969 resultados para Average Vehilce Occupancy


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Cooperative relaying combined with selection exploits spatial diversity to significantly improve the performance of interference-constrained secondary users in an underlay cognitive radio (CR) network. However, unlike conventional relaying, the state of the links between the relay and the primary receiver affects the choice of the relay. Further, while the optimal amplify-and-forward (AF) relay selection rule for underlay CR is well understood for the peak interference-constraint, this is not so for the less conservative average interference constraint. For the latter, we present three novel AF relay selection (RS) rules, namely, symbol error probability (SEP)-optimal, inverse-of-affine (IOA), and linear rules. We analyze the SEPs of the IOA and linear rules and also develop a novel, accurate approximation technique for analyzing the performance of AF relays. Extensive numerical results show that all the three rules outperform several RS rules proposed in the literature and generalize the conventional AF RS rule.


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Clustering techniques which can handle incomplete data have become increasingly important due to varied applications in marketing research, medical diagnosis and survey data analysis. Existing techniques cope up with missing values either by using data modification/imputation or by partial distance computation, often unreliable depending on the number of features available. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for clustering data with missing values, which performs the task by Symmetric Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (SNMF) of a complete pair-wise similarity matrix, computed from the given incomplete data. To accomplish this, we define a novel similarity measure based on Average Overlap similarity metric which can effectively handle missing values without modification of data. Further, the similarity measure is more reliable than partial distances and inherently possesses the properties required to perform SNMF. The experimental evaluation on real world datasets demonstrates that the proposed approach is efficient, scalable and shows significantly better performance compared to the existing techniques.


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Transition metal compounds often undergo spin-charge-orbital ordering due to strong electron-electron correlations. In contrast, low-dimensional materials can exhibit a Peierls transition arising from low-energy electron-phonon-coupling-induced structural instabilities. We study the electronic structure of the tunnel framework compound K2Cr8O16, which exhibits a temperature-dependent (T-dependent) paramagnetic-to-ferromagnetic- metal transition at T-C = 180 K and transforms into a ferromagnetic insulator below T-MI = 95 K. We observe clear T-dependent dynamic valence (charge) fluctuations from above T-C to T-MI, which effectively get pinned to an average nominal valence of Cr+3.75 (Cr4+:Cr3+ states in a 3:1 ratio) in the ferromagnetic-insulating phase. High-resolution laser photoemission shows a T-dependent BCS-type energy gap, with 2G(0) similar to 3.5(k(B)T(MI)) similar to 35 meV. First-principles band-structure calculations, using the experimentally estimated on-site Coulomb energy of U similar to 4 eV, establish the necessity of strong correlations and finite structural distortions for driving the metal-insulator transition. In spite of the strong correlations, the nonintegral occupancy (2.25 d-electrons/Cr) and the half-metallic ferromagnetism in the t(2g) up-spin band favor a low-energy Peierls metal-insulator transition.


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Nanoparticle deposition behavior observed at the Darcy scale represents an average of the processes occurring at the pore scale. Hence, the effect of various pore-scale parameters on nanoparticle deposition can be understood by studying nanoparticle transport at pore scale and upscaling the results to the Darcy scale. In this work, correlation equations for the deposition rate coefficients of nanoparticles in a cylindrical pore are developed as a function of nine pore-scale parameters: the pore radius, nanoparticle radius, mean flow velocity, solution ionic strength, viscosity, temperature, solution dielectric constant, and nanoparticle and collector surface potentials. Based on dominant processes, the pore space is divided into three different regions, namely, bulk, diffusion, and potential regions. Advection-diffusion equations for nanoparticle transport are prescribed for the bulk and diffusion regions, while the interaction between the diffusion and potential regions is included as a boundary condition. This interaction is modeled as a first-order reversible kinetic adsorption. The expressions for the mass transfer rate coefficients between the diffusion and the potential regions are derived in terms of the interaction energy profile. Among other effects, we account for nanoparticle-collector interaction forces on nanoparticle deposition. The resulting equations are solved numerically for a range of values of pore-scale parameters. The nanoparticle concentration profile obtained for the cylindrical pore is averaged over a moving averaging volume within the pore in order to get the 1-D concentration field. The latter is fitted to the 1-D advection-dispersion equation with an equilibrium or kinetic adsorption model to determine the values of the average deposition rate coefficients. In this study, pore-scale simulations are performed for three values of Peclet number, Pe = 0.05, 5, and 50. We find that under unfavorable conditions, the nanoparticle deposition at pore scale is best described by an equilibrium model at low Peclet numbers (Pe = 0.05) and by a kinetic model at high Peclet numbers (Pe = 50). But, at an intermediate Pe (e.g., near Pe = 5), both equilibrium and kinetic models fit the 1-D concentration field. Correlation equations for the pore-averaged nanoparticle deposition rate coefficients under unfavorable conditions are derived by performing a multiple-linear regression analysis between the estimated deposition rate coefficients for a single pore and various pore-scale parameters. The correlation equations, which follow a power law relation with nine pore-scale parameters, are found to be consistent with the column-scale and pore-scale experimental results, and qualitatively agree with the colloid filtration theory. These equations can be incorporated into pore network models to study the effect of pore-scale parameters on nanoparticle deposition at larger length scales such as Darcy scale.


