992 resultados para Avvakum Petrovich, Protopope, 1620 or 1-1682
Background: Walking is integral to strategies to promote physical activity. We identified socio-demographic variations in walking for transport, and for recreation or exercise. Methods: Representative population data (n = 3392) from Australia were collected using computer assisted telephone interviewing, to examine adults’ participation in moderate- or brisk-paced walking for transport and walking for recreation or exercise; walking “sufficient” to meet the current public health guideline (> 150 min/wk); and, the contributions of total walking to meeting the guideline for total physical activity. Results: Rates of sufficient walking for transport (10% for men, 9% for women) were lower than those for walking for recreation or exercise (14% for both genders). Few socio-demographic differences emerged. Men over age 60 y were significantly less likely (OR = 0.40) to walk for transport; men age 45 to 59 y were more likely (OR = 1.56) to walk for recreation or exercise. Walking contributed more toward meeting the current public health guideline among women (15% to 21%) than among men (6% to 8%). Conclusions: There is potential for socially equitable increases in participation, through a focus on both walking for transport and on walking for recreation or exercise; attention to gender differences would be helpful.
Data on glacial erosion have been compiled and synthesised using a wide range of sediment budget and sediment yield studies from the Svalbard-Barents Sea region. The data include studies ranging in timescale from 1 to 10**6 yr, and in size of drainage basin from 101 to 105 km**2. They show a clear dependence of sediment yield on the mode of glacierization. Polar glaciers erode at rates comparable to those found in Arctic fluvial basins, or about 40 t/km**-2/ yr or 0.02 mm/yr. In contrast, rates of erosion by polythermal glaciers are 800-1000 t/km**2/ yr (or ca 0.3-0.4 mm/yr), while rates from fast-flowing glaciers are slightly more than twice this: 2100 t/km**2/yr (or 1 mm/yr). Similar rates are also found for large glacierized basins like those in the southwestern parts of the Barents Sea. In contrast to the situation in fluvial basins, in which sediment yield typically decreases with increasing basin size, the tendency in glacierized basins is for erosion to be independent of basin size. In studies of sediment yield from glaciers it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between material actually dislodged from the bedrock by glaciers and material dislodged by other processes in interglacial times and simply transported to a depocenter by a glacier. Our data suggest that pulses of sediment resulting from advance of a glacier over previously-dislodged material last on the order of 10**3 yr, and result in inferred erosion rates that are approximately 25% higher than long-term average rates of glacial erosion. The maximum sediment fluxes from the large Storfjorden and Bear Island drainage basins occurred in mid-Pleistocene. The onset of this period of high sediment yield coincided with the onset of the 100 kyr glacial cycle. We presume that this was the beginning of a period of increased glacial activity, but one in which glaciers still advanced and retreated frequently. During the last two to four 100 kyr cycles, however, sediment yields appear to have decreased. This decrease may be the result of the submergence of the Barents Sea. Glacier erosion would be much higher for a subaerial Barents Sea setting than it would be for a present day subsea Barents Sea. A classical question in Quaternary Geology is whether glaciers are more erosive than rivers. We surmise that if factors such as the lithology and the available potential energy (mgh) of the precipitation falling at a given altitude, whether in liquid or solid form, are held constant, then glaciers are vastly more effective agents of erosion than rivers.
