245 resultados para Authoritative
This project aimed to investigate and review candidates for providing an authoritative, widely used unique identifier for organisations involved in research in the UK. Specifically, we undertook to: ● clarify a representative but not comprehensive set of use cases for the UK research community to use organisational identifiers (orgIDs); ● survey and interview a small number of well-informed people in the field in order to create and prioritise a list of desirable features for the provision of orgIDs and potential services built around them; ● check the use cases and these required features against four possible candidate orgIDs and their providers; ● inform the Working Group of our conclusions and, if appropriate, make recommendations for adoption by the UK research community.
James Joyce’s Ulysses celebrates all facets of daily life in its refusal to censor raw human emotions and emissions. He adopts a critically medical perspective to portray this honest, unfiltered narrative. In doing so, he reveals the ineffectiveness of the physician-patient relationship due to doctors’ paternalistic attitudes that hinder nonjudgmental, open listening of this unfiltered narrative. His exploration of the doctor’s moral scrutiny, cultural prejudices, and authoritative estrangement from the patient underscore the importance in remembering that physicians and patients alike are ultimately just fellow human beings. Wryly, he drives this point to literal nausea, as his narrative proudly asserts the revulsive details of public health, digestion, and death. In his gritty ruminations on the human body’s material reality, Joyce mocks the physician’s highbrow paternalism by forcing him to identify with the farting, vomiting, decaying bodies around him. In celebrating the uncensored human narrative, Joyce challenges physician and patient alike to openly listen to the stories of others.
O estilo parental tem influência no desenvolvimento humano e pode ser definido como um padrão de comportamentos identificáveis nos pais quando se relacionam com seus filhos. A literatura tem utilizado alguns parâmetros para compreender os estilos parentais. Um deles se caracteriza pelo binômio: limites-afeto ou responsividade e exigência, delimitando três estilos parentais: Autoritário, Permissivo e Autoritativo. O estilo autoritário caracteriza-se por pais que dão muitos limites e pouco afeto. Estes pais procuram manter a ordem e o controle da família, devendo a obediência ser alcançada ainda que sob padrões punitivos. O estilo permissivo caracteriza-se por pais que dão pouco limite e muito afeto. Nesse caso, há uma crença naturalista segundo a qual a criança deve expressar livremente suas necessidades e aprender por si só. Estes pais não se vêem como responsáveis por ensinar ou modificar comportamentos infantis. O estilo autoritativo caracteriza-se por pais que dão muito limite e muito afeto. O cuidador apresenta condutas intermediárias entre as permissivas e autoritárias, estimulando verbalizações emocionais, permitindo que os filhos participem das decisões, estimulando argumentações, autonomia e disciplina. A empatia é considerada uma habilidade essencial para a manutenção dos laços sociais, que propicia a percepção da necessidade do outro e ao mesmo tempo favorece a sensação de ser compreendido. A assertividade é a habilidade de expressar e defender sua opinião com firmeza e segurança, sem, contudo desrespeitar o outro. Esta pesquisa tem como hipótese a idéia de que pais autoritativos seriam mais empáticos e assertivos do que pais autoritários. O objetivo deste estudo foi correlacionar os Estilos Parentais s Habilidades Sociais: Assertividade e Empatia. Participaram da pesquisa 64 pais, 21 homens e 43 mulheres. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: o Inventário de Habilidades Sociais (IHS-Del Prette), ao Inventario de Empatia (IE FALCONE) e ao Parental Autority Questionary (PAQ). A Análise dos dados foi feita através do SPSS. Foram efetuadas correlações r de Person entre os fatores do PAQ e os fatores do IHS e do IE. Os resultados apontaram para uma correlação positiva (r = 0,30 ; p < 0,05) entre o fator Enfrentamento e Auto-afirmação do IHS e o estilo Autoritativo. Uma relação negativa (r = -0,24 ; p < 0,05) foi observada entre este mesmo fator e o estilo Autoritário. Em relação a empatia, os fatores Tomada de Perspectiva (r = 0,33 ; p < 0,01), Sensibilidade Afetiva (r = 0,25 ; p < 0,05) e Autruismo (r = 0,25 ; p < 0,05) correlacionaram-se positivamente ao estilos Autoritativo, Em relação ao fator Autoritário, foi verificada uma correlação negativa ( r = -0,24 ; p < 0,05) com o fator Altruísmo do IE. A partir deste resultado, foram realizadas três análises de regressão linear múltipla (stepwise) considerando cada um dos fatores do PAQ como variáveis dependentes dos fatores do IHS e do IE. Os Fatores Enfrentamento e Auto-afirmação do IHS e o fator Autruísmo do IE junto explicam 15% da variância do Fator autoritativo. Os resultados apresentados são discutidos a luz da psicologia do desenvolvimento, psicologia social e neuropsicologia.