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Cooperative relaying combined with selection exploits spatial diversity to significantly improve the performance of interference-constrained secondary users in an underlay cognitive radio network. We present a novel and optimal relay selection (RS) rule that minimizes the symbol error probability (SEP) of an average interference-constrained underlay secondary system that uses amplify-and-forward relays. A key point that the rule highlights for the first time is that, for the average interference constraint, the signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio (SINR) of the direct source-to-destination (SI)) link affects the choice of the optimal relay. Furthermore, as the SINR increases, the odds that no relay transmits increase. We also propose a simpler, more practical, and near-optimal variant of the optimal rule that requires just one bit of feedback about the state of the SD link to the relays. Compared to the SD-unaware ad hoc RS rules proposed in the literature, the proposed rules markedly reduce the SEP by up to two orders of magnitude.


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In this paper, a theory is developed to calculate the average strain field in the materials with randomly distributed inclusions. Many previous researches investigating the average field behaviors were based upon Mori and Tanaka's idea. Since they were restricted to studying those materials with uniform distributions of inclusions they did not need detailed statistical information of random microstructures, and could use the volume average to replace the ensemble average. To study more general materials with randomly distributed inclusions, the number density function is introduced in formulating the average field equation in this research. Both uniform and nonuniform distributions of inclusions are taken into account in detail.


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Aboriginal peoples in Canada have been mapping aspects of their cultures for more than a generation. Indians, Inuit, Métis, non-status Indians and others have called their maps by different names at various times and places: land use and occupancy; land occupancy and use; traditional use; traditional land use and occupancy; current use; cultural sensitive areas; and so on. I use “land use and occupancy mapping” in a generic sense to include all the above. The term refers to the collection of interview data about traditional use of resources and occupancy of lands by First Nation persons, and the presentation of those data in map form. Think of it as the geography of oral tradition, or as the mapping of cultural and resource geography. (PDF contains 81 pages.)


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The present work has been carried out to investigate on the average void fraction of gas/non-Newtonian fluids flow in downward inclined pipes. The influences of pipe inclination angle on the average void fraction were studied experimentally. A simple correlation, which incorporated the method of Vlachos et al. for gas/Newtonain fluid horizontal flow, the correction factor of Farooqi and Richardson and the pipe inclination angle, was proposed to predict the average void fraction of gas/non-Newtonian power-law stratified flow in downward inclined pipes. The correlation was based on 470 data points covering a wide range of flow rates for different systems at diverse angles. A good agreement was obtained between theory and data and the fitting results could describe the majority of the experimental data within ±20%.


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With recent advances in high-throughput sequencing, mapping of genome-wide transcription factor occupancy has become feasible. To advance the understanding of skeletal muscle differentiation specifically and transcriptional regulation in general, I determined the genome-wide occupancy map for myogenin in differentiating C2C12 myocyte cells. I then analyzed the myogenin map for underlying sequence content and the association between occupied elements and expression trajectories of adjacent genes. Having determined that myogenin primarily associates with expressed genes, I performed a similar analysis on occupancy maps of other transcription factors active during skeletal muscle differentiation, including an extensive analysis of co-occupancy. This analysis provided strong motif evidence for protein-protein interactions as the primary driving force in the formation of Myogenin / Mef2 and MyoD / AP-1 complexes at jointly-occupied sites. Finally, factor occupancy analysis was extended to include bHLH transcription factors in tissues other than skeletal muscle. The cross-tissue analysis led to the emergence of a motif structure used by bHLH TFs to encode either tissue-specific or "general" (public) access in a variety of lineages.