Genetic heterogeneity, lifestyle factors, gene-gene or gene-environment interactions are the determinants of T2D which puts Hispanics and populations with African ancestry at higher risk of developing T2D. In this dissertation, the genetic associations of PPARGC1A polymorphisms with T2D and its related phenotypes (metabolic markers) in Haitian Americans (cases=110, controls=116), African Americans (cases=120, controls=124) and Cuban Americans (cases=160, controls=181) of South Florida were explored. Five single nucleotide polymorphisms of gene PPARGC1A were evaluated in each ethnicity for their disease association. In Haitian Americans, rs7656250 (OR= 0.22, pp=0.03) had significant protective association with T2D but had risk association in African Americans for rs7656250 (OR=1.02, p=0.96) and rs4235308 (OR=2.53, p=0.03). We found that in Haitian American females, both rs7656250 (OR=0.23, pp=0.03) had protective association with T2D. In African American females, rs7656250 (OR=1.14, p=0.78) had risk association whereas in males, it had significant protective effect (OR=0.37, p=0.04). However, the risk association exhibited by rs4235308 was stronger in African American females (OR=2.69, p=0.03) than males (OR=1.16, p=0.72). In Cuban Americans, only rs7656250 showed significant risk association with T2D (OR=6.87, p=0.02) which was stronger in females alone (OR=7.67, p=0.01). We also observed significant differences among correlations of PPARGC1A SNPs and T2D phenotypes. Positive correlation was observed for log Hs-CRP with rs3774907 (pp=0.03) in Cuban Americans respectively. Correlation of log A1C with rs7656250 (p=0.02) was positive in Cuban Americans while it was negative for rs3774907 in Haitian Americans (ppPPARGC1A correlations with T2D and its phenotypes among the three ethnicities studied (ii) the associations of PPARGC1A SNPs showed significant effect modification by sex. The findings suggest that variations in effects of PPARGC1A gene polymorphisms among three ethnicities and between sexes may have biomedical implications for the development of T2D as well as the phenotypes related to T2D.
Viruses play a key role in the complex aetiology of bovine respiratory disease (BRD). Bovine viral diarrhoea virus 1 (BVDV-1) is widespread in Australia and has been shown to contribute to BRD occurrence. As part of a prospective longitudinal study on BRD, effects of exposure to BVDV-1 on risk of BRD in Australian feedlot cattle were investigated. A total of 35,160 animals were enrolled at induction (when animals were identified and characteristics recorded), held in feedlot pens with other cattle (cohorts) and monitored for occurrence of BRD over the first 50 days following induction. Biological samples collected from all animals were tested to determine which animals were persistently infected (PI) with BVDV-1. Data obtained from the Australian National Livestock Identification System database were used to determine which groups of animals that were together at the farm of origin and at 28 days prior to induction (and were enrolled in the study) contained a PI animal and hence to identify animals that had probably been exposed to a PI animal prior to induction. Multi-level Bayesian logistic regression models were fitted to estimate the effects of exposure to BVDV-1 on the risk of occurrence of BRD.Although only a total of 85 study animals (0.24%) were identified as being PI with BVDV-1, BVDV-1 was detected on quantitative polymerase chain reaction in 59% of cohorts. The PI animals were at moderately increased risk of BRD (OR 1.9; 95% credible interval 1.0-3.2). Exposure to BVDV-1 in the cohort was also associated with a moderately increased risk of BRD (OR 1.7; 95% credible interval 1.1-2.5) regardless of whether or not a PI animal was identified within the cohort. Additional analyses indicated that a single quantitative real-time PCR test is useful for distinguishing PI animals from transiently infected animals.The results of the study suggest that removal of PI animals and/or vaccination, both before feedlot entry, would reduce the impact of BVDV-1 on BRD risk in cattle in Australian feedlots. Economic assessment of these strategies under Australian conditions is required. © 2016 Elsevier B.V.