Esta tese propõe uma contribuição para as análises do campo obstétrico pré-natal sendo o seu objeto a transmissão e circulação do "saber autorizador" a partir das experiências de mediação tecnológica com a cardiotocografia num contexto institucional local. O principal objetivo é mostrar que o campo obstétrico contemporâneo se constrói a partir da afirmação do feto/bebê como seu símbolo dominante. Para tanto direcionei o meu olhar para a dinâmica dos agentes institucionais em torno da tecnologia da cardiotocografia, observando as relações entre o conceito de "saber autorizador" e o simbolismo dominante contextual. Embora o conceito de "saber autorizador" tenha sido originalmente proposto para a compreensão da dinâmica dos agentes do campo obstétrico, ele foi atribuído apenas aos profissionais médicos que dominam as tecnologias de controle da condição fetal, portanto, supondo que a autoridade deste saber se encontra circunscrito a este grupo de agentes. No entanto, quando se apresenta a perspectiva da incorporação deste saber pelos múltiplos agentes do campo incluindo as gestantes, encontramos o direcionamento conjunto para uma categoria central híbrida que confere autoridade tanto ao saber quanto à experiência do grupo articulado à tecnologia obstétrica. A metodologia consistiu na observação participante da dinâmica da cardiotocografia numa Maternidade Pública do município do Rio de Janeiro, incluindo entrevistas semi-estruturadas com cinco médicos, agentes a quem o saber autorizador é originalmente atribuído. As representações dos entrevistados disponibilizaram quatro categorias: a história, os valores, os instrumentos tecnológicos e as emoções que são incorporadas/corporificadas em torno da relação do saber e da experiência de cuidado com o feto/bebê. Estas categorias serviram para a análise da observação do campo, resultando na construção da nova categoria - a vitalidade fetal - que verifica o simbolismo dominante conferido pelo feto/bebê e que mostra de maneira aprofundada o movimento contemporâneo do campo obstétrico em direção à perinatologia.
Este trabalho tem por objetivo promover um estudo sobre a vida e obra política de Júlio de Castilhos, político do Rio Grande do Sul que nos primórdios da República, entre 1895 e 1898, governou aquele Estado instituindo ali um regime republicano de base autoritária segundo os preceitos da doutrina do Positivismo formulada pelo pensador francês Augusto Comte, mas que naquele momento colocava-se em aberta oposição à tradição do pensamento brasileiro fundado no ideário liberal. Uma trajetória política ainda mais significativa, pois presta-se ao estudo inicial da questão que dá sentido maior aos nossos estudos e que vem a ser as bases do autoritarismo brasileiro inscrito na História do país por dois episódios de governos autoritários em 1937 e 1964. Os governos estes que apresentam identificação com o projeto político de Júlio de Castilhos.
