981 resultados para BINDING SITES


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Peptide growth factors were isolated from conditioned medium derived from rice (Oryza sativa L.) suspension cultures and identified to be a sulfated pentapeptide [H-Tyr(SO3H)-Ile-Tyr(SO3H)-Thr-Gln-OH] and its C-terminal-truncated tetrapeptide [H-Tyr(SO3H)-Ile-Tyr(SO3H)-Thr-OH]. These structures were identical to the phytosulfokines originally found in asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) mesophyll cultures. The pentapeptide [phytosulfokine-α (PSK-α)] very strongly stimulated colony formation of rice protoplasts at concentrations above 10−8 M, indicating a similar mode of action in rice of phytosulfokines. Binding assays using 35S-labeled PSK-α demonstrated the existence of both high- and low-affinity specific saturable binding sites on the surface of rice cells in suspension. Analysis of [35S]PSK-α binding in differential centrifugation fractions suggested association of the binding with a plasma membrane-enriched fraction. The apparent Kd values for [35S]PSK-α binding were found to be 1 × 10−9 M for the high-affinity type and 1 × 10−7 M for the low-affinity type, with maximal numbers of binding sites of 1 × 104 sites per cell and 1 × 105 sites per cell, respectively. Competition studies with [35S]PSK-α and several synthetic PSK-α analogs demonstrated that only peptides that possesses mitogenic activity can effectively displace the radioligand. These results suggest that a signal transduction pathway mediated by peptide factors is involved in plant cell proliferation.


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Transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) causes growth arrest in most cell types. TGF-β induces hypophosphorylation of retinoblastoma susceptibility gene 1 product (RB), which sequesters E2F factors needed for progression into S phase of the cell cycle, thereby leading to cell cycle arrest at G1. It is possible, however, that the E2F-RB complex induced by TGF-β may bind to E2F sites and suppress expression of specific genes whose promoters contain E2F binding sites. We show here that TGF-β treatment of HaCaT cells induced the formation of E2F4-RB and E2F4-p107 complexes, which are capable of binding to E2F sites. Disruption of their binding to DNA with mutation in the E2F sites did not change the expression from promoters of E2F1, B-myb, or HsORC1 genes in cycling HaCaT cells. However, the same mutation stimulated 5- to 6-fold higher expression from all three promoters in cells treated with TGF-β. These results suggest that E2F binding sites play an essential role in the transcription repression of these genes under TGF-β treatment. Consistent with their repression of TGF-β-induced gene expression, introduction of E2F sites into the promoter of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p15INK4B gene effectively inhibited its induction by TGF-β. Experiments utilizing Gal4-RB and Gal4-p107 chimeric constructs demonstrated that either RB or p107 could directly repress TGF-β induction of p15INK4B gene when tethered to p15INK4B promoter through Gal4 DNA binding sites. Therefore, E2F functions to bring RB and p107 to E2F sites and represses gene expression by TGF-β. These results define a specific function for E2F4-RB and E2F4-p107 complexes in gene repression under TGF-β treatment, which may constitute an integral part of the TGF-β-induced growth arrest program.


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Psorospermin is a plant natural product that shows significant in vivo activity against P388 mouse leukemia. The molecular basis for this selectivity is unknown, although psorospermin has been demonstrated to intercalate into DNA and alkylate N7 of guanine. Significantly, the alkylation reactivity of psorospermin at specific sites on DNA increased 25-fold in the presence of topoisomerase II. In addition, psorospermin trapped the topoisomerase II-cleaved complex formation at the same site. These results imply that the efficacy of psorospermin is related to its interaction with the topoisomerase II–DNA complex. Because thermal treatment of (N7 guanine)–DNA adducts leads to DNA strand breakage, we were able to determine the site of alkylation of psorospermin within the topoisomerase II gate site and infer that intercalation takes place at the gate site between base pairs at the +1 and +2 positions. These results provide not only additional mechanistic information on the mode of action of the anticancer agent psorospermin but also structural insights into the design of an additional class of topoisomerase II poisons. Because the alkylation site for psorospermin in the presence of topoisomerase II can be assigned unambiguously and the intercalation site inferred, this drug is a useful probe for other topoisomerase poisons where the sites for interaction are less well defined.


