969 resultados para Automatic classification


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The CluSTr (Clusters of SWISS-PROT and TrEMBL proteins) database offers an automatic classification of SWISS-PROT and TrEMBL proteins into groups of related proteins. The clustering is based on analysis of all pairwise comparisons between protein sequences. Analysis has been carried out for different levels of protein similarity, yielding a hierarchical organisation of clusters. The database provides links to InterPro, which integrates information on protein families, domains and functional sites from PROSITE, PRINTS, Pfam and ProDom. Links to the InterPro graphical interface allow users to see at a glance whether proteins from the cluster share particular functional sites. CluSTr also provides cross-references to HSSP and PDB. The database is available for querying and browsing at http://www.ebi.ac.uk/clustr.


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In this paper we study some of the characteristics of the art painting image color semantics. We analyze the color features of differ- ent artists and art movements. The analysis includes exploration of hue, saturation and luminance. We also use quartile’s analysis to obtain the dis- tribution of the dispersion of defined groups of paintings and measure the degree of purity for these groups. A special software system “Art Paint- ing Image Color Semantics” (APICSS) for image analysis and retrieval was created. The obtained result can be used for automatic classification of art paintings in image retrieval systems, where the indexing is based on color characteristics.


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Lung cancer is the most common of malignant tumors, with 1.59 million new cases worldwide in 2012. Early detection is the main factor to determine the survival of patients affected by this disease. Furthermore, the correct classification is important to define the most appropriate therapeutic approach as well as suggest the prognosis and the clinical disease evolution. Among the exams used to detect lung cancer, computed tomography have been the most indicated. However, CT images are naturally complex and even experts medical are subject to fault detection or classification. In order to assist the detection of malignant tumors, computer-aided diagnosis systems have been developed to aid reduce the amount of false positives biopsies. In this work it was developed an automatic classification system of pulmonary nodules on CT images by using Artificial Neural Networks. Morphological, texture and intensity attributes were extracted from lung nodules cut tomographic images using elliptical regions of interest that they were subsequently segmented by Otsu method. These features were selected through statistical tests that compare populations (T test of Student and U test of Mann-Whitney); from which it originated a ranking. The features after selected, were inserted in Artificial Neural Networks (backpropagation) to compose two types of classification; one to classify nodules in malignant and benign (network 1); and another to classify two types of malignancies (network 2); featuring a cascade classifier. The best networks were associated and its performance was measured by the area under the ROC curve, where the network 1 and network 2 achieved performance equal to 0.901 and 0.892 respectively.


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Part 19: Knowledge Management in Networks


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O processamento de linguagem natural e as ontologias são ferramentas cuja interação permite uma melhor compreensão dos dados armazenados. Este trabalho, ao associar estas duas áreas aos elementos disponíveis numa base de dados prosopográfica, tornou possível identificar e classificar relacionamentos entre setores de ocupação na forma como eram designados na época, setores de atividade num formato mais próximo do de hoje e o estatuto social que essas incumbências tinham na sociedade coeva. Os dados utilizados são sobretudo de membros do Santo Ofício – do século XVI ao século XVIII. Para atingir este objetivo utilizaram-se algumas descrições textuais de ocorrências da época e outras pouco estruturadas, disponíveis no repositório SPARES. A aplicação de processamento de linguagem natural (remoção de stopwords e aplicação de stemming), conjugada com a construção de duas ontologias, tornou possível classificar esses dados, permitindo consultas mais eficazes. Ao contribuir para a classificação automática de dados históricos, propõem-se metodologias que podem ser aplicadas em dados de qualquer outra área do conhecimento, especialmente as que lidam com as variáveis de tempo e espaço de forma mais intensa; Abstract: OntoSPARES: from natural language to ontologies Contributions to the automatic classification of historical data (16th-18th centuries) The interaction between the natural language processing and ontologies are tools allowing a better understanding of the data stored. This work, by combining these two areas to the elements available in a prosopographic database, has made possible to identify and classify relationships between occupations of many individuals (in general Holy Office members of the 16th-18th centuries). To achieve this goal the data used was gathered in SPARES repository, including some textual descriptions of the time occurrences. They are all few structured. The application of natural language processing (stopwords removal and stemming application), combined with the construction of two ontologies, made possible to classify those data, allowing a more effective search. By contributing to the automatic classification of historical data, this thesis proposes methodologies that can be applied to data from any other field of knowledge, specially data dealing with time and space variables.


