968 resultados para Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal (1881-1938)


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A motivação apresentada nesta dissertação alimentou-se pela instabilidade evidenciada no processo de criação e na tentativa de consolidação da Escola Normal de Juiz de Fora. Sendo alvo de constantes críticas e debates, o papel da escola normal, assim como sua permanência, motivou propostas, reformas e manifestações, que envolveram não só o poder político, mas também a sociedade. Tais apontamentos foram observados tanto em periódicos da cidade, como o Jornal do Commercio e o Correio de Minas, quanto em documentos encontrados no Arquivo Público Mineiro, como relatórios de inspetores e correspondências de professores.Algumas das publicações presentes nesses periódicos expressaram e, de certa forma, mobilizaram a população a tomar atitudes contra a supressão da mesma, através de abaixo-assinados e representações enviadas ao governo do estado, muitas vezes enaltecendo não só a escola normal, mas principalmente a cidade de Juiz de Fora, considerada a principal da Zona da Mata mineira. Assim, foram mapeadas as discussões sobre a instituição, levantando questões sobre o posicionamento dos diferentes atores sociais acerca da instituição que, mesmo após sua supressão, não deixou de ser alvo de debates. Ainda, teceu-se algumas reflexões acerca da Reforma do Ensino Primário e Normal de João Pinheiro (1906), no que se refere ao ensino normal, mais especificamente no contexto juizforano. Para tanto, foram abordadas questões sobre a preferência da mulher para o magistério,o papel do professor e os institutos equiparados à Escola Normal Modelo de Belo Horizonte. Esse estudo concluiu que as determinações políticas não são produzidas apenas pelos discursos e decisões dos governantes, mas também são influenciáveis e podem ser modificadas por pressões de outros grupos sociais. Tais grupos sociais são formados por indivíduos com ideias e objetivos semelhantes, fazendo parte de um lugar e de uma posição social que os permitam circular e se manifestar em espaços que atinjam proporções significativas, como é o caso da imprensa.


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Substantial progress was made in 1938 both in respect to additions made in the physical plant and to the problems effectively pursued by an energetic staff.


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The primary objective in doing this work was to become acquainted with as many forms as possible of the marine fauna of the intertidal zone and if possible to determine some of the environmental relationships which exist in as many different types of habitats as possible. Due to limited amount of time spent in this study no very intensive work could be done and only a general survey was made of the more conspicuous forms of life which were encountered. Most of the work consisted of collecting and observing animals in the tide pools during periods of low tides. The animals collected were then taken to the laboratory and observed and determined as to species. Notes were taken as to place, time, and situation under which the animals were found. As many different types of habitats as possible were visited which included rocky intertidal areas of Mussel Point, Point Pinos, Lighthouse Point, Pescadero Point and Carmel Point just east of Carmel Beach. Sandy beaches were visited at Monterey Beach, Carmel Beach and Asilomar Beach. A marine estuary habitat was visited at Elkhorn Slough. More than two hundred species were identified and observed during this six-week period. A rather hasty population study was made of the eelgrass, Phyllospadix, of the intertidal zone at Mussel Point and of an algae, Gigartina caniculata, which grows at the level just above the eelgrass.


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Second letter to nephew, Daniel Avery Whedon from Daniel D. Whedon dated May 16, 1881.


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Handwritten letter from Daniel D. Whedon to nephew, Daniel Avery Whedon. Dated November 30, 1881.


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Letter from Daniel D. Whedon to nephew. One of two dated May 16, 1881.


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Postal card to George Whitaker. Mailed from Ocean Grove, NJ. Dated June 27, 1881.


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Three page handwritten letter to nephew, Daniel Avery Whedon, from Daniel D. Whedon. Dated 11/14/1881.


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Handwritten letter dated June 7, 1881, to nephew, Daniel Avery Whedon.


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For my dissertation, I did a study and performance of American violin works by Charles Ives, Aaron Copland, Leonard Bernstein, and John Corigliano, along with contemporaneous European works by Paul Hindemith, Bela Bartok, Igor Stravinsky, Sergei Prokofiev, and Francis Poulenc. The selected American violin works display the development of a distinctively American style and cover a significant formative period (1914-1963) of American classical music. I intend that the European works form a backdrop for setting in relief any distinctly American qualities possessed by the American works. This is because they cover a similar time period and have significant stylistic affinities and shared influences. My topic stems from a question, "What defines the American Sound?" I attempted to find the answer by looking at the time when American composers consciously searched for their identities, and declared their music to be distinctly American. I found that those distinctive qualities stemmed from three sources: folk music, jazz and hymns. Ives and Copland can be viewed as American in content for their inclusion of such elements, while Bernstein and Corigliano can also be considered as "ideologically American" for their adventurous and eclectic spirit. The simplicity derived from singing a hymn or crooning a popular song; the freedom inspired by jazz; the optimism of accepting all possibilities-these elements inform the common spirit that I found in the music of these four American composers. FIRST RECITAL Sonatafor Violin Solo Op.3112 (1924), Paul Hindemith (1895-1963) Suite Italiennefor Violin and Piano (1932), Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971) Sonatafor Violin and Piano (1963), John Corigliano (b.1938) SECOND RECITAL Second Sonatafor Violin and Piano (1914-17), Charles Ives (1874-1954) First Rhapsody for Violin and Piano (1928), Bela Bart6k (1881-1971) Violin Sonata No.1 infminor (1938-46), Sergei Prokofiev (1891-1953) THIRD RECITAL Nocturne for Violin and Piano (1926), Aaron Copland (1900-1990)Sonata for Violin and Piano, Op. 119 (1942-3, rev.1949), Francis Poulenc (1899-1963)Serenade (after Plato's "Symposium'') (1954) by Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990) The pianists were Sun Ha Yoon (Bart6k) and Grace Eunae Cho (all other repertoire).


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The Bulletins in this volume, except the last, deal entirely with the results of this expanded survey of 1938 and 1939. They show for the first time, month by month, the main changes in the plankton over practically the whole of the North Sea for a year and eight months. They form an important basis for comparison with the results of the post-war survey, revived on an even more extensive scale and to be described in later volumes.