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p53 tumor suppressor protein negatively regulates cell growth, mainly through the transactivation of its downstream target genes. As a sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor, p53 specifically binds to a 20-bp consensus motif 5′-PuPuPuC(A/T) (T/A)GPyPyPyPuPuPuC(A/T)(T/A)GPyPyPy-3′. We have now identified, partially purified, and characterized an additional ≈40-kDa nuclear protein, p53CP (p53 competing protein), that specifically binds to the consensus p53 binding sites found in several p53 downstream target genes, including Waf-1, Gadd45, Mdm2, Bax, and RGC. The minimal sequence requirement for binding is a 14-bp motif, 5′-CTTGCTTGAACAGG-3′ [5′-C(A/T)(T/A)GPyPyPyPuPuPuC(A/T)(T/A)G-3′], which includes the central nucleotides of the typical p53 binding site with one mismatch. p53CP and p53 (complexed with antibody) showed a similar binding specificity to Waf-1 site but differences in Gadd45 and T3SF binding. Like p53, p53CP also binds both double- and single-stranded DNA oligonucleotides. Important to note, cell cycle blockers and DNA damaging reagents, which induce p53 binding activity, were found to inhibit p53CP binding in p53-positive, but not in p53-negative, cells. This finding suggested a p53-dependent coordinate regulation of p53 and p53CP in response to external stimuli. p53CP therefore could be a third member of the p53 family, in addition to p53 and p73, a newly identified p53 homolog. p53CP, if sequestering p53 from its DNA binding sites through competitive binding, may provide a novel mechanism of p53 inactivation. Alternatively, p53CP may have p53-like functions by binding and transactivating p53 downstream target genes. Cloning of the p53CP gene ultimately will resolve this issue.


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Association of the Golgi-specific adaptor protein complex 1 (AP-1) with the membrane is a prerequisite for clathrin coat assembly on the trans-Golgi network (TGN). The AP-1 adaptor is efficiently recruited from cytosol onto the TGN by myristoylated ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1) in the presence of the poorly hydrolyzable GTP analog guanosine 5′-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTPγS). Substituting GTP for GTPγS, however, results in only poor AP-1 binding. Here we show that both AP-1 and clathrin can be recruited efficiently onto the TGN in the presence of GTP when cytosol is supplemented with ARF1. Optimal recruitment occurs at 4 μM ARF1 and with 1 mM GTP. The AP-1 recruited by ARF1·GTP is released from the Golgi membrane by treatment with 1 M Tris-HCl (pH 7) or upon reincubation at 37°C, whereas AP-1 recruited with GTPγS or by a constitutively active point mutant, ARF1(Q71L), remains membrane bound after either treatment. An incubation performed with added ARF1, GTP, and AlFn, used to block ARF GTPase-activating protein activity, results in membrane-associated AP-1, which is largely insensitive to Tris extraction. Thus, ARF1·GTP hydrolysis results in lower-affinity binding of AP-1 to the TGN. Using two-stage assays in which ARF1·GTP first primes the Golgi membrane at 37°C, followed by AP-1 binding on ice, we find that the high-affinity nucleating sites generated in the priming stage are rapidly lost. In addition, the AP-1 bound to primed Golgi membranes during a second-stage incubation on ice is fully sensitive to Tris extraction, indicating that the priming stage has passed the ARF1·GTP hydrolysis point. Thus, hydrolysis of ARF1·GTP at the priming sites can occur even before AP-1 binding. Our finding that purified clathrin-coated vesicles contain little ARF1 supports the concept that ARF1 functions in the coat assembly process rather than during the vesicle-uncoating step. We conclude that ARF1 is a limiting factor in the GTP-stimulated recruitment of AP-1 in vitro and that it appears to function in a stoichiometric manner to generate high-affinity AP-1 binding sites that have a relatively short half-life.