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As descrições de produtos turísticos na área da hotelaria, aviação, rent-a-car e pacotes de férias baseiam-se sobretudo em descrições textuais em língua natural muito heterogénea com estilos, apresentações e conteúdos muito diferentes entre si. Uma vez que o sector do turismo é bastante dinâmico e que os seus produtos e ofertas estão constantemente em alteração, o tratamento manual de normalização de toda essa informação não é possível. Neste trabalho construiu-se um protótipo que permite a classificação e extracção automática de informação a partir de descrições de produtos de turismo. Inicialmente a informação é classificada quanto ao tipo. Seguidamente são extraídos os elementos relevantes de cada tipo e gerados objectos facilmente computáveis. Sobre os objectos extraídos, o protótipo com recurso a modelos de textos e imagens gera automaticamente descrições normalizadas e orientadas a um determinado mercado. Esta versatilidade permite um novo conjunto de serviços na promoção e venda dos produtos que seria impossível implementar com a informação original. Este protótipo, embora possa ser aplicado a outros domínios, foi avaliado na normalização da descrição de hotéis. As frases descritivas do hotel são classificadas consoante o seu tipo (Local, Serviços e/ou Equipamento) através de um algoritmo de aprendizagem automática que obtém valores médios de cobertura de 96% e precisão de 72%. A cobertura foi considerada a medida mais importante uma vez que a sua maximização permite que não se percam frases para processamentos posteriores. Este trabalho permitiu também a construção e população de uma base de dados de hotéis que possibilita a pesquisa de hotéis pelas suas características. Esta funcionalidade não seria possível utilizando os conteúdos originais. ABSTRACT: The description of tourism products, like hotel, aviation, rent-a-car and holiday packages, is strongly supported on natural language expressions. Due to the extent of tourism offers and considering the high dynamics in the tourism sector, manual data management is not a reliable or scalable solution. Offer descriptions - in the order of thousands - are structured in different ways, possibly comprising different languages, complementing and/or overlap one another. This work aims at creating a prototype for the automatic classification and extraction of relevant knowledge from tourism-related text expressions. Captured knowledge is represented in a normalized/standard format to enable new services based on this information in order to promote and sale tourism products that would be impossible to implement with the raw information. Although it could be applied to other areas, this prototype was evaluated in the normalization of hotel descriptions. Hotels descriptive sentences are classified according their type (Location, Services and/or Equipment) using a machine learning algorithm. The built setting obtained an average recall of 96% and precision of 72%. Recall considered the most important measure of performance since its maximization allows that sentences were not lost in further processes. As a side product a database of hotels was built and populated with search facilities on its characteristics. This ability would not be possible using the original contents.


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This paper proposes the validity of a Gabor filter bank for feature extraction of solder joint images on Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs). A distance measure based on the Mahalanobis Cosine metric is also presented for classification of five different types of solder joints. From the experimental results, this methodology achieved high accuracy and a well generalised performance. This can be an effective method to reduce cost and improve quality in the production of PCBs in the manufacturing industry.