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The field of cavity optomechanics, which concerns the coupling of a mechanical object's motion to the electromagnetic field of a high finesse cavity, allows for exquisitely sensitive measurements of mechanical motion, from large-scale gravitational wave detection to microscale accelerometers. Moreover, it provides a potential means to control and engineer the state of a macroscopic mechanical object at the quantum level, provided one can realize sufficiently strong interaction strengths relative to the ambient thermal noise. Recent experiments utilizing the optomechanical interaction to cool mechanical resonators to their motional quantum ground state allow for a variety of quantum engineering applications, including preparation of non-classical mechanical states and coherent optical to microwave conversion. Optomechanical crystals (OMCs), in which bandgaps for both optical and mechanical waves can be introduced through patterning of a material, provide one particularly attractive means for realizing strong interactions between high-frequency mechanical resonators and near-infrared light. Beyond the usual paradigm of cavity optomechanics involving isolated single mechanical elements, OMCs can also be fashioned into planar circuits for photons and phonons, and arrays of optomechanical elements can be interconnected via optical and acoustic waveguides. Such coupled OMC arrays have been proposed as a way to realize quantum optomechanical memories, nanomechanical circuits for continuous variable quantum information processing and phononic quantum networks, and as a platform for engineering and studying quantum many-body physics of optomechanical meta-materials.

However, while ground state occupancies (that is, average phonon occupancies less than one) have been achieved in OMC cavities utilizing laser cooling techniques, parasitic absorption and the concomitant degradation of the mechanical quality factor fundamentally limit this approach. On the other hand, the high mechanical frequency of these systems allows for the possibility of using a dilution refrigerator to simultaneously achieve low thermal occupancy and long mechanical coherence time by passively cooling the device to the millikelvin regime. This thesis describes efforts to realize the measurement of OMC cavities inside a dilution refrigerator, including the development of fridge-compatible optical coupling schemes and the characterization of the heating dynamics of the mechanical resonator at sub-kelvin temperatures.

We will begin by summarizing the theoretical framework used to describe cavity optomechanical systems, as well as a handful of the quantum applications envisioned for such devices. Then, we will present background on the design of the nanobeam OMC cavities used for this work, along with details of the design and characterization of tapered fiber couplers for optical coupling inside the fridge. Finally, we will present measurements of the devices at fridge base temperatures of Tf = 10 mK, using both heterodyne spectroscopy and time-resolved sideband photon counting, as well as detailed analysis of the prospects for future quantum applications based on the observed optically-induced heating.


