991 resultados para Ave


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Pie de imp. consta en colofón


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Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con : Bandos divertidísimos contra los borrachos y borrachas, y gente aficionada al vino(NP849.91/3087)


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El objetivo de esta tesis, va a ser la investigación y desarrollo de tratamientos de biorremediación para conseguir la recuperación de los terrenos contaminados situados en el tramo del tren de alta velocidad entre Córdoba y Málaga, reduciendo de esta forma los residuos enviados a vertederos. Para ello, se va a investigar y a desarrollar una tecnología innovadora de descontaminación in situ de suelos con altas concentraciones de hidrocarburos, basándonos en el landfarming y como principal avance la coexistencia con hidróxido de magnesio, elemento no utilizado nunca y potencialmente muy útil. Se va a pretender reducir la concentración final de hidrocarburos y el tiempo de tratamiento, sin transportar a vertedero los residuos. Se desean conseguir las condiciones ambientales óptimas que permitan potenciar la degradación microbiana de los hidrocarburos y sus productos residuales en corto tiempo Se va a investigar el empleo del hidróxido de magnesio como complemento al landfarming y a buscar las sinergias de este compuesto como gran fijador de metales pesados. ABSTRACT The aim of this thesis will be the research and development of bioremediation treatments for the recovery of contaminated land in the stretch of the high speed train between Cordoba and Malaga, thereby reducing waste sent to landfills. To do this, is to research and develop innovative technology for in situ remediation of soil with high concentrations of hydrocarbons, based on the main progress landfarming and coexistence with magnesium hydroxide, item never used and potentially very useful. It will pretend to reduce the final hydrocarbon concentration and treatment time, without transporting waste landfill. They want to get the optimum environmental conditions for enhancing microbial degradation of hydrocarbons and waste products in a short time It will investigate the use of magnesium hydroxide as a complement to landfarming and seek synergies of this compound as a great fixer of heavy metals.


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Portion of stereocard


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Includes Hull Brothers Grocers; Chas. H. Werner Crockery and Glassware; Staplin Florist; American Music Company, Michell's. Stamped on verso: Alvord & Co., 55 Rowland St., Detroit, Mich.


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Built 1840. Professors' Houses (East Residence) 1840-1868. University Hospital 1868-1891. Additions in 1877 and after in the form of two parallel wings built out from back of house and several additions onto them. Dental College 1891-1908. Building removed 1908. Replaced by new Chemistry Building 1910On verso in two hands: (1) Looking at 2 prof. houses at this time both converted into a) Univ. Hosp. & b) Homeo. [Homeopathic] School (2) R.C. Smith.


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One of the four original buildings on campus, located on South University east of the Presidents' house, where Clements Libary now stands. Used as Professor's house from 1840 to 1877 and as the Dental College from 1877 to 1891. East wing added in 1878. In 1891, the Dental School moved, the building was enlarged to the north, a third story was added, the entrance changed to the west, and "Engineering" placed over the door. Used by Engineeering from 1891 to 1922. After 1904 it was called "Old Engineering Building." Demolished in 1922.