Background and aims: Seroclearance or seroconversion of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) is generally considered as a clinical endpoint. The purpose of the present meta-analysis was to evaluate the effect of combined therapy with pegylated interferon alpha (PEG-IFNα) with or without lamivudine (LAM) or adefovir (ADV) on HBsAg seroclearance or seroconversion in subjects with chronic hepatitis B (CHB). Methods: Randomized controlled trials performed through May 30th 2015 in adults with CHB receiving PEG-IFNα and LAM or ADV combination therapy or monotherapy for 48-52 weeks were included. The Review Manager Software 5.2.0 was used for the meta-analysis. Results: No statistical differences in HBsAg seroclearance (9.9% vs. 7.1%, OR = 1.47, 95% CI: 0.75, 2.90; p = 0.26) or HBsAg seroconversion (4.2% vs. 3.7%, OR = 1.17, 95% CI: 0.57, 2.37; p = 0.67) rates were noticed between PEG-IFNα + LAM and PEG-IFN α + placebo during post-treatment follow-up for 24-26-weeks in subjects with hepatitis Be antigen (HBeAg)-positive CHB. No statistical differences in HBsAg clearance (10.5% vs. 6.4%, OR = 1.68, 95% CI: 0.75, 3.76; p = 0.21) were seen, but statistical differences in HBsAg seroconversion (6.3% vs. 0%, OR = 7.22, 95% CI: 1.23, 42.40; p = 0.03) were observed, between PEG-IFNα + ADV and PEG-IFNα for 48-52 weeks of treatment in subjects with HBeAg-positive CHB. A systematic evaluation showed no differences in HBsAg disappearance and seroconversion rates between PEG-IFNα + placebo and PEG-IFNα + LAM for 48-52 weeks in subjects with HBeAg-positive CHB. A systematic assessment found no differences in HBsAg disappearance and seroconversion rates between PEG-IFNα + placebo and PEG-IFNα + LAM during 24 weeks' to 3 years' follow-up after treatment in subjects with HBeAg-negative CHB. Conclusion: Combined therapy with PEG-IFNα and LAM or ADV was not superior to monotherapy with PEG-IFNα in terms of HBsAg seroclearance or seroconversion.
Natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1/solute carrier family 11 member 1 gene (Nramp1/Slc11a1) is a gene that controls the susceptibility of inbred mice to intracellular pathogens. Polymorphisms in the human Slc11a1/Nramp1 gene have been associated with host susceptibility to leprosy. This study has evaluated nine polymorphisms of the Slc11a1/Nramp1 gene [(GT)n, 274C/T, 469+14G/C, 577-18G/A, 823C/T, 1029 C/T, 1465-85G/A, 1703G/A, and 1729+55del4] in 86 leprosy patients (67 and 19 patients had the multibacillary and the paucibacillary clinical forms of the disease, respectively), and 239 healthy controls matched by age, gender, and ethnicity. The frequency of allele 2 of the (GT)n polymorphism was higher in leprosy patients [p = 0.04, odds ratio (OR) = 1.49], whereas the frequency of allele 3 was higher in the control group (p = 0.03; OR = 0.66). Patients carrying the 274T allele (p = 0.04; OR = 1.49) and TT homozygosis (p = 0.02; OR = 2.46), such as the 469+14C allele (p = 0.03; OR = 1.53) of the 274C/T and 469+14G/C polymorphisms, respectively, were more frequent in the leprosy group. The leprosy and control groups had similar frequency of the 577-18G/A, 823C/T, 1029C/T, 1465-85G/A, 1703G/A, and 1729+55del4 polymorphisms. The 274C/T polymorphism in exon 3 and the 469+14G/C polymorphism in intron 4 were associated with susceptibility to leprosy, while the allele 2 and 3 of the (GT)n polymorphism in the promoter region were associated with susceptibility and protection to leprosy, respectively.
To evaluate intervention practices associated with hypothermia at both 5 minutes after birth and at neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission and to determine whether hypothermia at NICU admission is associated with early neonatal death in preterm infants. This prospective cohort included 1764 inborn neonates of 22-33 weeks without malformations admitted to 9 university NICUs from August 2010 through April 2012. All centers followed neonatal International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation recommendations for the stabilization and resuscitation in the delivery room (DR). Variables associated with hypothermia (axillary temperature <36.0 °C) 5 minutes after birth and at NICU admission, as well as those associated with early death, were analyzed by logistic regression. Hypothermia 5 minutes after birth and at NICU admission was noted in 44% and 51%, respectively, with 6% of early neonatal deaths. Adjusted for confounding variables, practices associated with hypothermia at 5 minutes after birth were DR temperature <25 °C (OR 2.13, 95% CI 1.67-2.28), maternal temperature at delivery <36.0 °C (OR 1.93, 95% CI 1.49-2.51), and use of plastic bag/wrap (OR 0.53, 95% CI 0.40-0.70). The variables associated with hypothermia at NICU admission were DR temperature <25 °C (OR 1.44, 95% CI 1.10-1.88), respiratory support with cold air in the DR (OR 1.40, 95% CI 1.03-1.88) and during transport to NICU (OR 1.51, 95% CI 1.08-2.13), and cap use (OR 0.55, 95% CI 0.39-0.78). Hypothermia at NICU admission increased the chance of early neonatal death by 1.64-fold (95% CI 1.03-2.61). Simple interventions, such as maintaining DR temperature >25 °C, reducing maternal hypothermia prior to delivery, providing plastic bags/wraps and caps for the newly born infants, and using warm resuscitation gases, may decrease hypothermia at NICU admission and improve early neonatal survival.