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Os girinos dos anuros podem ocorrer em inúmeros tipos de sistemas hídricos, desde ambientes relativamente simples e previsíveis, como na água acumulada em epífitas ou uma poça temporária, até hábitats aquáticos permanentes mais complexos, como os riachos. A interação entre os fatores ambientais bióticos e abióticos existentes nesses diferentes ambientes com os fatores históricos é essencial para explicar a estrutura das comunidades dessa fase de vida dos anuros. O entendimento sobre como estes fatores atuam e sua importância nos conduz a uma maior compreensão do que parece influenciar positivamente ou negativamente o estabelecimento dos girinos nos seus diferentes ambientes. Inicialmente, fornecemos uma discussão detalhada da importância desses fatores. Em seguida, avaliamos a estrutura da assembléia dos girinos e a sua estratégia de ocupação espacial e temporal em relação ao uso de diferentes sistemas aquáticos, temporários e permanentes (poças, terrenos alagados, riachos e ambientes artificiais) em uma área de Mata Atlântica na Ilha Grande (Rio de Janeiro). Posteriormente, propomos um experimento para avaliar como os girinos característicos de diferentes tipos de habitats hídricos respondem à condição adversa de ausência de água livre. Depois, é sugerida uma chave artificial de identificação para os girinos da Ilha Grande, com base nas espécies contempladas neste estudo. Por fim, apresentamos a descrição do girino de Proceratophrys tupinamba, provendo algumas informações sobre sua distribuição temporal e uso de microhabitats. Registramos girinos de 12 espécies de anuros, o que correspondeu a 71% dos anfíbios da Ilha Grande com larvas exotróficas em ambientes aquáticos. O espectro de habitats hídricos utilizados variou consistentemente entre as espécies. Girinos de Aplastodiscus eugenioi e Scinax trapicheiroi foram aqueles que utilizaram a maior quantia de tipos de habitats, ambos com cinco registros. A maioria das espécies teve suas maiores abundâncias em um ou dois tipos de corpos dágua onde ocorreu, portanto poucas destas espécies demonstram ter sido generalistas no uso de tipos de habitats aquáticos. A maior riqueza de espécies ocorreu em poças temporárias, em riachos intermitentes e no ambiente antropizado da calha artificial. Quando consideramos em termos de habitats hídricos, a maior riqueza ocorreu nas poças temporárias, nos riachos intermitentes, nos riachos permanentes e na calha artificial. Em nem todos os meses um determinado tipo de recurso hídrico manteve a sua riqueza máxima de girinos. Observamos que um mesmo tipo de sistema hídrico pode comportar espécies típicas de ambientes lênticos e outras adaptadas a ambientes lóticos, dependendo da estrutura em que o corpo dágua apresenta naquele período, como os riachos intermitentes, por exemplo. Entre os fatores abióticos medidos, o PH, o oxigênio dissolvido, a correnteza, a largura e a profundidade dos corpos dágua explicaram de forma mais importante a ocorrência e abundância das diferentes espécies de girinos. Portanto, consideramos que fatores ecológicos desempenham um importante papel na determinação da distribuição de girinos dentro e entre habitats que estes organismos ocupam. O experimento proposto mostrou que os tempos de sobrevivência entre as onze espécies contempladas e também entre os indivíduos de diferentes tamanhos em uma mesma espécie variaram consideravelmente. Isto é sugestivo de que estas espécies apresentam diferentes estratégias para tolerar uma condição de independência de água livre. Os fatores que pareceram mais influenciar negativamente na sobrevivência dos girinos foram: hábito nectônico, pequeno tamanho dos indivíduos, ocupação de ambientes lênticos e temporários e modo reprodutivo não-especializado. Alternativamente, os girinos com melhor desempenho em uma condição de independência de água livre foram de espécies de tamanho comparativamente grande ou médio, ocuparam preferencialmente ambientes lóticos e permanentes, apresentaram modos reprodutivos especializados e os hábitos dos girinos foram principalmente bentônicos. Neste contexto, pode se conjecturar que os girinos das espécies que utilizam ambientes permanentes sejam mais resistentes à condição de independência de água livre do que aquelas de habitats efêmeros. Considerando especial atenção para a biodiversidade dos anfíbios, a Ilha Grande apresenta uma elevada concentração de espécies endêmicas. Esta respeitável diversidade de anfíbios para a área estudada está relacionada com a cobertura vegetal de Mata Atlântica e a grande quantidade de corpos dágua na Ilha, tanto temporários quanto permanentes. A influência destas condições favoráveis para os anfíbios na região está demonstrada também na diversidade de modos reprodutivos, onde 13 dos 39 modos reprodutivos já descritos foram notados para os anfíbios da Ilha Grande. Este conjunto de fatores reafirma esta como uma das mais importantes áreas para a conservação da biodiversidade de anfíbios para o estado do Rio de Janeiro. Comparando a descrição do girino de Proceratophrys tupinamba com P. appendiculata, observamos algumas diferenças na proporção do corpo. Os girinos da espécie descrita foram mais abundantes durante a estação chuvosa (outubro-março), sendo esta distribuição positivamente relacionada com a precipitação média mensal. Os girinos são bentônicos e ocorrem mais frequentemente em porções de menor correnteza do riacho. Eles foram encontrados com maior freqüência expostos na areia, que também representou o microhabitat mais disponível entre aqueles no córrego estudado.


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A novel dual-slab laser with off-axis one-sided hybrid resonator is presented. The mode properties of the hybrid resonator are calculated using a fast Fourier transform method (FFT). The influence of wavefront distoration on the output beam quality is considered. Results indicate that the novel dual-slab laser is better than the normal dual-slab laser with off-axis one-sided hybrid resonator.