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Coatomer is the soluble precursor of the COPI coat (coat protein I) involved in traffic among membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus. We report herein that neomycin precipitates coatomer from cell extracts and from purified coatomer preparations. Precipitation first increased and then decreased as the neomycin concentration increased, analogous to the precipitation of a polyvalent antigen by divalent antibodies. This suggested that neomycin cross-linked coatomer into large aggregates and implies that coatomer has two or more binding sites for neomycin. A variety of other aminoglycoside antibiotics precipitated coatomer, or if they did not precipitate, they interfered with the ability of neomycin to precipitate. Coatomer is known to interact with a motif (KKXX) containing adjacent lysine residues at the carboxyl terminus of the cytoplasmic domains of some membrane proteins resident in the endoplasmic reticulum. All of the antibiotics that interacted with coatomer contain at least two close amino groups, suggesting that the antibiotics might be interacting with the di-lysine binding site of coatomer. Consistent with this idea, di-lysine itself blocked the interaction of antibiotics with coatomer. Moreover, di-lysine and antibiotics each blocked the coating of Golgi membranes by coatomer. These data suggest that certain aminoglycoside antibiotics interact with di-lysine binding sites on coatomer and that coatomer contains at least two of these di-lysine binding sites.


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Spectrin isoforms are often segregated within specialized plasma membrane subdomains where they are thought to contribute to the development of cell surface polarity. It was previously shown that ankyrin and β spectrin are recruited to sites of cell–cell contact in Drosophila S2 cells expressing the homophilic adhesion molecule neuroglian. Here, we show that neuroglian has no apparent effect on a second spectrin isoform (αβH), which is constitutively associated with the plasma membrane in S2 cells. Another membrane marker, the Na,K-ATPase, codistributes with ankyrin and αβ spectrin at sites of neuroglian-mediated contact. The distributions of these markers in epithelial cells in vivo are consistent with the order of events observed in S2 cells. Neuroglian, ankyrin, αβ spectrin, and the Na,K-ATPase colocalize at the lateral domain of salivary gland cells. In contrast, αβH spectrin is sorted to the apical domain of salivary gland and somatic follicle cells. Thus, the two spectrin isoforms respond independently to positional cues at the cell surface: in one case an apically sorted receptor and in the other case a locally activated cell–cell adhesion molecule. The results support a model in which the membrane skeleton behaves as a transducer of positional information within cells.


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It is a goal of cancer chemotherapy to achieve the selective killing of tumor cells while minimizing toxicity to normal tissues. We describe the design of selective toxins forming DNA adducts that attract the estrogen receptor (ER), a transcription factor that is overexpressed in many human breast and ovarian tumors. The compounds consist of 4-(3-aminopropyl)-N,N-(2-chloroethyl)-aniline linked to 2-(4′-hydroxyphenyl)-3-methyl-5-hydroxy-indole. The former moiety is a DNA damaging nitrogen mustard and the latter is a ligand for the ER. The connection between these groups was refined to permit DNA adducts formed by the mustard portion of the molecule to present the ligand domain so that it was able to interact efficiently with the ER. By using 16-mers containing specific DNA adducts, it was determined that monoadducts and putative intrastrand crosslinks were preferred targets for the ER over interstrand crosslinks. A series of structurally related 2-phenylindole mustards was prepared, some of which were selectively toxic to the ER-positive breast cancer cell line MCF-7, as compared with the ER(−) negative line MDA-MB231. The ability both to bind to DNA and to interact significantly with the ER were essential to achieve selective lethality toward ER(+) cells. Compounds forming DNA adducts without the ability to bind receptor showed similar toxicities in the two cell lines. Several models could explain the selective toxicity of the mustard–phenylindole compounds toward ER(+) cells. The favored model suggests that a mustard–DNA adduct is shielded by the ER from DNA repair enzymes and hence cells possessing an abundance of the ER selectively retain the adduct and are killed.


