910 resultados para BLUE-CRAB
We report a case of a 17-year-old boy who had a giant congenital blue naevus with multiple satellite pigmented lesions. Later the patient developed melanoma arising in the pre-existing lesion. He also had gynaecomastia and was diagnosed as having aromatase excess syndrome. To our knowledge, the association of these two rare conditions has not been previously reported. Further studies should be performed to investigate this unusual combination, which may have a genetic, endocrine or local cutaneous link leading to its occurrence.
Objective To evaluate the extent sensory and motor blocks produced by the epidural injection of different volumes of 0.25% bupivacaine (Bu) with methylene blue (MB), in dogs. Study design Prospective experimental trial. Animals Twenty healthy adult mongrel dogs, weighing 9.9 +/- 1.9 kg. Methods Dogs were randomly allocated into one of four groups that received 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 or 0.8 mL kg-1 of an epidural solution containing 0.25% Bu and MB. Sensory block was evaluated against time by pinching the tail, hind limb interdigital web, toenail bases and the skin over the vertebral dermatomes. Motor block was assessed by ataxia, hind limb weight-bearing ability and by loss of muscle tone of the tail and pelvic limbs. Data were collected at 2, 5, 10, 15 and 30 minutes after the end of epidural injection. After the final time point, dogs were euthanatized and laminectomies were conducted to expose the extent of the dural dye staining. Results The volumes 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 mL kg-1 of 0.25% Bu and MB blocked a mean of 5, 14.2, 20.2 and 21 dermatomes, respectively. The extent of the senory block increased up to a volume of 0.6 mL kg-1. Motor block was longer-lasting and more intense than sensory block. Complete dyeing of the spinal cord with MB was achieved in some dogs at 0.4 mL kg-1 and all dogs at 0.6 mL kg-1. Conclusions The volume of anesthetic injected into the epidural space plays an important role in the quality of the epidural anesthesia. At 0.25%, bupivacaine provided an efficient sensory block at 0.6 mL kg-1. Clinical relevance Relatively high volumes (0.6 mL kg-1) of 0.25%, BU and MB were needed to produce an effective sensory and motor block caudal to the umbilicus, but all spinal cord segments were reached by MB at this dose.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the protein requirements for hand-rearing Blue-fronted Amazon parrots (Amazona aestiva). Forty hatchlings were fed semi-purified diets containing one of four (as-fed basis) protein levels: 13%, 18%, 23% and 28%. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design with the initial weight of the nestling as the blocking factor and 10 parrots per protein level. Regression analysis was used to determine relationships between protein level and biometric measurements. The data indicated that 13% crude protein supported nestling growth with 18% being the minimum tested level required for maximum development. The optimal protein concentration for maximum weight gain was 24.4% (p = 0.08; r(2) = 0.25), tail length 23.7% (p = 0.09; r(2) = 0.19), wing length 23.0% (p = 0.07; r(2) = 0.17), tarsus length 21.3% (p = 0.06; r(2) = 0.10) and tarsus width 21.4% (p = 0.07; r(2) = 0.09). Tarsus measurements were larger in males (p < 0.05), indicating that sex must be considered when studying developing psittacines. These results were obtained using a highly digestible protein and a diet with moderate metabolizable energy levels.
Although canine distemper is enzootic worldwide and has a wide host range, there are no reports of canine distemper virus there are no reports of canine distemper virus provide information on virus phylogeny and histopathologic lesions. The objective of this study is report and describe canine distemper in a crab-eating fox (C. thous), with a focus oil the phylogeny of the virus strain and the histopathologic lesions in the animal.
Hammondia heydorni is a cyst forming coccidia closely related to other apicomplexans, such as Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum and Hammondia hammondi with a two-host life cycle. Dogs and other canids as red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and coyotes (Canis latrans) may serve as definitive hosts for H. heydorni. Sporulated oocysts are infective for cattle, sheep and goats, which may serve as intermediate hosts. Herein, we describe the ability of crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous), a wild carnivore that is commonly found from northern Argentina to northern South America, to serve as definitive host of H. heydorni. The whole masseter muscle and brain from two 2-year-old bovines were collected, minced and pooled together for the fox infection. The bovine pooled tissues were equally administered to four foxes, in two consecutive days. Two foxes shed subspherical unsporulated oocysts measuring 10-15 mu m, after 8 and 9 days post-infection, respectively. One of the foxes eliminated oocysts for 5 days, while the other fox shed oocysts for 9 days. A DNA sample of oocysts detected at each day of oocyst elimination was tested by two PCRs, one of them carried out employing primers directed to the common toxoplasmatiid 18S and 5.8S ribosomal RNA coding genes (PCR-ITS1) and the other based on heat-shock protein 70 kDa coding gene (PCR-HSP70). These samples were also submitted to a N. caninum specific nested-PCR protocol based on a N. caninum specific gene (Nc5-nPCR). All of them were positive by PCR-ITS1 and PCR-HSP70 but negative by Nc5-nPCR. The PCR-ITS1 and PCR-HSP70 nucleotide sequences amplified from the oocysts shed by the foxes revealed 100% identity with homologous sequences of H. heydorni. In conclusion, it is clear that H. heydorni also uses the crab-eating fox as a definitive host. The crab-eating fox is usually reported to live in close contact with livestock in several regions of Brazil. Therefore, it is reasonable to infer that such carnivores may play an important role in the sylvatic and domestic cycles of H. heydorni infection. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective: Patients using a removable prosthesis are susceptible to a variety of oral lesions that may progress to cancer. Toluidine blue (TB) staining is used to identify premalignant lesions, but the results are still controversial. Since micronuclei (MN) are a biomarker of genetic instability, the objective of this study was to determine the frequency of MN in white lesions of the oral mucosa and to compare the results with those of the TB test. Study Design: The study included 20 removable prosthesis users with white lesions that were previously classified as toluidine positive or negative. The frequency of MN was evaluated in exfoliated cells from lesions and normal mucosa. Nuclear anomalies were also registered. Results: A significant increase (p < 0.05) in the frequency of MN was observed in exfoliated cells from lesions compared to normal mucosal cells, and no relationship was seen with TB staining. Lifestyle factors or gender did not influence the results. Conclusions: The frequency of MN is a sensitive biomarker and can be used to predict genomic instability in white oral lesions. The MN assay may serve as a good parameter in the battery of tests used to identify high-risk individuals, contributing to the identification of the biological conditions of oral lesions. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel
