947 resultados para Average temperature
The oil industry, experiencing a great economic and environmental impact, has increasingly invested in researches aiming a more satisfactory treatment of its largest effluent, i.e., produced water. These are mostly discarded at sea, without reuse and after a basic treatment. Such effluent contains a range of organic compounds with high toxicity and are difficult to remove, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, salts, heavy metals, etc.. The main objective of this work was to study the solar distillation of produced water pre-treated to remove salts and other contaminants trough of a hybrid system with a pre-heater. This developed apparatus was called solar system, which consists of a solar heater and a conventional distillation solar still. The first device consisted of a water tank, a solar flat plate collector and a thermal reservoir. The solar distillator is of simple effect, with 1m2 of flat area and 20° of inclination. This dissertation was divided in five steps: measurements in the solar system, i.e. temperatures and distillate flow rate and weather data; modeling and simulation of the system; study of vapor-liquid equilibrium of the synthetic wastewater by the aqueous solution of p-xylene; physical and chemical analyses of samples of the feed, distillate and residue, as well as climatology pertinent variables of Natal-RN. The solar system was tested separately, with the supply water, aqueous NaCl and synthetic oil produced water. Temperature measurements were taken every minute of the thermal reservoir, water tank and distillator (liquid and vapor phases). Data of solar radiation and rainfall were obtained from INPE (National Institute for Space Research). The solar pre-heater demonstrated to be effective for the liquid systems tested. The reservoir fluid had an average temperature of 58°C, which enabled the feed to be pre-heated in the distillator. The temperature profile in the solar distillator showed a similar behavior to daily solar radiation, with temperatures near 70°C. The distillation had an average yield of 2.4 L /day, i.e., an efficiency of 27.2%. Mathematical modeling aided the identification of the most important variables and parameters in the solar system. The study of the vapor-liquid equilibrium from Total Organic Carbon (TOC) analysis indicated heteroazeotropia and the vapor phase resulted more concentrated in p-xylene. The physical-chemical analysis of pH, conductivity, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), chlorides, cations (including heavy metals) and anions, the effluent distillate showed satisfactory results, which presents a potential for reuse. The climatological study indicates the region of Natal-RN as favorable to the operation of solar systems, but the use of auxiliary heating during periods of higher rainfall and cloud cover is also recommended
Emissions of CO2 in the atmosphere have increased successively by various mechanisms caused by human action, especially as fossil fuel combustion and industrial chemical processes. This leads to the increase in average temperature in the atmosphere, which we call global warming. The search for new technologies to minimize environmental impacts arising from this phenomenon has been investigated. The capture of CO2 is one of the alternatives that can help reduce emis ions of greenhouse gases. The CO2 can be captured through the process of selective adsorption using adsorbents for this purpose. Were synthesized by hydrothermal method, materials of the type MCM-41 and Al-MCM-41 in the molar ratio Si / Al equal to 50. The synthesis of gels were prepared from a source of silicon, sodium, water and aluminum in the case of Al-MCM-41. The period of synthesis of the materials was 5 days in autoclave at 100°C. After that time materials were filtered, washed and dried in greenhouse at 100 º C for 4 hours and then calcined at 450 º C. Then the calcined material was functionalized with the Di-isopropylamine (DIPA) by the method of wet impregnation. We used 0.5 g of material mesopores to 3.5 mL of DIPA. The materials were functionalized in a closed container for 24 hours, and after this period were dried at brackground temperature for 2 hours. Were subsequently subjected to heat treatment at 250°C for 1 hour. These materials were used for the adsorption of CO2 and were characterized by XRD, FT-IR, BET / BJH, SEM, EDX and TG / DTG. Tests of adsorption of CO2 was carried out under the following conditions: 100 mg of adsorbent, temperature of 75°C under flow of 100 mL/min of CO2 for 2 hours. The desorption of CO2 was carried out by thermogravimetry from ambient temperature to 900ºC under flow of 25 mL min of He and a ratio of 10ºC/min. The difratogramas X-ray for the synthesized samples showed the characteristic peaks of MCM-41, showing that the structure of it was obtained. For samples functionalized there was a decrease of the intensities of these peaks, with a consequent reduction in the structural ordering of the material. However, the structure was preserved mesopores. The adsorption tests showed that the functionalized MCM-41 is presented as a material promising adsorbent, for CO2 capture, with a loss of mass on the desorption CO2 of 7,52%, while that in Al-MCM- 41 functionalized showed no such loss
