851 resultados para Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Heer


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The Hungarian way of decoration has certain characteristics which are rooted in the deep symbolism of ancient Hungarian mythical thinking. The ancient heritage of the Hungarians' former homeland somewhere in the Urals included eastern elements. During their migrations, the Hungarian tribes met other eastern peoples and their culture of decoration became mixed with elements drawn from these new contacts. These diverse influences mean that the Hungarian way of thinking, building and ornamentation show a certain dualism of Puritanism and rationalism in the creation of space and manufacturing, and rich fantasy in decoration and ornamentation. The Hungarians use coloured ornamentation to emphasise the symbolic importance of details. The colouring system of the built environment shows the same dualism: the main colour of the facades and inner walls is white, while the furniture, textiles, gates and windows, and sometimes the gable and fireplace are richly decorated. In Hungarian symbolism, the house and settlement are a model of the universe, so their different parts also have a transcendent meaning. The traditional meanings of the different colours reflect this transcendence. Each colour has ambivalent meanings: RED - the colour of blood - means violence and love. YELLOW - means sickness, death and ripeness (golden yellow). BLUE - means innocence, eternity (light blue) and old age, death (dark blue). BLACK - can be both ceremonial and mourning. WHILE - can have sacred meaning (bright white), while yellowish white fabric is the most common garb of both men and women in village society. GREEN - the only colour without a dual meaning, symbolises the beginning of life. Until the late 18th and early 19th centuries Hungarian folk art used one or two-coloured decoration (red, black, blue, red-blue or red-black), and from the early 19th century it moved to multi-coloured decoration. Colours are characteristically used in complementary contrast, with bright colours on a plain ground and an avoidance of subtle shadings.


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The study is aiming to present migrant groups in the Serbian-Hungarian border region which are playing a role in forming transnational migration, ransnational networks and transnational spaces. Transnational migrants are using material, cultural, social and symbolical capital in various forms. The everyday activities of the people as well as their mobility, emotional attachments, and economic relationships have contributed to a transnational region the cross-border contacts in the last century were always present, even in spite of political and historical changes, only their intensity, political charge and tension has been changing. The asymmetries defining the border region has been reflected in different directions, places, time and in different volume. In this specially built and constantly reorganising scope, people who were living their everyday life have tried to use the differences for their benefit, and to improve their possibilities. With their transnational lifestyles and cross-border networks, they substantially contribute to the stability and prosperity of the cross-border region.


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Walter Leiser


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Boberach: Eine Verfassung braucht überhaupt nicht beschworen [zu] werden, jedenfalls aber nicht vom Heer. Da die vollziehende Gewalt in der Hand des Staatsoberhaupts liegt, leisten Beamte und Heer ihm den Dienst- oder Fahneneid, und er garantiert mit ihnen die Aufrechterhaltung der Verfassung


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Boberach: Auf einen Überblick über die Geschichte der Wehrverfassung vom Heerbann bis zur Französischen Revolution folgen Vorschläge zur Taktik, Bewaffnung, Exerzierdienst und Disziplin, die dem Volk seine alte Wehrhaftigkeit zurückgeben und in einem "Volksheer" verwirklicht werden sollen


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Karikatur und Spottgedicht auf die betrogene Hoffnung der Redakteure der 'Reform' (des Organs der Demokratischen Partei), die einfachen Soldaten des preußischen Heeres würden sich einer militärischen Niederwerfung der Revolution widersetzen. Die 'Reform' erschien letztmals am 14. November 1848