967 resultados para Asymptotically optimal policy


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We propose energy harvesting technologies and cooperative relaying techniques to power the devices and improve reliability. We propose schemes to (a) maximize the packet reception ratio (PRR) by cooperation and (b) minimize the average packet delay (APD) by cooperation amongst nodes. Our key result and insight from the testbed implementation is about total data transmitted by each relay. A greedy policy that relays more data under a good harvesting condition turns out to be a sub optimal policy. This is because, energy replenishment is a slow process. The optimal scheme offers a low APD and also improves PRR.


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This paper addresses the problem of finding outage-optimal power control policies for wireless energy harvesting sensor (EHS) nodes with automatic repeat request (ARQ)-based packet transmissions. The power control policy of the EHS specifies the transmission power for each packet transmission attempt, based on all the information available at the EHS. In particular, the acknowledgement (ACK) or negative acknowledgement (NACK) messages received provide the EHS with partial information about the channel state. We solve the problem of finding an optimal power control policy by casting it as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP). We study the structure of the optimal power policy in two ways. First, for the special case of binary power levels at the EHS, we show that the optimal policy for the underlying Markov decision process (MDP) when the channel state is observable is a threshold policy in the battery state. Second, we benchmark the performance of the EHS by rigorously analyzing the outage probability of a general fixed-power transmission scheme, where the EHS uses a predetermined power level at each slot within the frame. Monte Carlo simulation results illustrate the performance of the POMDP approach and verify the accuracy of the analysis. They also show that the POMDP solutions can significantly outperform conventional ad hoc approaches.


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We consider a scheduler for the downlink of a wireless channel when only partial channel-state information is available at the scheduler. We characterize the network stability region and provide two throughput-optimal scheduling policies. We also derive a deterministic bound on the mean packet delay in the network. Finally, we provide a throughput-optimal policy for the network under QoS constraints when real-time and rate-guaranteed data traffic may be present.


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We study the problem of optimal sequential (''as-you-go'') deployment of wireless relay nodes, as a person walks along a line of random length (with a known distribution). The objective is to create an impromptu multihop wireless network for connecting a packet source to be placed at the end of the line with a sink node located at the starting point, to operate in the light traffic regime. In walking from the sink towards the source, at every step, measurements yield the transmit powers required to establish links to one or more previously placed nodes. Based on these measurements, at every step, a decision is made to place a relay node, the overall system objective being to minimize a linear combination of the expected sum power (or the expected maximum power) required to deliver a packet from the source to the sink node and the expected number of relay nodes deployed. For each of these two objectives, two different relay selection strategies are considered: (i) each relay communicates with the sink via its immediate previous relay, (ii) the communication path can skip some of the deployed relays. With appropriate modeling assumptions, we formulate each of these problems as a Markov decision process (MDP). We provide the optimal policy structures for all these cases, and provide illustrations of the policies and their performance, via numerical results, for some typical parameters.


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A new class of exact-repair regenerating codes is constructed by stitching together shorter erasure correction codes, where the stitching pattern can be viewed as block designs. The proposed codes have the help-by-transfer property where the helper nodes simply transfer part of the stored data directly, without performing any computation. This embedded error correction structure makes the decoding process straightforward, and in some cases the complexity is very low. We show that this construction is able to achieve performance better than space-sharing between the minimum storage regenerating codes and the minimum repair-bandwidth regenerating codes, and it is the first class of codes to achieve this performance. In fact, it is shown that the proposed construction can achieve a nontrivial point on the optimal functional-repair tradeoff, and it is asymptotically optimal at high rate, i.e., it asymptotically approaches the minimum storage and the minimum repair-bandwidth simultaneously.


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A person walks along a line (which could be an idealisation of a forest trail, for example), placing relays as he walks, in order to create a multihop network for connecting a sensor at a point along the line to a sink at the start of the line. The potential placement points are equally spaced along the line, and at each such location the decision to place or not to place a relay is based on link quality measurements to the previously placed relays. The location of the sensor is unknown apriori, and is discovered as the deployment agent walks. In this paper, we extend our earlier work on this class of problems to include the objective of achieving a 2-connected multihop network. We propose a network cost objective that is additive over the deployed relays, and accounts for possible alternate routing over the multiple available paths. As in our earlier work, the problem is formulated as a Markov decision process. Placement algorithms are obtained for two source location models, which yield a discounted cost MDP and an average cost MDP. In each case we obtain structural results for an optimal policy, and perform a numerical study that provides insights into the advantages and disadvantages of multi-connectivity. We validate the results obtained from numerical study experimentally in a forest-like environment.


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Most fisheries agencies conduct biological and economic assessments independently. This independent conduct may lead to situations in which economists reject management plans proposed by biologists. The objective of this study is to show how to find optimal strategies that may satisfy biologists and economists' conditions. In particular we characterize optimal fishing trajectories that maximize the present value of a discounted economic indicator taking into account the age-structure of the population as in stock assessment methodologies. This approach is applied to the Northern Stock of Hake. Our main empirical findings are: i) Optimal policy may be far away from any of the classical scenarios proposed by biologists, ii) The more the future is discounted, the higher the likelihood of finding contradictions among scenarios proposed by biologists and conclusions from economic analysis, iii) Optimal management reduces the risk of the stock falling under precautionary levels, especially if the future is not discounted to much, and iv) Optimal stationary fishing rate may be very different depending on the economic indicator used as reference.


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Published as article in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (2008), 32(May), pp. 1466-1488.


