960 resultados para B lymphocyte activation


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Intratumoral B lymphocytes are an integral part of the lung tumor microenvironment. Interrogation of the antibodies they express may improve our understanding of the host response to cancer and could be useful in elucidating novel molecular targets. We used two strategies to explore the repertoire of intratumoral B cell antibodies. First, we cloned VH and VL genes from single intratumoral B lymphocytes isolated from one lung tumor, expressed the genes as recombinant mAbs, and used the mAbs to identify the cognate tumor antigens. The Igs derived from intratumoral B cells demonstrated class switching, with a mean VH mutation frequency of 4%. Although there was no evidence for clonal expansion, these data are consistent with antigen-driven somatic hypermutation. Individual recombinant antibodies were polyreactive, although one clone demonstrated preferential immunoreactivity with tropomyosin 4 (TPM4). We found that higher levels of TPM4 antibodies were more common in cancer patients, but measurement of TPM4 antibody levels was not a sensitive test for detecting cancer. Second, in an effort to focus our recombinant antibody expression efforts on those B cells that displayed evidence of clonal expansion driven by antigen stimulation, we performed deep sequencing of the Ig genes of B cells collected from seven different tumors. Deep sequencing demonstrated somatic hypermutation but no dominant clones. These strategies may be useful for the study of B cell antibody expression, although identification of a dominant clone and unique therapeutic targets may require extensive investigation.


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Neonatal immaturity of the immune system is currently believed to generally limit the induction of immune responses to vaccine Ags and to skew them toward type 2 responses. We demonstrated here that Bordetella pertussis infection in very young infants (median, 2 mo old) as well as the first administration of whole-cell pertussis vaccine induces B. pertussis Ag-specific IFN-gamma secretion by the PBMC of these infants. IFN-gamma was secreted by both CD4(+) and CD8(+) T lymphocytes, and the levels of Ag-induced IFN-gamma secretion did not correlate with the age of the infants. Appearance of the specific Th-1 cell-mediated immunity was accompanied by a general shift of the cytokine secretion profile of these infants toward a stronger Th1 profile, as evidenced by the response to a polyclonal stimulation. We conclude that the immune system of 2-mo-old infants is developmentally mature enough to develop Th1 responses in vivo upon infection by B. pertussis or vaccination with whole-cell pertussis vaccines.


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Detailed phenotypic characterization of B cell subpopulations is of utmost importance for the diagnosis and management of humoral immunodeficiencies, as they are used for classification of common variable immunodeficiencies. Since age-specific reference values remain scarce in the literature, we analysed by flow cytometry the proportions and absolute values of total, memory, switched memory and CD21(-/low) B cells in blood samples from 168 healthy children (1 day to 18 years) with special attention to the different subpopulations of CD21(low) B cells. The percentages of total memory B cells and their subsets significantly increased up to 5-10 years. In contrast, the percentages of immature CD21(-) B cells and of immature transitional CD21(low)CD38(hi) B cells decreased progressively with age, whereas the percentage of CD21(low) CD38(low) B cells remained stable during childhood. Our data stress the importance of age-specific reference values for the correct interpretation of B cell subsets in children as a diagnostic tool in immunodeficiencies.


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Measles virus (MV) is highly infectious, and has long been thought to enter the host by infecting epithelial cells of the respiratory tract. However, epithelial cells do not express signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (CD150), which is the high-affinity cellular receptor for wild-type MV strains. We have generated a new recombinant MV strain expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP), based on a wild-type genotype B3 virus isolate from Khartoum, Sudan (KS). Cynomolgus macaques were infected with a high dose of rMV(KS)EGFP by aerosol inhalation to ensure that the virus could reach the full range of potential target cells throughout the entire respiratory tract. Animals were euthanized 2, 3, 4 or 5 days post-infection (d.p.i., n?=?3 per time point) and infected (EGFP(+)) cells were identified at all four time points, albeit at low levels 2 and 3 d.p.i. At these earliest time points, MV-infected cells were exclusively detected in the lungs by fluorescence microscopy, histopathology and/or virus isolation from broncho-alveolar lavage cells. On 2 d.p.i., EGFP(+) cells were phenotypically typed as large mononuclear cells present in the alveolar lumen or lining the alveolar epithelium. One to two days later, larger clusters of MV-infected cells were detected in bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) and in the tracheo-bronchial lymph nodes. From 4 d.p.i. onward, MV-infected cells were detected in peripheral blood and various lymphoid tissues. In spite of the possibility for the aerosolized virus to infect cells and lymphoid tissues of the upper respiratory tract, MV-infected cells were not detected in either the tonsils or the adenoids until after onset of viremia. These data strongly suggest that in our model MV entered the host at the alveolar level by infecting macrophages or dendritic cells, which traffic the virus to BALT or regional lymph nodes, resulting in local amplification and subsequent systemic dissemination by viremia.