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Affect is an important feature of multimedia content and conveys valuable information for multimedia indexing and retrieval. Most existing studies for affective content analysis are limited to low-level features or mid-level representations, and are generally criticized for their incapacity to address the gap between low-level features and high-level human affective perception. The facial expressions of subjects in images carry important semantic information that can substantially influence human affective perception, but have been seldom investigated for affective classification of facial images towards practical applications. This paper presents an automatic image emotion detector (IED) for affective classification of practical (or non-laboratory) data using facial expressions, where a lot of “real-world” challenges are present, including pose, illumination, and size variations etc. The proposed method is novel, with its framework designed specifically to overcome these challenges using multi-view versions of face and fiducial point detectors, and a combination of point-based texture and geometry. Performance comparisons of several key parameters of relevant algorithms are conducted to explore the optimum parameters for high accuracy and fast computation speed. A comprehensive set of experiments with existing and new datasets, shows that the method is effective despite pose variations, fast, and appropriate for large-scale data, and as accurate as the method with state-of-the-art performance on laboratory-based data. The proposed method was also applied to affective classification of images from the British Broadcast Corporation (BBC) in a task typical for a practical application providing some valuable insights.


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This paper presents classification, representation and extraction of deformation features in sheet-metal parts. The thickness is constant for these shape features and hence these are also referred to as constant thickness features. The deformation feature is represented as a set of faces with a characteristic arrangement among the faces. Deformation of the base-sheet or forming of material creates Bends and Walls with respect to a base-sheet or a reference plane. These are referred to as Basic Deformation Features (BDFs). Compound deformation features having two or more BDFs are defined as characteristic combinations of Bends and Walls and represented as a graph called Basic Deformation Features Graph (BDFG). The graph, therefore, represents a compound deformation feature uniquely. The characteristic arrangement of the faces and type of bends belonging to the feature decide the type and nature of the deformation feature. Algorithms have been developed to extract and identify deformation features from a CAD model of sheet-metal parts. The proposed algorithm does not require folding and unfolding of the part as intermediate steps to recognize deformation features. Representations of typical features are illustrated and results of extracting these deformation features from typical sheet metal parts are presented and discussed. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Color segmentation of images usually requires a manual selection and classification of samples to train the system. This paper presents an automatic system that performs these tasks without the need of a long training, providing a useful tool to detect and identify figures. In real situations, it is necessary to repeat the training process if light conditions change, or if, in the same scenario, the colors of the figures and the background may have changed, being useful a fast training method. A direct application of this method is the detection and identification of football players.


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In the last few years the number of systems and devices that use voice based interaction has grown significantly. For a continued use of these systems the interface must be reliable and pleasant in order to provide an optimal user experience. However there are currently very few studies that try to evaluate how good is a voice when the application is a speech based interface. In this paper we present a new automatic voice pleasantness classification system based on prosodic and acoustic patterns of voice preference. Our study is based on a multi-language database composed by female voices. In the objective performance evaluation the system achieved a 7.3% error rate.


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Difficult tracheal intubation assessment is an important research topic in anesthesia as failed intubations are important causes of mortality in anesthetic practice. The modified Mallampati score is widely used, alone or in conjunction with other criteria, to predict the difficulty of intubation. This work presents an automatic method to assess the modified Mallampati score from an image of a patient with the mouth wide open. For this purpose we propose an active appearance models (AAM) based method and use linear support vector machines (SVM) to select a subset of relevant features obtained using the AAM. This feature selection step proves to be essential as it improves drastically the performance of classification, which is obtained using SVM with RBF kernel and majority voting. We test our method on images of 100 patients undergoing elective surgery and achieve 97.9% accuracy in the leave-one-out crossvalidation test and provide a key element to an automatic difficult intubation assessment system.


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Genetic Programming (GP) is a widely used methodology for solving various computational problems. GP's problem solving ability is usually hindered by its long execution times. In this thesis, GP is applied toward real-time computer vision. In particular, object classification and tracking using a parallel GP system is discussed. First, a study of suitable GP languages for object classification is presented. Two main GP approaches for visual pattern classification, namely the block-classifiers and the pixel-classifiers, were studied. Results showed that the pixel-classifiers generally performed better. Using these results, a suitable language was selected for the real-time implementation. Synthetic video data was used in the experiments. The goal of the experiments was to evolve a unique classifier for each texture pattern that existed in the video. The experiments revealed that the system was capable of correctly tracking the textures in the video. The performance of the system was on-par with real-time requirements.