A adolescência feminina é marcada por muitos desafios, frutos das transformações que ocorrem na vida desta jovem. Com a puberdade, as diferenças biológicas entre os sexos se acentuam, sendo significativas as demandas e as expectativas socioculturais. Para as adolescentes, o desenvolvimento das mamas e o aumento dos quadris formam um novo corpo, suscitando novas sensações e sentimentos. Na adolescência intermediária, a jovem se depara com a tarefa de lidar com a sua sexualidade, com decisões morais, vivenciar o aumento de novos relacionamentos com seus pares e equilibrar a autonomia com a responsabilidade. A forma como a adolescente vivencia estas mudanças é moldada pelas características pessoais, crenças e práticas, que refletem o seu contexto. Na cultura ocidental, uma das questões típicas da adolescência é o desenvolvimento da autonomia, relacionada ao contexto familiar. Apesar das transformações sociais, a família continua a desempenhar um papel essencial na formação do indivíduo, tendo as atribuições de cuidado, de apoio e de afeto. No contexto familiar, por meio do estilo parental, são comunicadas as atitudes dos pais em relação aos seus filhos, criando um clima emocional, no qual as práticas parentais são expressas. Estudos dedicados aos relacionamentos pais-filhos especificam a importância da presença do pai para a dinâmica e o clima emocional familiar e sugerem que o gênero do progenitor pode influenciar a forma que ele se relaciona com sua filha. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho se desdobra em dois. O primeiro é promover uma reflexão a partir de uma revisão de literatura contemplando essa temática. O segundo é investigar a relação entre a percepção do estilo parental paterno e o desenvolvimento da autonomia da filha adolescente. Para isso, utilizamos um método quantitativo, com aplicação de escalas sobre autonomia, interdependência e autonomia-relacionada e estilo parental. Participaram do estudo 50 adolescentes do sexo feminino, entre 14 a 16 anos, de famílias intactas, residentes no Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados apontaram para a existência de uma relação entre o desenvolvimento da autonomia e a percepção do estilo parental paterno. Quanto mais as adolescentes percebiam seus pais como autoritativos, maiores eram seus escores em autonomia-relacional e menores em autonomia. De um modo geral, as adolescentes da pesquisa apresentaram uma tendência à autonomia-relacionada e a perceber seus pais com o estilo parental autoritativo. Com base nestes resultados, concluímos que a maneira que as adolescentes percebem seus pais vai estar relacionada ao modo que vão desenvolver sua autonomia, indicando a importância de futuras pesquisas que explorem a relação pai-filha na adolescência em um contexto brasileiro.
Intergenerational cultural transmission is one process leading to cultural continuity and the transmission of value orientations may be seen as a core issue of cultural transmission. Previous research about value transmission revealed that the effectiveness of intergenerational value transmission was influenced by parenting, and parenting’s impact on culture transmission varies according to the cultural context. Value of children (VOC) refers to the functions children serve or the needs they fulfill for parents. VOC is contained in the value system and thus we would explore whether VOC could be transmitted from generation to generation like other values and how parenting impact intergenerational VOC transmission in China. Since there are dramatic differences between Chinese urban and rural context in many aspects, we would explore the effects of the transmission belt in these two social contexts respectively. A total of 200 samples were collected and each sample contained grandmother, mother and adolescent,and the results were as follows: 1. VOC could be transmitted from generation to generation, and the transmissions from grandmothers to adolescents were less effective than the transmissions from mothers to adolescents. 2. Parenting moderated the path of VOC transmission from mothers to adolescents. Authoritarian parenting could enhance the transmission of economical and social VOC factor between generations. And authoritative parenting could enhance the transmission of emotional VOC factor between generations. 3. Authoritarian parenting had significant positive predictive effect on rural adolescents’ VOC and had no predictive effect on urban adolescents’ VOC. And authoritative parenting had significant positive predictive effect on urban adolescents’ VOC.