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The reaction center (RC) from Rhodobacter sphaeroides couples light-driven electron transfer to protonation of a bound quinone acceptor molecule, QB, within the RC. The binding of Cd2+ or Zn2+ has been previously shown to inhibit the rate of reduction and protonation of QB. We report here on the metal binding site, determined by x-ray diffraction at 2.5-Å resolution, obtained from RC crystals that were soaked in the presence of the metal. The structures were refined to R factors of 23% and 24% for the Cd2+ and Zn2+ complexes, respectively. Both metals bind to the same location, coordinating to Asp-H124, His-H126, and His-H128. The rate of electron transfer from QA− to QB was measured in the Cd2+-soaked crystal and found to be the same as in solution in the presence of Cd2+. In addition to the changes in the kinetics, a structural effect of Cd2+ on Glu-H173 was observed. This residue was well resolved in the x-ray structure—i.e., ordered—with Cd2+ bound to the RC, in contrast to its disordered state in the absence of Cd2+, which suggests that the mobility of Glu-H173 plays an important role in the rate of reduction of QB. The position of the Cd2+ and Zn2+ localizes the proton entry into the RC near Asp-H124, His-H126, and His-H128. Based on the location of the metal, likely pathways of proton transfer from the aqueous surface to QB⨪ are proposed.


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Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS) is a key element required to complete mammalian male sex differentiation. The expression pattern of MIS is tightly regulated in fetal, neonatal, and prepubertal testes and adult ovaries and is well conserved among mammalian species. Although several factors have been shown to be essential to MIS expression, its regulatory mechanisms are not fully understood. We have examined MIS promoter activity in 2-day postnatal primary cultures of rat Sertoli cells that continue to express endogenous MIS mRNA. Using this system, we found that the region between human MIS−269 and −192 is necessary for full MIS promoter activity. We identified by DNase I footprint and electrophoretic mobility-shift analyses a distal steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1)-binding site that is essential for full promoter activity. Mutational analysis of this new distal SF-1 site and the previously identified proximal SF-1 site showed that both are necessary for transcriptional activation. Moreover, the proximal promoter also contains multiple GATA-4-binding sites that are essential for functional promoter activity. Thus multiple SF-1- and GATA-4-binding sites in the MIS promoter are required for normal tissue-specific and developmental expression of MIS.


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Evidence is growing to support a functional role for the prion protein (PrP) in copper metabolism. Copper ions appear to bind to the protein in a highly conserved octapeptide repeat region (sequence PHGGGWGQ) near the N terminus. To delineate the site and mode of binding of Cu(II) to the PrP, the copper-binding properties of peptides of varying lengths corresponding to 2-, 3-, and 4-octarepeat sequences have been probed by using various spectroscopic techniques. A two-octarepeat peptide binds a single Cu(II) ion with Kd ≈ 6 μM whereas a four-octarepeat peptide cooperatively binds four Cu(II) ions. Circular dichroism spectra indicate a distinctive structuring of the octarepeat region on Cu(II) binding. Visible absorption, visible circular dichroism, and electron spin resonance spectra suggest that the coordination sphere of the copper is identical for 2, 3, or 4 octarepeats, consisting of a square-planar geometry with three nitrogen ligands and one oxygen ligand. Consistent with the pH dependence of Cu(II) binding, proton NMR spectroscopy indicates that the histidine residues in each octarepeat are coordinated to the Cu(II) ion. Our working model for the structure of the complex shows the histidine residues in successive octarepeats bridged between two copper ions, with both the Nɛ2 and Nδ1 imidazole nitrogen of each histidine residue coordinated and the remaining coordination sites occupied by a backbone amide nitrogen and a water molecule. This arrangement accounts for the cooperative nature of complex formation and for the apparent evolutionary requirement for four octarepeats in the PrP.


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Antibodies to phosphatidylcholine (PtC), a common constituent of mammalian and bacterial cell membranes, represent a large proportion of the natural antibody repertoire in mice. Previous studies of several mouse strains (e.g., C57BL/6) have shown that anti-PtC antibodies are mainly encoded by the VH11 and VH12 immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region gene families. We show here, however, that VH11 and VH12 encode only a small proportion of the anti-PtC antibodies in BALB/c mice. Instead, VHQ52-encoded antibodies predominate in this strain. In addition, two-thirds of the cells expressing VHQ52 family genes use a single gene (which, interestingly, has been previously shown to predominate in the anti-oxazolone response). We also show here that in anti-PtC antibodies from all strains, the distinctive antigen-binding sites associated with VHQ52 differ substantially from those associated with VH11 and VH12. That is, VHQ52-containing transcripts preferentially use the joining region JH4 rather than JH1 and exhibit more diverse complementarity-determining region 3 (CDR3) junctions with more N-region nucleotide additions at the gene segment junctions. Thus, the VH gene family that predominates in the anti-PtC repertoire differs among mouse strains, whereas the distinctive VHDJH rearrangements (CDR3, JH) associated with each VH gene family are similar in all strains. We discuss these findings in the context of a recent hypothesis suggesting that CDR3 structure, independent of VH framework, is sufficient to define the specificity of an antibody.


