289 resultados para BES
In dam inspection tasks, an underwater robot has to grab images while surveying the wall meanwhile maintaining a certain distance and relative orientation. This paper proposes the use of an MSIS (mechanically scanned imaging sonar) for relative positioning of a robot with respect to the wall. An imaging sonar gathers polar image scans from which depth images (range & bearing) are generated. Depth scans are first processed to extract a line corresponding to the wall (with the Hough transform), which is then tracked by means of an EKF (Extended Kalman Filter) using a static motion model and an implicit measurement equation associating the sensed points to the candidate line. The line estimate is referenced to the robot fixed frame and represented in polar coordinates (rho&thetas) which directly corresponds to the actual distance and relative orientation of the robot with respect to the wall. The proposed system has been tested in simulation as well as in water tank conditions
This paper presents a complete control architecture that has been designed to fulfill predefined missions with an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). The control architecture has three levels of control: mission level, task level and vehicle level. The novelty of the work resides in the mission level, which is built with a Petri network that defines the sequence of tasks that are executed depending on the unpredictable situations that may occur. The task control system is composed of a set of active behaviours and a coordinator that selects the most appropriate vehicle action at each moment. The paper focuses on the design of the mission controller and its interaction with the task controller. Simulations, inspired on an industrial underwater inspection of a dam grate, show the effectiveness of the control architecture
A pioneer team of students of the University of Girona decided to design and develop an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) called ICTINEU-AUV to face the Student Autonomous Underwater Challenge-Europe (SAUC-E). The prototype has evolved from the initial computer aided design (CAD) model to become an operative AUV in the short period of seven months. The open frame and modular design principles together with the compatibility with other robots previously developed at the lab have provided the main design philosophy. Hence, at the robot's core, two networked computers give access to a wide set of sensors and actuators. The Gentoo/Linux distribution was chosen as the onboard operating system. A software architecture based on a set of distributed objects with soft real time capabilities was developed and a hybrid control architecture including mission control, a behavioural layer and a robust map-based localization algorithm made ICTINEU-AUV the winning entry
To determine possible mechanisms of action that might explain the nutrient partitioning effect of betaine and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in Iberian pigs and to address potential adverse effects, twenty gilts were restrictively fed from 20 to 50 kg BW Control, 0.5% betaine, 1% CLA or 0.5% betaine + 1% CLA diets. Serum hormones and metabolites profile were determined at 30 kg BW and an oral glucose test was performed before slaughter. Pigs were slaughtered at 50 kg BW and livers were obtained for chemical and histological analysis. Decreased serum urea in pigs fed betaine and betaine + CLA diets (11%; P = 0.0001) indicated a more efficient N utilization. The increase in serum triacylglycerol (58% and 28%, respectively; P = 0.0098) indicated that CLA and betaine + CLA could have reduced adipose tissue triacylglycerol synthesis from preformed fatty acids. Serum glucose, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and non-esterified fatty acids were unaffected. CLA and betaine + CLA altered serum lipids profile, although liver of pigs fed CLA diet presented no histopathological changes and triglyceride content was not different from Control pigs. Compared with controls, serum growth hormone decreased (20% to 23%; P = 0.0209) for all treatments. Although serum insulin increased in CLA, and especially in betaine + CLA pigs (28% and 83%; P = 0.0001), indices of insulin resistance were unaffected. In conclusion, CLA, and especially betaine + CLA, induced changes in biochemical parameters and hormones that may partially explain a nutrient partitioning effect in young pigs. Nevertheless, they exhibited weak, although detrimental, effects on blood lipids. Moreover, although livers were chemically and histologically normal, pigs fed CLA diet challenged with a glucose load had higher serum glucose than controls.
Lipid droplets (LDs) are organelles that coordinate lipid storage and mobilization, both processes being especially important in cells specialized in managing fat, the adipocytes. Proteomic analyses of LDs have consistently identified the small GTPase Rab18 as a component of the LD coat. However, the specific contribution of Rab18 to adipocyte function remains to be elucidated. Herein, we have analyzed Rab18 expression, intracellular localization and function in relation to the metabolic status of adipocytes. We show that Rab18 production increases during adipogenic differentiation of 3T3-L1 cells. In addition, our data show that insulin induces, via phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), the recruitment of Rab18 to the surface of LDs. Furthermore, Rab18 overexpression increased basal lipogenesis and Rab18 silencing impaired the lipogenic response to insulin, thereby suggesting that this GTPase promotes fat accumulation in adipocytes. On the other hand, studies of the β-adrenergic receptor agonist isoproterenol confirmed and extended previous evidence for the participation of Rab18 in lipolysis. Together, our data support the view that Rab18 is a common mediator of lipolysis and lipogenesis and suggests that the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is the link that enables Rab18 action on these two processes. Finally, we describe, for the first time, the presence of Rab18 in human adipose tissue, wherein the expression of this GTPase exhibits sex- and depot-specific differences and is correlated to obesity. Taken together, these findings indicate that Rab18 is involved in insulin-mediated lipogenesis, as well as in β-adrenergic-induced lipolysis, likely facilitating interaction of LDs with ER membranes and the exchange of lipids between these compartments. A role for Rab18 in the regulation of adipocyte biology under both normal and pathological conditions is proposed.