This study describes right laryngeal hemiplegia (LH) and right-sided Horner's syndrome (HS) in a horse. The average temperature of the face was 3.5 degrees C higher on the right compared with the left side, as determined by thermographic imaging. The syndrome occurred following an episode of right mid-cervical cellulitis due to inadvertent perijugular deposition of gentamicin.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Background: the aim of the present study was to compare the effects of Er:YAG and diode laser treatments of the root surface on intrapulpal temperature after scaling and root planing with hand instruments.Methods: Fifteen extracted single-rooted teeth were scaled and root planed with hand instruments. The teeth were divided into 3 groups of 5 each and irradiated on their buccal and lingual surfaces: group A: Er:YAG laser, 2.94 mum/100 mJ/10 Hz/ 30 seconds; group B: diode laser, 810 nm/1.0 W/0.05 ms/30 seconds; group C: diode laser, 810 nm/1.4 W/0.05 ms/30 seconds. The temperature was monitored by means of a type T thermocouple (copper-constantan) positioned in the pulp chamber to assess pulpal temperature during and before irradiation. Afterwards, the specimens were longitudinally sectioned, and the buccal and lingual surfaces of each root were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy.Results: In the Er:YAG laser group, the thermal analysis revealed an average temperature of -2.2 +/- 1.5degreesC, while in the diode laser groups, temperatures were 1.6 +/- 0.8degreesC at 1.0 W and 3.3 +/- 1.0degreesC at 1.4 W. Electronic micrographs revealed that there were no significant morphological changes, such as charring, melting, or fusion, in any group, although the specimens were found to be more irregular in the Er:YAG laser group.Conclusions: the application of Er:YAG and diode lasers at the utilized parameters did not induce high pulpal temperatures. Root surface irregularities were more pronounced after irradiation with an Er:YAG laser than with a diode laser.
In Brazil, postharvest diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms are a major problem that causes damage to around 80% of the total fruit production. In the lower middle Sao Francisco river valley numerous studies on identification and control of fungal diseases during postharvest of grapes are needed, in order to minimize losses in this step. In this context, bunches of seedless varieties 'Crimson', 'Sonaka'; 'Superior' and 'Thompson' were collected from July to November 2009, in order to identify and quantify the incidence of pathogenic fungi. The grapes were collected on five farms which specialize in the production of table grapes for export, all located in Juazeiro - BA and Petrolina - PE. During this period, 10 samples were taken. In the fruit farm five plants were used for sampling, and removal of two bunches of grapes per plant, totaling 10 bunches per variety. Subsequently, they were sent to the laboratory of Plant Pathology at UNEB/DTCS where they were placed separately in a moist chamber for 48 hours at an average temperature of 23 degrees C. After this period, isolations of berries and stems in Petri plates containing PDA - potato-dextrose-agar were carried out with 10 repetitions, which were placed on benches under laboratory conditions. From the 8th day on, the presence of Aspergillus niger, Alternaria alternata, Cladosporium herbarum, Lasiodiploidia theobromae was observed, which presented the highest incidence, as well as Rhizopus stolonifer, Penicillium expansum.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A proposta em estudo é o uso de películas comestíveis, derivadas de fécula de mandioca na manutenção da qualidade de frutos de pimentão após a sua colheita. Frutos de pimentão (Capsicum annuum L.) receberam tratamento com películas de amido, com a finalidade de avaliar a sua eficiência como barreira à perda de água, bem como sua influência nas propriedades físicas e químicas dos mesmos. Os frutos foram mergulhados por um minuto em suspensões a 1, 3 e 5% de fécula, secos naturalmente ao ar e armazenados em condições ambientais, onde a temperatura e umidade relativa médias do período variaram de 26,0-29,0° C e 59,5-71,5%, respectivamente. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial com 16 tratamentos, 3 repetições e 2 frutos por parcela. As análises de controle (porcentagem de perda de peso, textura, pH e teor de sólidos solúveis), foram feitas a cada três dias por um período de 12 dias. As películas a 3 e 5% mantiveram os frutos firmes. Os tratamentos não influenciaram significativamente na perda de peso, pH e no teor de sólidos solúveis.