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This paper estimates a standard version of the New Keynesian monetary (NKM) model under alternative specifications of the monetary policy rule using U.S. and Eurozone data. The estimation procedure implemented is a classical method based on the indirect inference principle. An unrestricted VAR is considered as the auxiliary model. On the one hand, the estimation method proposed overcomes some of the shortcomings of using a structural VAR as the auxiliary model in order to identify the impulse response that defines the minimum distance estimator implemented in the literature. On the other hand, by following a classical approach we can further assess the estimation results found in recent papers that follow a maximum-likelihood Bayesian approach. The estimation results show that some structural parameter estimates are quite sensitive to the specification of monetary policy. Moreover, the estimation results in the U.S. show that the fit of the NKM under an optimal monetary plan is much worse than the fit of the NKM model assuming a forward-looking Taylor rule. In contrast to the U.S. case, in the Eurozone the best fit is obtained assuming a backward-looking Taylor rule, but the improvement is rather small with respect to assuming either a forward-looking Taylor rule or an optimal plan.


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Optimal management in a multi-cohort Beverton-Holt model with any number of age classes and imperfect selectivity is equivalent to finding the optimal fish lifespan by chosen fallow cycles. Optimal policy differs in two main ways from the optimal lifespan rule with perfect selectivity. First, weight gain is valued in terms of the whole population structure. Second, the cost of waiting is the interest rate adjusted for the increase in the pulse length. This point is especially relevant for assessing the role of selectivity. Imperfect selectivity reduces the optimal lifespan and the optimal pulse length. We illustrate our theoretical findings with a numerical example. Results obtained using global numerical methods select the optimal pulse length predicted by the optimal lifespan rule.


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33 p.


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Flash memory is a leading storage media with excellent features such as random access and high storage density. However, it also faces significant reliability and endurance challenges. In flash memory, the charge level in the cells can be easily increased, but removing charge requires an expensive erasure operation. In this thesis we study rewriting schemes that enable the data stored in a set of cells to be rewritten by only increasing the charge level in the cells. We consider two types of modulation scheme; a convectional modulation based on the absolute levels of the cells, and a recently-proposed scheme based on the relative cell levels, called rank modulation. The contributions of this thesis to the study of rewriting schemes for rank modulation include the following: we

•propose a new method of rewriting in rank modulation, beyond the previously proposed method of “push-to-the-top”;

•study the limits of rewriting with the newly proposed method, and derive a tight upper bound of 1 bit per cell;

•extend the rank-modulation scheme to support rankings with repetitions, in order to improve the storage density;

•derive a tight upper bound of 2 bits per cell for rewriting in rank modulation with repetitions;

•construct an efficient rewriting scheme that asymptotically approaches the upper bound of 2 bit per cell.

The next part of this thesis studies rewriting schemes for a conventional absolute-levels modulation. The considered model is called “write-once memory” (WOM). We focus on WOM schemes that achieve the capacity of the model. In recent years several capacity-achieving WOM schemes were proposed, based on polar codes and randomness extractors. The contributions of this thesis to the study of WOM scheme include the following: we

•propose a new capacity-achievingWOM scheme based on sparse-graph codes, and show its attractive properties for practical implementation;

•improve the design of polarWOMschemes to remove the reliance on shared randomness and include an error-correction capability.

The last part of the thesis studies the local rank-modulation (LRM) scheme, in which a sliding window going over a sequence of real-valued variables induces a sequence of permutations. The LRM scheme is used to simulate a single conventional multi-level flash cell. The simulated cell is realized by a Gray code traversing all the relative-value states where, physically, the transition between two adjacent states in the Gray code is achieved by using a single “push-to-the-top” operation. The main results of the last part of the thesis are two constructions of Gray codes with asymptotically-optimal rate.


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This article presents a novel algorithm for learning parameters in statistical dialogue systems which are modeled as Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs). The three main components of a POMDP dialogue manager are a dialogue model representing dialogue state information; a policy that selects the system's responses based on the inferred state; and a reward function that specifies the desired behavior of the system. Ideally both the model parameters and the policy would be designed to maximize the cumulative reward. However, while there are many techniques available for learning the optimal policy, no good ways of learning the optimal model parameters that scale to real-world dialogue systems have been found yet. The presented algorithm, called the Natural Actor and Belief Critic (NABC), is a policy gradient method that offers a solution to this problem. Based on observed rewards, the algorithm estimates the natural gradient of the expected cumulative reward. The resulting gradient is then used to adapt both the prior distribution of the dialogue model parameters and the policy parameters. In addition, the article presents a variant of the NABC algorithm, called the Natural Belief Critic (NBC), which assumes that the policy is fixed and only the model parameters need to be estimated. The algorithms are evaluated on a spoken dialogue system in the tourist information domain. The experiments show that model parameters estimated to maximize the expected cumulative reward result in significantly improved performance compared to the baseline hand-crafted model parameters. The algorithms are also compared to optimization techniques using plain gradients and state-of-the-art random search algorithms. In all cases, the algorithms based on the natural gradient work significantly better. © 2011 ACM.


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Recent work in sensor databases has focused extensively on distributed query problems, notably distributed computation of aggregates. Existing methods for computing aggregates broadcast queries to all sensors and use in-network aggregation of responses to minimize messaging costs. In this work, we focus on uniform random sampling across nodes, which can serve both as an alternative building block for aggregation and as an integral component of many other useful randomized algorithms. Prior to our work, the best existing proposals for uniform random sampling of sensors involve contacting all nodes in the network. We propose a practical method which is only approximately uniform, but contacts a number of sensors proportional to the diameter of the network instead of its size. The approximation achieved is tunably close to exact uniform sampling, and only relies on well-known existing primitives, namely geographic routing, distributed computation of Voronoi regions and von Neumann's rejection method. Ultimately, our sampling algorithm has the same worst-case asymptotic cost as routing a point-to-point message, and thus it is asymptotically optimal among request/reply-based sampling methods. We provide experimental results demonstrating the effectiveness of our algorithm on both synthetic and real sensor topologies.