, therefore, have specific implications for the assessment of undergraduate learners under examination conditions, but further research is required to evaluate this hypothesis.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
BACKGROUND: Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) has been defined as a transitional state between normal aging and dementia. In many cases, MCI represents an early stage of developing cognitive impairment. Patients diagnosed with MCI do not meet the criteria for dementia as their general intellect and everyday activities are preserved, although minor changes in instrumental activities of daily living (ADL) may occur. However, they may exhibit significant behavioral and psychological signs and symptoms (BPS), also frequently observed in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Hence, we wondered to what extent specific BPS are associated with cognitive decline in participants with MCI or AD. METHODS: Our sample consisted of 164 participants, including 46 patients with amnestic (single or multi-domain) MCI and 54 patients with AD, as well as 64 control participants without cognitive disorders. Global cognitive performance, BPS, and ADL were assessed using validated clinical methods at baseline and at two-year follow-up. RESULTS: The BPS variability over the follow-up period was more pronounced in the MCI group than in patients with AD: some BPS improve, others occur newly or worsen, while others still remain unchanged. Moreover, specific changes in BPS were associated with a rapid deterioration of the global cognitive level in MCI patients. In particular, an increase of euphoria, eating disorders, and aberrant motor behavior, as well as worsened sleep quality, predicted a decline in cognitive functioning. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings confirm a higher variability of BPS over time in the MCI group than in AD patients. Moreover, our results provide evidence of associations between specific BPS and cognitive decline in the MCI group that might suggest a risk of conversion of individuals with amnestic MCI to AD.
Clinical experience suggests that longstanding personality characteristics as a person's most distinctive features of all are likely to play a role in how someone with dementia copes with his increasing deficiencies. Personality characteristics may have a pathoplastic effect on both behavioral and psychological symptoms (BPS) or on cognition as well as cognitive decline. Cognitive disorders accompanied by BPS are a tremendous burden for both the patient and their proxies. This review suggests that premorbid personality characteristics are co-determinants of BPS in cognitive disorders, but much effort is needed to clarify whether or not specific premorbid personality traits are associated with specific BPS as no strong links have so far emerged. This review further shows that a growing field of research is interested in the links not only between quite short-lived emotional states and cognitive processes, but also between longstanding personality traits and cognition in both healthy individuals and patients with neurodegenerative disorders. Furthermore, a few studies found that specific premorbid personality traits may be risk factors for neurodegenerative diseases. However, research findings in this area remain scarce despite a huge literature on personality and cognitive disorders in general. An important shortcoming that hampers so far the progress of our understanding in these domains is the confusion in the literature between longstanding premorbid personality traits and transient personality changes observed in neurodegenerative diseases. Few studies have based their assessments on accepted personality theories and carefully investigated premorbid personality traits in patients with cognitive disorders, although assessing personality may be complicated in these patients. Studying the impact of personality characteristics in cognitive disorders is an especially promising field of research in particular when concomitantly using neurobiological approaches, in particular structural brain imaging and genetic studies as suggested by as yet rare studies. Improved understanding of premorbid personality characteristics as determinants of both BPS or cognitive capacities or decline is likely to influence our attitudes towards the treatment of demented patients and ultimately to help in alleviating a patient's and their proxies' burden.