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a qualidade e a vida útil pós-colheita de frutos de Tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) utilizando recobrimento com película de fécula de mandioca. Após a seleção os frutos foram mergulhados em suspensões a 2 e 3% de fécula de mandioca, secos ao ar e armazenados em condição ambiente, onde a temperatura e a umidade relativa do período variaram de 16 a 21ºC e 51 a 91%, respectivamente. O experimento foi constituído de dois lotes de frutos, sendo o primeiro o grupo não-destrutivo (avaliação de perda de massa). O segundo lote de frutos, constituiu o grupo destrutivo no qual analisou-se textura, pH e sólidos solúveis totais. Os frutos foram avaliados aos 0, 4, 8, 11, 14, 18 e 22 dias. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com cinco repetições para o primeiro grupo e três repetições para o grupo destrutivo. Os dados experimentais obtidos foram submetidos à analise de variância e as médias comparadas através do teste de Tukey ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Os tratamentos não influenciaram significativamente a perda de massa e a textura. Entretanto, os frutos recobertos com película a 3% apresentaram melhor aparência do que os frutos testemunha e com película a 2%. O efeito das películas portanto, não foi prejudicial, apenas estético.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Embora o conhecimento sobre a florística dos fragmentos de florestas estacionais semideciduais tenha crescido nos últimos anos, ainda sabe-se pouco sobre a comunidade de lianas (lenhosas ou herbáceas) nesses fragmentos. Assim, foi realizado o levantamento florístico de lianas na gleba Maravilha, pertencente ao Parque Estadual de Vassununga (Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, SP), a fim de colaborar com o conhecimento dessa comunidade e subsidiar futuros trabalhos que envolvam essa forma de vida. A área de estudo compreende 127,08 ha, com inverno seco e temperatura média anual de 22 ºC. Para a coleta do material, percorreu-se mensalmente toda a borda do fragmento e três trilhas no interior da mata, de agosto/2002 a setembro/2003. Foram identificadas 120 espécies de lianas, pertencentes a 30 famílias e 71 gêneros, das quais 51% das espécies são volúveis, 42% apresentam gavinhas e apenas 7% são escandentes. As famílias mais representativas em número de espécies foram: Bignoniaceae (26), Malpighiaceae (14), Sapindaceae (12) e Asteraceae (9). Houve baixa similaridade florística entre as espécies de lianas presentes na gleba Maravilha em relação a outras áreas de florestas estacionais semideciduais do interior paulista.
Foi conduzido um experimento, com 100 dias duração, utilizando-se 288 alevinos de pacu, distribuídos em 36 caixas de cimento amianto com volume de 100 litros, para avaliar a substituição da farinha de peixe por farelo de soja e os níveis protéicos nas dietas. Durante o período experimental, a temperatura média da água permaneceu em 28ºC e os demais parâmetros limnológicos (oxigênio dissolvido, pH, alcalinidade e condutividade) apresentaram-se dentro dos níveis adequados para o desenvolvimento desta espécie. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados, em que foram avaliados nove tratamentos em esquema fatorial 3 x 3, três níveis de proteína bruta (22, 26 e 30%) e três níveis de substituição da farinha de peixe pelo farelo de soja (0, 50 e 100%). O nível de 26% de proteína bruta foi mais adequado. A farinha de peixe pode ser substituída parcial ou totalmente pelo farelo de soja, sem influir no ganho de peso, na conversão alimentar, na taxa de crescimento específico e na taxa de eficiência protéica dos alevinos. A substituição das fontes protéicas também não influenciou a composição corporal dos peixes, a eficiência de retenção de nitrogênio, o nitrogênio corporal, a gordura corporal e o nitrogênio e a gordura no ganho de peso.
Seis cabras lactantes foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em um delineamento experimental em crossover, em dois grupos: sob condições termoneutras e estresse térmico. Um período de adaptação de 28 dias foi seguido por quatro períodos de 14 dias cada, quando os animais sob estresse térmico foram expostos à temperatura média de 33,84ºC; THI de 86,20; BGT de 36,18 e BT de 32,11ºC das 8 às 17 horas, incluindo radiação solar simulada das 10 às 15 horas. Não houve diferença entre as concentrações plasmáticas de progesterona, mas as fêmeas submetidas ao estresse térmico apresentaram diminuição nas concentrações plasmáticas de estradiol, quando comparados ao grupo termoneutro. A temperatura retal dos animais sob estresse térmico foi mais elevada quando foi comparada à do grupo de animais em condições de termoneutralidade. As cabras mantiveram as concentrações plasmáticas da progesterona, com diminuição na secreção de estradiol, quando expostas a um estresse repetido e intermitente, a despeito de ocorrer hipertermia durante o estresse pelo calor.
The objective of this work was to determine the plasma concentrations of cortisol, thyroid hormone, lipids metabolites and corporal temperature or lactating Alpine goats submitted to heat stress. Six lactating Alpine goats were allotted randomly in a crossover experimental design for two groups: thermoneutral conditions or thermal stress. An adaptation period of 28 days was followed by Four-periods of 14 days each, when the animals submitted to thermal stress were exposed to the average temperature of 33.84 degrees C; THI of 86.20; BGT of 36.18 and BT of 32.11 degrees C from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, including simulated solar radiation from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. There were no differences between the groups in the plasma concentrations of cortisol, thyroid hormones (T-3-triiodothyronine and T-(4) tiroxine), and lipid metabolites (cholesterol and HDL). Rectal temperature was higher during thermal stress when compared to the group of animals in thermoneutral conditions. The goats maintained the thyroid plasma hormone concentrations, when exposed to repealed and intermittent stress, in spite of the occurrence of hypertermia during heat stress.