BACKGROUND The high prevalence of women that do not reach the recommended level of physical activity is worrisome. A sedentary lifestyle has negative consequences on health status and increases health care costs. The main objective of this project is to assess the cost-effectiveness of a primary care-based exercise intervention in perimenopausal women. METHODS/DESIGN The present study is a Randomized Controlled Trial. A total of 150 eligible women will be recruited and randomly assigned to either a 16-week exercise intervention (3 sessions/week), or to usual care (control) group. The primary outcome measure is the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio. The secondary outcome measures are: i) socio-demographic and clinical information; ii) body composition; iii) dietary patterns; iv) glycaemic and lipid profile; v) physical fitness; vi) physical activity and sedentary behaviour; vii) sleep quality; viii) quality of life, mental health and positive health; ix) menopause symptoms. All outcomes will be assessed at baseline and post intervention. The data will be analysed on an intention-to-treat basis and per protocol. In addition, we will conduct a cost effectiveness analysis from a health system perspective. DISCUSSION The intervention designed is feasible and if it proves to be clinically and cost effective, it can be easily transferred to other similar contexts. Consequently, the findings of this project might help the Health Systems to identify strategies for primary prevention and health promotion as well as to reduce health care requirements and costs. TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02358109 . Date of registration: 05/02/2015.
A key issue in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive is the classification of streams and rivers using biological quality parameters and type-specific reference conditions. Four groups of stream types were defined in NE Spain on the basis of 152 diatom samples by means of detrended correspondence analysis and classification techniques. Diatom analysis was restricted to epilithic taxa, and the sites included gradients ranging from near-natural streams to sites with poor ecological quality. The main gradient shows a clear separation of sites in relation to the degree of human influence: polluted streams (mainly located in the lowlands) differ from streams in mountainous areas and in the Pyrenees. A second gradient is related to physiographical features. Headwater streams can be distinguished by their catchment geology. The type-specific diatom taxa for the stream types studied were determined by using indicator species analysis (IndVal). The type-specific taxa from near-natural streams are coincident with the indicator taxa for high ecological status. Human impact reduced the typological heterogeneity of the diatom community composition. Overall, the diatom communities in NE Spain exhibit a regional distribution pattern that closely corresponds with that observed in river systems elsewhere. Physiographical differences are only evident in undisturbed sites, while nutrient enrichment and other human disturbances may mask the regional differences in the distribution of diatom communities
Este trabajo cuenta con financiación del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y del Fondo Social Europeo (ayuda BES-2008-003252)
A pesar de que numerosos juristas (jueces, notarios, registradores de la propiedad...) puedan desarrollarsu carrera profesional sin necesitar conocer lenguas extranjeras, el dominio del inglés es una competenciaimprescindible para desarrollar una carrera profesional como jurista en los principalesdespachos de abogados españoles, en empresas multinacionales o en organizaciones internacionales.Así pues, es lógico que en el actual contexto del espacio europeo de educación superior los nuevosestudios de Grado promuevan el dominio de esta competencia introduciendo el inglés en la docencia.En el ámbito particular del Derecho Financiero y Tributario ello no resulta frecuentemente posible ya quefundamentalmente se estudia el ordenamiento jurídico español y por lo tanto las fuentes se encuentrandisponibles únicamente en castellano. Sin embargo, existen varias estrategias que permiten introducir elinglés en la docencia, aunque sea de forma parcial y afectando ligeramente a los contenidos tradicionalesde las asignaturas. Una posibilidad consiste en tratar cuestiones de Derecho Comparado en lasactividades que se desarrollan en las asignaturas centradas en el Derecho español. Otra posibilidadconsiste en impartir la asignatura de Fiscalidad Internacional en inglés, si bien ello requiere reformularsu contenido y centrarlo en los principios generales en vez de en la normativa española que regula latributación de supuestos de hecho con elementos internacionales. A pesar de que la introducción delinglés en la docencia plantee un importante reto tanto para el alumnado como para el profesorado, entendemosque es algo necesario en los tiempos actuales.
User generated content shared in online communities is often described using collaborative tagging systems where users assign labels to content resources. As a result, a folksonomy emerges that relates a number of tags with the resources they label and the users that have used them. In this paper we analyze the folksonomy of Freesound, an online audio clip sharing site which contains more than two million users and 150,000 user-contributed sound samplescovering a wide variety of sounds. By following methodologies taken from similar studies, we compute some metrics that characterize the folksonomy both at the globallevel and at the tag level. In this manner, we are able to betterunderstand the behavior of the folksonomy as a whole, and also obtain some indicators that can be used as metadata for describing tags themselves. We expect that such a methodology for characterizing folksonomies can be useful to support processes such as tag recommendation or automatic annotation of online resources.