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Aging is associated with changes in lymphocyte subsets and unexplained HLA-DR upregulation on T-lymphocytes. We further investigated this activation, by measuring early (CD69), middle (CD25), and late (HLA-DR) T-lymphocyte activation markers on CD3+ lymphocytes, across subjects (20-100 years) together with serum tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha), interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), and soluble interleukin-2 receptor (sIL-2R). HLA-DR was present as a CD3+ HLA-DR+ subset that constituted 8% of total lymphocytes, increased twofold with age and included CD4+, CD8+, and CD45RA+ phenotypes. HLA-DR was also expressed on a CD8+ CD57+ subset. The CD3+ CD25+ subset constituted 13% of lymphocytes, fell with age but was weakly associated with the CD3+ HLA-DR+ subset especially in older subjects. A small 3-5% CD3+ CD69+ subsets showed no age effect. Serum sIL-2R, TNF-alpha, but not IFN-gamma, were associated with CD3+ HLA-DR+ lymphocytes, TNF-alpha with CD8+ CD57+ count and sIL-2R and IFN-gamma with the CD3+ CD25+/CD3+ CD4+ ratio. The study confirms age-related upregulation of HLA-DR on CD3+ lymphocytes, shows some evidence for associated upregulation of CD25 on CD3+ cells in older subjects, and links serum TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, and sIL2-R to T-lymphocyte activation.


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Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is a primary immunodeficiency characterized by hypogammaglobulinaemia and antibody deficiency to both T dependent and independent antigens. Patients suffer from recurrent sinopulmonary infections mostly caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae, but also gastrointestinal or autoimmune symptoms. Their response to vaccination is poor or absent. In this study we investigated B cell activation induced by the TLR9 specific ligand (CpG-ODN) and bacterial extracts from S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae known to stimulate several TLR. We found that B cells from CVID patients express lower levels of CD86 after stimulation with CpG-ODN, S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae extracts in combination with anti-IgM antibody and also display a lower proliferative index when stimulated with bacterial extracts. Our results point to a broad TLR signalling defect in B lymphocytes from CVID patients that may be related to the hypogammaglobulinaemia and poor response to vaccination characteristic of these patients.


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We tested the hypothesis that activation of the protective arm of the renin angiotensin system, the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2)/angiotensin-(1-7) [Ang-(1-7)]/Mas receptor axis, corrects the vasoreparative dysfunction typically seen in the CD34(+) cells isolated from diabetic individuals. Peripheral blood CD34(+) cells from patients with diabetes were compared with those of nondiabetic controls. Ang-(1-7) restored impaired migration and nitric oxide bioavailability/cGMP in response to stromal cell-derived factor and resulted in a decrease in NADPH oxidase activity. The survival and proliferation of CD34(+) cells from diabetic individuals were enhanced by Ang-(1-7) in a Mas/phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt-dependent manner. ACE2 expression was lower, and ACE2 activators xanthenone and diminazine aceturate were less effective in inducing the migration in cells from patients with diabetes compared with controls. Ang-(1-7) overexpression by lentiviral gene modification restored both the in vitro vasoreparative functions of diabetic cells and the in vivo homing efficiency to areas of ischemia. A cohort of patients who remained free of microvascular complications despite having a history of longstanding inadequate glycemic control had higher expression of ACE2/Mas mRNA than patients with diabetes with microvascular complications matched for age, sex, and glycemic control. Thus, ACE2/Ang-(1-7)\Mas pathway activation corrects existing diabetes-induced CD34(+) cell dysfunction and also confers protection from development of this dysfunction.