This study investigated the effect of the incorporation of an iodonium salt in experimental composites, on the bond strength of metallic brackets bonded to bovine teeth. Two hundred and seventy bovine teeth were embedded in self-curing acrylic resin and divided into 18 groups (n=15), according to the experimental composite with an iodonium salt at molar concentrations 0 (control), 0.5, or 1%; the light-activation times (8, 20 and 40 s); and the storage times (10 min or 24 h). Metallic brackets were fixed on the tooth surface using experimental composites. Photoactivation was performed with a quartz-tungsten-halogen light-curing unit curing unit for 8, 20 and 40 s. The specimens were stored in distilled water at 37 °C for 10 min or 24 h and submitted to bond strength test at 0.5 mm/min. The data were subjected to three-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). The Adhesive Remnant Index (ARI) was used to classify the failure modes. The shear bond strengths (MPa) at 10 min for light-activation times of 8, 20 and 40 s were: G1 - 4.6, 6.9 and 7.1; G2 - 8.1, 9.2 and 9.9; G3 - 9.1, 10.4 and 10.7; and at 24 h were: G1 - 10.9, 11.1 and 11.7; G2 - 11.8, 12.7 and 14.2; G3 - 12.1, 14.4 and 15.8. There was a predominance of ARI score 3 for groups with 10 min storage time, and ARI score 2 for groups with 24 h storage time. In conclusion, the addition of iodonium salt (C05 and C1) to the experimental composite may increase the bond strength of brackets to bovine enamel using reduced light exposure times.
The goal of this cross-sectional observational study was to quantify the pattern-shift visual evoked potentials (VEP) and the thickness as well as the volume of retinal layers using optical coherence tomography (OCT) across a cohort of Parkinson's disease (PD) patients and age-matched controls. Forty-three PD patients and 38 controls were enrolled. All participants underwent a detailed neurological and ophthalmologic evaluation. Idiopathic PD cases were included. Cases with glaucoma or increased intra-ocular pressure were excluded. Patients were assessed by VEP and high-resolution Fourier-domain OCT, which quantified the inner and outer thicknesses of the retinal layers. VEP latencies and the thicknesses of the retinal layers were the main outcome measures. The mean age, with standard deviation (SD), of the PD patients and controls were 63.1 (7.5) and 62.4 (7.2) years, respectively. The patients were predominantly in the initial Hoehn-Yahr (HY) disease stages (34.8% in stage 1 or 1.5, and 55.8 % in stage 2). The VEP latencies and the thicknesses as well as the volumes of the retinal inner and outer layers of the groups were similar. A negative correlation between the retinal thickness and the age was noted in both groups. The thickness of the retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) was 102.7 μm in PD patients vs. 104.2 μm in controls. The thicknesses of retinal layers, VEP, and RNFL of PD patients were similar to those of the controls. Despite the use of a representative cohort of PD patients and high-resolution OCT in this study, further studies are required to establish the validity of using OCT and VEP measurements as the anatomic and functional biomarkers for the evaluation of retinal and visual pathways in PD patients.
