1000 resultados para BARIUM 133


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Molecular-dynamics simulations have been carried out to investigate the electric hysteresis of barium titanate nanofilm containing oxygen vacancy ordering array parallel to the {101} crystal plane. The results obtained show a significant weakening of polarization retention from non-zero value to zero as the size of the array was reduced to a critical level, which was attributed to the formation and motion of head-to-head domain wall structure under external field loading process. By comparing with materials containing isolated oxygen vacancies, it was found that the zero retention was due to the oxygen vacancy ordering array rather than to the concentration of oxygen vacancy. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2010


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用47 MeV/u 12C离子轰击133Cs靶,应用放射化学分离技术和离线γ射线谱学,得到碘同位素的产生截面。丰中子碘同位素的独立产生截面指数地依赖于Qgg值,而缺中子碘同位素的独立产生截面则偏离这一直线关系。这一事实可对在深部非弹转移过程中产生丰中子碘同位素予以解释。


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利用40Ca+96Ru融合蒸发反应产生了近质子滴线核133Sm,配合氦喷嘴带传输系统采用“质子-γ”符合方法观测了它们的β缓发质子衰变,其中包括半衰期、质子能谱、第二代子核低位态之间的γ跃迁,并估计出衰变到第二代子核不同低位态的分支比.通过统计理论拟合上述实验数据,指认了133Sm的自旋宇称的可能范围.并用Woods-Saxon Strutinsky方法计算了限制组态的133Sm的核势能面,通过对比发现133Sm的自旋宇称可能有两种成分:5/2+和1/2-.这一结果与2001年发表的133Sm(EC+β+)衰变的简单衰变纲图是相容的.此外用同一方法分析了2001年Eur.Phys.J.A12: 1-4中发表的有关149Yb的β缓发质子衰变实验数据,由此指认了149Yb的基态自旋宇称为1/2-.


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通过96 Ru( 4 0 Ca ,ln2p)反应 ,采用氦喷嘴带传输系统和X γ与γ γ符合测量方法 ,首次建议了133Sm的简单的 (EC + β+)衰变纲图 .由于Ru靶中含有98— 10 2 Ru的成分 ,同时产生了133Pr,并首次测定了133Pr的 1 1 / 2 - 同质异能态的寿命为( 1 .1± 0 .2 )s.用单粒子模型提取了131,133,135 ,137Pr的 1 1 / 2 - 同质异能态的约化跃迁几率的实验值 ,并与Weisscopf近似估计进行了比较 .


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Sm-133 was produced via fusion evaporation in the reaction Ca-40+Ru-96. Its P-delayed proton decay was studied by means of "p-gamma" coincidence in combination with a He-jet tape transport system, including half-lives, proton energy spectra, gamma-transitions following the proton emissions, and the branching ratios to the low-lying states in the grand-daughter nuclei. The possible spins and parities of 133Sm were extracted by fitting the experimental data with a statistical model calculation. The configuration-constrained nuclear potential energy surfaces of Sm-133 were calculated by using the Woods-Saxon Strutinsky method. Comparing the experimental and calculated results, the spins and parities Of Sm-133 were assigned to be 5/2(+) and 1/2(-), which is reconciled with our published simple (EC+beta(+)) decay scheme Of Sm-113 in 2001. In addition, our experimental data on the beta-delayed proton decay of Yb-149 reported in Eur. Phys. J., 2001, A12: 1-4 was also analyzed by using the same method. The spin and parity of Yb-149 was assigned to be 1/2-.


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The proton-rich isotope Sm-133 was produced via the fusion evaporation reaction Ca-40 + Ru-96. Its beta-delayed proton decay was studied by p-gamma coincidence in combination with a He-jet tape transport system, and half-lives, proton energy spectra, gamma-transitions following the proton emission, as well as beta-delayed proton branching ratios to the low-lying states in the grand-daughter nucleus were determined. Comparing the observed beta-delayed proton branching ratios with statistical model calculations, the best agreement is found assuming that only one level with the spin of 3/2 in Sm-133 decays or two levels with the spins of 1/2 and 5/2 decay with similar half-lives. The configuration-constrained nuclear potential energy surfaces of Sm-133 were calculated using the Woods-Saxon-Strutinsky method, which suggests a 1/2-ground state and a 5/2(+) isomer with an excitation energy of 120 keV. Therefore, the simple(EC+beta(+)) decay scheme of Sm-133 in Eur. Phys. J.A 11,277(2001) has been revised. In addition, our previous experimental data on the beta-delayed proton decay of Yb-149 reported in Eur. Phys. J. A 12,1 ( 2 0 0 1) was also analyzed using the same method. The spin-parity of Yb-149 is suggested to be 1/2(-).