Recombinant human adenovirus (Ad) vectors are being extensively explored for their use in gene therapy and recombinant vaccines. Ad vectors are attractive for many reasons, including the fact that (1) they are relatively safe, based on their use as live oral vaccines, (2) they can accept large transgene inserts, (3) they can infect dividing and postmitotic cells, and (4) they can be produced to high titers. However, there are also a number of major problems associated with Ad vectors, including transient foreign gene expression due to host cellular immune responses, problems with humoral immunity, and the creation of replication competent adenoviruses (RCA). Most Ad vectors contain deletions in the E1 region that allow for insertion of a transgene. However, the E1 gene products are required for replication and thus must be supplied in trans by a helper ceillille that will allow for the growth and packaging of the defective virus. For this purpose the 293 cell line (Graham et al., 1977) is used most often; however, homologous recombination between the vector and the cell line often results in the generation of RCA. The presence of RCA in batches of adenoviral vectors for clinical use is a safety risk because tlley . may result in the mobilization and spread of the replication-defective vector viruses, and in significant tissue damage and pathogenicity. The present research focused on the alteration of the 293 cell line such that RCA formation can be eliminated. The strategy to modify the 293 cells involved the removal of the first 380 bp of the adenovirus genome through the process of homologous recombination. The first step towards this goal involved identifying and cloning the left-end cellular-viral jUl1ction from 293 cells to assemble sequences required for homologous recombination. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed to clone the junction, and the clone was verified through sequencing. The plasn1id PAM2 was then constructed, which served as the targeting cassette used to modify the 293 cells. The cassette consisted of (1) the cellular-viral junction as the left-end region of homology, (2) the neo gene to use for positive selection upon tranfection into 293 cells, (3) the adenoviral genome from bp 380 to bp 3438 as the right-end region of homology, and (4) the HSV-tk gene to use for negative selection. The plasmid PAM2 was linearized to produce a double strand break outside the region of homology, and transfected into 293 cells using the calcium-phosphate technique. Cells were first selected for their resistance to the drug G418, and subsequently for their resistance to the drug Gancyclovir (GANC). From 17 transfections, 100 pools of G418f and GANCf cells were picked using cloning lings and expanded for screening. Genomic DNA was isolated from the pools and screened for the presence of the 380 bps using PCR. Ten of the most promising pools were diluted to single cells and expanded in order to isolate homogeneous cell lines. From these, an additional 100 G41Sf and GANef foci were screened. These preliminary screening results appear promising for the detection of the desired cell line. Future work would include further cloning and purification of the promising cell lines that have potentially undergone homologous recombination, in order to isolate a homogeneous cell line of interest.
Dans ce travail, j’étudierai principalement un modèle abélien de Higgs en 2+1 dimensions, dans lequel un champ scalaire interagit avec un champ de jauge. Des défauts topologiques, nommés vortex, sont créés lorsque le potentiel possède un minimum brisant spontanément la symétrie U(1). En 3+1 dimensions, ces vortex deviennent des défauts à une dimension. Ils ap- paraissent par exemple en matière condensée dans les supraconducteurs de type II comme des lignes de flux magnétique. J’analyserai comment l’énergie des solutions statiques dépend des paramètres du modèle et en particulier du nombre d’enroulement du vortex. Pour le choix habituel de potentiel (un poly- nôme quartique dit « BPS »), la relation entre les masses des deux champs mène à deux types de comportements : type I si la masse du champ de jauge est plus grande que celle du champ sca- laire et type II inversement. Selon le cas, la dépendance de l’énergie au nombre d’enroulement, n, indiquera si les vortex auront tendance à s’attirer ou à se repousser, respectivement. Lorsque le flux emprisonné est grand, les vortex présentent un profil où la paroi est mince, permettant certaines simplifications dans l’analyse. Le potentiel, un polynôme d’ordre six (« non-BPS »), est choisi tel que le centre du vortex se trouve dans le vrai vide (minimum absolu du potentiel) alors qu’à l’infini le champ scalaire se retrouve dans le faux vide (minimum relatif du potentiel). Le taux de désintégration a déjà été estimé par une approximation semi-classique pour montrer l’impact des défauts topologiques sur la stabilité du faux vide. Le projet consiste d’abord à établir l’existence de vortex classi- quement stables de façon numérique. Puis, ma contribution fut une analyse des paramètres du modèle révélant le comportement énergétique de ceux-ci en fonction du nombre d’enroulement. Ce comportement s’avèrera être différent du cas « BPS » : le ratio des masses ne réussit pas à décrire le comportement observé numériquement.