The taxonomic relationship between two toothed South African river crabs, Potamonautes warreni and P. unispinus, is unclear. The problem stems from the widespread variation in carapace dentition patterns amongst P. warreni individuals over its biogeographic range, where single toothed individuals may appear similar in carapace morphology to P. unispinus. Ten populations of P. warreni and 18 populations of P. unispinus were collected and the morphometric and genetic differentiation between the two taxa quantified. Patterns of morphometric and genetic variation were examined using multivariate statistics and protein gel electrophoresis, respectively. Principal component analyses of carapace characters showed that the two species are morphologically indistinguishable. However, discriminate functions analyses and additional statistical results corroborate the morphological distinction between the two taxa. Allozyme electrophoresis of 17 protein coding loci, indicated a close genetic similarity between the two species (I = 0.92). A fixed allelic difference at one locus (LT-2) and extensive genetic variability at another locus (PGM-1) indicate that two gene pools are present and that the two taxa are genetically isolated. Intraspecific genetic I values for both species were > 0.97 and indicated no apparent genetic structuring on a micro or macro-geographic scale. The variation in carapace dentition among P. warreni populations possesses no genetic basis and may possibly toe the product of ecogenesis. The value of dentition patterns in the systematics of river crabs is discussed. Dentition patterns among river crab species appear to be conserved and reliable as species specific diagnostic markers, but should ideally be used in combination with other morphological data sets and genetic evidence.
The cytochrome P450 (P450) enzymes involved in drug metabolism are among the most versatile biological catalysts known. A small number of discrete forms of human P450 are capable of catalyzing the monooxygenation of a practically unlimited variety of xenobiotic substrates, with each enzyme showing a more or less wide and overlapping substrate range. This versatility makes P450s ideally suited as starting materials for engineering designer catalysts for industrial applications. In the course of heterologous expression of P450s in bacteria, we observed the unexpected formation of blue pigments. Although this was initially assumed to be an artifact, subsequent work led to the discovery of a new function of P450s in intermediary metabolism and toxicology, new screens for protein engineering, and potential applications in the dye and horticulture industries.
The volume of the primary (PCS) and secondary (SCS) circulatory system in the Atlantic cod Gadus morhua was determined using a modified dye dilution technique. Cod (N=10) were chronically cannulated in the second afferent branchial artery with PE-50 tubing. Evans Blue dye was bound to harvested fish plasma at a concentration of 1 mg dye ml(-1) plasma, and injected at a concentration of 1 mg kg(-1) body mass. Serial sampling from the cannula produced a dye dilution curve, which could be described by a double exponential decay equation. Curve analysis enabled the calculation of the primary circulatory and total distribution volume. The difference between these volumes is assumed to be the volume of the SCS. From the dilution curve, it was also possible to calculate flow rates between and within the systems. The results of these experiments suggest a plasma volume in the PCS of 3.42+/-0.89 ml 100 g(-1) body mass, and in the SCS of 1.68+/-0.35 ml 100 g(-1) body mass (mean +/- S.D.) or approximately 50% that of the PCS. Flow rates to the SCS were calculated as 2.7% of the resting cardiac output. There was an allometric relationship between body mass and blood volumes. Increasing condition factor showed a tendency towards smaller blood volumes of the PCS, expressed as percentage body mass, but this was not evident for the volume of the SCS.
The large eyes and well-developed visual system of billfishes suggest that vision is an important sense for the detection and interception of prey and lures. Investigations of visual abilities in these large pelagic fishes are difficult, however anatomical studies of billfish eyes and retinas allow prediction of a number of visual capabilities. From the density of ganglion cells in the blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) retina, visual acuities of less than 10 cycles per degree were derived, a surprisingly low visual resolution given the absolute size of the marlin eye. Cone photoreceptors, on the other hand, were present in high densities, resulting in a presumed summation of cones to ganglion cells at a ratio of 40:1, even in the area of best vision. The optical sensitivity of the marlin eye was high owing to the large dimensions of the cone photoreceptors. These results indicate that the marlin eye is specifically adapted to cope with the low light levels encountered during diving. Since the marlin is likely to use its vision at depth, it is suggested that this line of research could help estimate the limits of vertical distribution based on light level.
This article combines both international practice and analytical contributions into a systematic and synthetic presentation of the evolution of peace operations from their modern inception in 1948 to the present. It seeks to serve a didactic purpose in proposing a basic structure for Brazilian scholars' burgeoning debate on peace operations and intervention, rather than a definitive characterization of blue helmet practice. Peace operations' progression is traced through five analytical "generations," each adding a crucial factor distinguishing it from its predecessors. Each generation is placed in relation to changes in the nature of conflict and in the interpretation of the foundational principles of peace operations, and links to broader theoretical issues in International Relations are made explicit at each stage.