En pacients amb càncer de mama la ressonància magnètica és superior a altres exploracions per a monitoritzar la resposta a la quimioteràpia neoadjuvant. Analitzem la correlació entre resposta completa radiològica(RCr) valorada amb RM i resposta completa patològica (RCp), globalment i en funció dels diferents immunofenotips. Es tracta d´un estudi clínic, retrospectiu, on s´han inclòs 103 pacients tractades amb quimioteràpia neoadjuvant. Totes les pacients incloses disposaven de RM inicial i de RM post-quimioteràpia. La sensibilitat de la RM per a detectar RCp és d´un 82% i l´especificitat d´un 71%. El valor de sensibilitat més alt, del 100%, s´ha objectivat en els tumors triple negatius. La concordança global entre RCr i RCp és d´un 74%.
Adherence to fibrinogen and fibronectin plays a crucial role in Staphylococcus aureus experimental endocarditis. Previous genetic studies have shown that infection and carriage isolates do not systematically differ in their virulence-related genes, including genes conferring adherence, such as clfA and fnbA. We set out to determine the range of adherence phenotypes in carriage isolates of S. aureus, to compare the adherence of these isolates to the adherence of infection isolates, and to determine the relationship between adherence and infectivity in a rat model of experimental endocarditis. A total of 133 healthy carriage isolates were screened for in vitro adherence to fibrinogen and fibronectin, and 30 isolates were randomly chosen for further investigation. These 30 isolates were compared to 30 infective endocarditis isolates and 30 blood culture isolates. The infectivities of the carriage isolates, which displayed either extremely low or high adherence to fibrinogen and fibronectin, were tested using a rat model of experimental endocarditis. The levels of adherence to both fibrinogen and fibronectin were very similar for isolates from healthy carriers and members of the two groups of infection isolates. All three groups of isolates showed a wide range of adherence to fibrinogen and fibronectin. Moreover, the carriage isolates that showed minimal adherence and the carriage isolates that showed strong adherence had the same infectivity in experimental endocarditis. Adherence was proven to be important for pathogenesis in experimental endocarditis, but even the least adherent carriage strains had the ability to induce infection. We discuss the roles of differential gene expression, human host factors, and gene redundancy in resolving this apparent paradox.
Occupational exposure to beryllium (Be) may lead to development of Be-specific CD4+ T-cell immune response and occurrence of a granulomatous disorder called chronic beryllium disease (CBD). Due to similar clinical pictures, CBD may be misdiagnosed as sarcoidosis if Be exposure (BeE) and Be sensitization (BeS) are not looked for. To determine whether some patients diagnosed as sarcoidosis may have undetected CBD, we screened a retrospective cohort of patients with sarcoidosis for BeE and BeS. BeE was assessed through a self-administered questionnaire and a standardized occupational health interview. BeS was assessed using CFSE flow cytometry developed as an alternative to the classical Be lymphocyte proliferation test (BeLPT). 159 patients recorded in a Swiss interstitial lung disease registry with a diagnosis of sarcoidosis were enrolled through their pulmonary physician and received a screening questionnaire. 68 filled questionnaires were returned. 28/68 patients had positive screening. 24/28 underwent an occupational health interview. BeE was considered probable in 6/24 and possible in 18/24. Using CFSE flow cytometry, BeS was detected in 7/24 of these patients (4/6 with probable BeE and 3/18 with possible BeE). BeS testing by CFSE flow cytometry was positive in 5/6 controls with proven CBD and positive BeLPT, and negative in 10 healthy subjects. Conclusions: the minimal rate of BeE and BeS in an unselected population of patients with sarcoidosis was 7/159 (4.4%), suggesting misdiagnosed CBD. A screening questionnaire could help to detect BeE in patients diagnosed with sarcoidosis, and prompt investigations in search of CBD. CFSE flow cytometry may be an alternative to BeLPT to document BeS.
This paper compares two well known scan matching algorithms: the MbICP and the pIC. As a result of the study, it is proposed the MSISpIC, a probabilistic scan matching algorithm for the localization of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). The technique uses range scans gathered with a Mechanical Scanning Imaging Sonar (MSIS), and the robot displacement estimated through dead-reckoning with the help of a Doppler Velocity Log (DVL) and a Motion Reference Unit (MRU). The proposed method is an extension of the pIC algorithm. Its major contribution consists in: 1) using an EKF to estimate the local path traveled by the robot while grabbing the scan as well as its uncertainty and 2) proposing a method to group into a unique scan, with a convenient uncertainty model, all the data grabbed along the path described by the robot. The algorithm has been tested on an AUV guided along a 600m path within a marina environment with satisfactory results