In this study, bibliometric method was usded in the investigation of 2274 papers concerning child developmental and educational psychology, which were published during the ten years of 1979-1988, in 14 psychological journals and 97 other scientific journals. According to the quantitative and qualitative analyses, the results are as follows: 1979-1988 saw the rapid development and prosperous period in China's child developmental and educational psychology, During which more papers were published and more fields couched than in the psvious thirty years. The number of literature publications increased and went to the peak in 1983 and 1984, and came down since 1985. The trend was found to result from the decrease in popular science introductions of psychology, which reflected that a heat of psychology had appeared in 1983 and started to cool in 1985. At the mean time, the number of research reports had been holding a steady increase by 1987 and decreased obviously in 1988, especially in the fields of cognitive and social development. There could be several possible explanations of this phenonemon: Piagetian studies are becoming fewer and the eakening of Piaget's influence might predict a period of standstill in the field of developmental psychology in China; As researches become more and more difficult, researchers have turned to be more cautious in lay out their reports; the cutdown of fees and staff could also be one of reasons for less publication in 1988. As the factors mentioned above still exist and their influences last, the number of papers are not expected to increase in the near future. The field of thinking and menory is closely connected with that of artificial intelligence. The downhill situations in these two fileds should be taken seriously. 2. The types of research work are divided on the bases of their problem raising. The trends show that the deepening studies, which represent a comaratively higher level of exploration, are waving fewer, while repeated studies and creative studies are becoming more as the years go along. This fact is worth being further analysed. Big progress could be seen from research methods. The methods currently used are mainly experiment, psychological measurement and assessment, and theoretical reasoning. There is a rapid increase of research by using scales. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Binet Scale and Baley Scale have been revised andstandardized. Chinese researchers have also developed several good scales of their own, some of which are valuable and need to be standardized. In the papers investigated, the amount of citation is significantly lower than the world average level as well as the average citation number of whole China's scientific literature. Among the papers cited, most are of Chinese and English languages, and only a small rate were published in resently five years. The renewal of literature cited seems to stay at a low level in the ten years. Tremendous work could be reflected by the number of subjects used the research work in those ten years: 362665. A lot of studies piled on the period of 4-16 year olds. Compared with the previous thirty years, the age range was much enlarged and there were quite a few studies about preschool, school and adolescent periods. The study of newborn of 0-3 has been a weak point so far and it is a field to which chinese developmental psychologists should pay more attention. The progress in using statistics is one of the most obvious part in the development in the research work of child developmental and educational psychology. The one tendency that should be awared and avoid is to put the cart before the horse: seeking for more sophisticated statistic method while neglecting the meanings of research problems. 3. Citation analysis was used in selecting scholars who had great influence in the field of child developmental and educational psychology. Among the often cited and famous scholars, 31 are Chinese researchers and 12 are Western psychologists. The authoritative journal for child developmental psychology and educational psychology is Acta Psychologica Sinica.
Norris, G. & Wilson, P., 'Crime Prevention and New Technologies: The Special Case of CCTV', In: Issues in Australian Crime and Criminal Justice, Lexis-Nexis, pp.409-418, 2005. RAE2008
Bain, William, Between Anarchy and Society: Trusteeship and the Obligations of Power (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003), pp.viii+216 RAE2008
Williams, Gruffydd. 'The literary tradition to c. 1560', In: History of Merioneth, Vol. II: The Middle Ages (University of Wales Press, 2001), pp.507-628 RAE2008
This paper proposes a novel protocol which uses the Internet Domain Name System (DNS) to partition Web clients into disjoint sets, each of which is associated with a single DNS server. We define an L-DNS cluster to be a grouping of Web Clients that use the same Local DNS server to resolve Internet host names. We identify such clusters in real-time using data obtained from a Web Server in conjunction with that server's Authoritative DNS―both instrumented with an implementation of our clustering algorithm. Using these clusters, we perform measurements from four distinct Internet locations. Our results show that L-DNS clustering enables a better estimation of proximity of a Web Client to a Web Server than previously proposed techniques. Thus, in a Content Distribution Network, a DNS-based scheme that redirects a request from a web client to one of many servers based on the client's name server coordinates (e.g., hops/latency/loss-rates between the client and servers) would perform better with our algorithm.