To assess binocular detection grating acuity using the LEA GRATINGS test to establish age-related norms in healthy infants during their first 3 months of life. In this prospective, longitudinal study of healthy infants with clear red reflex at birth, responses to gratings were measured at 1, 2, and 3 months of age using LEA gratings at a distance of 28 cm. The results were recorded as detection grating acuity values, which were arranged in frequency tables and converted to a one-octave scale for statistical analysis. For the repeated measurements, analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the detection grating acuity results between ages. A total of 133 infants were included. The binocular responses to gratings showed development toward higher mean values and spatial frequencies, ranging from 0.55 ± 0.70 cycles per degree (cpd), or 1.74 ± 0.21 logMAR, in month 1 to 3.11 ± 0.54 cpd, or 0.98 ± 0.16 logMAR, in month 3. Repeated ANOVA indicated differences among grating acuity values in the three age groups. The LEA GRATINGS test allowed assessment of detection grating acuity and its development in a cohort of healthy infants during their first 3 months of life.
To evaluate the surface roughness of acrylic resin submitted to chemical disinfection via 1% sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) or 1% peracetic acid (C2H4O3). The disc-shaped resin specimens (30 mm diameter ×4 mm height) were polymerized by heated water using two cycles (short cycle: 1 h at 74°C and 30 min at 100°C; conventional long cycle: 9 h at 74°C). The release of substances by these specimens in water solution was also quantified. Specimens were fabricated, divided into four groups (n = 10) depending on the polymerization time and disinfectant. After polishing, the specimens were stored in distilled deionized water. Specimens were immersed in 1% NaClO or 1% C2H4O3 for 30 min, and then were immersed in distilled deionized water for 20 min. The release of C2H4O3 and NaClO was measured via visual colorimetric analysis. Roughness was measured before and after disinfection. Roughness data were subjected to two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test. There was no interaction between polymerization time and disinfectant in influencing the average surface roughness (Ra, P = 0.957). Considering these factors independently, there were significant differences between short and conventional long cycles (P = 0.012), but no significant difference between the disinfectants hypochlorite and C2H4O3 (P = 0.366). Visual colorimetric analysis did not detect release of substances. It was concluded that there was the difference in surface roughness between short and conventional long cycles, and disinfection at acrylic resins polymerized by heated water using a short cycle modified the properties of roughness.
Hypertension is the most prevalent and significant modifiable risk factor for coronary heart disease. A portion of patients with uncontrolled hypertension are considered to have resistant hypertension (RHTN). Myocardial ischemia incidence increases along with blood pressure (BP) levels. However, the prevalence of myocardial ischemia in patients with RHTN, as well as the factors associated with it, is unknown. We enrolled 129 patients with true RHTN regularly followed in our specialty hypertension clinic and evaluated then by resting and dipyridamole pharmacological stress myocardial perfusion scintigraphy. Patients were then divided into 2 groups: those with (I-RHTN; n = 36) and those without (NI-RHTN; n = 93) myocardial ischemia. Echocardiography, 24-hour ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM), and flow mediated dilation (FMD) were also evaluated. Thirty six (28%) patients had myocardial ischemia. There was no difference between groups regarding age, sex, biochemical parameters, office, and 24-hour ABPM levels. Patients in the I-RHTN group were more likely diabetic (31% vs. 11%; P < 0.05) and obese (75% vs. 40%; P < 0.001). Adjusting for age and body mass index, multiple logistic regression showed that diabetes (odds ratio (OR) = 6.5; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.06-40.14; P = 0.04), FMD (OR = 0.18; 95% CI = 0.07-0.41; P < 0.001), heart rate (OR = 1.23; 95% CI = 1.11-1.36; P < 0.001), left ventricular mass index (OR = 1.02; 95% CI = 1.01-1.04; P = 0.04), and microalbuminuria (OR = 1.02; 95% CI = 1.01-1.04; P = 0.002) were independent predictors of ischemia. In conclusion, there is a high prevalence of myocardial ischemia in patients with RHTN. Increased microalbuminuria, heart rate, endothelial dysfunction, and left ventricular mass can be useful to guide the investigation for myocardial ischemia in these high risk patients.