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Antagonists of growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) inhibit the proliferation of various human cancers in vitro and in vivo by mechanisms that include apparent direct effects through specific binding sites expressed on tumors and that differ from pituitary human GHRH (hGHRH) receptors. In this study, GHRH antagonist JV-1–38 (20 μg/day per animal s.c.) inhibited the growth of orthotopic CAKI-1 human renal cell carcinoma (RCC) by 83% and inhibited the development of metastases to lung and lymph nodes. Using ligand competition assays with 125I-labeled GHRH antagonist JV-1–42, we demonstrated the presence of specific high-affinity (Kd = 0.25 ± 0.03 nM) binding sites for GHRH with a maximal binding capacity (Bmax) of 70.2 ± 4.1 fmol/mg of membrane protein in CAKI-1 tumors. These receptors bind GHRH antagonists preferentially and display a lower affinity for hGHRH. The binding of 125I-JV-1–42 is not inhibited by vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)-related peptides sharing structural homology with hGHRH. The receptors for GHRH antagonists on CAKI-1 tumors are distinct from binding sites detected with 125I-VIP (Kd = 0.89 ± 0.14 nM; Bmax = 183.5 ± 2.6 fmol/mg of protein) and also have different characteristics from GHRH receptors on rat pituitary as documented by the insignificant binding of [His1,125I-Tyr10,Nle27]hGHRH(1–32)NH2. Reverse transcription-PCR revealed the expression of splice variants of hGHRH receptor in CAKI-1 RCC. Biodistribution studies demonstrate an in vivo uptake of 125I-JV-1–42 by the RCC tumor tissue. The presence of specific receptor proteins that bind GHRH antagonists in CAKI-1 RCC supports the view that distinct binding sites that mediate the inhibitory effect of GHRH antagonists are present on various human cancers.


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The NagC and Mlc proteins are homologous transcriptional regulators that control the expression of several phosphotransferase system (PTS) genes in Escherichia coli. NagC represses nagE, encoding the N-acetylglucosamine-specific transporter, while Mlc represses three PTS operons, ptsG, manXYZ and ptsHIcrr, involved in the uptake of glucose. NagC and Mlc can bind to each others operator, at least in vitro. A binding site selection procedure was used to try to distinguish NagC and Mlc sites. The major difference was that all selected NagC binding sites had a G or a C at positions +11/–11 from the centre of symmetry. This is also the case for most native NagC sites, but not the nagE operator, which thus looks like a potential Mlc target. The nagE operator does exhibit a higher affinity for Mlc than NagC, but no regulation of nagE by physiological concentrations of Mlc was detected in vivo. Regulation of wild-type nagE by NagC is achieved because of the chelation effect due to a second high affinity NagC operator covering the nagB promoter. Replacing the A/T at +11/–11 with C/G allows repression by NagC in the absence of the nagB operator.


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The Homeodomain Resource is an annotated collection of non-redundant protein sequences, three-dimensional structures and genomic information for the homeodomain protein family. Release 3.0 contains 795 full-length homeodomain-containing sequences, 32 experimentally-derived structures and 143 homeo­box loci implicated in human genetic disorders. Entries are fully hyperlinked to facilitate easy retrieval of the original records from source databases. A simple search engine with a graphical user interface is provided to query the component databases and assemble customized data sets. A new feature for this release is the addition of DNA recognition sites for all human homeodomain proteins described in the literature. The Homeodomain Resource is freely available through the World Wide Web at http://genome.nhgri.nih.gov/homeodomain.