This thesis is a study of Konrad Bayer's dramatic texts. It has evolved out of various attempts to read those texts, some filed and some more successful. It does not claim to be authoritative or complete, since the nature of Bayer's texts, as will become clear in the course of the ensuing chapters, means that they resist such an interpretation. To accept this was an important prerequisite for the writing of this thesis, but a difficult one to fulfill because for the Bayer commentator it constitutes a certain acceptance of defeat even before one begins. Chapter 1 will begin by providing some introductory information about Konrad Bayer, including details of his life and his membership of the Wiener Gruppe, a formative phase in his development as a writer. It will also consider the historical and cultural climate of 1950s Austria that provided the backdrop for Bayer's literary work. The phenomenon of the Wiener Gruppe will then be examined against the background of preceding experimental movements, for the purpose of situating Bayer's work historically and artistically. The aim of this historical and artistic survey is to prepare for the confrontation with Bayer's texts that makes up the other chapters of the thesis. Chapter 2 will constitute a close textual study of one of Bayer's dramatic texts using criteria from the field of text linguistics. Such a study will offer an entry point into Bayer's texts and will supply material which will form the basis for the interpretative investigations of the chapters that follow it. Chapter 3 will consider the influence of language and the individual. In chapter 4 the figure of the Lion of Belfort, a recurring figure in Bayer's dramatic texts, is discussed. The final chapter of this thesis will examine the recurring motifs of violence and cannibalism and will consider them in terms of the findings of preceding chapters.
This work examines the origins and early history of the Queen's College, Cork. Designedly there is as much stress on the origins as on the early history, for it is the contention of the work that the College was something more than a legislative mushroom. It was very much in the tradition of the civic universities which added an exciting new dimension to academic life in these islands in the nineteenth century. The first chapter surveys university practice and thinking at the opening of the century, relying exclusively on published sources. The second chapter is devoted specifically to the state of learning in Cork during the period, and makes extensive use of hitherto unpublished manuscript material in relation to the Royal Cork Institution. The third chapter deals with the highly significant evidence on education embodied in the Report of the Select Committee on Irish Education of 1838. This material has not previously been published. In chapter four an extended study is made of relevant letters in the manuscript correspondence of Sir Robert Peel - even the most recent authoritative biography has ignored this material. The remaining three chapters are devoted more specifically to the College, both in the formulation or policy and in its practical working. In chapter six there is an extended survey of early College life based exclusively on hitherto unpublished manuscript material in the College Archives. All of these sources, together with incidental published material, are set out at the end of each chapter.
The goal of neonatal nutrition in the preterm infant is to achieve postnatal growth and body composition approximating that of a normal fetus of the same postmenstrual age and to obtain a functional outcome comparable to infants born at term. However, in clinical practice such a pattern is seldom achieved, with growth failure and altered body composition being extensively reported. The BabyGrow preterm nutrition study was a longitudinal, prospective, observational study designed to investigate nutrition and growth in 59 preterm infants following the implementation of evidence-based nutrition guidelines in the neonatal unit at Cork University Maternity Hospital. Nutrient delivery was precisely measured during the entire hospital stay and intakes were compared with current international recommendations. Barriers to nutrient delivery were identified across the phases of nutritional support i.e. exclusive parenteral nutrition and transition (establishment of enteral feeds) phases of nutrition and nutritional strategies to optimise nutrient delivery were proposed according to these phases. Growth was measured from birth up to 2 months corrected age and body composition was assessed in terms of fat mass and lean body mass by air displacement plethysmography (PEA POD) at 34 weeks gestation, term corrected age and 2 months corrected age. Anthropometric and body composition data in the preterm cohort were compared with a term reference group from the Cork BASELINE Birth Cohort Study (n=1070) at similar time intervals. The clinical and nutritional determinants of growth and body composition during the neonatal period were reported for the first time. These data have international relevance, informing authoritative agencies developing evidence-based practice guidelines for neonatal nutritional support. In the future, the nutritional management of preterm infants may need to be individualised to consider gestational age, birth weight as well as preterm morbidity.