To characterize the relaxation induced by the soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) activator, BAY 60-2770 in rabbit corpus cavernosum. Penis from male New Zealand rabbits were removed and fours strips of corpus cavernosum (CC) were obtained. Concentration-response curves to BAY 60-2770 were carried out in the absence and presence of inhibitors of nitric oxide synthase, L-NAME (100 μM), sGC, ODQ (10 μM) and phosphodiestarase type 5, tadalafil (0.1 μM). The potency (pEC50) and maximal response (Emax) values were determined. Second, electrical-field stimulation (EFS)-induced contraction or relaxation was realized in the absence and presence of BAY 60-2770 (0.1 or 1 μM) alone or in combination of ODQ (10 μM). In the case of EFS-induced relaxation two protocols were realized: 1) ODQ (10 μM) was first incubated for 20 min and then BAY 60-2770 (1 μM) was added for another 20 min (ODQ + BAY 60-2770). In different CC strips, BAY 60-2770 was incubated for 20 min followed by another 20 min with ODQ (BAY 60-2770 + ODQ). The intracellular levels of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) were also determined. BAY 60-2770 potently relaxed rabbit CC with pEC50 and Emax values of 7.58 ± 0.19 and 81 ± 4%, respectively. The inhibitors ODQ (n=7) or tadalafil (n=7) produced 4.2- and 6.3-leftward shifts, respectively in BAY 60-2770-induced relaxation without interfering on the Emax values. The intracellular levels of cGMP were augmented after stimulation with BAY 60-2770 (1 μM) alone, whereas its co-incubation with ODQ produced even higher levels of cGMP. The EFS-induced contraction was reduced in the presence of BAY 60-2770 (1 μM) and this inhibition was even greater when BAY 60-2770 was co-incubated with ODQ. The nitrergic stimulation induced CC relaxation, which was abolished in the presence of ODQ. BAY 60-2770 alone increased the amplitude of relaxation. Co-incubation of ODQ and BAY 60-2770 did not alter the relaxation in comparison with ODQ alone. Interestingly, when BAY 60-2770 was incubated prior to ODQ, EFS-induced relaxation was partly restored in comparison with ODQ alone or ODQ + BAY 60-2770. Considering that the relaxation induced by the sGC activator, BAY 60-2770 was increased after sGC oxidation and unaltered in the absence of nitric oxide, these class of substances are advantageous over sGC stimulators or PDE5 inhibitors for the treatment in those patients with erectile dysfunction and high endothelial damage. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
The electrochemical properties of methylene blue immobilized on cellulose/TiO2 and mixed oxide SiO2/TiO2 matrices were investigated by means of cyclic voltammetry. The electron mediator property of the methylene blue was optimized using a factorial design, consisting of four factors in two levels. The experimental observations and data analyses on the system indicate that the lowest peak separation occurs for Sil/TiOAM, 1.0 mol L-1 KCl solution and 20 mV s-1 scan rate, while values of current ratio closest to unity were found for Cel/TiOAM independent of electrolyte concentration, 0.2 or 1.0 mol L-1, and scan rate, 20 mV s-1 or 60 mV s-1.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the need for artificial tears by glaucoma patients under topical hypotensive treatment and to identify risk factors associated with it. METHODS: The charts of 175 glaucoma patients under medical treatment and 175 age-matched controls were reviewed. Age, gender, use of artificial tears, number of glaucoma medications used, and duration of treatment were recorded. RESULTS: Significantly more glaucoma patients (n=92; 52.6%) used artificial tears compared to age-matched controls (n=31; 17.7%) (p<0.001). Significantly more females (n=81; 39%) than males (n=42; 28.9%) used artificial tears (p=0.036). When the whole population was analyzed, female gender (OR=1.63) and the presence of glaucoma (OR= 5.14) were risk factors for the use of artificial tears (p<0.05). When the glaucoma population was analyzed, female gender (OR=2.57), number of medications >2 (OR=1.92), and duration of treatment >5 years (OR=2.93) were risk factors for the use of artificial tears (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Topical treatment with antiglaucoma medication is a risk factor for the use of artificial tears. Female gender and long-term treatment of glaucoma with two or more medications were aggravating factors for the need for artificial tears.