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X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome (XLP) is an inherited immunodeficiency characterized by increased susceptibility to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). In affected males, primary EBV infection leads to the uncontrolled proliferation of virus-containing B cells and reactive cytotoxic T cells, often culminating in the development of high-grade lymphoma. The XLP gene has been mapped to chromosome band Xq25 through linkage analysis and the discovery of patients harboring large constitutional genomic deletions. We describe here the presence of small deletions and intragenic mutations that specifically disrupt a gene named DSHP in 6 of 10 unrelated patients with XLP. This gene encodes a predicted protein of 128 amino acids composing a single SH2 domain with extensive homology to the SH2 domain of SHIP, an inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase that functions as a negative regulator of lymphocyte activation. DSHP is expressed in transformed T cell lines and is induced following in vitro activation of peripheral blood T lymphocytes. Expression of DSHP is restricted in vivo to lymphoid tissues, and RNA in situ hybridization demonstrates DSHP expression in activated T and B cell regions of reactive lymph nodes and in both T and B cell neoplasms. These observations confirm the identity of DSHP as the gene responsible for XLP, and suggest a role in the regulation of lymphocyte activation and proliferation. Induction of DSHP may sustain the immune response by interfering with SHIP-mediated inhibition of lymphocyte activation, while its inactivation in XLP patients results in a selective immunodeficiency to EBV.


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T cell factor-1 (TCF-1) and lymphoid enhancer-binding factor 1, the effector transcription factors of the canonical Wnt pathway, are known to be critical for normal thymocyte development. However, it is largely unknown if it has a role in regulating mature T cell activation and T cell-mediated immune responses. In this study, we demonstrate that, like IL-7Ralpha and CD62L, TCF-1 and lymphoid enhancer-binding factor 1 exhibit dynamic expression changes during T cell responses, being highly expressed in naive T cells, downregulated in effector T cells, and upregulated again in memory T cells. Enforced expression of a p45 TCF-1 isoform limited the expansion of Ag-specific CD8 T cells in response to Listeria monocytogenes infection. However, when the p45 transgene was coupled with ectopic expression of stabilized beta-catenin, more Ag-specific memory CD8 T cells were generated, with enhanced ability to produce IL-2. Moreover, these memory CD8 T cells expanded to a larger number of secondary effectors and cleared bacteria faster when the immunized mice were rechallenged with virulent L. monocytogenes. Furthermore, in response to vaccinia virus or lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection, more Ag-specific memory CD8 T cells were generated in the presence of p45 and stabilized beta-catenin transgenes. Although activated Wnt signaling also resulted in larger numbers of Ag-specific memory CD4 T cells, their functional attributes and expansion after the secondary infection were not improved. Thus, constitutive activation of the canonical Wnt pathway favors memory CD8 T cell formation during initial immunization, resulting in enhanced immunity upon second encounter with the same pathogen.


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The tumour necrosis factor (TNF) family members B cell activating factor (BAFF) and APRIL (a proliferation-inducing ligand) are crucial survival factors for peripheral B cells. An excess of BAFF leads to the development of autoimmune disorders in animal models, and high levels of BAFF have been detected in the serum of patients with various autoimmune conditions. In this Review, we consider the possibility that in mice autoimmunity induced by BAFF is linked to T cell-independent B cell activation rather than to a severe breakdown of B cell tolerance. We also outline the mechanisms of BAFF signalling, the impact of ligand oligomerization on receptor activation and the progress of BAFF-depleting agents in the clinical setting.


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The paracaspase MALT1 is a Cys-dependent, Arg-specific protease that plays an essential role in the activation and proliferation of lymphocytes during the immune response. Oncogenic activation of MALT1 is associated with the development of specific forms of B-cell lymphomas. Through specific cleavage of its substrates, MALT1 controls various aspects of lymphocyte activation, including the activation of transcriptional pathways, the stabilization of mRNAs, and an increase in cellular adhesion. In lymphocytes, the activity of MALT1 is tightly controlled by its inducible monoubiquitination, which promotes the dimerization of MALT1. Here, we describe both in vitro and in vivo assays that have been developed to assess MALT1 activity.


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The function of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells, which may protect against both infectious and malignant diseases, can be impaired by ligation of their inhibitory receptors, which include CTL-associated protein 4 (CTLA-4) and programmed cell death 1 (PD-1). Recently, B and T lymphocyte attenuator (BTLA) was identified as a novel inhibitory receptor with structural and functional similarities to CTLA-4 and PD-1. BTLA triggering leads to decreased antimicrobial and autoimmune T cell responses in mice, but its functions in humans are largely unknown. Here we have demonstrated that as human viral antigen-specific CD8+ T cells differentiated from naive to effector cells, their surface expression of BTLA was gradually downregulated. In marked contrast, human melanoma tumor antigen-specific effector CD8+ T cells persistently expressed high levels of BTLA in vivo and remained susceptible to functional inhibition by its ligand herpes virus entry mediator (HVEM). Such persistence of BTLA expression was also found in tumor antigen-specific CD8+ T cells from melanoma patients with spontaneous antitumor immune responses and after conventional peptide vaccination. Remarkably, addition of CpG oligodeoxynucleotides to the vaccine formulation led to progressive downregulation of BTLA in vivo and consequent resistance to BTLA-HVEM-mediated inhibition. Thus, BTLA activation inhibits the function of human CD8+ cancer-specific T cells, and appropriate immunotherapy may partially overcome this inhibition.