Il est à ce jour bien établi que la régulation de l’expression génique dépend en grande partie des évènements post-transcriptionnels et que la traduction des ARNm tient un rôle de premier plan dans ces processus. Elle est particulièrement importante pour définir le protéome, maintenir l’homéostasie et contrôler la croissance et la prolifération cellulaire. De nombreuses pathologies humaines telles que le cancer découlent de dérèglements de la synthèse protéique. Ceci souligne l’importance d’une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires contribuant au contrôle de la traduction des ARNm. Le facteur d’initiation eIF4E est essentiel à la traduction et son activité est régulée par ses partenaires protéiques dont font partie les protéines 4E-BP et 4E-T. Les voies de signalisation PI3K/mTOR et MAPK qui sont fortement impliquées dans l’étiologie du cancer, contrôlent la traduction en modulant l’activité d’eIF4E via l’inhibition des protéines 4E-BP et la localisation de 4E-T. Afin d’améliorer notre compréhension des mécanismes régulant la traduction des ARNm, nous avons utilisé plusieurs approches. Tout d’abord, nous avons caractérisé les mécanismes par lesquels le complexe mTORC1 est activé en réponse aux facteurs de croissance et avons déterminé que la kinase RSK, en aval de la voie Ras/ERK, contrôle directement l’activité de mTORC1 en phosphorylant Raptor, la sous-unité régulatrice du complexe mTORC1. Par ailleurs, nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle joué par mTORC1 dans l’initiation de la traduction. Pour cela, nous avons réalisé un criblage protéomique dans le but d’identifier de nouveaux facteurs sous le contrôle de mTORC1 qui participent activement à la traduction. Ces travaux ont ainsi permis l’identification de la protéine de liaison à l’ARN LARP1 comme effecteur majeur de la traduction des ARNm et de la croissance cellulaire en aval de mTORC1. Finalement, notre étude de l’effet du stress oxydant dans la répression de la traduction nous a permis de montrer que la kinase JNK contrôle la localisation du répresseur 4E-T au sein des P-bodies, qui sont des granules cytoplasmiques concentrant des ARNm non traduits et des facteurs de la dégradation des ARNm. Nos travaux ont donc abouti à la découverte de mécanismes moléculaires cruciaux impliqués dans la régulation de la traduction des ARNm et de la synthèse protéique. Ces derniers étant largement impliqués dans la prolifération cellulaire et la croissance tumorale, nos recherches ouvrent sur un champ d’investigation plus large pour le développement de nouvelles molécules anti-cancéreuses.
Evidence supports local roles for TGFβ superfamily members including activins and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) in follicle development. Access of these ligands to signaling receptors is likely modulated by extracellular binding proteins (BP). In this study we compared expression of four BPs (chordin, gremlin, noggin, follistatin) in granulosal (GC) and theca interna (TC) compartments of developing bovine antral follicles (1-18mm). Effects of FSH and IGF on BMP and BP expression by cultured GC, and effects of LH and BMPs on BP expression by cultured TC were also examined. Follicular expression of all four BP transcripts was higher in GC than TC compartments (P<0.001) a finding confirmed by immunohistochemistry. Follicle category affected (P<0.01) gremlin and follistatin mRNA abundance, with a significant cell-type x follicle category interaction for chordin, follistatin and noggin. Noggin transcript abundance was lower (P<0.05) in GC of large 'E-active' than 'E-inactive' follicles while follistatin mRNA level was higher (P<0.01). FSH enhanced CYP19, FSHR, INHBA and follistatin by GC without affecting BMP or BMP-BP expression. IGF increased CYP19 and follistatin, reduced BMP4, noggin and gremlin but did not affect chordin or FSHR mRNA levels. LH increased TC androgen secretion but had no effect on BMP or BP expression. BMPs uniformly suppressed TC androgen production whilst increasing chordin, noggin, and gremlin mRNA levels up to 20-fold (P<0.01). These findings support the hypothesis that extracellular BP, mostly from GC, contribute to the regulation of intrafollicular BMP/activin signaling. Enhancement of thecal BP expression by BMP implies an autoregulatory feedback role to prevent excessive signaling.