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cell of origin and triggering events for leukaemia are mostly unknown. Here we show that the bone marrow contains a progenitor that expresses renin throughout development and possesses a B-lymphocyte pedigree. This cell requires RBP-J to differentiate. Deletion of RBP-J in these renin-expressing progenitors enriches the precursor B-cell gene programme and constrains lymphocyte differentiation, facilitated by H3K4me3 activating marks in genes that control the pre-B stage. Mutant cells undergo neoplastic transformation, and mice develop a highly penetrant B-cell leukaemia with multi-organ infiltration and early death. These reninexpressing cells appear uniquely vulnerable as other conditional models of RBP-J deletion do not result in leukaemia. The discovery of these unique renin progenitors in the bone marrow and the model of leukaemia described herein may enhance our understanding of normal and neoplastic haematopoiesis.


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La protéine AID (déaminase induite par l’activation) joue un rôle central dans la réponse immunitaire adaptative. En désaminant des désoxycytidines en désoxyuridines au niveau des gènes immunoglobulines, elle initie l’hypermutation somatique (SHM), la conversion génique (iGC) et la commutation isotypique (CSR). Elle est essentielle à une réponse humorale efficace en contribuant à la maturation de l’affinité des anticorps et au changement de classe isotypique. Cependant, son activité mutagénique peut être oncogénique et causer une instabilité génomique propice au développement de cancers et de maladies autoimmunes. Il est donc critique de réguler AID, en particulier ses niveaux protéiques, pour générer une réponse immunitaire efficace tout en minimisant les risques de cancer et d’autoimmunité. Un élément de régulation est le fait qu’AID transite du cytoplasme vers le noyau mais reste majoritairement cytoplasmique à l’équilibre. AID est par ailleurs plus stable dans le cytoplasme que dans le noyau, ce qui contribue à réduire sa présence à proximité de l’ADN. Le but de cette thèse était d’identifier de nouveaux partenaires et déterminants d’AID régulant sa stabilité et ses fonctions biologiques. Dans un premier temps, nous avons identifié AID comme une nouvelle protéine cliente d’HSP90. Nous avons montré qu’HSP90 interagit avec AID dans le cytoplasme, ce qui empêche la poly-ubiquitination d’AID et sa dégradation par le protéasome. En conséquence, l’inhibition d’HSP90 résulte en une diminution significative des niveaux endogènes d’AID et corrèle avec une réduction proportionnelle de ses fonctions biologiques dans la diversification des anticorps mais aussi dans l’introduction de mutations aberrantes. Dans un second temps, nous avons montré que l’étape initiale dans la stabilisation d’AID par la voie de chaperonnage d’HSP90 dépend d’HSP40 et d’HSP70. En particulier, la protéine DnaJa1, qui fait partie de la famille des protéines HSP40s, limite la stabilisation d’AID dans le cytoplasme. La farnésylation de DnaJa1 est importante pour l’interaction entre DnaJa1 et AID et moduler les niveaux de DnaJa1 ou son état de farnésylation impacte à la fois les niveaux endogènes d’AID mais aussi la diversification des anticorps. Les souris DNAJA1-/- présentent une réponse immunitaire compromise en cas d’immunisation, qui est dûe à des niveaux réduits d’AID et un défaut de commutation de classe. Dans un troisième temps, nous avons montré que la protéine AID est intrinsèquement plus instable que sesprotéines paralogues APOBEC. Nous avons identifié l’acide aspartique en seconde position d’AID ainsi qu’un motif semblable au PEST comme des modulateurs de la stabilité d’AID. La modification de ces motifs augmente la stabilité d’AID et résulte en une diversification des anticorps plus efficace. En conclusion, l’instabilité intrinsèque d’AID est un élément de régulation de la diversification des anticorps. Cette instabilité est en partie compensée dans le cytoplasme par l’action protective de la voie de chaperonnage DnaJa1-HSP90. Par ailleurs, l’utilisation d’inhibiteurs d’HSP90 ou de farnésyltransférases pourrait être un outil intéressant pour la modulation indirecte des niveaux d’AID et le traitement de lymphomes/leucémies et de maladies auto-immunes causés par AID.